tv [untitled] September 20, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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compliance officer that is certified by the state that could go on these job sites and talk to the employees and see if they are being treated fairly. and guess what, you got the positions, but they're not certified and can't go, why isn't that this city is going without someone, and we do have in my community, a certified compliance officer on third street and we go on different jobs when we get a contract. this needs to be done on all of these city departments. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you very much. >> i want to say this. when the supervisors are making $35,000 a year -- president chiu: thank you. >> give me back my three minutes. i want my three minutes back. president chiu: thank you, miss jackson. next speaker. if we can get the mic going on today. >> yeah, put it back on.
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hello, board of supervisors. i'm here to express, my name is gregory hall. i was in an incident last year, probably have been three years ago when i directed the supervisors about a situation up in hunters point. it seems like nothing ever changes because the same situation is happening till today. i'm wondering, you know, you guys got all your big jobs back here and i figure that you guys are smart enough to know that it's not settled out there in bayview hunters point. now that we got a new district supervisor, i feel that maybe she needs to look into it a little more thoroughly nothing like the last supervisor. i was over there at the double rock where he was emotionally about how much you got the money to be able to do the work there, maybe you need to be emotionally about finding out how these people in the bayview community are not having jobs,
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are out on the street every day. me, when i took on the job after the bad contractor was up there, i hired everybody in the community. i'm not to supervisor. i'm not to person that can stand up, but i'm a person that is going to stand up for people to help him to try to make it a better life for them. i hear people talking about it. i hear supervisors talking about it, but do you do it? they saw talk the talk or walk the talk, you ain't doing nothing of that. can it be done? we hear about it. i need it to be done. god, we vote for you guys to stand up for our rights and some of you supervisors, some of them just walk around and act like ain't nothing really happening out here. we come up here all the time just to talk about what? you're going to take care of us. can you show us that. really give us some facts and showing that you're going to help people in the bayview community. president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> you know, ladies and gentlemen, i'm really appalled, but these people that came here, this has been going on for years, y'all. ms. jackson is right. we have been coming up here for years, for decades. a lot of y'all -- and i have heard some supervisors, me and my colleagues see you come up there and you talk and we close our ears when you start talking. one thing is for sure. you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all the time. you have to realize, what they do in these foreign countries with the young people got the technology and not a dictatorship, what do you think when these young african americans finally get the word of what is really going down here at city hall, because it's silly down here at city hall. that's a good example here at silly hall what goes down. i have been the victim, been victimized. i came before you all asking
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for an audit or an audit or report in the press room, nobody has done it yet. anytime i come in and talk to you all, the next day they take my stuff down stairs like a punishment. shut up, you ain't supposed to talk. i was up here when the press room was up here, but no one wants to look into that. the same thing dtis, with television. they took my shows off because of city hall here. all of this falls under city hall. city hall is corrupt, y'all. i'm telling y'all because i'm going to tell you what i saw. what i saw may be against the law. now let me tell you one thing. people have been underestimating it for 20 years thinking you got a camera, a video. ain't got no film. you ain't fooling nobody. let me tell you y'all something. when i come up with this report, i'm sure that oprah winfrey going to come and get me and tell the history that is going on here in san francisco, because if you look around, blacks are leaving town.
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what's going down, it's going down. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> afternoon, board of supervisors and president chiu. diane at the casino gave me this. it's santa rosa singers. i'm showing you this because you don't have anything like this here, free registration and come sing with us. you don't seem to have a group like this in the city. it would be great, good to have it in san francisco. and here is the other side. i just wanted to say -- ♪ ♪ oh, miss jackson wants her three minutes back ♪ ♪ to do public comment and you made $30,000 a year ♪ ♪ oh, you were blind to let it go ♪ ♪ won't you give it, she wants it, three minutes back ♪
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♪ just do it yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ na-na-na ♪ won't you give her three minutes back. then she can do public comment ♪ ♪ oh, yeah you were blind to let three minutes go ♪ ♪ we want it back president chiu: next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, president chiu, members of the board. my name is f. joseph butler. i'm an architect in the city, a member of the american institute of architects and a long-time land use professional. in the time that i have done land use in san francisco, we have gone from no environmental review or very little environmental review of residential projects to the state we are in today where finally we have processes in
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place. we have a historic preserveation commission. we have a group of professionals who are trained in the field to advise the planning department on how to do environmental review properly. unfortunately, they don't have any staff other than a small cadre of preserveation planners. they have no authority whatsoever. i think that's an error. you might look at them in charge of m.e.a. and leave the planning commission the quad rant planners. today i'm here because at the last meeting, i was here to represent a neighbor in a case known as 70 gold mine drive. after the motion was tabled on that issue because the conditional use was withdrawn and thus the categorical extension application was withdrawn, there was a comment from the dais that i felt deserved some response. i sent an email to you all last week. i would like you to read that. there is not the time to do that now, but i would like to
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say that now that we're following the california environmental quality act and actually doing environmental review as it's supposed to be done, when we find cases like 70 gold mine drive where the documents say that the house there was built in 1985 instead of 1895, you know that something is wrong. the planners can't do their job if they get bad information in and they can't do their job when members of the board of supervisors want their jobs to go away. we need to enforce state law or he is seed from -- secede from california. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> hi, i was here last week. i addressed some issues to your supervisors, mainly discussing the u.n. charter of the united nations and this wednesday, actually, today, the 66th congress of the united nations
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began meeting in new york city auspiciously or inauspiciously after september 11. today i want to talk about three things -- law, a house, and the ark. i went to hastings and took the california bar exam july last year. since then, i have been enjoying myself at city college learning how to make brass weights and other interesting things. i have been here on a number of occasions to talk to the immigrants rights commission mainly because they meet here, but also to talk to you and i wanted to talk about a particular house that is located here in san francisco. of which i and a few friends of mine were interested in purchasing. the house was located in the
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castro area. i talked to supervisor wiener about it and the address is 893 elizabeth. this house i became interested in actually as a result of some relationship with a doctor of mine who i have mentioned in the past, mentioned about male circumcision and brought up some other issues like lost property, things getting lost in his property and then a window getting broken at this property and actually leading now to the issue of the ark. the ark is this creation that i came up with in order to assist african millennium development goals. i wrote a letter and i sent to the united nations mainly because -- president chiu: thank you very much. >> thank you. president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> hi, supervisors. this is great. it's like seeing the best dressed of the dccc. i'm representing peer 38 and the tenants, there are 40 businesses that occupy that area. there are 20 new businesss that come out of that area and i want to just say that it's important not just because of the businesss that are currently there, but because of the businesses that are created because of the collaborative environment available because of the resources that appear. i had had my own business for 12 years on union square. it wasn't until i came over to peer 38 that i decided to start a new company that will be employing close to eight people in the next year and a half. so if i could ask all of you to please apply pressure to port and fire and hopefully they can have us stay there, that would be greatly appreciated.
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thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello, supervisors, my name is bill burton. i am working on the historic ship at peer 38. the charter of what the port is supposed to do is 2/3 maritime use of the waterfront there at one point they asked us to leave. they gave us 72 hours to leave. under federal rules, we can't do such a thing with large ships and but it shows that there is an effort afoot to change that maritime use or to not act in good confidence with their charter. there has been a lot of good businesses that happen at pier 38. you'll hear from a whole bunch more of us. you might notice that there is a real community there. there is a lot of interaction that is very positive for the city and i so i hope you will all work and help us in keeping that facility open rather than what they have said they're
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going to do is to close it and do minor maintenance for years which it's a derelict facility compared to what is happening there now. thank you. >> hi, my name is curt lynn. i'm a tenant at pier 38 and involved with the ship that we were just talking about. as you know, pier 38 have tenants that collectively are the single job business incubator in california. in this community, there is a lot of cross-pollination between the companies that promote jobs and business. we are part of the customer base for businesses in our area. several of the tenants serve the local maritime community in important ways. we expanded these maritime services and increased public access to our bay. there have been some public, towards this end, we also find it important to address the
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public safety issues that the pier, that the port of san francisco has raised and we are willing to repair all of the items on the list in a timely manner without removing the tenants. we will hire a state licensed engineer to address any of the structural items. we will continue to create jobs in business. we propose to create facilities to dock larger vessels in san francisco. we would be willing to pay back the loan to the california department of boating and waterways using the pro seeds that are generated by the pier. we would complement the new park and we would also give the port of san francisco a significant increase in revenue. so i would like to you think about pressuring maybe the port to allow us to stay there.
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we're willing to take care of all of the concerns of the port, thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i have been conducting marine-related business in pier 38 for well over a decade. also, i live in the neighborhood, so i'm pretty much around this area all the time. the pier 38 has been functioning very well and i happen to notice that a lot of people that are speaking here today used a lot of words like revenue and jobs. and when we are going to close a perfectly well functioning pier for repairs that need to be made, and turn it into pier 36. i'm not sure who is familiar with. there is no doubt in my mind that they're going to create number pir 36 which is fenced off, rundown building
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attracting drug users and so on. it's my neighborhood and also i'm one of the tenants. i am being evicted. i'm not the biggest revenue generator in the pier 38. however, it's mind boggling that we can get a man on the moon and we can bring back "apollo 13" and save lives when we need to, but we cannot fix a pier that generates perfectly good revenue and provides a shelter for a lot of people and jobs. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> hi, i'm bob christopher. i'm a tenant at pier 38 here to support the cause. a little bit of background. pier 38 is a recognized piece of landscape in the investor world. there is parts of mountain view and parts of pier 38 in san francisco. i ran an event there once a month called start-up b and b. we bring in investors and
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entrepreneurs and executives to coalesce around different emerging tech companies and other opportunities. we're bringing in some top pier one b.c.'s and also entrepreneurs. everyone knows this location. they know the pier. people like dave and ron who are very famous investors know this place very well. what this creates is a culture in the community that you can't replace. you can go down the street and open another pier, put us there instead. i hate to see that happen, but you're not going to have the same kind of atmosphere that you would have here. it's like taking sand hill road and putting it in berkeley. it's a difference of culture and atmosphere with the surroundings. i both invest and mentor and advice companies, so i see a lot of companies from spain, italy and south america coming here, some wonderful talent and they love the culture and the support network they have at
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pier 38. short story is this event has to take place. it would be a shame to close it. a lot of people here will be adversely affected if it did close. i would hate to see that happen as well. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i work in an italian company. we moved to there in january because we wanted to expand our business. we have been lucky to find a place like pier 38 thanks to the great people we met at the pier, they enabled us to start doing business in the u.s. and to -- and gave us a lot of business opportunities. all of these could be lost. thanks very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i came here from france to
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start my business here. among many places i chose pier 38 because i believe it's the spark of innovation. hundreds of companies are created at pier 38 for the past few years. some of them saw wonderful exits ranging to up to millions of dollars. this is a unique place that a lot of international people are coming to start their business. i have been to london, paris, madrid, amsterdam and tel aviv and any of those international cities would die to help us if they could. this is really sad that this is happening. thanks. president chiu: next speaker. >> hi, my name is glen jones. i'm a resident of pier 38 as
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well. i have two businesses as well. one we do environmental restoration work. another is a contracting company and we build homes in san francisco. i would like to say i don't think we have been treated very fairly with the eviction. we have been associated with carl and have taken the tenants to carl on that we are, as has been stated, really a great group of people there creating jobs, making jobs for san francisco and the community and at large, we are doing a really good job and we would like to stay there. i'm a general contractor, like i said. i can repair everything on the list within a month easily and pay for it. so i would plead our case to stay and continue giving revenue to the port and the city of san francisco. with us leaving the pier in their 25-day notice to depart,
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the city is going to lose a significant amount of money due to our departure and rent loss. then the pier is going to sit, from what we hear, from two to three days while these minor repairs are taking place while it degradates as does the pier beside it. the waterfront is the gem of the city and needs to be taken care of. we're there to take care of it, run it and help the economy of san francisco. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> good >> good afternoon. i would like to speak to some of the concerns raised about the construction project and the
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give a little bit of background and a couple of ideas for strategy's going forward. we have a lot of history here in the room. the bayview, hunters point, agencies have existed and there were commissioners who were right here on the left. eloise westbrook who passed away. here to be with us to highlight the challenge is the good faith efforts and local hiring project. good faith did not work in the sixties and it will not work now. the city had this local hiring process as well. the city chose this through legislation and this was supported by the board of
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supervisors. the ship from a good faith type of approach that measures success and outcomes and actual results is what i think might be really important because i don't think that the concerns will go away. the redevelopment continues to have a good face policy. to build upon the relationships that are developing that led it to the passage of this law. the board of supervisors can consider using their influence to influence the redevelopment agency. thank you. >> thank you, my name is oscar james. the one thing i want to bring up first is that i was like this
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session to clothes. -- to close. there will be a meeting on the 20 it and they're talking about capping. we don't want any of the shipyard to be capped. i have seen the radiation roberts, i have seen the lead, i have seen the toxic -- back there. i have also served on the hunters point shipyard. i talked about the toxins being there, and they denied it. the city of voted on it.
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they wanted all of these moved. do not allow the navy to come in and cap the shipyard. we're talking rectifier that they started. all of this is a total lie. we can give you an update on what happened. please come to this meeting and voice your opinion. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker. >> thank you, supervisors.
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we are going to to lose out on a big advantage. all have asked for this space. we have brought some of the clients that we work with to san francisco where they ended up spinning off their own company. and we think that that opportunity will go away. we also echo the sentiment about the timing. we have 15 employees, we have several contractors. this is not a trivial thing to do. we have not yet secured a new location. we have worked with the port and
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other commercial real estate folks. everyone confirms that will must see anything for 10 months. we would like to offer a plan which is some way of staying in our current situation. think you. >> i want to reiterate what other people have said, obviously this represents a lot of jobs and revenue for the city of san francisco. we are working on various boats. in the past, there is a lot of options for the public to have boats there. we're hoping to turn this around and reiterate that this could happen with more access.
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frustration. i just pray that they're different than what we were in the sixties and they don't want to comment blow everything up. let's give the lot on opportunity to work. i am 100% with mr. jackson. one of the problems that we have had is that there is no teeth to these. i would say do you to get someone in their to ensure that these contractors are not getting wealthy on city jobs. thank-u
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