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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT

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vuso many people coming out once again to support one another and first and foremost, to support the valario and the perez family. this is a very special day because it is another illustration of just how special vince and tony were to all of us and how they will live on in our hearts and our minds and also in san francisco fire department's history because they gave their lives in their duties. thank you so much for everyone that's in attendance. we have uniformed members of this department. we have many of the civilian members of this department. all of us hear your pain and grieve with you and continue to grieve with you and you have my commitment that we will continue to be here with you as a family. not as replacements for tony and vince, but as supporters. and those of you that will continue to always contact you and reach out to you and i want you to know that you have a family in all of the members of the san francisco fire department.
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today we're joined by several people. i'd like to acknowledge a couple of people that were instrumental and helped us all out on june 2 and 3rd and 4th, the members of san francisco general hospital. dr. andre campbell and leslie dubbin who were very helpful and were hoping for a different outcome than what we experienced. we also have our police chief with us. thank you for being here. members of the command staff. you'll hear from the mayor soon. i'd like to start off this, a simple but symbolic ceremony and i'd like to ask our department chaplain, father john green, to begin with an invocation. father green? >> before the invocation today, i would like to ask you to join with me in acknowledging the valarios and perezs and the great sacrifice they made for us.
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[applause] if anything, our grief is more real now than it was a few months ago, and so it's all the more important that we remember each other and we pray for each other as we continue to struggle with the death of not only two fighters, but two friends, two sons. in the book of job, we hear, "oh, that my words were written down, would that they were inscribed in a record that, with an iron chisel and with lead they were cut in rock forever, but i know that my redeemer lives and i will see him on the last day." today, we acknowledge tony and vinnie by placing their names on this rock with the honorable names of all those who have gone before them and have given their lives for the people of
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san francisco. may god bless all those whose names are on this memorial tablet and may he especially bless our two new heroes as we inscribe their names today. amen. >> thank you, father green. i'd now like to ask mayor of san francisco, ed lee, to say a few comments and before i ask mayor lee to come up, i can't thank you enough on behalf of the san francisco fire department, i believe, on behalf of the perez and valario families for your outstanding and continued support of all of us during a really difficult time. mayor lee? mayor lee: thank you, chief. good afternoon, and to the perez family and the valario family, again, thank you very much, on behalf of our city and county of san francisco. i want to also acknowledge, of course, our commissioners from
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fire and chief of police and members of our general hospital and all the people that work together, people that i we recognize tony's sacrifice. this is a significant replacement here. this is our headquarters. people who come here from all walks of life to do the city's business but also to visit and find out how our fire department can connect with every city. this is a small token but this is a token deeply felt by our city and i want you to know that i share in your feelings that
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this is not just the individual firefighters, i also understand that this is a shared sacrifice with the families we are from. we want you to be here when we do this in part what the city's official family but also to let you know that i am grateful to you, the family members, and to the extent that i represent the people of this great city, we are grateful to you and each member, men and women of the fire department, as you do your jobs every day and we know that you put your lives on the line and there is a moment when you don't have a choice and there is no thought in what you have to do. remember that on september 11th this year. since june, i have had other occasions to work and be with
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the firefighters. we had a chance to be part of the chili cookoff, if you will, raising money. i had a chance to meet the new class of firefighters and welcome them in and so many other opportunities to let you know that the firefighters of this city, they do have rich lives. they have lives that are involved in every aspect. to know that the vincent and tony were part of that family and they were entering into all parts of people's lives and windy duty came, they were without hesitation. i want to express that you have a mayor that eternally grateful and the people of this city that are grateful to you? to all the officers and the management, especially a thank
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lemaire to the families of tony and vincent. -- and especially a thank-you to the families of tony and vincent. >> i would like to ask the president of the fire commission to make some comments on behalf of her and her colleagues. >> i want to save very briefly on behalf of the fire commission and behalf of all residents of san francisco how the family is grateful and appreciative for the service and dedication of vincent and anthony. speaking for the entire commission, this is a privilege and an honor to work with this department and to get to know you personally and professionally. i think people used words like honor and privilege a lot but
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seeing how this department came together around this tragedy, i think that this is an absolute honor for me and for the other commissioners as well. we are glad to be with you to take part in plain honor to tony and anthony. thank you very much and our hearts continue to be with you. think you. -- thank-you. >> before we continue, we will have a few presentations. i would like to ask the deputy chief of operations and the deputy chief to present flights to both families. they were given to us in june from the navy. both of them were flown on the
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uss arizona. a very generous person who is with us today personally had crafted the cases they are in. we really appreciate your support for us to make this presentation. thank you for being here.
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>> i would like to ask the president of local 798 -- 798 to offer up the presentation on
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behalf of local 798. >> many of us in this room consider ourselves lucky having known these colleagues. very few in this room were lucky enough to know them and sons, brother, and friend. we want you to know that their story is still being told, not only of their sacrifice and dedication, but of the men that they were, the friends that they had. we're still receiving cards from new york, ireland, london, with messages of condolence. we present you with two resolutions letting you know that the story of these sons and brothers are told. >> a memorial resolution by the great state of california to firefighter, paramedic, anthony bulgarvalario.
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self-described as the people's paramedic, he will be remembered for his enjoyment of spending time with family and friends, indulging and varied interests from chicken farmer to glider pilot being, as well as traveling. also, as a man who lived his life as an adventure, he was an avid surfer, scuba diver, and athlete and a bread maker. station 26 will be able to use his mother starter to continue making bread. whereas the people of california now pause to honor firefighter anthony valario who made the
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sacrifice in a line of duty. we celebrate his life and we honor his service. now be resolved by assembly members that upon the passing of a firefighter anthony valerio know that they can never repay the debt. by standing with all citizens in expressing the deepest appreciation for the selfless dedication to preserving public safety. resolution number 1275.
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>> the moral resolution by the grace tour of california, lieut. vincent perez, whereas known by family and friends by his boyhood nickname, the creature, he exemplified the true character of the brave men and women who give their time to the perilous duty of fire service. he'll be remembered for his sense of humor, his insatiable appetite, for his courage, unwavering devotion to the service of others.
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be resolved by assembly members that they upon the passing of the tenet of vincent perez know that they can never repay the debt owed by this firefighter -- owe it to this firefighter and his family. we express our deepest appreciation for his selfless dedication to preserving public safety. resolution 1276. >> thank you. i would like to ask any of you,
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a representative from each family to unveil their names on the memorial wall. they will always be etched in our minds and hearts. now, on the wall, for their heroism and selfless acts. their hearts are breaking. i know that yours are as well. this is important for honoring them. i want to show you the work that was done to add them to the wall.
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>> to the families, thank you for being with us to honor your son's, your brothers and they will always be part of the ridge sacrifice it -- fabric of the san francisco fire department. to all those gathered, i can say that this is most difficult part of my career, losing tony and vincent. i could not be more proud of how we have all pulled together, stepped out, and supported one another. three and a half months seem like just yesterday and sometimes it seems longer, but i think it is important to continue to support one another. it is ok to feel down about this one because it was a tragedy.
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we continue to offer our condolences to both families. i know that tony and vincent are looking down on us and encouraging us to move forward in our lives. thank you for being here. we are going to conclude with asking the captain of station 26. i would like to give particular acknowledgment to the members of station 26 to have felt this probably the most deeply. not only did you work with them but you became very close as friends. on behalf of the members of the department, i would like to ask the captain to come together -- to come forward and offer the tribute, which is something that we did at the memorial service at their funeral. i would like to ask anyone in uniform to prepared to hand salute.
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salute. [bell ringing] thank you everyone for coming.
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♪ >> hello, and welcome to the department of elections right choice voting instructional video. it is part of the department of elections right choice voting outreach campaign and is designed to educate san francisco rig franciscoht choice voting. today we will learn what it is and who is elected using this voting method. we will also talk about with the ranked joyce l. looks like and how to market correctly. finally, we will see how the ranked joyce voting process works and to you an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. so, what is ranked joyce voting? in march 2002 san francisco voters adopted a charter to implement ranked choice of
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voting, also known as instant runoff voting. san francisco voters will use it to elect most local officials by selecting a first choice candidate in the first column on the ballot and deborah second and third choice candidates in the second and third columns resect to do -- respectively. this makes it possible to elect local officials with the majority of votes. more than 50% without the need for a second runoff election. in san francisco, ranked choice of voting is for the election of members of the board of supervisors, the mayor, sharon, just -- district attorney, city attorney, treasurer, this is a recorder, and public defender. ranked joyce voting does not apply to elections for local school and community college board members. number the election of state or federal officials. ranked choice of voting does not affect the adoption ballot measures.
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when voters received their ballot, either at a polling place or an absentee ballot in the mail, it will consist of multiple cards. voters will receive cards with contests for federal and state offices, as well as for state propositions and local ballot measures. for ranked choice voting contest, voters will receive a separate ranked choice ballot card. it will have instructions to rank three choices, which is new. the ranked choice ballot is designed in the side by side column format that lists the names of all candidates in each of the three columns. when marking the ranked choice ballot, voters elect their first choice in the first column by completing the aero pointing to their choice. for their second choice, voters selected different wind by completing the arab pointing to their choice in the second column. for their third choice, voters
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elect a different candidate by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. voters wishing to vote for qualified write-in candidate can write it in on the line provided. and they must complete the arrow pointing to their choice. keep in mind, it voters should select a different candidate for each of the three columns of the ranked choice ballot card. if the voters elect the same candidate in more than one column, his or her vote for that candidate will count only once. also, a voter's second choice will be counted only if his or her first choice candidate has been eliminated. and a voter's third choice will be counted only if both his or her first and second choice candidates have been eliminated. we have talked about how to mark the ranked choice ballot. now let's look at how ranked choice of voting works.
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initially, every first choice vote is a candidate. any candidate that receives a majority, more than 50% of the first choice to vote, is determined to be the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the first choice votes, a process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes begins. first, the candidate who received the fewest numbers of first choice votes is eliminated from the race. second, voters who selected the eliminated candidate as their first choice will have their vote to transfer to their second choice. there, all the votes are recounted. fourth, if any candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, he/she is declared the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes is repeated until one candidate has a winning
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majority. now let's look at an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. in this example, we have three candidates. candidate a, b, and c. after all the first choice votes are counted, none of the three candidates has received more than 50%, or a majority of the first choice vote cast. candidate a g-205% ofb the votes% received 40%. and c received 35% of the boats. because no candidate received a majority, the candidate who received the fewest number of first choice votes, a candidate a, is eliminated from the race. voters to pick a candidate a as their first choice candidate will have their but transferred to their second choice. and the voters to pick and a, 15% chose candidate b as their second choice, and 10% chose c
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as their second choice. these votes are then applied to b and c, and the votes are recounted. candidate b now has 55% of the votes. candidate c as 45%. candidate b has more than 50% of the votes and is determined as the winner. >> thank you for watching. we hope you have ranked choice learned ranked choice of voting and was elected. you have seen the ballot, learned how to market, and learned how the voting process works. if you have any further questions about ranked choice voting, please contact us at department of elections, city hall, room 48, 1 dr. carlton be good lit place, sentences go, california, 94102. or 415-554-4375. visit our website,
10:57 pm >> the san francisco cons tri of flowers in golden gate park is now showing a new exhibit that changes the way we see the plants around us. amy stewart's best-selling book, "wicked plants" is the inspiration behind the new exhibit that takes us to the dark side of the plant world. >> i am amy stewart. i am the arthur of "wicked plants," the weeds that killed lincoln's mother and other botanical atrocities. with the screens fly trap, that is kind of where everybody went initially, you mean like that? i kind of thought, well, all it
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does is eat up bugs. that is not very wicked. so what? by wicked, what i mean is that they are poisonous, dangerous, deadly or immoral or maybe illegal or offensive or awful in some way. i am in the profession of going around and interviewing botanists, horticulturalists and plant scientists. they all seem to have some little plant tucked away in the corner of a greenhouse that maybe they weren't supposed to have. i got interested in this idea that maybe there was a dark side to plants. >> the white snake root. people who consumed milk or meat from a cow that fed on white snake root faced severe pain. milk sickness, as it was culled, resulted in vomiting, tremors, delirium and death. one of the most famous victims
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of milk sickness was nancy hangs lincoln. she died at the age of 34, leaving behind 9-year-old abraham lincoln. he helped build his mother's casket by carving the woodallen petition douche the wooden petition himself. >> we transformed the gallery to and eerie victorian garden. my name is lowe hodges, and i am the director of operations and exhibitions at the conls tore of -- cons tore of flowers. we decided it needed context. so we needed a house or a building. the story behind the couple in the window, you can see his wife has just served him