tv [untitled] September 19, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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same standard. i think you have heard from one segment of the community saying there is issues with bikes. i appreciate your honest and candid dissertation. what is the answer? >> the commissioner is correct. the same standard but you can go to traffic court. >> the state legislation issue that you have to change to have a yield for bikes at stop signs? other states have that. i am interested in figuring out, is there discretion involved at all? if people did not give tickets to pedestrians for crossing in the middle of the street, do know what i mean? >> there are a lot of people who think bicyclist do not get tickets. stop means stop, not slow down. >> thank you. president mazzucco: next speaker.
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>> good evening. i appreciate the time allowing me to speak once again. very briefly, i want to reiterate i did bring up in a previous meeting the protocol of using a microphone. i hate to come back to the issue. for me, i am sitting in front row. for most of the time i can hear all of you. when you are discussing issues away from the microphone or you are not using the microphone, i have no idea what you are talking about. i have no idea what the issue is. i feel if i have no idea, the thousands of others that are watching television have no idea, either. i think it is something that has to be worked on to have a full, transparent commission meeting. secondly, i would like to bring up the issue that, not related
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to this ceremony on 9/11, i think the cozy relationship with the police officers association and the city and county of san francisco with fellow policemen doing a great job already is part of the reason that this city is in a bind. in a bind financially. from the civil grand jury investigation in 2009, it is part of the reason why i am here today. they found out this -- the city attorney had not investigated up to 150 cases of pension spiking. a high proportion related to the police department. pensions biking related to a police officer that retired in 2005, by 2010, he was making 144% of his pension. it was climbing as fast as his paycheck. it is the reason why the city has a pension and salary problem today. it is not just the police
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officers association but the president of the association, oppose the 600 -- owes the city and county 650,000. he worked as a poa for five years. we talk about it and 9/11, as it was a very solemn event. no doubt about it. to use it as a cozy speech to bring it before this commission is uncalled for and unprecedented. he was allowed more time than he was allowed. i bring up these issues because the city has a lot of problems and they are related to finances. you are part of the police commission. you are part of an organization that has oversight over the poa and police department and the poa is considered the most
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powerful union in san francisco. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners. i am a business consultant. i would like to talk to about some research i have done and outrage on the broadway corridor regarding towing on friday and saturday nights. some of the research i have discovered is that diners who are being towed after 8:00 p.m., whether they arcturus or locals alike, feel it is unfair practice. we have had good, healthy dialogue with the pe who have led their ears to us. we have a very healthy dialogue and hope that we can come up with some type of compromise, perhaps maybe 10:00 p.m. on the weekends. we wanted to get to a point where we do not compromise any safety.
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in the corridor. generally speaking, the corridor has had issues and sometimes we get an element that comes in after 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. the pd has their hands full. those are issues that go on beyond the bewitching hour, whereas diners and tourists alike, we want to send them home with a positive memory and a positive experience. when they come to a corridor, they either do not look at the signs or they're not detention. they cost $500 to get their car back. i hope the discussions continue. we have great support from the san francisco chamber of commerce. we have great support from the north beach association which is a combination of the chamber and the north beach merchants association.
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we have great support from voice, 11 or 12 merchants along the corridor themselves. great support from beca, members from the adult entertainment industry. there is good support. i hope the conversations continue to -- continue and at some point we could make a compromise at 10:00 p.m. and put timetables on it to see if this change becomes positive or something we have to roll back to where it is right now. i hope that [unintelligible] thank you. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, i am howard wu, member of
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the cpab and api. chief can tell you what it is. i lived here for 48 years. which is -- the district is real good. still pretty good under paul. today i like to tell you i get email from the captioain of the bayview three times a day. i got an e-mail that he has an officer in his station that saved a lot of lives monday. i would like to submit this and that officer should receive an award or citation.
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he has done a good job. i think the chief knows him. i do not know his name but you can ask him and he -- the captain of bayview, he can find out. thank you. president mazzucco: thank you. next speaker. >> commissioners, and chief, thank you. i am from the special police officers association. there are two issues i want to bring up to you. we received a notice from our new officer that directed us to take our radios to the radio shelter.
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two-thirds of the radio channels were removed from our radios. we now have radio channels 1-8, which are the basic communications channels. the channels we talk to stations with or can talk to officers with have been removed from our radios. the special event channels have been removed from our radios. we will no longer be able to talk on that band to dispatch. i asked what the problem was. he said this came down from administration above. it is an officer safety issue. we will no longer be able to hear what is going on around the corner from us, let alone this patch hearing what is going on
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with us. carnival, the gave freedom parade, all the other fairs, it is a very big officer safety issue. the other issue is the training we have coming up. i did sank the lieutenant for spacing be trading up. we have officers that continually worked eight hours, nine hours, 10 hours a night and then we are wired to go to three days straight of training. last year, it was broken up into parts where we could go for four hours, five hours, and then return to work the streets.
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i asked, why could we not work on this and break it up to make it easier for our officers? i received no response. thank you. >> i will find out what is going on. >> do we have a new lieutenant assigned to the patrol specials? >> the lieutenant is directly responsible. >> next speaker. no further public comment, public comment is closed. >> item 3, reports and announcements. item three is the chief's reports which includes a review of recent activities. >> how are you? >> good evening. before we go into the presentations, we are over
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homicide's as opposed to where we were last year. it is an issue the captain has been wrestling west. the last 10 days have been successful. we are still down about 6% year to date. a violent crime, 1%. property crime, even though we are down across the state, we are still lower than the rest of the state's jurisdictions. we are decidedly down. hopefully, we will continue that trend. we had a very busy weekend. i did mention last wednesday, in the future, i would like to address this at times so that we can make sure that you know. all of the events last weekend.
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saturday's was very well attended. congresswoman pelosi made a special attempt to stay before flying back for the remembrance. we went to the mass, the giants game, the 49ers game, and then our reach at the top -- park. the thought that everybody put into it was unbelievable. i note that the officers appreciated it. this week, the 49ers won. it was a very quiet game. people noticed how in gauging the officers were. people felt safe. the cowboys come to town this weekend. a big rivalry game.
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it goes back decades. we will have a significant complement of officers. we have had those out there since the raider preseason game. all of the new rules will be in place. we are hoping for a second niner victory and a quiet game. captain from the mission district. >> good evening, capt. how are you? >> i am doing outstanding. >> the captain has been set -- sick like nobody has been sick for a week. >> i wanted to give a brief
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synopsis of what we are doing this evening. on august 10, 2011, sarah was inside her own when she observed a suspicious person skulking outside of her residence. she saw her slowly slink towards her neighbor our's home. she saw the subjects leave the garge with a bicycle. knowing that the bicycle belonging to her neighbor. she saw that the garage door was ajar. she ran back into her home, retrieved her car keys, and then drove off in search of the burglar. upon reaching 19th street, she found the thief.
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she immediately called police dispatch and gave a description m path of flight. she tenaciously follow the thief for seven blocks, never losing him and relaying the location to police this patch until the arrival of that the officer that topee parolee into custody asa. rah -- custody. sarah went above and beyond the line of duty. she created a one-woman dragnet. she courageously followed the burglar until the arrival of the police. sarah is to be commended. i asked her to come forward now. [applause]
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[applause] >> thank you very much, capt. thank you very much. would you pick up an application for the police department? thank you. >> thank you for your service. >> finally, i promised upon appointment that we would have the general orders on general policing. we have engaged more members of the department, the community, members of the board, we have conferred.
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the community policing order is finished and it will be in your package on friday for discussion. we will ask to expand on the career development order. this will be around until the 28. that will be in your packet to the following friday. i cannot thank the officers, the community, the members of the board that helped out. there has spent an awful lot of discussion. we amended these things over and over again. i think we came up with something that is a working product. the community is going to be happy that fine policing is going to be part of the san francisco community. >> thank you. >> i look forward to reading the department general order. let me ask about bart.
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i know that there are still ongoing regular protests. i know that reporters were arrested. i also want to ask, i know this department has been investigating with regard to the civic center, i want to know about that. >> with regard -- bart police encircled some reporters. they were later released. they were not arrested. their press passes were taken. three of the four passes were taken. they could not get them back until the next day. when we get a dispersal order, we make sure that everybody gets an opportunity to leave. if the press decides that they want to remain in the encirclement, then they will be treated like everybody else.
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it gets too unwieldy for people that want to leave. if the press decides to want to state to continue doing their press work, that is an option. the press was detained. it was actually the bart police department that the debt. >> was it the bart police that took away the id? >> they were given back the next day. they all have them now. as far as the shooting investigations, rather than me being clumsy in my presentation, i could ask him to come and update on how exactly this is going. >> further questions for the
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chief? >> thank you. we will now move to line item 3b. >> it is a review of recent activities. >> good evening commissioners and members of the audience. >> any questions? let's move onto line item 3c. >> that is the commission reports. this is followed by commissioners reports. >> the commission president has nothing to -- new to report. commissioners, anything further to report? let's move on to item 3d. >> items to be considered for future meetings. >> any commission announcements? >> the commission will meet at cesar chavez elementary school
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or wednesday night, but tempered 28. this is concerning public protection issues in the mission district. >> commissioners, i know our agendas are pretty much pact. is there anything we should add to the agendas? great. hearing nothing from my fellow commissioners, very public comment regarding items 3 c, d, and e. >> commissioners, thank you again for letting me speak. i only have one quick comment. going back to the year 2000, on roe vs. wade that a lot of the reason, it is just a story that
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has been documented and kicked around. the reason why the crime has been going down is that the perpetual winters have not been born based on the abortion laws and their changes. >> we have to keep this limited. >> that is a bit of a stretch. >> is it going down? i know that the present chief is doing a hell of a job. is it doing -- going down because of more crime protectionists or is it going down because war criminals are not being born? maybe they're doing a great job and it does not have to be expanded because crime may be going down on its own. that is why i bring it up as a point of discussion. that is all. i thank you for your time on
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that. john mccain did not even know this study existed. i thank you for your time. >> any further public comment? public comment is now closed. move to item number 4. >> that is the crisis training working group update. >> good evening, capt. >> commissioner chief, just an update. we would have regular updates for the commission. this is the regular update. we are at a critical juncture as far as the crisis intervention teams. a lot of the preliminary work has been done in achieving this end this program moving forward. that is for a couple of reasons.
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the program cannot be personality based. the commissioner has been tremendous in moving this along. we really need to institutionalize this. by having the program moved over to operations, where all of the work will be done moving forward it makes tremendous sense. also, the commander is one of the youngest members of the command staff that will be around much longer after all of us leave. somebody with a long-term commitment to the department. that process is taking place as we transition from our preliminary getting it going as opposed to moving into something that is long term. as far as progress goes, the curriculum, if you do not have copies, i can get copies for you.
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instructors have been assigned to the various different aspects and courses. he has worked tirelessly for months and months putting this together and organizing it. making sure it meets all of the post criteria. the last time we spoke, there was concern about a 90-delay in the program. we want to make sure that is not necessary, that we can move forward with the program. applications, you should have gotten copies of those.
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we have received some already. not as many as we would have liked. we would like to encourage more to apply. there is going to be a dry run for the instructors at the academy to work out the kinks this coming monday. we have scheduled the last two weeks of october as weeks where this could move forward. have everything in place by the 24th. the last two weeks of october have been reserved for the pilot class to move forward. we would be starting this journey in february. we are not there yet. credit should go to the bredth
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of volunteers that have given their time over many months to move the program for. we are in a very good position. by the time we make the next presentation, the commission will have completed the first of these. >> i am glad to hear that the commander is going to take care of this issue. it is a big deal to the commission. this is the largest piece of legislation that this commission has ever proposed. it is a big deal to the police department and the community in san francisco. i am glad it is moving quicker. it is very important to us. a lot of people have volunteered that do not ordinarily come to the table. they are at the table right now. i want the people to understand that the police department is fully committed to this. it is a great sign.
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i appreciate all of your hard work. this is something that is going to save lives for people on the street. it has been an interesting process to go through. i want to make this a priority for us. >> i want to say that i really appreciate your call. >> thank you, captain. any public comment regarding line item 4? >> this is a discussion of possible actions. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a follow up item. this dovetails to what we were talking about with the memphis model and crisis intervention.
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