tv [untitled] October 1, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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what they learned. if you could consider doing that, i think preventative services that are affirming use will go a lot longer way been crime suppression type activities, which i realize are unnecessary reality, but looking at ways to engage youth before they get into trouble. thank you very much. [applause] 4 >> hello again. i am a member of the police committee advisory board in district 10 and mission station as well. i wanted to publicly recognize this fact that i have. the staff recognize me for the violence we were able to help with, but i have to mention my staff.
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we had canto sleighton. this shows their dedication. it was physically removing you from the hot spot areas. it was being on the other side were the homicide and happened, having a presence there. it was also talking to the police captain daly and letting him know for his officers to know we have people out there with street out reach waters that flow in the dark so at night time they can see it. these are the kinds of things that help, and i would like to pass on that really helped four other communities that i'd be watching who will check this out of the internet later on, -- for other communities that might be watching on the internet and check back later on. that helped a lot. it worked a lot. i did not want to except credit
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without touching my staff, because we are no one without our teams we operate with, and i think they deserve proper recognition. we have all moved on to different things because of budget cuts and other factors, but i wanted to give praise to those are reach workers were underpaid, and sometimes out there at night and trying to figure out -- and committee members contributed by making donations for pizza and stuff like that. that is a picture of how community policing does work and how we're making progress. chief suhr, do not take our captain away. we have our capt. for almost two years, i think, and his has been an incredible help to be able to work with him in this capacity from and not just me, but other non-profits that were mentioned here, and so i just want to encourage that. thank you. [applause]
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>> and the other public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. i forgot, commissioners. fo." >> are we going back to the section were commissioners can respond and ask questions? the kosher. -- sure. i know we gave you very short notice to come to the mission and this meeting, and you do very important work, so thank you for hosting us in setting this up and thank you for the outreach to community members. i think the most well attended community meeting we have had this year, so that shows your connection to the community. think you. i wanted to ask you if your mind walking us through what happens when there is a violent incident in the mission, such as a homicide we of scene and he laid
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out for us. what are the steps you take to debrief the community and prevent this from happening? you mentioned the saturation and additional help that the cheap did hear from other areas, but what you do in terms of working with the community and what and other district stations learn from us, what you think can be improved upon to prevent more violence in the mission. he got my first question is was a gang-related, because if we confirm right away with gang- related, then we know there will probably be retaliation. which ever getting was the victim, then we need to flood the resources over the turf of the suspect again in anticipation of retaliation.
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that is what happened back in february. they were confirmed gang shootings, one gang against the other. it was a vicious cycle back and forth. at that time, we immediately had meetings with the chief of police and myself. we met at mission station with four or five people from various community organizations, and we had a discussion as to what can we do here? we have to put a stop to this. the people from the community organizations, they were out in the street. they were at spots for the shrines were, because the gang members of the victim gang were there. they were talking to people, trying to deal escalates, and at
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the same time we have to bolster our forces. i mentioned earlier the importance of our beats. when something like this happens, the first place it goes is to beats. we put them in the area where we know the gangbangers hang out. it only takes three or 4 week for the word to get out, because we have informant telling us this that there still mad at the other day but the heat is on so they're not coming to the mission for any sort of violence. as time goes by, the acrimony seems to lessen, and unfortunately we have sinned in retaliation, but it was not in the mission district, because the heat was on and the mission. the have shootings in the bayview and then not tapered
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off. last month we had an increase in violence for about a week, but it was not then vs gain violence. certainly we do not want any violence in the district, but then verses been silenced produces a long string of violence, whereas when it is our personal grievance, someone shoot somebody because they're mad at them,, it will not start again more. so basically it is important to have those relationships with the community organizations so that they know that the captain is not trying to make them as muc snith,ch, because we realize
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people working with these guys have to maintain credibility, and if they are seen as too cozy with the police, then they will not be able to do their jobs, so it is fine line we have to walk, but it is doable. i think the proof of the pudding was march 2 was the last confirmed violent act that we have in the district of one again versus the other. -- one gang vs the other. >> the second half of my question was, what do you think needs to be improved? what are the things that can be done to interrupt the cycle of violence further? it does seem like there are a burst of violence, often times gang-related come and then it is quieter and then comes back again.
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i am sure you have learned so much and how to reduce that. take ou \>> the only thing i would suggest, and it is tough with the fiscal situation the way it is, but i like to see better funding of some of these community organizations that are very helpful for us. as far as the police department goes, as i said, the chief provides us with everything we need in the mission district to get the job done. i do not think there is anything else i could ask from the apartment, -- from the department, but some really good people i work with earlier in the year, they're no longer in the position because of budget issues, and i think that is harmful. to go think you. i certainly agree with you.
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-- >> thank you. supervisor kim professor kingsley: i want to thank the community members that came forward tonight with very all comments and very terrific suggestions, and i think i voice all of the commissioners' office in terms of repair shooting that kind of input, so thank you. capt., your presentation was also very thoughtful and detailed, and i appreciate that. a statistical question. if there is a theft crime but also involves violence and assault, is that counted as two separate crimes or does one
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regio -- >> if the more serious crime takes precedence. >> we have to do that because they will not let me count a drug arrest and a felony arrest. >> thanks. but it is great to have that clarification. -- that is great to have that clarification. the other thing is since we do have a televised audience, this might be a terrific opportunity to address prevention. if there are three or five thoughts you have or ideas in terms of property crime prevention, since that seems to be on the uptick. maybe cell phones, walking and talking on the street or keeping
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doors locked. are there some sound bite suggestions that you were put out for prevention? >> absolutely. one that you mentioned is a crime of violence is the cell phones. just about 50 percent of our robberies' every month are someone not paying attention to their surroundings, talking on the phone, and somebody who is pretty certain make an hour on the victim just matches the phone and runs off with it. people really need to be aware of their surroundings when they are using their cell phones. and two things on property crimes. one is the auto burglaries. years ago people used to break into a car to steal their radio, but with technology and all that, that is no longer feasible. the cars the break into now are
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the cars that have visible -- visible property in the car. if people would not leave laptops, briefcases, cell phones visible in the seat of a car, then that car were not get broken into almost always. the third thing, and i am amazed every day when i read police reports from the night before, these people that go into nightclubs or bars and they put their purse down somewhere and put their code over the packers, and they come back five hours later and they are surprised the purse is gone. this is happening three or four times a night just in the mission district, and i am sure it happens everywhere. people said things down and walk away from them, and are surprised when it is gone. it should not even be classified as a theft. it should be classified as of
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rain at something or other. those things as the all the time. and that would greatly reduce those statistics. one thing we do in the mission better read in your report, any business that has a crime take place in that business, someone from my staff will go to that business. for example, we had a gym that the lockers were continually getting broken into. you cannot have surveillance camera and a locker room, but we made it clear, we will have to do something about this. " up, put a security officer in there, do something, but we cannot have every second or third day are report were someone came to the locker and their wall it was gone or purse was gone.
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every bar were there is a fight or something get stolen, we give them a visit. we tell them put security cameras in here or security guards, signs up and show some good faith to discourage criminal activity in your business. so we're taking an active role in doubt. also, if we are getting -- and we do get, robbery victims who are intoxicated. we go back to -- if we get information were they have been drinking, we go back to be a double schmidt and emphasize to them the legality of serving them inebriated, and the fact that we will look closely at that thing if we continue to give victims -- it victims of have been drinking in their place and have gone so intoxicated. >> i just want to thank you for
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posting this on short notice. i want to thank you for your presentation and all of the work you have done. how long have you served in the san francisco police department? >> i am on my 43rd year. to go that is really impressive. the 244 service. -- >> that is really impressive. thank you for your service. you have seen trends change in the 43 years to have been a police officer. techniques to stop crimes have changed significantly, in your change along with it. i want to thank you very much for your service. >> thank you. i do have to setup this cheap i ever seen, this guy here. a-- toughest chief i have ever seen, this guy here. >> i want to say thank you, too.
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commissioners, anything else? that is it. thank you. and [applause] [applause] i>> item 5, items or comments pertaining to a closed session. >> we do have an item that we have to do in closed session, so if there is any public comment on that, now is the time. hearing none, a motion to go to closed section. >> item number six, both on the motion to hold a closed session. -- vote on the motion to hold a closed session. >> we are going to leave the room. thank you for coming. we appreciate it. thank you. >> we have a quorum f commissioners.
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item number 8. vote to disclose any or all discussion held in discussion. >> without objection. before we adjourn, we do have another question. >> i would like to closed meeting of the mission, but there was a lot of people and a lot of work to get done, but i want to close the meeting in honor of eric strata, a hero in the thmission, and he passed away of cancer in august, leaving behind a three- year-old daughter it was beautiful and looks just like him, and a wife who is also a great mission activists. there was a memorial service this last weekend in celebration of his life in coming together of the community. i wanted to close in his honor. >> item 9, adjournment.
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chufechufe good afternoon. welcome to the sprn board of supervisor miguel of tuesday, september 27,. call the roll. >> avalos present, campos present. chiu present. chu present. cohen present. elsbernd present. farrell present. kim present. mar present. mirkarimi present. wiener present. mr. president, all members are present. supervisor chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join me in the pledge of allegiance?
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supervisor chiu: madam clerk, are there any communications? >> there are no communications. supervisor chiu: let's go to our consent agenda. >> items 1 will have 22 come price the concept agenda. these items will be acted on by a single roll call vote. supervisor chiu: i understand our deputy city attorney would like us to receiver out item number one. are there any other items to receiver out? >> item 8, please. supervisor chiu: if we could take a roll call vote on its 1-2 without 1 and 8. >> campos, eye. chiu eye. chu eye. cohen eye. elsbernd eye. farrell aye. kim aye. mar aye.
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mirkarimi aye. wiener aye. avalos aye. there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: those ordinances are finally passed. item 1. >> ordinance amending the strnls administrative code to create a recreation and parks gift fund. update the medicare emergency relief fund, changing thed administering agency. >> supervisor chiu: i under we have a small technical item we need to deal with from the deputy city attorney? do you have a mic? [inaudible]
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supervisor chiu: let's try that one more time. >> there should be a codification note indicating that the new section being added is 10.100 -- 257 on the first page. supervisor chiu: supervisor elsbernd will make the motion to amend. seconded by mirkarimi. without objection, that amendment will take place. colleagues, can we take this item, same house, same call? >> as amended, mr. president. supervisor chiu: this ordinance is now back to a first read, right? deputy city attorney it is back to a first read. item 8, please. >> resolution approving the jurisdictional transfer of city hall located at 17th and folsom streets, to the mayor's office of housing and the parks department. supervisor kim: i am very
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excited to support the jurisdictional change to build a park project here in the mission neighborhood today. i know some of the members that worked on this for the past several years are here to see the vote on this. i want to thank the families and organizers in the mission that have spent countless hours on bringing the community together to support the development of the park at the former san francisco p.u.c. parking lot site. this project has come out of almost a 10-year community planning process, and i want to thank in particular pmp odiar, and the anti-december placement coalition for putting families front and center. the park will bring recreation, education and housing opportunities as well to an under served area in the norton mission. as many as of you know, mission is one of the city's deniesest neighborhood. nearly 60,000 families with children and single households
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make this this community their home. the mission has less than 1% of all park land for the city. surrounding housing area has the second largest number of single occupancy hotels, and the affordable housing crisis has forced families to live in 10 by 10 rooms without notice access to kitchen or yard space. i am excited to move forward on this. you would have thought this would have been an easy task, but a loft folks had to come together to work on this transfer. i want to recognize all the departments and commissions that are involved. inclineding planning, the public utility commission, mayor's office on housing, the staff. linda robertson, karen, jay, juliet, john updike and john
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mcin mayora. supervisor chiu: can we take this house same house same call? supervisor wiener. sorry. didn't see you. supervisor wiener: thank you. i am very supportive of this, and i want to congratulate supervisor kim and the community for really moving an incredibly important project forward. this is not in my district but about three blocks outside my district. i know first hand how much open space we need in the greater mission area. if you look at delor parker, mission playground, and how crowded they get. there are two points i wanted to make, and they were both discussed at the land use committee. first, i know there were folks who were concerned about the loss of parking, including o.k.c. and some other -- o.d.c. and some other non-profits.
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i know rec and park and o.t.a. are going to work closely to better manage the street parking in the area. the other issue that i just want to flag -- and it is not really specific to this project. this is just an example. we are dedicating public land to much needed affordable housing. i just really want to keep on the radar that we as a city have done a really poor job of providing moderate income housing. we have provided a fair amount of low income houses, which is very necessary, but we need to do more. we do a great job of market rate housing. but we provide almost no moderate income housing, and that is a problem in terms of keeping the diversity of our communities, making sure that we do not become a city of just rich and poor, that we keep our middle-class and, woulding class. i just -- as we are moving fo
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