tv [untitled] September 28, 2011 3:00am-3:30am PDT
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supervisor mar, do want to vote on item 36 or do you want to do the special accommodation now? >supervisor mar: let's vote now. >> items 32 through 42 are being considered. there will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. unless a member requests discussion it shall be called separately and considered. president chiu: would anyone like to sever any items? would you call the roll? >> supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: aye. president chiu:. supervisor chu, aye, supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye.
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supervisor kim, aye. supervisor marc, at aye. supervisor mirkarimi, aye. there are 11 ayes. president chiu: let's go back to commendations. supervisor mar: i am not sure if lorena was here. wendy, others, would you like to come up? i would like to ask any of my colleagues who are the co- sponsors of the eric assada day are-- if you would like to say y words as well. i celebrate every day knowing
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eric, knowing the great work he has done to improve the lives of not just the mission district of people throughout the world. he really committed his life to not just social justice in our neighborhood but throughout the world. i wanted to say that you would have been happy with pablo sandoval's run streak. i would like to celebrate the work he has done and say that the sun immoral that is happening from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. -- the memorial that is happening, it has a spirit of eric assada. i hope people join is from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on sunday. i wanted to congratulate the
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family for nurturing such an incredible person for all of our communities and movements. if you would like to come up and make remarks or colleagues as well. colleagues, before they come up. supervisor campos: the interesting thing about my journey and his journey is at some point, we were political competitors, running for the same political office. and one of the most amazing things about eric is whether you were on the same team or not, it was not -- it was impossible not to respect what eric was about. that became very clear to me that we were talking about a very special individual. and through the course of the
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campaign, i got a chance to see the way that only other candidates can see their competitors, firsthand. why this individual was in that campaign. it was clear that for eric, at the end of the day when he got up each day, it was about making the lives of people, especially those who were less fortunate, better. and following the election, i have been blessed to have the opportunity to get to know him even more. i can honestly say that there is no one in the community, no offense to anyone else in the community, that i trusted more in terms of really understanding what was happening on the ground and really knowing in a very genuine way what the right thing
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to do was. their respective of the issue. -- irrespective of the issue. there will never be another eric assada. if there was one thing that defined him, it was this constant drive to make the world a better place, and i think that is something that he demonstrated throughout his life and especially in the last few months of his life. the fact is that even as eric was going through what he was going through, i would still get the calls, what are the issue was. we as elected officials, we need that perspective, we need that voice of someone who can shed light on the very important issues that come our way. because it is easy sometimes for
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those issues to get lost here in city hall. i could always trust that there could tell me -- eric could tell me in a simple way what was right and what was wrong. that is something i am going to mess and that is something that i feel very honored that i had the opportunity to get to know him that way. i also know that the kind of person he was, that kind of person he remains in our hearts, it is not something that happened because of who eric was, it is also the people around him and you can see the amazing people in this room, each one of them has accomplished amazing things and i want to single out his mom who is here. there is nothing more formative then the example that your parents give you. i know that eric was an amazing person who was because of the example of his parents.
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as supervisor for district 9, it has been such an honor for me to get thito know this family. he will live in our hearts forever. and i think that i hope you understand how much he was loved, not only by his neighbor neighbors and community, i am also very proud of his -- the fact he was proud of his culture, his heritage. i cannot say enough about an amazing human being. i am very proud that we as an institution took the time to acknowledge what eric has meant to our community. president chiu: supervisor kim. supervisor kim: i am a co- sponsor and i want to thank the family for being here. we actually more the loss of
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several activists and leaders. as we mourn their absence, is it -- it is important we celebrate their work and their accomplishments. eric has been a tremendously important voice in a movement that has pushed neighborhoods and low-income communities directly central in our land use and planning process, processes that had eluded our average citizens for so long. we continue in our discussion about the use of our land and who are city is for. eric has been one of the central voices in all that. i am proud to be in a movement in which deryk calls his family. i wanted to speak on behalf of my office. there has been entered -- eric has mentored several. i celebrate his life and his
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work, and we have to honor that by continuing this year. i think we can all say that his impact is felt and we see it everyday in our city. thank you. president chiu: supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: i have a voicemail message from eric from february of this year. to the very end, even in the amount of pain he was living in, he had such a coat and such drive -- had such hope and such drive. there was a community of
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powerful women, powerful man, people committed to social justice. that belief in a better world i think is what drove him and made him just incredible person he was. i cannot think of a more fitting partner for eric than lorena. what an amazing woman she is. i met her at the janitor's union in 2004. what a spirit that he has. what -- she has. what an amazing woman who is carrying on his family and legacy. we all have that wonderful relationship and we will be with her and have her back in years to come. i do not think i have had the ability to come to terms with his passing just that. it is going to hit all of us, it
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will be like a ton of bricks as the days go on. i am looking forward to being with community on sunday. eric has been so much to me. he has met so much to me, i have learned so much from him. i agree with supervisor campos's earmark. he had the ability to cut through all this static and get to the core of what was going on. if i was ever in a room where we are all confused, having eric in the room was always something i welcome to get our thoughts and thinking in a more clear direction. there is amazing things i have done with eric over the years. the thing i am most proud of is the creation of the immigrant
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legalization network. that has done amazing work in bringing a lot of different communities from all over the city together and organizing for the rights of young people, the rights of families, the rights of workers. that is something i am so proud of and has left a lasting mark on the work he has brought. i wanted to congratulate all of us on the wonderful relationship we have had with eric and lorena. good to see you. my heart is broken, but my will is strong. president chiu: supervisor mar. supervisor mar: i want to say so much has already been said and so much will be set over the years. we all know that his spirit will live on with all of us.
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there are so many corners he has touched, so many people, so many communities. he will always be a part of us for as long as we are doing activist work we need to do. i want to thank his family, not just his direct family, but his family of supporters for all that you have done. we all continue together. supervisor mirkarimi: i look forward to sunday. he had a common touch and he was a great teacher. >> thank you for being here, lorena and wendy, and so many family and friends. if you like to make some brief remarks. -- would like to make some brief remarks.
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>> i wanted to thank you both as eric's wife and partner in crime. also, thank you as an organizer because i am also an organizer and he makes me proud to live in the city, that our city will give recognition to an organizer, that does not happen very often, especially an organizer that gave this city hell. so, it is a real honor, not only for eric but all the people that came before him and also that mentored him. the people that worked alongside him for all these years, and for all of us who continue to do the work. i wanted to say thank you. i look forward to seeing you on sunday. also, i look forward to seeing you in the continued fight to make sure our city continues to
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be for families and we do the right thing so thank you. i am proud to be a san franciscan. i live here. so, thank you very much. >> i wanted to also thank you. wendy and some of the others who worked with him. thank you. [applause] president chiu: madame clerk. >> today's memory -- meeting will be adjourned on behalf of mr. arthur evans and shawn wilson. and mr. anthony
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>> and now i have the pleasure to introduce to you the may year of the great city of san francisco, the honorable edwin lee, followed by the executive director of the interfaith council, michael pappas. mayor lee. [applause] >> good afternoon, everyone. it is my personal honor and pleasure to join you here today along with the interfaith council and our fantastic orchestra and opera and to celebrate and commemorate this
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9/11 event. a decade after the terrorist attacks occurred on it 9/11, we continue to struggle to make sense of the terrible events of that day. while san francisco is more than 3,000 miles away from the attacks on twin towers and the pentagon, we felt the devastation and loss keenly in our city, and we will continue to remember and honor those who passed. it is important to me into the people of san francisco that remember and honor the fallen, including hometown american heroes like betty young and mark bingham. betty's call for a flight 11 was the first indication that america was under attack, and she relayed vital information to the ground crew. mark russell for control of united airlines flight 93,
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rather than allow hi-jackers to fulfill their mission. 10 years ago, we also learned about the final moments of san francisco resident melissa hughes who was the victim of terrorism in the twin towers. to read about her final phone calls to her loved ones is just as heartbreaking today as it was 10 years ago. to all the families across the nation who suffered and still suffer today, we offer our profound sympathy saiies. while we remember these and other victims and first responders, we should take time to reflect on what 9/11 means for all of us and to take to heart president barack obama's call to come together in the spirit of service and unity. there are many events in san francisco, from sporting events to festivals and other community events today, that help us do that while we honor the victims
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and celebrate the service and heroism of our first responders and military personnel. one such way to commemorate the day with peaceful and unifying nature of music at today's event. earlier this morning, i enjoyed over 500 volunteers with the interfaith council at the hands of the bay -- hands on the bay area. another weekend remember and honor the tragic events 10 years ago is to make sure that the city, it's families and individuals, we are prepared for emergencies, whether man-made or natural disasters. september marks the national prepared this month, and the city's website stands ready to assist you with your making a family emergency plan, building a disaster could, or need voluntary training. since september 11, 2001, san francisco has greatly improved
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its ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. just this month i announced the creation of the joint powers authority to govern a bay area wide public safety communications system after the bay area was awarded a $50 million grant to build a broadband communications network for public safety agencies. we know that emergencies do not stop at our city borders, and we must be prepared to seamlessly communicate with other public safety personnel throughout the bay area. we have also strengthened our infrastructure, trained our personnel, and are preparing the community so that we can rapidly recover from any emergency. it is now 10 years later, and we're more prepared, stronger, and ready. the 9/11 attacks represent an unimaginable tragedy in the history of our country. but at the same time, the
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lessons learned from that day continue to help us grow and become stronger the events of september 11, 2001 change the world and redefined our nation. not only the scope of these threat -- a tragedy, but also the demonstration of compassion and generosity that occurred in the hours, weeks, and months following. in san francisco and around the country, individuals stepped up to give blood, collect donations, and volunteer their time as a show of support for our nation. let us remember those who perished 10 years ago, her protected us from great danger and kept our country safe. the first responders who risked their lives for us, the police officers who protected us, and the firefighters who had the courage to keep us from harm, and the paramedics who care for us are all in our hearts today. they're important contribution
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to serving and protecting our diverse community should always be remembered and acknowledged. it is now 10 years later, and we're more prepared, stronger, and ready. i want to personally thank our men and women, the first responders, who protected us from great danger to keep our country safe. these first responders risked their lives for us every single day. for the police officers who protect us, the firefighters who courageously keep us from harm, and the paramedics who care for us. our words cannot describe our thankfulness for your heroes and everyday in the sacrifices you have undertaken to keep our community, our city, and country safe. may god bless san francisco. may god bless america. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> good morning. thank you for coming. my name is adam. i am the co-founder of method. method is a business where our success has been built on sustainable innovation. at the core of the sustainable innovation is green chemistry. that is how we create green and products that outperform conventional ones.
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our approach to sustainable designed is not en -- does not end with what is in the bottle. it also includes the bottle. evidence of that is parked outside. it is also evident in our approach to sustainable package design. that is what i would like to address today. in 2006, method reached a milestone. we created the first custom pvc bottle manufactured completely from recycled plastic. in the five years since then, we have continued to innovate and focus on developing pcr technology to the point where almost everybody we manufacture is made from 100% pcr plastic.
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that is millions of bottles a year that may completely free of virgin plastic. having achieved in this second milestone and the huge benefits that go with it, we started asking ourselves a question. that was, what is the ultimate recycled material? that is where our attention is turned to the issue of ocean plastic. what if we could take some of the plastic floating in the ocean and make bottles out of it? we would be taking a piece of trash and up it into something that could be recycled again and again. it could serve as a platform for communicating the real solution. that is to use the billions of
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tons of plastic already on the past -- planet to manufacture products we interact with in our daily lives. i am proud to announce today that we have done it. this is the first bottle we know of made out of ocean plastic. we developed this in partnership with in vision -- envision plastics. they're one of the most innovative plastic recyclers in the country. the process to come up with this in many ways mirrors the traditional recycling process, but with a few twists. we take the plastic fluting in the ocean. we grind it up. it looks like these colorful flakes. we then manufacture that into resin pellets and ultimately into a bottle like this one.
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there are a couple of special steps in the process that allows us to remove the contaminants and dirt on the plastic floating in the ocean for 10 years or more. this is as high quality as the virgin plastic bottle. the next step in the process is to gather enough plastic to allow us to manufacture the bottles we need. this is a process we have undertaken already. on saturday, we will be working with volunteer organizations to gather more plastic on international coastal cleanup day. afterwe will be taking the prodo market with a major u.s. retailer after that. imagine the proposition that there product that is packaged in the ocean plastic. for every one that you buy, you take 10 grams of plastic directly out of the ocean.
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