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tv   [untitled]    September 15, 2011 3:22am-3:52am PDT

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inclination to continue to make the water supply requirements of our customers. that was summarized in the water supply memo. >> it is coming out today, i believe. >> and there was a summary there. and the other was, we seemed to come to agreement that it would be irresponsible to make major commitments of funds without having to figure out how to make its sustainable over time. for the third item, the clean water area, we didn't really come to any conclusion. but i like to have them that
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somehow reflect that. i know what to do violence to the records that exist, which i think those are important statements and i like to see them reflected in the air. >> you can approve the minutes and i can do an amendment submitted to you that reflects this, acknowledged that these were corrections that you made advest -- at this meeting. >> can we approve the july 26 minutes? >> we can even come back to edit the next meeting, there is no rush. >> i did a lot of editing of those minutes because you were not recording every decision. i cut a lot of that stuff out. >> if we could get another
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version of those key items highlighted, that would be great. is there a second of the july 26 minutes? all in favor? next item. >> general public comment, we have one speaker card. >> commissioners, i attended a few fans. we had a pretty long meeting at the south facility where we discussed the number of issues. and i took some time to attend the retreat that was just mentioned in a very general manner. it would be nice to see that the
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main points from these two meetings are reflected on the web site so that the constituents know exactly what is happening. we're talking about billions of dollars, some have been spent on the tail end of the water system improvement project. we participated in many of those workshops. some of those that did north a have a lot of knowledge. they don't want to come here because of what ever reason. they still do report pretty much in detail in some of the local newsletters. and what i will do is forward to
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those articles. what is happening here is that things are liberated, but an important component of employed from people that are advocating the issues, have experience, study the empirical data, i don't feel like coming. and sometimes when i do come and get a little bit riled up, i don't feel good. but we went to the process of the water system improvement project, and now we are dawning upon the source system improvement project, and we know what is happening. and all i am saying is when we have our retreats and to some of the joint meetings, one was just suggested a little while ago. way back in the year 2000 before
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some of these people or even commenting, the main point of the projects that benefit the constituents should be put on the internet. because we have eschewed constituents in san francisco that are aware of these issues, aware that water in the future will be like gold. and in my travels, that is what i see. i try to address them. some of us are addressing it in the right manner and to some of us have not gotten there. here in city hall we waste water. i have said that many times. i am not going to go to the board of supervisors, i will stay. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> i rose to inform you, the commission's and the people that watch as this program that miss eloise west park passed this morning. her body will be at third street, and you can contact the funeral home to find out the particulars. i would like to say that it is miss west broke that started me on my way when i was a very young woman. and she always stated to me, never back down on anything that you believe in. always speak and speak truth. and as you know that, i have been speaking on behalf of the
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community for many years. i am really hurting today. not just because of her death, but just to the that over the last 50 years, we in hunters point have had to fight for everything that we got. it was believed that made sure that the economic opportunity council came to san francisco. she was the one responsible for other cities coming in to san francisco. and everything that we received gradually was removed from my community. and i am one person that is tired of going to meetings and giving you truth about my community and what is there, and
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not being listened to. people tell the allies because they are lawyers and you believe what they say. but from this day forward, i want you to start listening to your heart's in your minds to when people come from the community and to speak on behalf of the community and what is happening with them, jobs, and a thing. live been fighting for jobs, health, education. we haven't received none. none. it is sad that just a few of us are left. i was told this morning that there are only four of us left that have been fighting over the years. i am 78 and in five months i will be 79. but i am going to be here for another 50 years fighting if i have to be on a walking cane
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because i am not going any place. i want you at the end of your meeting to remember eloise west brought and remembering a. thank you. >> thank you, miss jackson. now would be inappropriate time to take a moment and offer our condolences to you and your community and to the rest of the world for her lost and all of the good work she has done. if we can take a moment right now to appreciate her. thank you, miss jackson. >> afternoon, commissioners.
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i again would like to echo the idea that if it is possible for the commission and general manager to attend the service of miss westbrook this thursday, it will be a very important moment because of all the work that mother jackson had expressed. when i first got involved in working with the community, she would tell me a lot of stories about the work together with the model cities agency which they all know has its roots from that wa poverty to community development block grant funding. the citizen's committee on community development that i am honored to serve on the committee that she helped set up. i heard a lot of the stories about the idea of putting the community to work. what i have learned is that feeling is really of this
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moment, relying on good faith efforts to get communities to work on these jobs have failed and led the city to move forward on a series of reforms that the general manager was an important supporter of. i think that we are part of a continuum, all of us going back to miss west brother, another jackson, and a lot of us follow on the trail that has been blazed. i think as we seek to address the unemployment in our disadvantaged communities, a lot of the work comes from the work she has done in all of her life. >> we have no other speaker cards. >> communications. commissioners have copies of all of the materials.
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i also made extra sets of the letter summary items. >> questions or comments on communications on the calendar? the letters, or the staff reports? >> i have a question. i'm looking at the ongoing calendar. the real estate of dates. at what time can we expect that? >> do want to talk about that? >> a real estate of date in general about the real estate properties and such, we can probably schedule something in late october or early november if that is acceptable. >> as long as we get on the
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calendar. >> other questions or comments? >> a couple. i appreciate the fourth quarter report that was submitted and it reflected the extension of the reporting process that was developed, and that is important. i also noticed that there are several items labeled as required attention. i guess i would like to report back from the infrastructure system at some time as to what he's thinking and plan and schedule for the extension not only of the reporting structures throughout the infrastructure division, but also the management practices
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developed as part of that. i guess wsip is being promoted that way. the local water supply projects are. but the rest of the capital program is not. it is a format that is useful and would be serving us well. i would like your thoughts on how that extends to the rest of the organization over time. >> i like to see what our program is. >> the second comment, the energy efficiency audit, i thought it was interesting. you can identify the average payback period. there was a cost for providing
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the electrical service. we don't get that cost very often. while the program has merit and the abstract level, here on earth, those projects are not paying back until we figure out how it affects those issues. it also pointed out the need to come up with a policy for our investment decisions. i think that is important. in water and other areas, there is a wide range of unit costs on the projects available. those are my only comment. >> i was struck of the investment policy question as well, maybe that is something we can calendar in the coming months to address.
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other comments or questions on communications? public comment on this item? >> as a commissioner have a new business or additional things they wish to bring forward other than what is already been mentioned? >> i went on the web site and it has been redone. it looks great. i wanted to comment on that. it is easier to look through and find things. i don't know when that happened, but after all of this feedback we have been given of how difficult the web site was, i want to thank the staff for that. i think it will make a big difference on communications and access for the ratepayers in the public at large. >> much of that has to do with tyrone.
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>> a couple comments. i thought the retreat that we had last month was really quite useful. i thought the format was one that served us pretty well. most of our businesses are in the form of actions that we need to take. the format there was much less formal, there was discussion and turned it over to us to have a discussion for a while. if it is also a format that i think we could have here from time to time that depending on the issue is, we don't need to wait for retreat format to do that. the first got distributed yesterday, the water supply memo. i think it would be good to
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have that come back to the commission so we can have a discussion on it. i think it will be useful to have a general discussion by the commission. the second item like that is there are several things in the retreat at dawn today's agenda that pointed to a common the. there was a list of water supply projects and what their unit costs were. we got a comment from the citizen's advisory committee suggesting as part of the right of that we had a life cycle processing information. the water supply metal has a wide range, again, of being a cost associated with it. we had a discussion of travel bottom line.
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and we had a memo that reflected the concern of the commission, not having it become a christmas tree that we load up with projects. all of that speech to the need to have a transparent way of rationalizing resources investment decisions. i think it would be worthwhile having a discussion about what we mean by that and what we think might be workable. we spend a whole lot of consulting time developing what may be elaborate structures. if they did not get very far, i think it is worth having additional discussion. those are my suggestions.
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>> if that is the consensus, we can work with that. >> i think if that sounds right on, and i believe the format question and i believe, it was much more effective this year. if there is a way to integrate it a little bit into every other meeting or discussion around the immediate actions that we need to take and we can maybe do that once a month, maybe the other meetings will be more content rich and we can make more informed decisions. >> will also probably benefit from putting a time and that on those discussions because they can get out of hand. >> a number of city councils consider what they have -- have what they consider working sessions. >> it would be good to continue
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the conversation in some format. maybe we can with the calendar to see if there is some way to hit the hot button issues. >> that works the more comfortable you are with consent kelli this. as long as we can make those is clear and transparent as possible, it will give you room that have the kind of conversations. >> i am quite comfortable with the consent calendar model. we have a good general manager at this point, and that might change, that this moment, it feels like it is the everyday contract pieces silicon have these richer conversation.
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any further funds for, and fly the fear of the general manager. >> several items today, the commissioners. a meeting of the a month ago, only talk about the status for four had a variety of different- ha. i love to have the staff report on love of our. and of the hat and five of death in their relative few, half of local power. we're trying to a and gave a full the, if off. the telephone lived in them out.
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the 50 foot of the fate of the an f of the meetings we have lived in the governor's office in asia the vetting of of of them. -- if you could also say a word of other means we have in the governor's office. >> of the meetings we have been attending with the the governor 's energy team. the president and died and others also attended. we and other allies, folks from the energy authority have been talking with the governors
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energy advisory team about mechanisms that could be put in place to help promote community choice aggregation across the state. we think it could be an avenue and a mechanism to end the support of the governor's generation goal for the state. the good news is, those types of folks are extremely busy and have numerous priorities. we have had two meetings now, they are seeking another follow- up meeting. that is what i consider success. >> success in terms of the number of kilowatt hours that we can contribute to the governor's plan? >> in terms of helping convince the governor's team that it will play an important role. >> was part of that discussion a
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cost that the rate payers would be < provided by pg&e, or anyone else? >> the rates are part of that discussion. the governor is very concerned about the cost across the board. i don't think he wants to move in the direction of any program that is not going to benefit the ratepayers. i understand it is laudable that we are all going to reach a goal, but at what price? >> those were some of the questions from a couple of those meetings. it started as a conversation around the toe thousand megawatt goal and what kind of role they can play. one thing that surfaced quite quickly was the financing mechanism that would really address rate structure.
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the risk issues related to the financing of it. that is something that the staff keeps putting on the table. >> he is doing it to us every week, and rightly so, with the director of finance. an incredible person that heads of the department of finance about how we all have to be so careful about the bonding mechanism. san francisco's credit rating is pretty good, but the state of california's is not. >> the last couple of meetings have been about educating in getting them up to speed. there is still some work to be done in that area. >> with that, i will switch to the other day. i will start out answering questions and refreshen folks in
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terms of where we are and i will be followed by the cfo on the mechanisms and options for financing. i didn't wear glasses, i get thrown off. it's up on the screen, very good. to refresh, what are the questions we had at the last meeting? we have four main points. there was question about using that cash and under what circumstances and how large. i had not finalized negotiations on that. the status of where the performance bond is. that is still outstanding. commissioner moran have
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questions about scaling. and again, we will see if we can talk about the funding option. >> one quick question, how much have the rate payers are the taxpayers paid already in preparation for this? >> defunding -- the funding for my work -- >> and not yours, all of it. >> the budget that was appropriate in this city. $6 million was appropriated. 5 million was appropriated five years ago, six years ago. $1 million was added this year.
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back to the slides. just a quicker fresher and adding to what we had. we were talking about some of the risk and phasing the program. that would be the average lows, offering 100% renewable product. timing the launch of 2012, around the time that the rates switch over to where the generation component of the bill remains constant regardless of energy usage. we're talking about a 4.5 year contract for the energy supply. they were still negotiating that. the internal politics, because it is a different deal, they are uto