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tv   [untitled]    September 14, 2011 9:52am-10:22am PDT

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point. but i think your concerns are shared by many people, including my mother and other people. >> this is how we are outreaching people in the community with merchants that are putting these out. we don't need bicycles on the sidewalk. >> i agree. >> the city has spent thousands of dollars -- so i just want you to know that we're out there doing our thing and there's going to be more about it. i'm very happy to see all of you here and i'm sorry that there isn't a bigger attendance because we've got serious issues out here on clement street, gary boulevard, and california street. >> ok, thank you very much. we appreciate it. next speaker, please?
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>> for public comment, sir? >> i'm john aly and i live in the central richmond district and i don't know whether this is the purview of the commission and i want to make it clear that my comments are disconnected from captain keith sanford or my colleagues on the community advisory board. i don't think i have to tell any of you that the public is under attack. i don't think i'm being pair noiled. when -- what i mean by that is entities that are in the public's trust like the police department, the fire department, the universities, the public schools are being defunded. and one of the things to be very specific, i'm a university professor. i teach at san francisco sate and i'm acutely aware of how the economics work. my concern is -- and i don't know that we all have an answer,
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but i want to put this on the record that i really believe in what we're doing with the community advisory boards. i think the community action groups are splendid, but we do not and cannot do what uniformed gun-carrying badge-bearing officers can do. and i want to make it quite clear that i'm concerned about that. i happen to know that there have not been, and i'm not clear about the statistics, but there have not been graduating classes for the police academy. those have been put on hold. and i know it has to do, i should imagine, with the money issues. i am very concerned that there's attrition going on in the police force like there's attrition going on in a lot of the other public sectors. the education, fire department, etc. i don't know what you can do but i wanted to make it quite clear
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that i'd like you, to the extent you can, commissioners, please lean on to whoever you need to lean on to get some academy classes going and lets -- let's get some graduates on the street. >> i just want to add that i particularly appreciate your comment. i appreciate that it's on tv. i encourage the public to continue to make that point to us, to your supervisors, to the mayor. the chief recently provided us with a 100-day update on beginning his tenure and we asked him at the end of his presentation what he saw as the top two or three issues facing the department other the short mid terms and he said what we, i think all agree, which is staffing is the most important risk to the gains that have been made over recent years and we're
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cautiously optimistic at the board that the mayor is going to find -- that the board and the mayor is -- are going to find funding. contact your admissioners and the mayor's office because they understand and appreciate the importance of staffing, the importance of making sure the academy classes get back going. they can hear from us but nothing works better than hearing it from the community. so thank you for your comment. it is something i think all of us are very, very concerned about and appreciate you taking the time to come tonight to verbalize that and articulate it so thank you. >> next speaker? do you want to come forward and talk? you're here. you might as well. >> we have a representative from
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an office here. appreciate it. is there anything you'd like to share with us this evening? put you on the spot. >> good evening. the last time i was here for a police commission meeting was three years ago and that was probably the last i went to. my name is bob toomey. i'm a direct director. by being on tv we actually take away from people that attend these meetings. i want to recognize captain sanford. we had a great relationship with him when he was at our station. he did a fabulous job there. very excited to have him here at richmond steags. we spend a lot of time at the community meet skhgs we do a lot of work.
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ashley handles our district work at sunshine and even though we're not on the sexy side of town where a lot of important things are happening we do have needs out here and i appreciate you making sure that you pay attention to the washington, d.c. i want to thank all of you for what you do and hopefully we will get a new class into the academy soon so we can start beefing up the police force because a lot of these guys sitting in front of you aren't going to be here in three years. >> thanks very much. if you pass on the message that we'd like some state funding i you would greatly appreciate it. while you're here? any further public comment? hearing no further public comment, public comment is now close. >> i just want to say anytime i come to a community meeting and
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someone doesn't show up to complain about an incident involving the police, i just want to say congratulations. i have gone to meetings where they've been lined up. there have been fewer but if they really feel like it they'll come to a community meeting because they know we're here, so congratulations. >> thank you. i feel compelled after we gave out that award at the beginning of the ceremony. we hear about a sacred heart recipient who tackled someone. then we heard from a police captain who said it was a little hard to catch people. sorry, captain. i could tell. anyway, thank you very much, everybody. at this point we'll move towards adjournment. again, thank you very much for having us here tonight and i would like to see a bigger crowd
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next time but thank you, everybody. you should come see us every wednesday nuth. >> do we have a motion for ajoufment? >> a motion to adjourn. >> we have a motion to adjourn? >> thank you.
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>> hello, welcome to a regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. my name is current two. i am joined by supervisor kim. supervisor mirkarimi will not be joining us today. the clerk today is victor young. we have mark and bill from sfgtv. >> please turn off all cell phones. if you wish to speak during public comment, please provide a speaker card and turn them in to myself. if you present any documents, please include a copy to the clark. items acted upon today will
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appear on the board of supervisors agenda on center 20, 2011 unless otherwise stated. supervisor chu: thank you very much. supervisor mirkarimi has requested that we recusing. we can take that without objection. call item number 1. >> resolution authorizing an increase in the assessor- recorder's base recording fee for recording and indexing the first page of every instrument, paper, or notice from $3.10 dollars pursuant to california government code section -- section 27361(a). supervisor chu: thank you. this is brought to us by supervisor kim, and the ss r is here. >> good morning, supervisors. i would like to thank supervisor kim for carrying this legislation. it is fairly simple. pursuant to senate bill 676 in 2009, it allows us to increase
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the fees for the first page that we file on various documents up to $10. that fee, which is currently $4, would be proposed to be increased to $10. this would allow us to cover greater costs. we estimate currently that the fee, the cost to process these papers is about $24. at this point, with this new fee, we would be recovering about $10 for that. so it would still be about a $14 subsidy. this puts us in line with other counties. alameda county charges $18. after we add in all the other fees in terms of access, indexing, social security feet, and the fraud protection fee, the fee goes up from $11 to $70. this is in line with alameda county, which is $11 -- $18. santa clara is $18.
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san mateo is $15, but they do not charge a frothy. i would be happy to take any questions or to walk you through any concerns you might have. supervisor chu: thank you. the clarification is that we have an amendment of the hole that would change the basic record number from $3 to $4 -- that was just a simple typo? >> madam chair, it was just a change in reference to the existing fee. so it is not a change at all in the fee and does not require any kind of continuance. supervisor chu: in terms of the cost recovery, it costs us about $24. even if we increase it to the $10 rate, we still would not be the full cost recovery? >> correct. supervisor chu: thank you. if we do not have comments, why don't i go to the budget analyst report. >> madam chair, supervisor kim, the assessor estimates that this
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proposed base increase $6 to generate approximately $1.2 million, resulting in a total estimated annual base fee revenue of a little over $2 million for reporting documents. -- fort recording documents. supervisor chu: thank you. it's up in this up for public comment. do any members of the public was to speak on this item? aca none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we take the amendment as a whole? >> yes. >> we will do that without objection. supervisor ken, did you have any comments? supervisor kim: no, just that i was glad we brought this up. i am glad we could raise some of our fees closer to what it costs us to put this together. supervisor chu: thank you.
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the item has been an amendment, or an amendment of the whole has been accepted. to the new document, there is no continuance required, and we can take that without objection. thank you. item number two, please. >> item number two, resolution approving and authorizing the execution of modification number one of lease and use agreements l-10-0081 with cathay pacific airways and evicted for lounged in the international terminal of san francisco international airport. supervisor chu: thank you. we have a member of sfo. >> the airport is seeking every approval to our existing lease with cathay pacific airways. the airlines wishes to expand its current square footage to include any additional exclusive space in the international terminal so that they can build a passenger lounge. cathay pacific airways currently leases 2,616 square feet of the
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exclusive use space and 631,000 square feet of a joint use common use space in the international terminal. the proposed modification would allow for an additional 5664 square feet of exclusive space so that the airline can build a passenger lounge at their sole expense. improvements associated are estimated to be approximately $2 million to be paid for by the airline. this carries an additional annual rent to the airport of $917,000. the budget analyst has recommended the approval, and i would be happy to answer any questions that you have. supervisor chu: thank you very much. let's go to the budget analyst report on this item. >> madam chair, supervisor kim, as shown on table two, page four
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of our report, the total annual rent proposed under the lease, which is payable by cathay pacific airways to the airport, is a little over $6 million. that is $917,000 or $2 more than the $5.1 million currently being paid by cathay pacific airways to the airport. however, because cathay pacific airways has already been paying this additional rent for the added 5006 injured 64 square feet of space under a permit that the airport reworded to cathay pacific airways, the airport would continue to receive the same annual rent for the duration of the lease. there is no additional rent here. it is just going from rent being paid under the permit to rent being paid under this proposed modified lease if you approve this modification. under the airport's breakeven
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policy, this release modification would not have a direct physical impact on the airport. we do recommend that you approve this resolution. supervisor chu: thank you. let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public wish to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. given that we do not have any other questions, can we take this item without objection? ok, we will move this item forward with recommendations. item three, please. >> hearing to consider release of reserved funds, port commission, the amount of $17,907,635 to fund the pier 27 mixed use cruise terminal project. supervisor chu: thank you very much. we have a member of the court with us. >> good morning. the port of san francisco is asking for release of the reserve are in the amount of $17,907,635. by way of background, these were originally appropriated in 2003
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by ordinance, which acted as a supplemental appropriation with the intended use being the wharf project and the cruise terminal project. the source of funds are from the sale of seawell lot 330 and deferred land sale proceeds from the water mark. since that time in 2003, the land lease proposal for the mixed use cruise terminal project is no longer being pursued, and a blue ribbon crewuise terminal proposed pier 27. as you know, the america's cup event is a link to this pier 27 at project, and those projects are under environmental review. if approved, the cruise terminal building will be used as a special event for the america's
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cup for races, a team basis, and the pier will be the starting an end point of the match. this relationship requires a two-phased project. phase one is estimated to begin march 1 through january 2013. the development of the shell. phase two will be done after the event for interior improvements, border and customs offices, and maritime expert men. we were here in may with the committee reviewing fiscal feasibility. we provided much more detail at that time. the subject release of reserves would be for phase one. design and project management. the structural steel order and other construction costs which would be pursued following project approval, should the project be approved. ceqa is now underway on the cruise terminal project and the america's cup event. we have more than 1400 meaningful public, and speed of the city's working hard to develop legally meaningful responses to those comments.
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the port commission and the city are pursuing this project because the cruise industry brings two hundred thousand passengers to the city. it brings jobs and benefits to the city. the project will enhance the city as a destination for tourists. they're also the northern waterfront improvements. it will be part of the 34th america's cup to the week at -- it will be part of the 34th america's cup. supervisor chu: thank you. let's go to the budget analyst report. >> madam chair in supervisor kim, she has provided us with budget data, shown on page four of our report. all of this $17.9 million would be expended for phase one of the project. as we note on pages five and six of our report, the port provided
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us with attachments showing the entire project. so this $17.9 million becomes a portion of the phase one costs, shown on page 5 of our report. the phase one costs are $60.1 million. the estimated completion date of this project, which is shown on page four at the bottom, is january 2013, not april 2012, which was listed in the report. we recommend that you approve the requested least -- release of the $17.9 million. these are funds that were previously appropriated but reserved by the board of supervisors. supervisor chu: thank you very much. why don't we open this up for public comment? are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this item? have only one speaker card. >> yes, a good morning.