tv [untitled] October 1, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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terms of the location, i don't know if you have the coverage, but we have these in our packets every time and i think people are quite surprised that the antennas -- i am not certain about verizon. they use different technologies covering different kinds of areas. and commented that there is another application -- this limits the coverage. this gets even worse on san francisco.
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the telecommunication companies can get this. in the first place, they don't have a big range and that is why we have these multiple numbers. this is coming up in san francisco. commissioner moore? commissioner fong? commissioner sugaya. the motion passes, unanimously. you are now on item 16. case 10010 for 275 valencia street. >> good evening, commissioners. you have a request for a
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conditional use authorization. this is a moderate scale neighborhood. the parcels existing service -- for the 31,000 building, 50 feet tall that will include -- the new cathedral include the underground parking garage. and the existing buildings on the northern portion need to be used with the related activities. this is with the chapel honors -- the subject is 46,000, and the religious institution will have an area of 68,961 square
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feet with the proposed product. this requires conditional use authorization for these facilities hamas > 10,000 feet. the proposal was determined to be exempt with the california environmental quality act. this was not correctly referenced in the motion and i come prepared with an updated motion for the review.
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the first thing -- this is on page 3. the end of the environmental language is the preamble that i have referenced. we add on page 15, that also references the mitigation that needs to be followed. there is environmental language added with the project sponsor for the mitigation measures, and this is on page 17. page 19, the condition of approval that references this program. all of the other conditions remain the same with these numbers. and this includes the specific requirements that are already included in the case back it,
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and the certificate for the 40- page document. this highlights the specific requirements. the department of public comment receive public comment from only one individual who expressed concern over noise in the neighborhood. the project's sponsors responded to this with the timeline and the additional information with specific activities. they are generally pleased with the information provided, and in conclusion, there is a condition to approve the project on the basis that the project provides development compatible with the overall neighborhood character with the streak -- and parking
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within the public realm. expansion of this is locating what is already active and it will not displace any other existing traffic conditions. if they have an active history within the community -- we have not received any opposition to the proposal and all of the requirements of the planning code. this concludes my presentation and i am available for any questions. >> i am jon goldman, the architect for this project. why will show you today is face to of a building that we designed in 1990.
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some of these projects go on for decades. because of the fund raising issues that came up, we had to decide what will be billed -- would be built in these phases. phase #one is what is here now. this was for the administrative offices. the building and i will show you is designed in what you see now. it was designed to complete the scheme, around a courtyard. the courtyard is just open to the parking lot. the original idea is what i will show you. we are taking the same number of spaces there now, and i will show you some of this.
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this is where the parking lot his right now. this completes the scheme that was designed in the 1990's. and there is a full of all of underground parking that is about the same number that is parking there now. the streetscape, you can see the existing phase one building, that has been there for 15 years. this is the tower, opposite, and the back of the building. and the back of the cathedral
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and the church. these isometric drawing, they have been done quite well. this has been done for 15 years. the new building will be built soon, i hope, and it completes the scheme that was first designed in the 1990's. the style of this building will continue to the new building. do you from the alleyway. the view from the street and the new cathedral a very strong street presence. you can see this right here to the north. by now, there is a found mayor,
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and this is the existing building. and you can see how this completes the scheme. the view from the alley way, we may be, at some time, asking for permission to do a mural on the wall. otherwise, this will have graffiti. we will do some murals that show street art and -- >> as long as the artist as local and they don't kill dogs. >> the view of the inside, this is nice, see? and this is the view from the other side, this is looking down
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to the east. this goes outside of the courtyard. that is the basic scheme and i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> we may have some after public comment. and is there general public comments >> this is wonderful. i will get your number, mr. goldman and make certain that i refer people to you, because a lot of what comes fourth is not designed nearly as well. the underground parking is a great solution because it provides needed parking and i think is very important because the mission district has contact with a lot of victorian
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surroundings, and the spaces that were available, the mission revival -- this fits in and it stands out for beauty. this is certainly not a factor. and this is safe for the birds, because this is not all glass. you have to be very unlucky to fly into one of these windows. i think that this is wonderful and i have been in some of the more contemporary churches and this is great. commissioner miguel? commissioner miguel: i live in
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one of your projects and this is totally different as an architectural style. this is very much in the orthodox style. i did a fair amount of work for some of the russian orthodox in the cathedral. this particular church, i think it fits the neighborhood. and it certainly fits the greek orthodox style. the exterior fits the neighborhood and the interior to its greek orthodox very well. as to your ideas on the alley wall, the mural in the orthodox church is common.
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there are nearly required at times, both on the interior and the exterior. with that, i would like to move for approval. >> this is seconded. >> i think that this is a beautiful building. i look forward to the murals, and this is a wonderful addition. >> the motion on the floor is for approval. on that motion? >> thank you, commissioners. you are now on item 17, a and b. this is for 2011 for harrison
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street, request for conditional use. and case 2011, 2495 harrison for parking variances. we consider the conditional use request for the zoning administrator. and the all street parking there. >> we are going to propose to convert the retail space of 2000 square feet for a nonprofit community facility, with a new construction of a single-family residence. the sponsor is here today as well and can go into detail about the operations there is the applicable requirements of the planning code, and this will
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create a productive community service. we see this with landscaping and private, open spaces. this is essential neighborhood character. and this is a historically significant buildings, the project will pay the impact fees. this also includes a variance request for of street parking for the new residential building. this concludes my presentation and i am available for questions. >> the project sponsor?
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i am the project spawner cook -- sponsor, the owner and the architect. i would like to knowledge the community process, the organization that has come through today. the community on 17th -- we did not know what to expect. you're not certain how your ideas will play out and how the
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local community will respond. we have had overwhelming support and curiosity for what we are doing. not only from the local laborers but the design community, and people wandering by the storefront. we are not seeking to expand to a new location. to the community outreach we have a large number of people wanting to volunteer with these kinds of activities that we offer and community support. this is generated by neighbors and family and friends. this is the neighborhood we feel excited about calling home for our families. with that said i would like to give you a quick introduction. this is for who we are and trying to parse out these organizations and what we're
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looking for a conditional use permit. this is a san francisco foundation that supports a number of projects with art and architecture that advances the quality -- and we create opportunities to bring people together to foster exchange and cross-pollination. we have a bicycle coalition and others. we share the open space with the mission district. the studios and the art and design collective, with these designs.
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using the storefront space to work on design projects, all of these events have an open to the general public. and the events at the studio have led to many exciting civic projects. this includes the victory gardens project, the park's program and others. individuals for the city government, the artists and designers. separate organizations with unique functions with the studio for urban project share interests with my collaborator and myself and for others, by maintaining the shared space, we
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hope that these organizations will have a beneficial relationship. a little bit about the project. our current operations at 17th and do lores is really a template for how we'd like to operate the new space on harrison street, which is approximately the same size on the street with a similar residential commercial mix. neighbors of the 17th street property have written expressing the excellent relationship has had. we anticipate the same relationship with our new neighbors on harrison street. in addition to the conditional use permit, we are also seeking a variance for a new family home to be built at the rear of the lot.
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maybe we could look at the camera here. this is the existing building. president olague: i need you to speak into the microphone. >> this is the existing building here. proposed new buildings with a separation between the two. so again, in addition to the conditional use permit, we're also seeking a variance for the new family home to be built at the rear of the lot, which allow us to essentially live and work in the same place. when designing the proposed new building, we carefully consider the designs, buildings, access, and to the overall relationship to the sidewalk and street. we'd also like to be seeking to provide new bicycle parking as well as new planting on both the harrison and 21st streets. again, we're hoping to call the space home, which further enforces our commitment to the neighborhood and family life there. last we'd like to acknowledge ben for his support in the
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project and approve him for the conditional use permit, including the in kind permit and/or design in and around off seventh street. this is a very smart use of our organization and we look forward to working with ben and others in the planning department to make this happen. thank you for your time. and i'd now like to introduce our land use attorney. thank you. president olague: how much more time do they have? >> nine seconds. but he can have his own three minutes. president olague: ok. we'll give you your three minutes. >> good evening, commissioners. brad gladstone. i'm proud to be representing this nice couple who are taking a very abandoned, dilapidated 1888 building and bringing it back and revitalizing it to give it another 100 years with the seismic work and the other
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improvements. these two are young people that we need to encourage to live and work in the city. you've seen their good works over the years they've been here. as you know, they're doing no parking. something your commission doesn't always see. and they are providing open space in the middle of the lot. the seed fund has been very well-received in its current location and there may be people here to speak tonight to that. the facility in the front used to be a bar. in fact, for most of its hundred years, it was a bar. of course, the bar is one kind of community meeting place and one kind of neighbor-oriented use. in the old days, that's where people met, that's where people got together to socialize and plan for the future. and ironically, that's what's going to occur in the old building again today.
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it's a place where the community can meet, work together, socialize and plan for the betterment of the community with land use projects and other urban planning projects that this couple specializes in. of course this community is healthier than a bar, and much more kid-friendly, and i appreciate your time. president olague: thank you. >> thank you. president olague: i'd like to open it up for public comment. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner miguel? vice-president miguel: i think it's an interesting project. i pass that corner and have for years a few times a week, and it looks like a late 1800's saloon. i often tried to getz what it really was, so that makes sense, actually. it's very obviously when you
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look at it not in great condition, or at least the exterior doesn't make it look in great condition. it seems relatively logical. it's not a huge space. maybe 75 on the inside. something like that. and then putting the home on the back of the lot. the way it fits in the neighborhood, i have no problems with it at all. and i would move to approve with conditions. >> second. president olague: commissioner borden? commissioner borden: i was wondering the relationship to the house to the other space. is that going to be part -- is that where project sponsor is going to be living? or is that part of a residency? >> yes, that's correct. so there is that separation. commissioner borden: ok. i just wanted to understand that.
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president olague: commissioner ant kneeny? commissioner antonini: it looks like you did take into consideration the context of the neighborhood. looks like wood frame and a pitched roof and some bays and a lot of the things that kind of make it fit in with that part of the mission district. thank you. president olague: for what it's worth, i'm supportive of the project. but i received e-mails from a few of the existing mission-based organizations, some of the community-based organizations that work with the latino community there, and none of them seem familiar with your organization, so i would encourage you to do more outreach with that community. i mean, erica, miguel, you know, at 16th and valencia. so there's quite a few. there's an endless number. delores street. i can sit here and sort of name
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10 of them if you're interested at all ever. i received e-mails and none of them were familiar with who you were. i just thought that was curious. i'm supportive of the youth. but i just thought i would make mention of that. encourage you to do more outreach there. president olague: commissioners, do you have a motion? >> i just wanted to say thank you for that. that's definitely something we're trying to do now as we're moving into the neighborhood. we've been meeting with neighbors on a regular basis, hoping to bring in as many communities and groups as we can. president olague: i took a walk on 24th last weekend. i was really concerned by the swrurned lying tension that i sensed from the existing community, the communities that have been there for a couple of generations or more, and some of the newer residents there.
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so i think whatever you can do to try to bridge some of those tensions -- i mean, i just want to encourage that. i didn't realize just how visceral it was until i was there. >> thank you very much. president olague: yeah. >> ok, commissioners, you have a motion for approval. on the motion -- [roll call] >> thank you, commissioners. that motion passed unanimously. >> inclined to grapt the inquested variances. it is a corner property. also it would have no impact on the block of open space. the rear yard is currently used as non-required parking. the proposal would preserve historic resource at the front of the property and also remove the large
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