tv [untitled] September 26, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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show up and fill that tv screen with the most excited bunch of supporters that you ever seen. it is all about pride in the event. supervisor avalos: thank you. >> good afternoon, city operations. ♪ who is sailing down by the bay and sea, smiling at every boat she sees? it makes no money in work time high. we have got lots of wings to fly with work today. who boating down by the bay and the sea? we are bringing lots of work to
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you and me, everyone knows it is workforce windy. [applause] supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. we mostly serve people who come from chinatown, new immigrants and limited english proficiency. echoing previous statements, i would ask -- i am asking you to support union jobs that will serve prevailing wages and benefits, and also for the area of event staffing. at the same standards we have on local hiring for construction jobs will be applied.
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that the workers who will do the work will also be paid a living wages and also have benefits, and they will have also access to job opportunities and the america's cup. supervisor avalos: thank you. >> good afternoon, committee members. i am with media services, marketing, and p r. i have been endorsed by the naacp to look for opportunities that come about from both city and public and private sector. what i would like to hope for in this opportunity that shows up on the america's cup is a sustained type of opportunity
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for the young people who are coming in. of course it will be great to have apprentices and journeymen in construction, but we would like to leverage that by launching these young folks into an educational process as well that will help them to be sustainable such cities -- sustainable citizens in san francisco. we all know it takes a master's degree to realize the true level of economic stability, but i would also like to say it is important that the young people have a chance to take courses at city college, not necessarily for free, but perhaps some of these developers, some of the folks that will really benefit are able to underwrite some of these young people for their tuition. also, i'd like to just say that in terms of a question you asked supervisor mar about the
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connectivity with the america's cup, i have had conversations with mr. martin and mr. ellison, but i do not get the sense there will be this strength and my capability of having their attention versus the attention of folks down in other parts of the committee. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. >> good afternoon. i want to bring to your attention when i hear presentations made, i only hear workforce and city bill. i hear a little bit about wyc, but ycb, but i do not hear about the other cbo's.
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we of the renaissance. these people try to get people jobs, and they are not included in anything but is being stated when they come up here. i am quite sure they have other groups and things. i do not feel as though we all are being recognized to make sure that all of the people in those local communities are getting the benefits they should be getting. i would like to see more names included in those statements about who will be sending people on to these jobs, because i have a problem. i hear reports 240 people were hired. they do not know themselves they have been higher. and i have a concern. and i am serious about what i'm saying. someone laughed, but it is not funny at all.
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i want to make sure local hiring as successful. not the b.s. that has been going on for the past 40 years, and i see the same thing happening here. i want you to include more than what i am hearing. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is cindy and i am with anders and anders organization. we're a local area hiring company. we want to see a fair share of the jobs of america's cup going to local disadvantaged communities. we want all construction jobs to give us access to these unions. that is a lot more important than saying we want local union jobs. we need access to the unions. wheat also want it to be prevailing wage, and we want the jobs and event staging, local
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community service sector jobs, which many of our young people can get training in a short amount of time to do these jobs. we are very concerned that these jobs will not be local community jobs, but more city-wide. thank you. >> supervisors, i am terry anders of anderson anders agency. i am very glad to be here. one of the things we know is that since it is going to be on the water, what about the marine and maritime? we would love to see participation in see doors open. we know about the other unions. we also hope we can get access to those trades, but let's also talk to the marine and maritime unions, since it is going to be in their jurisdiction.
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we know this is a large city, and we do not see a lot people from different communities in that union. we also know the economic rewards that will be attributed to the city, we would like to see the various communities be able to participate sitting at the table when we get to talking about who was going to get what and how it will be divvied up. a lot of times these are opportunities that the communities miss out on. why? because we're not sitting at the table. other people are speaking for us. communities can and should be at the table to speak for themselves and the various communities. this is an opportunity. let's not miss out on this. but everyone and -- let's have everyone participate and make this a win/win situation. >> good afternoon. not only what i like to see some strong prevailing wage language,
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because i believe that as sustainable livable wage is something we can all get behind, for not only the workers but the community, but i would like to see local hire language that would apply to the post- construction also, long-term instead of the short-term construction. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. carpenter's 22. carpenters have every intention of meeting or exceeding the local hire ordnance parapet we do that. we try to do that on private drunks, obviously on public jobs. what i do want to stress, and there is an ongoing problem in san francisco with temporary construction. temporary bleachers, tech work that is carpenter were when it is on the city proper -- prop.
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it should be prevailing wage. i would stress any type of temporary work, tempers structures, bleachers, stages, that should all be subject to prevailing wage. it goes on. some of you have first-hand knowledge. actions we have done before, and that is why we have a contractor here, rodin construction, because they are there because we protest things like that. any kind of temporary work, in the carpentry work, and all trade as a matter of fact, even if it is temporary and only going to be there for year or so, should be subject to prevailing wage. pay people the proper amount, benefits, health care, and get these jobs, these folks, headed in the right direction to a career in construction. thank you.
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supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker. >> america's cup hold a lot of promise. $1 billion worth of economic activity. over it -- over 8 billion jobs it could generate. the biggest thing this guarantees potentially is the idea of a diverse community leadership partnership, which we have seen through public comment and could create three specific things. the first of which is in construction work, the excess -- success of local residents, and guaranteed union wages and benefits for the work that is being done, whether it is building seawalls to building up the peers, to make sure the temporary facilities, and third and finally making sure there are no car about, whether it is on publicly funded or privately- funded projects. making sure there are union jobs
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for each and every aspect of the project. we she -- should see a lot of economic opportunity for san franciscans. i am looking forward to future discussions. supervisor avalos: think you very much. next speaker. -- thank you very much. >> i represent babies hunt. i am working with a number of cb'o's better dedicated to placing people in jobs. i want to echo some of the comments that have already been made. and reiterating that the broadbased cbo participation be applied and not just one or two cbo's, because everyone has their own constituency. also, want to reiterate the opportunity here for the world cup. america's cup. it being a world-class event.
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this is a perfect opportunity to apply local hire. it can be held up as a standard for the world. union-scale jobs of participation by all unions across the board, for everyone. we also ask that you please, please make sure they include local businesses, whether it be contractors on the construction site or local lenders on all of the other services and the opportunities that exist for this great event. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. executive director of young community developers. i do not want to spend too much time and echoing the sentiments of a lot of my colleagues. i think we're all on the same page in terms of what we want to see with the america's cup
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opportunity. one thing i do want to talk about is a credibility in terms of standards and expectations. -- the credibility in terms of standards and expectations. we got lots of information today, but a lot of information we did not get. we are asked often to write proposals and response to rfp's and we have to be very detailed and the row about the information that gets in there. we have to tell you what the cost is and forecast a lot. we do not necessarily always have the information, and we try and wrestle with the department heads and foundations in terms of not necessarily always having the information that is needed. i think we expect the same thing, particularly in terms of big projects like the america's cup. we should have some forecast of what will be available on the construction and in some type of forecast on what will be available for the events,
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because of this was prior to today, have you all asked for the america's cup to come into san francisco, there was projections in numbers provided. we need to see some of i think we are opposed to the opportunity to understand what is coming. not a lot of detailed. ? -- i think we are owed the opportunity. supervisor avalos: thank you. next person. >> thank you, supervisor, for having this hearing. it will be here before we know it. i also want to thank the man from the mayor's office. a good presentation. i think everybody here is on the same page, but, supervisor mar,
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you did bring up a good point about apprenticeships. the carpenters, we do have an ongoing apprenticeship program, and it is as needed, so it is ongoing. i think that was a very good point that you brought up, so with that, with more on the america cup, think you. supervisor avalos: thank you. >> thank you. as everyone said, thank you, supervisor, for putting this together. i was not here to hear all of the presentations. there have been broken promises over the decades of the city. if the rapper were going to do something about the america's
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cup, i am not going to say that word, but one thing for sure, because of the history, we could go back to the most current institutionalized. i wake up black and go to sleep black. i speak for black african americans. this is the institution that was put by the mayor, putting something here constitutionalized. every department head is supposed to adhere to this. there is no mechanism for monitoring. there is no mechanism for enforcement. unless there is a mechanism that put this together. economic development. we need that to monitor them.
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i will give you a good example in 30 seconds. the report constitutionally says from washing cars to the american cup, but the mayor's office of economic development seems to be in charge of that. we have four different divisions that go unchecked. that they're going to look up for the interest, there has to be a second mechanism. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. next speaker. >> i am the nats and bolts guy. i want to tell you about the nuts and bolts. we'll have to make one phone call to hire somebody.
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just one phone call, call the hall, and i am done. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: any other public comment, just come forward. seeing none, we will close public comment. i want to thank the members of the public and the city staff and the representatives from the america's cup for giving a presentation. the themes were here that came out loud and clear. we're going to see a draft report that is going to come back at the end of october. i actually want to reschedule this hearing until that time so we can get an update based on the actual draft report that is before us. making sure that we are promoting prevailing wage and union wage jobs in san francisco. there is a lot of discussion about the staging, the temporary
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staging that is going to go up, and how we can be sure we will have a prevailing wage for those jobs and those projects that will be coming up with the america's cup. there was a discussion about high level participation, at least on the cruise ship terminal construction, and there is concern about other participation, as well, and we want to be able to address and the at-bats, maybe a contractor that will be more apt to hire locally, and i want to make sure we're going to have access for community groups to be part of the hiring process. making sure that we have a plan for post construction jobs, end-use jobs, as well. i think the last person talked about making a projection.
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i think it goes without saying, but i think it is important that we have accurate numbers on the job projections. i am not sure this will fall into the rubric of this, but the arts programming, you cannot have a work force development program -- i am not sure if that is considered separately or not. to answer quickly if the arts program will be part of that. does that have its own separate track? >> we are looking at it as a separate track. it shares a strategic objective, which is nominally enhancing people's activities around the waterfront because of getting people out. can we sort of enhance their offerings. we have had conversations with the arts commission and others
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and will continue to form that picture alongside this, so we will be able to talk more about that at the next hearing. supervisor avalos: ok, very good. supervisor mar: also, there are the community-based groups that have spoken out today. the arts is a way to showcase san francisco and make us all proud of it and make the america's cup inclusive of our neighborhoods. the other question that i have, i know we already approved the people's transportation plan. that was many months ago. this is the work force plan. how many pieces of the america's cup are going to be coming to the board for approval. >> so there will be a number of the plants posted in october. there'll be a revised version coming out. we will also be doing it revised version of the waste management plan, which we are now calling the zero waste plan.
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they are charged with two other, including u.s. involvement, as was mentioned earlier, -- including youth involvement, as was mentioned earlier, not only what their standing in the environmental report but the next step forward with their environmental plans. in addition, we are working on an operation plan that harmonized, a water and air traffic plan, so all of these plans together are going to be posted over the course of the next five to six weeks said that people can have that chance for more engagement ahead of the ceqa process. supervisor avalos: again, thank you so much. this is part of a promise of the america's cup that we would have high use of local jobs and various forms of the america's cup proceedings come in and look forward to seeing the report that comes out. i think this is the easy way of
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getting things done, making sure we're getting these updates coming forward, so thank you for your presentation and the work on this. i am sure the community appreciates that, as well, and we will continue to this to the call of the chair, and without objection, we will do that, and without objection, we are adjourned. [gavel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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supervisor campos: good morning, and welcome to the city operations in neighborhood services committee. my name is john avalos. -- supervisor avalos: good morning, and welcome to the city operations and neighborhood services committee. and we are joined by the of sfg personnel who are working on the broadcast. i want to thank you for your work. the clerk of the committee is is linda wong. i should know that, but sometimes i go blank. thank you, wind up here ylinda. we can only accommodate people sitting in the room. we have an overflow room, which
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is downstairs. if you do not have a seat, i need to ask you to go to the overflow room. i do apologize for the inconvenience. you will be called when we of public comment, and we do want to hear from you, but it is the fire code laws that we have to follow. ok, madam clerk, if we could hear night of #one. -- item number one. >> item number one resolution authorizing the tin francisco department of public shelter but attractively except in extend a
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grant from the centers for disease control and prevention. >> good morning. thank you. i am the director of and the der of the hiv prevention in san francisco. it is comparison of the new test called for a generation test, which has a smaller window period than previous test, and we are comparing it to our and a testing -- comparing it to rna testing. we have been funded from the cdc to study this for four years. it includes funding, parcels that comment and ask that at 4- community-based locations to run the test with participants, and at the end of the term, of value
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with the effectiveness. a-- evaluatte the effectiveness. city clinic. supervisor avalos: thank you. if there are no other questions, we can go on to public comment. in any of the public ought to comments, please come forward -- any of the public would like to comment, please come forward. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is doug liklas yep. i would like to speak in favor of the road was resolution. i think public health needs every dollar they can comean
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