tv [untitled] September 21, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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i know that a parent who is incarcerated, their kids are more likely to be incarcerated, and i want to break the cycle. i work with kids. i see what happens to them. i see the misery and suffering that comes with family members of the incarcerated. thank you for giving me this opportunity. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. ngo. were you involved and advocating for ethnic studies? >> yes, i was. supervisor kim: thank you so much. >> you are welcome. supervisor kim: i am going to call nicholas gregiooratos. we gave everyone a couple of minutes to speak about this position and why it would like to serve. >> yes, think. sorry, i had eight appointment that was previously scheduled. most of what i have to say is in
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the paperwork, but i have been out of jail for a long time. i have been cleaned, off drugs, over 24 years. after i left, i stopped doing drugs, went to college, became a schoolteacher, and eventually became a lawyer and get a job with the sheriff's department. i have been listening to the people, and you have a lot of good people to choose from. part of me feels, and i think i said this before, it has been so long since i have been in custody that maybe i did not even qualify, but at the same time i have done so much since i have been out of custody that think i have a lot of experience to give. i have spent a lot of time helping people get out of jail. and when i was a schoolteacher, helping kids. one of the things, i look back, the reason i did not go to prison and i know this, my
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father was a colonel and the army and a doctor and my mother was a professional also. when i was younger, even though i chose to do everything opposite of them, chose to take the route i took, i had the upbringing that a lot of my colleagues don't have. i was able to pull on that to get myself out. i am grateful for that. i think that in some ways, getting to where i have gone, i am a good example to others. i know i am. i have basically dedicated my life, since i got clean, to helping people, and i continue to do that, what i did this position are not. you have a lot of people out there who have done good. so that is it. any other questions? supervisor kim: thank you for being here. i saw that you taught at thurmont. do you speak spanish as well? >> i did not. supervisor kim: it is a dual language immersion program.
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>> i left there before they went tool immersion. as a great school, the. supervisor kim: it is a good school. thank you for being here. at this time, we will open up for public comment, if there are any. and we will give two minutes. >> my name is melissa, and i'm here to speak on behalf of jamie brewster. i have a letter in support of his nomination from out my employer, the ceo. she asked me to read this because i was not able to make it. "it has been an honor to work with jamie brewster. he understands the employees of re-entering the workforce for the first time. he is a passionate advocate for students and has built a credible and reliable partnership. he would bring an important voice to the reentry council and i recommend his appointment
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without reservation. think for consideration." when i met jamie, i was at walden house, on parole, single mother, with no direction. i don't have a college degree. and if it was not for meeting jamie at that time, i might not have been able to get that confidence that i needed to know to be successful and to know there was a place for me in society, to want to stay clean. to want to live a successful life is great. if you cannot relate to someone who is in your shoes when you are going through the process, it is difficult. he gave me the confidence and things have been going well. i have been employed for a year and half. i have my son. >> supervisor campos: thank you for being here.
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-- supervisor kim: thank you for being here. >> i am here to speak briefly for three folks, i did not know that jamie was one of the appointees. we hired -- for that program. he is early every day and stays late and works harder than anyone else to serve the inmates. he runs the program and has been trained in the prison project in san quentin. he is the sort of person that the city needs on this council. the other is kim courtney. kim i can say has placed more
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people in residential treatment than any other program in the county jails and i would say all those other programs combined. she dead -- does that with brad's support and help. jamie, i i have worked with jimmy. we partner with his program. it is one of the best partnerships we have. the passion he brings to his work is incredible. we have a lot of great candidates. thank you. supervisor kim: they give for being here. is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. i want to reiterate it was an honor to read your applications and to read about the incredible work you have done and the challenges you have confronted
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and addressed and a willingness to work with other people from young people to veterans and the disabled to hiv-positive and make our city a stronger place. i was not sure how we would go about doing this. we have two incumbents. how many years has she served? mr. miller has served for two years. >> two years. supervisor kim: i was going to suggest appointing the incumbents back to their seats and have low level of continuity. i am open to hearing from my colleagues. this is a challenging decision for all of us. the other thing i did want to point out is we have to appointees from the sheriff's department. i know the sheriff has a seat on the council and i do not want to
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be random about how we're making the selection process but we have so many applicants that was something i thought about as well. supervisor elsbernd. supervisor elsbernd: i will start with what i think maybe a potentially easy one. we do have three applicants that qualify for seat 3. i was impressed with [inaudible] and the work he did. thai would like to see him on this council. on the seat 3 spot. supervisor kim: i would like to see that as well. supervisor elsbernd: i wthink it is important that this committee has tried to bring diversity to our appointments. it is important we have some
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female representation. i appreciate the nod toward both incumbents but in this case i would like to see a fresh face, kimberly courtney. i was impressed with her presentation and her application. she qualifies for one, too, or four. those were the candidates i would like to see and i am caught. i have three others i have circled for the last two spots. i am having a tough time. kimberli and mike ngo, i would like to see initially. supervisor farrell: i would be fine with supervisor elsbernd's nominees. and we're looking here today
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with so many applicants for so few seats. the three i have circled the we did not mention yet, mr. brewster, mr. miller, who is the incumbent, one of the incumbents and mr. mauniz. i was impressed with their applications. they are people would be happy to support. >> i spent some time looking at the applications and it is great to your people speak in person. there are three mayoral appointees. i am hoping he will appoint some of the applicants that are here today. i am supportive of reappointing
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miller and mike ngo and jamie. i do not know of there is a consensus, we have consensus on mike ngo. iand gerald miller for seat one. i have the sense of openness because we have so many amazing appointees -- candidates. muniz is qualified for -- kimberli and ronnie are qualified for seats to end four. we need a woman so kimberli
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would be qualified. i would support her moving forward as well. i have gerald miller for c one, -- seat one and jamie brewster for seat four. >> we have to do our residency waiver. we have gotten a lot of sentences consider qualified. i believe mr. burster works in oakland -- lives in oakland. we have some san franciscans and -- i am impressed. i would concur. we have -- try to support san franciscans on this council with
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good reason. i would concur that that would be given the amount of the applicants that would be a difficult choice to make. i would have been pushing for you very hard. supervisor kim: i believe we do not need to deliver. -- do a waiver. jamie is active and you are amazing. i really appreciate your leadership and your inspirational -- you are an inspirational speaker. you have affected so many people's lives. you have an impact on this work. the one thing i do like about mr. muniz is he is not necessarily connected with our departments that have seats on the table. or any of the nonprofits i know that we work regularly with on
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the reentry council. so i would be supporters of both. we have -- we have come to a consensus. do we have a motion to move forward gerald miller to foresee one, -- for seat one,? >> thank you for coming. i do not think there was anyone that we would not be happy to push forward. we will send to the mayor as well for his consideration and ask him to do so in short order. supervisor kim: thank you. we can do that without opposition. i want to thank everyone for the time you spent with us today. thank you.
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can you please call item 6? >> resolution regarding assessment ballots to form the proposed westport community benefit district. >> good afternoon. before you is a resolution that if approved would authorize its the mayor to cast ballots in the affirmative on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. of the owner of two parcels of real property, which the board has jurisdiction, where those parcels would be subject to assessment in the proposed property and improvement district for the west portal
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community benefit district, the two parcels that are included in this resolution -- there would be the muni station as part of this large parcel here at the library in westport. there is a proposed district in west portal. the ballot hearing is scheduled for september 27. if the city and county of san francisco is to participate in that election, this resolution would have to be approved at the board of supervisors of the mayor could of -- vote on the ballot and submit by the 27th, the hearing on the 27th. if you have any questions, the two parcels represent a total of $12,848 and that is 6.49% of
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the weighted assessment for the district. i am here to answer any questions you might have about the cbd concert. supervisor elsbernd could also answer questions. supervisor kim: are there questions? supervisor elsbernd: this one will not be as simple as some of the district we have had. we need to move this forward. there was a community meeting last night. i think you could evenly split the room in half. it was very tight. if you look at the where i voted in the past when we get to the establishment, i take out the city parcel boats because i do not want to see the city put it over the top. as much as i want to see this go forward, when we do vote on the 27th, this is not going to
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influence where i come down on voting yes or no. there will be the private property owners that will determine it for me. i want to see a majority said yes. but that is it. we should move this item 4. supervisor kim: we will open this up for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. we can do that without objection. can you please call item 7? >> item 7, resolution regarding central market community benefit district, annual report by receiving and approving the district and a reports for calendar years 2007 through 2010.
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>> that afternoon. i a-- good afternoon. what you have in front of you is a resolution requesting the board of supervisors to approve the annual reports and financial statements of the central market community benefit district for fiscal years 2007-2010. what i will do is ask the executive director of the central market community benefit corporation to provide a summary of their work and accomplishments for the past four years and i will come back and report on the items that oewd is required to track based on state and local law. supervisor kim: thank you for
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being here today. >> good afternoon, hon. supervisors. i am the executive director of the central market community benefit district. i want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me and following our organization to be here this afternoon to talk about the accomplishment that the organization and review the initiatives of the central market cbd. the community benefit district is a non-profit 501c3 organization that was formed in november of 2006 to provide services and programs to improve the cleanliness, safety, of the public space. the mission is also to create a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming environment in the
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central market district for residents, workers, merchants, and property owners. again, the organization was formed in november 2006 as a community benefit district. the organization is funded by property assessments within the boundaries of the community benefit district. it is managed by an executive director and a 10-member board. all meetings are open to the public and are publicly noticed. the organization is also governed by the organization's bylaws. and its fiscal agreement with the city and county of san francisco. the brown act and also the california public records act. the total annual assessment collected are approximately $535,000. the organization will be up for renewal in 2013. so again, this shows the
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boundary of the community benefit district which is between fifth and ninth streets. on market street, mainly on the south portion but also parcel on the north side, including areas of mission and two other streets. the organization's budget -- trina will be going over this more thoroughly. the budget is divided into various categories including safety which is 65% of the organization's budget. district identity and streetscape improvements which is 5%, administrative and operations, 20%, and contingency budget of 10%. for 2011, the budget was allocated as such, 404,000
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toward education and safety and programs and initiatives. 33,004 district identity and streetscape improvements. administrative and organizational operations, up 28,115. -- at 28,115. i will be discussing service is prompt -- programs and services. they are designed to respond to the unique challenges of the neighborhood and the needs of the community. this includes the community guides program, special events, st. beautification, marketing and branding, communication and an array to initiatives as well as business attraction efforts.
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the underbidder vacation in safety, one of the programs as the community guides program. this includes a team of full- time community guides that are dedicated to providing social services are rich in the district, providing service in terms of pedestrian safety, serving as eyes and ears for the committee for merchants, property owners, and residents and provide a way-finding t business for the district. for tourists who are looking for a business or a bus line, that is the type of information they are able to provide. this service, which has been in central market since 2008, was
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expanded to the sixth street corridor to a contract in 2009. the central market community guides program, these are some statistics in the past year. under public assistance, there were 6639 instances where the guides were engaged with the public and provided information and interaction with visitors. they also provided 418 for roles to individuals who are homeless, referrals to shelters in the area. there was also 991 instances of social services assistance to individuals who are homeless or who were in need of social service assistance. and the community guides program operates from monday through
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friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in addition, the other core program is called a clean streets program which includes sweeping of the sidewalks and other spaces in the district. removal of trash from city trash receptacles and trash in the neighborhood. also abatement of removing graffiti in public and private property. reporting of bulky items in the neighborhood to the department of public works and weeding of tree basins and planters. we provide car washing and steam cleaning of the sidewalks and other spaces. in 2010, the clean team remove 337 nails that were found -- removed 337 needles that were found. they also removed 149 trash
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receptacles that were overflowing with trash and removed also 1000 instances of graffiti tags, stickers, and flyers that were posted on public and private property. in addition, we also provide the community with a dispatch and call center service similar to a 311 service but specific to the neighborhood. in the instances where someone, whether it is a merchant or a resident needs assistance of the committee guides, they can contact the dispatch and call center number and request service. also if there is an immediate social service need in the neighborhood, the community guide to have been trained by the city's homeless outreach team, and various social service agencies, are trained on how to engage with individuals who are
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in need and individuals who are homeless in the neighborhood and try to connect them to services in the area. they can also if a merchant or property owner or anyone in the neighborhood finds any kind of any need where there is -- there cleaning services are required, they can also call the number and someone can be sent out almost immediately to address that. this is an example. one of the beautification projects earlier this year which we planted, 12 trees on stevenson street as an effort to unify that street. in addition to beautification and safety program, the other being the district in the and
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streetscape improvements. our organization works with the arts community and various arts and community based organizations to try to activate and reinvigorate the public places at the district. we sponsor a summer concert series every summer through another nonprofit organization which provides summer concert programming in san francisco. we provided -- sponsored that and it is continuing through the end of the month on the plaza. waite also sponsored dance performances in the public space. also supported and sponsored the arts in storefront program through the san francisco arts commission, and also, sponsoring a 24-day central market arts festival which kits -- kicks off next friday and continues through august 14.
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