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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2011 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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actually observed what he was doing. and he had so much respect from the kids and he really was just into the kids and i finally asked another staff member this, who's that guy? is he, like, a.p. or something? no, he's been here forever and he was just a great person to meet and what you just -- how you described him is exactly what i saw in that brief moment. president mendoza: wonderful. thank you, superintendent. the next item on the academy of art summer scholarship program we'll hold and preside at at another board meeting. unfortunately, dr. stephens and ms. rotman will not be able to join us so we want to honor them and we'll do it on another agenda. we now have one action item. i need a motion and second in recognition and celebration of george washington high school's diamond jubilee, 75 years of excellent public education in the city and county of
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san franciwhs been introduced by commissioner marawse and myself. the commissioner was kind enough to allow me to read the resolution of a washington alum. commissioner murase: because you're wearing the sweatshirt. president mendoza: this in recognition and celebration of george washington high school's diamond jubilee. whereas, george washington high school first opened and served students august 25, 1936, and has had a storied and distinguished 75-year history including recognition as one of the nation's finest high schools in the march 1958 readers digest article entitled "three cheers for george washington high" and whereas george washington high school built on one of the city's highest hills enjoying an unparalleled view of the golden gate bridge, designed by famed
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architect pfluger and includes work by a host of noted artists including muralist victor arnatof, gordon lando, sculptor sergeant johnson and added in 1974, dewy crumpler, talented student muralists have added to the school's walls for many years since and whereas george washington high school offers a full range of high schools for all students from dance placement where the school consistently ranks in top 1% of offering in the nation, college preparatory, career and businesses classes and graduation and college acceptance rates are consistently near 100%, and whereas george washington high school has always made available to its students, all manner of extracurricular and athletic opportunities and seen its students excel in these areas exemplified during the 2010-2011 school year as the first public high school in san francisco to earn three varsity championships
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in one season -- football, baseball and basketball, and over the years, has seen students achieve national prominence in forensics 13 different years and whereas george washington high school is open to all families in san francisco and has always been a model community for the city's ethic diversity and whereas george washington high school alumni has served and are currently serving in the country in the military, in science, the arts, public service, technology and education. alumni enjoy the opportunity -- and whereas george washington honors its alumni by inducting into the hall of merit when includes among its members johnny mathis, lee meriwether, gillman luis, politician phillip burton, nfl hall-of-famer ollie madson, lesbian pioneer, dell martin, danny glover, and betty
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hong. the board of education of the studs san francisco unified school district celebrates the diamond jubilee, dedicated to the building of character in the city's young people and wishes to extend george washington high school community composed of students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters, many many more years of success. congratulations, george washington high school. [applause] and i believe we are going to have our assistant superintendent of high schools, janet schultz, accept this on bralve of -- behalf of the boarf education. and i know we have sandy fewer who was the p.t.a. president for a long time at george washington high school. commissioner fewer: i believe i have some of that stuff in my basement. i am a proud graduate of george
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washington high school as is my husband, as is my daughter, colleen, and so i always would like to ditto on commissioner wynns' request to have all our names put on it. i was p.t.a. president there for many years and i'm very familiar with that school and i would like to add a distinguished teacher, carl oche, who is a gifted teacher in our district, also is a hall of merit recipient for the george washington alumni association and we wish them many, many years of success. president mendoza: commissioner yee? vice president yee: ditto on putting my name on there, except that i'm reluctant. i wish -- i really wish washington didn't exist 75 years ago and maybe 25 years ago. if it had been built 25 years ago, my basketball team would have won the championship. they beat us!
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president mendoza: commissioner murase? commissioner murase: i wanted to congratulate the community and make a couple of announcements related to their celebration. friday, october 14, at 2:00 p.m., retired faculty and staff are invited to retired teachers' luncheon. on friday, october 14, there is a 66th annual game, football. friday october 14, 5:30, a bell game party at the janet pommerony center and on saturday, october 15, at 3:00, there's a public walking tour of art on washington and later there will be a gala celebration and it's an event bright event and you can find information at the washington high school alumni association web site.
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president mendoza: i want to give my heartfelt thanks to washington high school, also. as an army brat, i went to four different high schools, my last four years of schooling before going on to college and we lived on the practice -- presidio so i ended up going to washington because of where we were located and i came in a couple of months after cool had started and it was one of the most welcoming communities that i'd ever been in and probably one of the best times i had during high school so i have a lot of fond memories there and wonderful times and i hope and encourage all of our alum for washington high to participate in the events coming up. it would be great to see everyone out divhoog they're doing. go eagles. president mendoza: commissioner murase, would you do the honors?
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[roll call was taken and the motion passed unanimously] [inaudible] >> i feel a little guilty picking up an award that i have nothing to do with. on behalf of george washington high school, i will certainly pass on the kind words and recognize the great work they've done and look forward to seeing commissioners and all the alumni at the multitude of events they have planned for this year for the community, for the alumni and for the current students.
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and i'm very proud to have washington as part of my menu of school that i supervise and look forward to seeing everyone there and thank you very much on behalf of washington. president mendoza: thank you. item d is the student delegates' report. joyce and karissa? >> so, our last student advisory council, jason sarahphenofrom the bicycle coalition presented to us and informed us on the san francisco safe routes to school program and a bunch of events they're giving away like free bicycles to mostly elementary school kids to encourage them to bike to school with their families and we look forward to working more with jason and how to incorporate the work at the secondary level and we may present some of their ideas and work here at the board in the future. >> in addition to that, the office of public outreach and communication wants to
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collaborate with the s.a.c. and have s.a.c. representatives actually tweet on the sfusd twitter account to give the public a better idea of what the life -- a day in the life of an sfusd student and to promote events at our individual schools. we voted for the collaboration and look forward to spreading the word about our schools. we also discussed the free muni for sfu's idea and we voted to support the program and will be writing a resolution with the help of commissioner fewer and asking the board to support this resolution for free muni for sfu's. president mendoza: thank you so much. on the note from jason, he's helping to coordinate the walk to school day, also, which is october 5. we hope all of the schools are able to participate, october 5,
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the walk to school day. item e is the parent advisory council report. do we have p.a.c. representative? >> i'm miranda martin, a new p.a.c. member. i have two children at grotten elementary school. >> my time is vatina. >> we spent our first couple of meetings talking about board priorities and our priorities as a p.a.c. we've had an opportunity to speak with deputy superintendent richard grunsa and to hear from board commissioners hydra mendoza and sandy fewer and we've also heard from sfusd staff and we're really glad to
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see that the district is focusing on setting clear and consistent standards across the district for students and that there is a focus on high expectations for all of our children. we know that that's a really important priority for families across the district. we also believe that the district's focus on core curriculum is a good step and we're interested to see how that's going to be implemented and to learn more about it. in our meeting last week, we met to decide on our priorities for this year as the parent advisory council and we based our decision on the p.a.c. members' concerns as well as the district priorities for this year and we've decided that we're going to work on the following issues and develop project teams and action plans around them. our issues that we've talked about so far are teacher and administrator standards, support and accountability, especially in the context of the district's focus on the core curriculum. also, the focus on restorative
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practices to improve school climate and reduce student suspensions. the district's budget process. the district's redesign of how special education services are provided. implementation of the district wide family engagement plan. expanding access to quality after-school programs and the district's proposal to align sfusd's excel and after school programs and supporting parent engagement in bayview and the mission superintendent zone initiatives. as you know, we are volunteers and parents so we have limited capacity but will continue to let you know as the goals develop as the year progresses. >> as p.a.c. team, we have been paying attention to the result of the special education and we want to be more involved in understanding how the district change is changing the way the
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sfusd provided services to students in the special education. we are glad that district has made commitment to have more inclusive for the special education students but for the best years -- the past years, we've been hearing from parents that they don't know what the actual plans are to make these changes, or what time line are and we plan to meet with the district and coordinate with the community for special education to develop action plan for the p.e.c. work on these issues and one more thing, like some parents say to me, they need supervision in the classes with special education, because so many things happening and nobody know about it, like, i hear
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parents she said fall down, hurt his head and how did he hurt his head? nobody seen it. thank you. >> one of the things that seem to come up over and over again as we seem to -- as we sat down last weekend and spoke at the p.a.c. about what our priorities were with respect to the individual members, there are a few things that came up over and over again. among them are the need to make our schools safer and more welcoming to students and families. also, the need to support teachers to understand cultural differences among our students and families, and finally, the need to address program and instructional quality. and many p.a.c. members are excited about the district's focus on restorative practices as a means to improve school climate and safety and also to reduce suspensions. but we feel that most families
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don't really know what this means and we are interested in helping the district to get information out to families about it in a parent friendly language. and then finally, we have a special meeting that is planned for early october to talk about student data and the core curriculum and we are planning to have a presentation from assistant superintendent kana on student achievement and discussion with richard caransa to support students and closing the achievement gap and we've invited community partners and parents to attend the meeting and there seems to be a lot of excitement about it and we're looking forward to talking about data from a parent perspective. >> and we have a few -- [inaudible]
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we have a few open seats in the p.a.c. and we are accepting applications and we have it in english, spanish and chinese, and >> once again, i think we have questions or comments from the board members. commissioner norton? commissioner norton: did you call me? i heard you say commissioner -- thank you for the report. do you have the date and time of the meeting next week so that if people listening want to come, that they know when it is? >> the date is october 3. and i don't believe that we have a location completely certain yet. but it's october 3, early afternoon meeting and if anyone's interested, they could probably contact the p.a.c. >> i think it's 1:00 to 2:30.
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commissioner norton: who should they contact? >> they should contact ruth grabowski, i guess, at the p.a.c. let me see. >> pa c@sfusd. >> thank you. i'm looking at the list here and this is a partial list of what the p.a.c.'s priorities are going to be? is that right? >> these were the priorities that we discussed at our most recent meeting. i think it's a work in progress as issues come up or as interest arises and other issues, i'm sure we could add to that list. >> of course, of course. so i had a sort of a clarification question. and i'm trying to understand or maybe i'm reading it wrong and
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you can help me with the intent. this year, the p.a.c.'s priorities are to engage families and represent parents' perspectives to inform the district's focus on restorative practices to improve student climate and reduce student suspensions. are you informing us or are you informing other parents? >> i think it's a little bit both ways. i think parents certainly, we'd like to find a way to explain what restorative practices is to parents and make it something that is just more accessible but i think that as we get parent feedback, perhaps we would bring that to you. >> ok. i would appreciate that. president mendoza:commissioner fewer?
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commissioner fewer: thanks. thank you for your report. last time, when the p.a.c. came, they spoke a little bit about a time line and also we're hearing from special ed parents, i gather, that it was also an issue about a time line. what i'm hearing undertone is keeping everybody accountable to actually doing the task and making sure that it's moving along and implementation is happening so i would like actually staff to look at that. i think there was a request around middle schools time line and the special ed redesign, i think this referencing about a time line and i think it's really important for parents. it's something concrete that they can expect to see and we should be holding ourselves accountable to and it's part of keeping our promises to parents so i'm glad that you brought that up and i'm hoping staff can follow up on that. thank you.
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>> i just wanted to say that we are probably bringing an update on the redesign to the curriculum committee in december so that meeting will be in early december and we'd asked for sort of a here's what's been done, here's the work that still remains kind of thing so the public of course is invited, members of the p.a.c. are invited, and other members of the board. president mendoza: commissioner murase? commissioner murase: i wanted to encourage the viewing and listening parents to consider applying to the p.a.c. and their applications are available in english, chinese and spanish on the web site it's a great opportunity to engage with the school district. president mendoza: commissioner fewer and then commissioner mhasf? commissioner fewer: i wanted to ask staff if they could respond
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to the concerns of parents of children being hurt in the special ed classrooms so we can get staff to have a response to that to note the incidents and maybe when it's being presented in december that we could also include an incident reports and how many incidents of this happens in our special ed classrooms. thank you. president mendoza: i see our director shaking her head. commissioner maufas. >> she's nodding. president mendoza: she was nodding. she was nodding yet. commissioner maufas: can i make a request. i know you're going to take these questions and comments back to the bigger p.a.c. body and i see here because i ticket ticket -- ticked it off, to monitor the implementation of
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district-wise plan and support parent engagement in the bayview zone superintendent initiatives. it is really important in my mind for the p.a.c. to be really working closely with our parent engagement department and the head of our department, i know, is somewhere in the audience. i saw her earlier. almost hand-in-hand working together with the parent advisory council to the board of education. i just see you-all as really an extension of that process and i -- i think that was always sort of one of the things that when i was on the p.a.c. that was always a relevant priority in my mind. i can only imagine that it must be in your minds, too. i see it here but i really would like -- i, personally, would like a more integrated approach and to really see how it's going. i think we have faltered for way too long in this part of the work that we do and i would really like to see a more
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hand-in-hand relationship with parent engagement, family engagement at the district but also with the parent advisory council. so i see that here in your priorities. i know it's part of your thinking all the time. i just haven't seen us be able to marry you-all. >> it's interesting, we were actually having a discussion about this tonight and how the p.a.c. should work with the office of parent engagement and i know there is a plan in the near future to sit down and have a conversation and try to work together mhasf mhasf i -- commissioner murase: i want to support that. president mendoza: deputy superintendent, did you have a comment? any other comments? thank you, both. and welcome to the p.a.c. item f is public comment on consent items. i have one speaker on this, president kelly from united
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educators. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the board and superintendent garcia and other titled folks in the room. i come before you to point out things that strike me as curious about resolutions that are in the early section of the k's, k-3, 4. i think you have them listed there. they all have to do with the hiring of someone called a child aide from edgewood who is to enhance the social and emotional development of young students, increase the likelihood that students experiencing mild to moderate adjustment difficulties will succeed in school and increase personal competencies related to life success and minimize the need for more intense, costly services as they
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grow older. that sounds remarkably like what our paraprofessionals serving one-on-one do. is this contracting out? are you essentially contracting out paraprofessional work to edgewood? i think if you look carefully at the four place where is this exact same work is being done, you'll see a variety of evaluations. the evaluations never cost anything. one of them clearly doesn't cost anything because there is no evaluation. one of them is just, complete the task. one is to complete the task and provide some sort of report on it, which is interesting, and compares at least favorably to what you have in k-10 where you're asking bacar to go out and hire somebody and handing money over because e.r. taylor wants a tutor and so instead of hiring a tutor, have bacar
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hire a tutor which, you know, some of the things we've been reading about bacar and edgewood and makes it curious when their names come up. if you skip all all the way baco k-27, you can see something back here that, again, calls for no evaluation, but if you'll excuse me, this is what it says it's going to do -- initiate a partnership with high school and the leadership teams to engage in the beginning stages of the iterative development and implementation of a strategic plan that aligns school reform design with a mission cornerstones and goals and objectives. it will be developing and implementing communication strategy and communication collateral like messaging, tools and processes, that will engage the school in broader community in the development and implementation of the transformation plan and it will
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help facilitate the development of a plan supporting the leadership, decision making and management systems and structures including the transition of the principal. where is he transitioning to? it doesn't say. now, there's no evaluation of that, either, which is probably -- excuse me, it is, it's just to complete the task. but if you have that kind of clear direction as to the mission of what people want to do, it's probably fortunate that there isn't much in terms of the evaluation of that. i don't think that's particularly useful to have that goobledy in here when you're talking about the things you want to do. i don't think it's useful to have elves that are all over the place for the kind of job you want done and i don't appreciate as the president of the union when it appears that you are contracting out work that is done ably and competently by the 1551 paraprofessionals who work for you already. thank you.
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president mendoza: thank you, mr. kelly. so, i have -- i've been asked to continue to make this announcement to everyone so that they're really clear that as a reminder to the public, in accordance with 211.2 the board policy p120, an individual wishing to address the board on agenda items on matters other than those calendared for board action can tell the board office by 4:30 on the day of the meeting or completing a speaker card on the evening of the meeting prior to the item is being called so any cards turned in at the same time the item is being discussed will not be accepted. i need a motion and second on the consent calendar? >> motion. >> second. >> there are a number of items. >> there are a number of items. in terms of corrections, to item