tv [untitled] September 20, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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city and county in the bay area to do recall on at least one or more members of the city or the county board. we're going to do it right away as soon as january 1 roles, we will be launching it. we want to encourage you to do your homework and quit trying to pass more tax goals. you have a second set of books and you're awash with money. president chiu: thank you. before we continue, i just want to reiterate, this is for public comments specifically with regards to the edward ii project. we will have general public comment shortlyly. next speaker please. >> precisely to the point. so when the constituents come here who live in the area and tell you supervisors that, you know, that edward's impacts in the area and have pointed it to you, some of them being safety, how can we address buildings
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without addressing quality of life issues? so the point is very simple. when the constituents come here and speak to you, listen to them. do not have a buy as that you all know everything and that, you know, the constituents know nothing. it is time that you get educated on issues. it is time that this planning department is taken to task. it is time that you supervisors learn to represent. finally, let me say this. it's good that you're supervisors. we need you to be supervisors that we want to represent. don't be here for a short time so that you can jump up the totem pole and aspire to some higher offices where as supervisors you deal with mundane topics like the napkin. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak with regard to the motion to
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continue of the edward ii item? ok. i have actually made a motion to continue. i'll ask supervisor campos to chair this portion given i have made the motion. supervisor campos: we have a motion to continue until october 4. we have have a second to that motion. a second by supervisors elsbernd. >> supervisor campos to continue it to 4:00 p.m. supervisor campos: on october 4. we have a motion that has been seconded by supervisor elsbernd. can we take that without objection? without objection. the matter will be continued. president chiu: and if i can call up item 36, madam clerk. i know this item did not come out of committee. >> item 36 was not forwarded to the board as a committee report. president chiu: just so to make it clear to the number, item 36 is the legs with the special use district around the edward ii project.
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it was forwarded out to next week. we will consider it to next week's meeting. why don't we go to general public comment. >> the next item on the opportunity is the opportunity for the members of the public to address the board on items of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction including the merrill appearance before the board today. however, excluding the items which have already been considered by a board committee, speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: we have many members of the public. again, if i could ask members of the public if you could respectful of each other's opinions. we do have a rule in the board chamber to not express support or opposition of comments that are made. with that we have the first speaker. two minutes per speaker.
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i hope and i wish that the rest of our supervisors will show up with us tomorrow. i give him the invitation on behalf of my friend who has established this program for many years. ladies and gentlemen, as egyptian american muslim, i would like to thank each one of our friend, our neighbor for one they did. i would like to take a special thanks to thank channel 7 and cnn to give good memorial for our people who have been killed in 9/11. you can see muslim and the christian and jew worked together under one point. we need to bring this job to the city, to the country.
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we need to see middle america like barack obama has said, we're going to make it sooner or later. i would like each one of you who is responsible for his district to wake up and work with us side by side. i have here some idea to make it and i would like to show you some news but they tried to show us how we are very respectable for our people and we are respectable and we are responsible to raise our own children. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. i mean supervisors. my name is robert williams and i'm here today with robert and we are honorable discharged
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veterans. we come to ask the board's permission or the board's consent, well, not really the consent. we came to let you know what we're getting ready to do. we are very concerned about the polite of the veterans here in san francisco and we decided to start a west coast swing dance which is the state dance of california. the instigator being robert here himself. he can tell you more about that. but we're going to start this dance and we're going to have this dance, i feel a lot of hostilities in the room today and i tell you, it's been kind of hard for me to sit here and listen to the things that have been going down. i wanted the supervisors to know that we as veterans, we support the veterans in san francisco and we do a program called the appreciating veterans especially on sunday. you can see it on youtube.
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you can pull it up on youtube yourself. that's the search engine you use. it's on the public access channel and you can see that every sunday morning from 6:00 until 7:00. so what we're trying to do, we want support from the board of supervisors to do the west coast swing dance. bob. >> in 1988, i wrote a letter to the senate and i said wouldn't it be better that we dance with one another instead of shoot each other. they agreed. they made west coast the official state dance of california. it's time that we celebrate it, isn't it? this is a great thing. we are going to have a contest that's going to last for a year. i was in a contest that lasted for a year and i got eliminated the first week.
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but the 12th week i entered, the 12th month i entered the contest and i won, ok. you can see me dancing in 1988 and i looked a hell of a lot better than i do right now. what we're trying to do, we're trying to create jobs, we're trying to create happiness and friendship among people to bring people together. this is the one thing that this country does not have and i think that we need to bring people together. when you dance together, how can you shoot each other? you just can't do that. my plan is, i'm going to make it as brief as i can, when the students and we're going to make it available for people to learn how to do the west coast swing. we're going to ask the teachers that are teachers of dance to come down and volunteer their
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time and we ask the contestants to pay $100 each time that they enter the contest. this gentleman over here, johnson, where is he? is he still here? >> right there beside you. >> this is ken johnson. he has been the producer of these movies that we have been making, i call them movies because anything that moves, it was a movie. ok. i want to thank you very much. we don't really need your help, but we do need your approval and if we could get a letter from you then we can get sponsors. president chiu: thank you very much. >> we talked with the wells fargo bank the other day. they were thrilled. president chiu: thank you and happy dancing. next speaker. >> i was sorry to hear about
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the passing of leroy looper he was a good friend. don't accept money from the friends and foundation. a part of the message of the private advertisization of our institution is how little benefit is received by the public partner, the citizens. there are various ways to drama advertise how the citizens receive, how little the citizens receive. we can compare it to how little is received compared to how much the flan throw pisses take -- phlanthropists, and how much they give compared to what they promised to give. that is the biggest betrayal of all. the expenditures have reached $149 million, expected to reach $109 million, the friends foundation have expanded $1.1 million. the citizens voted for a bond issue to remodel all of the
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brancheses based on a commitment that it would cost $105.8 million and be finished in january of 2010. at the time the friends of the library originally claimed that it would be raising $16 million, in other words they would be adding $15.1% to the project. as a percent of the project, instead of raising $15.1%, they have raised slightly less than 1%. the private fundraisers are allowed by the city of san francisco to present themselves as benefactors of the public. to do that, the supervisors have to ignore the accountability that was created to protect the public and to refuse the arm called by the so-called private-public partnership. what the city has to sell to the corporate businesses is the remaining class barriers. they certainly delivered on that promise. that's why the lies cost more than the money. president chiu: thank you, next
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speaker. >> good afternoon, president chiu -- president chiu: are all those standing in public comment? there are folks having trouble seeing the proceedings. i wonder if it's possible for some folks -- good point, i didn't even see that. thank you. >> good afternoon, president chiu and the board of supervisors. i'm the sponsor of the hill support group. my condolences also go out to mrs. westbrook who was definitely a trooper in the community who was an inspiration to me as well as mayor rogers and others who have gone on and brother leroy from the tenderloin community. i'm speaking on behalf of parents who have lost children to senseless gun violence. we heard two people lost their lives because of the pedestrian situation here in san francisco, but even greater so,
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we're at 37 homicides. we're at 37 homicides and it's not even september is not even over yet. 36 homicides versus two people that were struck by muni vehicles. that are 37 families that we're dealing with right now in the healing circle that are suffering from post-traumatic stress. a young man who was just shot recently as i shared with supervisor avalos, shot several times, we're dealing with that family also. i would like the board to really look at the situation of violence in our community. it's on the increase. homicides are up. bullying is up. incarceration is up. and jobs are down and economic disparity is in our communities, particularly in communities of color. so i ask the board to really take a good look at the situation and we incite all of
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you to participate at our upcoming candidates forum on october 13, 2011 at paradise baptist church from 6:30 to 9:00. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> mr. president, what they were standing for to see if they could give me their time because i have some things in two minutes that is really short and rather than have all them speak, they came today and wanted to know if they could give me their time. president chiu: unfortunately, the way our rules work, each individual is allowed two minutes to speak. if you have a message that you want to deliver, the other folks can use the time within their two minutes, also, thank you. >> what did you say? president chiu: you asked if you can have more than two minutes. we have a board rule that each member of the public shall have two minutes, but if you don't have enough time to say all that you want to say, other members of the public who have not had a chance to speak, they can also finish delivering your
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message. >> it's difficult to give them what i'm saying. president chiu: i appreciate that. sir, you have two minutes. >> can we start how? president chiu: you can, yes. well, i was here last week and i came alone. this week, i brought people that are directly affected by this cahill mess. i ask you guys to do something about. let me tell you where we're at in it. we intend to do from this point on whatever is necessary out in bayview to see to it that the white contract saying that niggers aren't going to work out there, if we ain't work, nobody ain't going to work. that's what we're getting ready to do. so you might as well send the police because we are sure that he can find to hold one of them down and kill them like they did their young brother on the bus, about $2. and i am really unhappy today that the board of supervisors
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have not seen fit to get in this issue out in bayview on this point. black people have had this trouble for years and years and years and years and we're having the problem severely out in bayview on this point right now that this contractors are stuck on stupid and they don't want us to work in our own community. so since we can't work in our community, be it known ain't nobody going to work. i'm letting you know in advance that we're going to have a problem at hunter point. whatever it leads to, that's just where it's got to lead to, ok? president chiu: thank you. thank you very much. if i could just ask one member of the public to speak at a timeout of respect to the members of the public here. thank you very much, sir. >> is he running the show? president chiu: excuse her excuse me, excuse me sir.
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>> they're not going to speak. president chiu: excuse me. rei think at this time we're going to take a five-minute recess. thank you very much. >> we're going to have one speaker at a time. if we have another interruption, we will call for another recess until we have order. this is how we operate in this board chamber. let's hear from the next
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speaker, thank you. if could you play what's on the computer. >> i have been doing corporate for 20 years. this year in san francisco -- president chiu: this gentleman's mic is not working. >> i have been doing corporate eco a dits for 20 years. this year in san francisco, a 10-year-old elementary school soccer player commamed clare is standing up to bob fisher and his brothers and corporate representatives from the synthetic turf industry. from day one, they have exerted their considerable influence around town convincing the people around san francisco that their plastic neighborhood parks were safe. clare and her teammates didn't think something sounded quite
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right and decided to investigate whether playing in ground-up tires with the chemicals and heavy metals was a wise idea. over eight months, she tested more than 100 water samples from both synthetic turf and grass fields in san francisco with the help of local universities. clare's results reinforced what environmental scientists have known for years, information that bob fisher, city fields and the turf industry have long been trying to sprezz. san francisco synthetic field runoff water contained dangerous levels of heavy metals and other toxics which were in excess of state and federal guidelines. clare's experiment has brought her accolades including a 2011 international eco hero award, national science foundation award and even a speaking engagement at a convention, one of the largest gatherings of scientists around the world. her efforts only scraped the surface of the many risks associated with the plastic fields.
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we can't expect the children of san francisco to fend for themselves when it comes to protecting their long term health and future. clare's efforts beg the question, why aren't the adults truly pro technicaling them? we put that critical question to you. to facility tate searches, i insert the keywords children's health hazzard, mission playground, l.e.d. poisoning, mercury poisoning, fisher construction, carbon black. thank you. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> peter alexander. things are getting more and more exciting all the time. i really enjoyed listening to the senior vets talking about the dancing. it reminded me about a friend of mine that passed three years ago. francis lambert, he was in the air force.
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he used to tell me about when he was a much younger man, he used to do a lot of smooth dancing in san francisco. i had never heard that term before. we have three veterans in our prison system that are political prisonerers. the general strike sets them free. regarding the homeless people that are on the street, i invite you to open up the phone books and see how many so-called churches are in these phone books. why don't we just ask them to absorb 10 homeless persons per church. that would be a nice thing to do. it would take care of the problem immediately if not sooner. and there was a lot of talk about 9/11. and the media still to this moment has lied about virtually everything. i'm going to read this to you here. false flag operations behind every war, d.c.'s corporate
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store, 343 firefighters were murdered that day and law enforcement quite angered yet silenced to say. the sheriff and jeff have a tremendous following and many a vet. they were serve and protect as we like as the d.c., as we put d.c. to its knees during this general strike. by the great california general strike of 40 days and 40 nights, we will free them. now, there was no plane in pennsylvania. there was no plane at the pentagon and the planes that hit the buildings were empty and what happened to the people? they were terminated at the culpepper crematorium where the planes have been renumbered and are back in service. president chiu: next speaker. >> doug millar. thank you that the system seems to be working today that that man who tried to provoke a race
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riot here was thrown out by the deputy sheriffs. i am doug millar, veteran, i joined when i was 16 in the alaska national guard. spent eight years in peacetime, thank god. i have been a resident of santa rosa in 1982 when i first moved there i was a real estate developer, high-tech developer and co-founder of three high-tech companies. i voted for the republicans three times and i'm sickened by what's going on here, but i want to mention also that i was a member of the santa rosa chamber of commerce, member of the board of directors every years on the legislative committee. so i understand what it takes to make a profit. i also joined the naacp in three states, las vegas, denver, and los angeles and so i'm here because i want to give your clerk here a letter that i sent to attorney general eric holder in care of michelle
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obama and one of the exhibits i gave him, there is a dozen here, more than a dozen listed is called, something that happened in santa rosa proper, the first time they tortured this little girl, she was only 6, they called it parade the nigger day. we still have racism going on in our country and as a resident of your city right here, the lieutenant who has been torturing and murdering children. so this is a copy here for each of you. please make a copy for everybody on the board. the bottom line is, folks, we have a big problem. we have more people dying of suicide of veterans than we have dying in all three wars over there in the middle east right now. that's why i encourage you all to take a look at this report i have for you. it's called operation get free. my son created this website how to save veterans for 50 cents
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per day. president chiu: thank you. thank you very much. next speaker. >> supervisors, first and foremost, i would like to thank all you guys who allowed me to go before you because i have another very important meeting, but i'm here to state to you very clearly that in these dire economic times, you just learned that in the last couple of months, over a quarter million of people have joined the working poor. we have a population in this nation of 311 million and 14 million people do not have jobs. now, you saw some people come here and speak. normally, they don't come to speak. we only come to speak when we get shafted again and again and again and so then what happens
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is when some people speak in a passionate matter, you see the racism. you see the biasness on the face of a few representatives. but what was said today was that in the southeast sector and there are some advocates here, some of you know about it, there is too much discrimination. there are people that haven't worked for four or five years and those people that are supposed to represent are doing diddly. so it is right that whatever needs to be done as malcolm x said, by whatever means necessary, not that we want to track in somebody, but we will come to you representatives and tell you nicely first in public, then maybe hold your hands and plead a little bit,
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but then action needs to be taken. and there are brothers here who are going to speak to it. i have worked with them before on a project and put 67% of the communities back to work. they're going to express themselves. please listen to them. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i'm from bayview hunters point. most of the people that came here today came because of the fact that they were working or want to work in the hunter view project. let me say this. our community has been shafted and shafted well and it started to be with the redevelopment agency that said they're going to help the people in the project areas. it was a group called urban strategy that was supposed to make sure that the residents in public housing would receive those jobs. it never happened. we was going back and forth to the redevelopment agency every
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time they meet saying urban strategy is not doing what they're supposed to do. nothing has been done. now, what we have here, one of the young ladies that is a part of this group, she had to leave. she is a member of my church. what i have asked instead of espinoza going before the board of supervisors, city planning, p.u.c., come yourself. let them see you. because evidently they may think i am just talking. no one is dealing with a local hiring. they're finding loopholes sweetheart to get through them. they're hiring truckers for three months and laying them off and bringing other truckers from other areas in to our community. work is not being done like it should be and, number one, and i stated this to a lot, there is not one agency, city department in that that you all represent have a
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