tv [untitled] September 27, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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over the years, and, of course, the one thing i always like to say about scott, even though he had such business acumen, and people thought he could vote a certain way, he always found consensus, worked with members of the board, and always cared for the health service system members, so i do want to take time to recognize his contribution to the health service's board and to say thank you on behalf of the board of supervisors for your many years of service, and we hope you will serve the city again in a different capacity. i know it supervisor elsbernd, who also served on the board, would also like to say something. supervisor elsbernd: we have served together. it may be appropriate that we are redoing this up here. you know it can sometimes be a pain to be a providing officer
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-- presiding officer with me in the body. he handed me perfectly. you are a fantastic share. you handled all of us well. you handled the issue well. i really learned a great deal from working with you, and you really epitomized for me what a public servant is. it was a true honor to serve with you, and i hope i get that opportunity again, and truly on behalf of all of the members of the system and all the residents of san francisco, thank you for all of the great work you did for the city on the health service board. supervisor chu: thank you, supervisor elsbernd. \ -- another one into the year, but she is stuck on another board, but she wanted to say something. would you like to say something? >> i will say a few words, knowing how time is spread out and that we look down from the podium.
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my kids should be sitting here, listening to their ears burned about their dad. [laughter] one thing i encourage every citizen to do is to take time out of whenever they are doing to work in the place they live. they can think globally, but they have to act locally, so it was just a pleasure to do that, and i recommend it. thank you very much. president chiu: i do seem ms. dodd here. did you want to say something? >> catherine.. health services. i am so pleased that this formal city and county body is recognizing scots service. scott stands out in my memory as having been around politics for a long time as someone who works with all sides to make sure they get things done for the people
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of san francisco and for the employees and retirees. i could always count on his advice, his honesty, and on him working with the other members of the board. i'm just grateful he is being acknowledged for his years of service, and i hope we can count on him serving on other important boards and commissions in the city and county. thank you. [applause] >> i am going to add one thing, that the best thing i did was to hire her. [laughter] president chiu: i know that supervisor chu has another commendation, which she is rushing here to present. >> thank you.
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i would like to invite someone from the recreation and parks department. as a district four supervisor, i have had such pleasure to work with terry. terry has been with the recreation and parks department since 1971, in nearly all of his 40 years of service with our sunset district parks. he started out at an ocean beach. he spent some time at golden gate park. then another place. for the last 17 years, he has been working at the playground area as a groundskeeper, and he made sure to keep that area always very well maintained, not only the soccer field but also the baseball diamond, and we have seen from many of our residents and the different little leagues that have come out to play, they have always had such satisfaction playing on those fields. he used to have the assistance of many other gardeners, but
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over the many mean years of the recreation and parks department, he has actually been single- handedly keeping an area well maintained, and i do want to thank him, because war is not for his dedication and all of his work, we really would not see that quality that we have for all of our kids. i do want to say thank you for all of your years. i know you are retiring. it is a big loss to the sunset district, but we hope that you'll come out and cheer on the teams that they play, and i do want to it knowledge that his brother eddie is your of the way from new jersey, and there are also a number of supporters here who have worked with him over the years. thank you very much for all of your service, and the sunset district will definitely miss you. [applause] >> hi, i would just like to say thanks very much for this show of appreciation. i feel i have to accept on behalf of a lot of people, a lot
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of co-workers, members, but the carpenters, plumbers, ironworkers, teamsters, electricians, you name it. all of those guys help a person like me keep a site functional and up to snuff some people can appreciate it, and i am definitely going to miss it. it was a great privilege to work for the parks, and i have been through about eight mayors, about 14 general managers. we have been reorganized about 22 times, but it seems that day today, it is pretty much the same, and the one thing i would ask as a small favor in your future deliberations of the budget, police slice off a little bit for the parks, because we need it. some of us dogs need to get out of the way. that is so we can keep things function. thank you. [applause]
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participation in this district under the action group, and a lot of the people you see before us have been working with the action group neighborhood beautification, and is not just looking at our streetscapes and landscaping, but we have artists that have done wonderful work on our commercial corridor. altogether bleak 12 murals, and now we actually have a walking tour of this district, which, i confess, i have not taken yet, so part of this accommodation is setting a date for me to come and have a walking tour. i have seen a lot of murals, but i have not seen all of them like i would like to with your explanation. they have done wonderful work in really beautifying our neighborhoods. these have made a huge difference in preventing graffiti but also showcasing the
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talents that we have in our midst. we have a wonderful portal over the 280 overpass, which showcases different cultures of our district, and there are many cultures from all over the world, represented by the number of streets and cities that we have, the names in the district, and these artists we have before us, i will list some of their names, and i hope i have this for everyone here. if i call your name, please raise your name. gabriel and ryan. gabriel has just raised his hand. ryan is not here. they have been americorps volunteers and basically single- handedly have been running this act -- action group over the past few months. i want to thank you for your work. because a new holding it down, so many involved in the work you are doing, and bringing in volunteers to do the mural work, all ages have been taking part.
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these are americorps volunteers. there are also used volunteers and muralists. thank you for your work. max. a native art teacher for several years, and he has designed and worked on several murals and the district, with oversight of 100 volunteers. and i see him out there. it is amazing have been gets people involved and shows them how to work. he designed something for the upcoming festival, which i see he is wearing. we have another him as merrill's in san francisco and in tokyo, japan. she is the director of a department. thank you for your work in our district. another person is here. i am sorry if i did not get your name right. your project is on the corner of
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mission street. del then, a painter and muralist. thank you for your work. he creates socially conscious works. i love the mural on the corner of francis and michigan's street. i just noticed it for the first time -- at the corner of one street. thank you for that. it is really a wonderful testament to what our neighborhood is about. eric, who i do not seen here with us, who has done an amazing work over the years across san francisco. he is a native of this area and has been a resident for many years. he highlights people's struggles and raising awareness for social consciousness. daron, thanks for being here. he has roots in social activism. he is a muralist and teacher, currently a lead instructor at a
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youth based arts program in the mission. he has nearly all of the way throughout california and down into mexico. also, folks we may not have won four. dan, he worked on another project. nico, your children? great. he has merrill's all over the world, including in gonna and west africa. there is an avid skateboarder and designer. thank you for your work in our district, and ethan is also a contributor to the project. i just want to say thank you so much for your work. we'll be showcasing many of these artists in my office today after the board meeting, and thank you so much for your work. if any of you want to have a few words with us, please come forward to the microphone.
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[applause] >> well, hello, everybody. my name is gabriel. i just want to thank you, john, for giving us this opportunity today and to get some acknowledgement from the community and also citywide. i also wanted to thank the office of economic work force development for providing the funding to be able to do a lot of these murals and the action group also for imploringly for one year and basically giving me artistic freedom to put this project together and contact and work with all of these great people. thank you also for being here today. that is about it. supervisor avalos: i does want to add. it is just me talking at the microphone, but there are so many people who are grateful for
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president chiu: our last commendation of the day will be from our colleague from district 1, supervisor mar. supervisor mar: please come forward. it is really an honor to recognize one of the leaders, the chapter president, karen bishop. she has been a mentor to me and many other community in justice movements in the city. she has been a leader of the san francisco unified school district staff.
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when i think of her, i think of compassion to empowerment and dignity. those are the words that come to my mind when i think of ms. bishop. she began working in the san francisco unified school district, and i know that supervisors campos and kim and a number of other colleagues know karen well, but ms. bishop was a library technical assistant when she began in the school district in 1968, and she was a co-founder of the technical association in the district and served as its president for several years. she became the vice president of the san francisco unified school district chapter of local 791 local 400 merged with local 390 in 1982, and that was quite a while ago, karen. she has also been the chair of a civil rights committee and a number of other positions, too. she was on the working committee
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that gave workers pay equity and served on the local city-wide negotiations in 1988 and continuously through 2006. she also became president of the s&p nine you local in 1992 -- of the seiu local in 1992, and they went through the merger and transition in 2007. that has been four years now. karen was awarded an award and officially retired. congratulations from the san francisco city and county, 2011, concluding her term as the chapter president and as a member of the seiu executive board on august 27, 2011. we're going to be voting on the comparative agenda in a few minutes, declaring september 27, 2011, karen bishop stay in san
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francisco. it has been a pleasure to work with you. i have learned so much from you. thank you for letting us honor you today, and i just want to ask if the other supervisors would like to say some words, as well? president chiu: supervisor camera? supervisor kim: it is a good to see you today. i remember you explaining to me when you first came to the library years ago that the books were put in order by color, and you came in, and i think just by yourself, you had to order all of your book -- all of the books, and our school district had for many of our important elements in our schools, it is really because we defunded our schools since we passed
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proposition 13 in california. i have incredible respect and admiration for you. you have been a thoughtful mentors, patiently educating me on a variety of labor and public education issues, a dedicated leader, someone who truly cares about your team and everyone that you serve and represent an just a compassionate individual, and one thing i always respect about your leadership as the president was really the independence, that you have always never been scared to display, and i have always respected the endorsements you have made. i have never been endorsed by the school chapter or the s e iou, but when the endorsements would come out, i knew they had based their endorsements not on who they thought would -- who would win or on politics. i always had a tremendous amount of respect for your leadership and your team because of that, and over the years, i have stood with seiu on all of my votes
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because i respect to prospective so much, not just as someone who cares about labor but someone who deeply cares about our children, and you work with my former news program and several others. going back to the days where we used to cook meals for our students on school site, something i would love to see come back again when we're able to fully fund our public schools, as well, so thank you, ms. bishop, for all of the work you have done. i am one of your admirers, and i hope we keep in touch. thank you. [applause] president chiu: supervisor campos? supervisor campos: it is hard to imagine us with at you and all that you have done. one of the toughest jobs you can have in government, and because
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a supervisor kim was saying, funding for that system has been going down since proposition 13, and i've always appreciated the way in which, and a very fair minded way, you always advocated to make sure that that system always did right by the children, by kids, and also by its workers, and i do not know that you're going to find a stronger advocate for making sure that kids and workers were protected by that system, and like i said, it is going to be really hard to see how sentences for unified is going to function going forward, but your legacy remains, and i want to thank you for everything you have done to advance the education of so many children here in san francisco and for your commitment to protecting and for serving the dignity of every worker who was
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working at san francisco unified, not just because they are well paid. they could be making a lot more money somewhere else, but because they believe in public education. thank you very much. it has been an honor for me to work with you. >> thank you. [applause] president chiu: ms. bishop? >> yes. i would like to thank you for this acknowledgment. i really appreciate it. i actually started working for this city and county when i was 16, and i am now 63, so i have been working for the city my whole life, and i was very much satisfied and taking pleasure in being able to provide the services for the citizens of san francisco and the students of san francisco school districts, and i appreciate very much your
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the ability of the public to address the board for up to two minutes, including those not on the reference portion of the agenda and excluding items which have been considered by the board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. if there is a document to be displayed on the projector, please remain it when it should return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: please proceed. >> [speaking foreign language] david chiu. [speaking foreign language]
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last sunday the program for the gentleman use a and the lady of the united states michelle obama. for mrs. barbara marshall. the woman he used to be -- and she made a service to her community to feed the homeless who are coming from the war and found themselves on the street. 15 years. our supervisor, guess what? i come with a good idea. great supervisor, if each one of you decided to build a house in your district to help the
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veteran, then we are never going to see homeless. supervisor, do not be scared. i do not like to be shared. i give you a chance to be sure of. but on one condition. prove it that you can do something before you leave. building a house for the people in your district to help the veteran people. we do not need to waste the money for the drug dealer, for the drug addict. you know that, and i know that, but i give you a chance, and you have a chance to do something else before you leave your office to go to the sheriff's office. i wish you good luck, and a promise to support you and be beside you. president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the rape of the public library. do not give money to the friends or accept money from them. i apologize for that, but it may be a blessing in disguise because i did not quite get to the point. when i get up and talk about the library, the point is it is not really about the library. it is about what happens to our institutions when they are run by our increasingly private ownership. the public library is interesting because it is presumed to be the most democratic of our institutions. the right of the public to be informed is essential to any exercise of democracy. for that reason, it is crucial but the public library has become the worst example of what happens to institutions when the purpose becomes to maintain class barriers and to promote
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the interest of private money. there is no accountability for the public money that is spent on the library. there is no accountability for the private money that is raised. there is no accountability of where that private money goes, even though little is used for the public benefit. a matter of record. most of all, there is no accountability for the sunshine and ethics violations that allow them to operate with impunity and in secret. the church is, we are being enslaved with private money. are you prepared for a city hall where the citizens cannot criticize corporations because corporations paid for the chairs? not only is that what they do in san francisco public library, but they will tell it to your face. it is all about their fund- raising, and it is an open secret that there is the influence it buys in city hall.
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