tv [untitled] October 2, 2011 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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we're not taking it as the minimum. we expect to be well above that. supervisor avalos: i think it is good to air were amply in this case. >> absolutely. we are hitting the target. >> mr. lopez, you mentioned $24 million on jobs estimated. i see a number of carpenters in here, but what percentage do you think as an estimate would go to carpenters, and the is the largest type of work force that would be used on this project? >> i did not come with you a breakdown of trade. -- i did not come to you with a breakdown of trade. we see a split of 60/40. we are predicting $24 million worth of labor. it is still subject to a low bid. this is a very high-level math
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to give you an idea, but i do not have the breakdown per trade. any other questions? supervisor avalos: by the end of this month or and of next month, we expect that to be fleshed out in terms of the trade and what you expect the targets will be per trade? >> correct. the design team just finish the construction documents, and we're getting a cost estimate, and we want more information as we go along. >> great. thank you very much. stephanie martin up next? >> thank you. good morning, supervisors. thank you for inviting me to participate today. we know that this is all focussed on jobs creation, so we take this very seriously. this is something we're looking for a lot of significant input as we start to build out the plan.
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where we are today is we're in the process of analyzing -- analyzing needs. when it comes to construction, the focus is on looking at the current scope of needs of the project, and we're in negotiations on those projects right now. we are analyzing those particular needs, and that will drive part of the work force development plan. the second development is event staffing. we had a wonderful event and wonderful conditions that mimicked san francisco, so that gave us a good feel for what it will be like in san francisco. to help us with this, we are hiring of local consultant to make sure we are developing these plans. and we're also working very closely with the city as we develop these plans. we also have to do development plan that is part of the host city agreement. we watched the second set of
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internship's coming up. we will have more intern's coming into our office starting this fall. in addition to that we're working very closely with the small business community where we will go out into the small business community to talk about the indirect jobs and how they can leverage the america's cup for their particular business. we look forward to returning to you in october or later this fall and being able to share much more comprehensive and informed program, but most importantly i wanted to emphasize we're looking forward to significant input from the public to help us drive the plan and make sure we're doing right by san francisco supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: i appreciate that, and i think will be vitally important to make sure you can work with the public, and i am happy to hear you are. there are lots of parts of san francisco better looking for opportunity in the america's cup, and i -- it would do the america's cup very well to accommodate that as much as
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possible. >> thank you. supervisor avalos: next up we have rhonda simmons. >> good morning, supervisors. i do not have a lot to add, other than to say right now our focus has been on working with dpw on the cruise ship terminal. that is what is most relevant in the here and now. as the rest of the plan is developed, we will work closely with the event authority. we have had a couple of preliminary meetings, and we have worked on out when they will then bring back to the city. once that peace is completed, my office kicks in to help work through the details. that is where our role has been today. supervisor avalos: one thing that i want to make sure is clear, and the part i have not had a chance to weigh in on and
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see is how robust the ability for residential communities to access where to go to good jobs. it is a mission hiring hall, all of the different places? >> for the cruise ship terminal, it would be part of our regular city filled system. we will use anderson anders, that part is the place. for the end use outsid sie, whie havide, which we have not figured out, it is hard to know how to setup our reach and all of that in terms of what would be the best way to do that piece. so we had just focused on the cruise ship terminal, which has mandatory hire.
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we will work with dpw on all of the trade-related issues. probably the next time we meet wwe will be more subtle on that. we've tried to be more proactive and work closely with the contractors and help them understand the difference between local hire in first or so there are no problems on the ground and get everyone in the room a lot earlier. we're just getting into that. supervisor avalos: right now i am seeing in the paper where they have the op ed last week where there is a lot of effort to undermine the spirit and local hiring. one of the ways we attack it is this will become more burdensome on contractors. we need to make sure we have and ease of fit for contractors to be able to understand how the
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ordinance works, how to comply, and how to have really great ease in breaking -- bringing in workers that can do the work. >> for the projects that are aligned with the mandatory, we have done that in a proactive way. we have brought in trade associations. all of the trade center court to working on these projects that have mandatory for the first two projects, we done something we do not normally do and put everyone in the room before these kic projects kickoff. and we want to make sure the contractors understand the detail. so far we have had good feedback of that approach. i am feeling confident of the structure we of set up to be a lot more product of is helpful. so folks are not on the ground trying to sort this stuff out. supervisor avalos: that is
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great. i also want to make sure there is a dynamic exchange that will go on so adjustments can be made. that seems the spirit of what you were working on as well. on a related note, when we were working with the local hiring ordinance, there was a discussion about how much the ordinance would inflate bids coming in on projects, and i would like to hear if anyone could talk about the turner construction bid that has come in for the cruise ship terminal. >> sure. and >> since you mentioned a number of the trades, local hire are a key priority for the labor organizations, but what kind of opportunities for decrease the partnerships will there be with this project? >> that level of detail i have
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not gone to the nitty gritty yet. -- gotten to the nitty gritty yet. i will be able to tell you that sooner or later, maybe even before october, but we will. we will before we come before you all. supervisor avalos: thank you. mr. lopez. >> to answer your question regarding the contract awarded to turner construction, their general construction manager are not self-performing a lot construction work. the contract they were rewarded for pre-construction projects, the cost to run the job, and their feet as a percentage of the value of construction. the vast majority of the work, over 90% will be done by specific trades that are yet to be bid. under contract we advertise and awarded at a price that came in
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below the estimate. i do not know if the market conditions or when it was, but they did get the word in what we were expected to. we've had seven or eight different contractors. and-- we had seven or eight different contractors. that was the first major project that dpw had that included on that. prevailing wages -- this contract has that provision included. so does all over other work. supervisor avalos: very good. thank you very much. i do appreciate the presentations. it has been a really good offering to me, especially the work i have done on both america's cup and the local high your ordinance. i saw the two very related, so i do appreciate your hard work on this and your willingness to be nudged a little bit by coming to
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the hearing and your time. we can go on to public comment on this item. i do not have cards, but we can do -- people can line up. we can do two minutes per person. someone can come right up to the microphone to begin with. >> good afternoon, gentlemen. my name is when robinson. and i am with the labor complaints managers. and-- compliance manager. i wanted to be supportive of the community that asked me to come here today to reinforce the impact this will have as a result of prevailing wage, as it is a public works project. in the community, especially a community that has a local hire
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mandate in front of them that gives an opportunity for work or jobs would be subject to prevailing wage compliance. as a result, as far as state labor code requires, you will have, and generally speaking of five to one ratio as far as turning into apprenticeships ratio. that is what you would expect. -- as far as journeymen to apprenticeships ratio. i would say at least 20 percent of the work force should be apprentices. if we're talking about apprentices that came up through cbo's or city bills, you can imagine the impact the story of an individual who was previously of the -- previously dubbed as disadvantaged individuals.
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and to be able to eventually be a full-time journeyman carpenter making a minimum of $37.50 per hour from what he might have been making before. this is success for the city and county of san francisco. the requirement for health care is something that the city proposes, but in fact of the state also and forces with the prevailing wage requirement. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen. and i have had the pleasure of interviewing larry ellison, head of oracle, the last couple of years. i have seen big acts like lenny kravitz to the black eyed peas, and i want to make sure companies like mine, which our
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social media companies, like facebook, twitter, and hopefully -- we would like to make sure that the local artists are promoted here, and we want to make sure local promoters like myself, and also a social networking media is included with the overall pr. we do event in san francisco. we do things in the tahoe like the event with michael jordan, john elway. we also do the cannes film festival -- film festival which is international. we all want to make sure the local talent is promoted here among with restaurants, caterers, etc.. we will but to have thi a conversation with this young lady. thank you very much. >> i know the san francisco
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international arts festival is one of the groups trying to work closely with the america's cup event authority and others, can you, generally on how you have been working with the authority or organizing committee? are they including local arts groups and organizations? >> i can only speak for myself. i have had no contact with them. supervisor mar: the san francisco international our community. >> we just did an event with the black film festival. and we have phones there from our own kevin oakyeps and mario, but we are profit. i am in contact with non-profit
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partisan groups. this is a long conversation, and i only have 30 minutes. we really need corporations to start working with businesses. it seems it is too much on that philanthropy side, and non- profits are pushed economics. that is too long of a subject right there, but i will get back to you on that. >> good afternoon, supervisors. and i would like to talk about the past. in the past we have had event come into town, circuses, horse shows, but all games, and they do temporary structures and use people off the street, use local
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scale wages, and leave when they leave a. they do not cover any benefits or things like that. we want to make sure that does not happen with the america's cup. i would like to see that there is some language that covers the temporary structures and temper units that come in. they usually come in from not only out of state but out of country to do these event. we do not have a problem with companies like turner. it is a local company that hires local people. just wanted to remind you of that. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you. nec's speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. last week renaissance in the partnerships with southeast
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career center and city college, we put on a job out there, and it was a real good success. out of 21 visitors that came out, 20 showed up. we had over 350 people. what we found is there is a lot of individuals that have skills. when we are talking about this work force in the compliance, we also want to make sure that we give that some of these professional services included. i understand they briefly spoke on it, but it is very important. not everyone wants to be in construction, but there are a lot of opportunities. there is a program through usc. very successful community development program. a key word is the double lot of impact -- double bottom impact. there has to be a lasting impact.
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in light of what we're talking about now, we want to make sure the lasting impacts on interacting with the business owners, because the business owners were hire people from the community. we want to make sure that his weight in there as well. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. take a good afternoon. i am from the south east sector. -- >> good afternoon. i saw part of the presentation, but what i did not hear mentioned is ubde and the mbe. there are other situations that i did not hear anyone mention as far as percentage and usage.
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those are category that the hrc also satisfies as far as certification. the ubde is underutilized disadvantaged business enterprise. i've just wonder -- i just wonder if that is falling under the lbe, because usually it does not. i am also wanting to say, too, with regards to prevailing wages, the truckers have had a serious problem with prevailing wages and that first of all, you have an owner or operator, and you have a driver. he may have to trucks. you have to hire a driver to drive the second truck, but what is always eliminated is the
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hourly rental rate for that piece of equipment. so the rental rate for the equipment and the actual our the rate for the operator is combined for us. now, you were talking about inflation and. that is one area that has sublet since 1988. that has been inflated. most of them know there is an hourly equipment rental rate like there is for every other piece of equipment on the job. your screen, scraper, a bulldozer, and then you have to pay the individual to operate. i am just hoping that h r c or someone overseas this project. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is dan oliver.
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i wanted to show my appreciation. in 2008 we had 60 employees. over the past two years we have had to cut back because of the economy. we're down to 20 employees right now. i appreciate that. a lot of work at san francisco general. carrying on what mike said, last year we had a charles schwab cup project. it was a situation where we did 20 percent of the work, and 80% of the work came out of town. they are making $10 per hour and we got the prevailing wage union pay. it sounds like you guys are going the right way. it makes a huge difference for us. without this we would not be here. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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i am with bright line. i want to thank supervisor avalos and the supervisors for calling this meeting because what we have is a very local interests for it the community partners and laborers. we're doing what it will take to make local hire work and what we're doing in terms of talking how we can support one another. we believe in union. this is a union town, and we think local hiring really only works when it is union jobs. we want to see a jobs plan that promotes opportunities for the local communities, businesses, and on any construction or construction-related activities. prevailing wage. training. what we want to do is provide benefits. that is what you get when you have local hiring. you get long-term career opportunities. when it comes to the local
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hiring hall, i think we do not have a full sense of where it applies, but i think we will get that when we come back in a month or see the draft and see how to expand the policies of local hire to non-construction, which a considerable -- which is a considerable part of the drums. we are dealing with folks that are funding this thing better into racing really big boats. they might not be into community hiring and why we go union, and this is why we create the leverage to do this. to insist whether it is a privately funded or publicly funded, whenever we build we have community standards. we have one month to do that. when we build, let's think about prevailing wage, local lawyer, apprenticeships, and let's get this done for the good of our working families and local communities.
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supervisor avalos: think you. next speaker, please. -- thank you. >> i am dan marcos. -- do n marcos. any local hiring is good. the america's cup, which i have been falling for years now is a significant event. it is the world series super bowl of sailing. it is probably much bigger because it is worldwide. the last america's cup was pretty significant. they run from a single hole boat to multi halls. it is a really different design that has been previously used. it will put the focus of san francisco worldwide, but they will not see the jobs created,
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and that is what we need to focus on. not only the construction jobs, but the post-construction jobs is just as important, because it involves the other members of the household better in san francisco, not just the laborer male, but the sisters, mothers, brothers. we need to key in on that. the current local hiring that you had offered is probably the most innovative one so far. so let's get it applied. thank you. supervisor avalos: next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. i will be briefed. i am confident in you as
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supervisors and support staff to implement the local hire col. the funds that are stimulated from the america's cup project stay in san francisco. this means using san francisco vendors. san francisco vendors are most likely to hire san francisco residents. finally, i am also confident that you will support organized labor and all construction jobs. thank you for your time. supervisor avalos: good afternoon. i am the executive director the brand of institute. -- brandoff institute. what we would like to see is the money be spent in staying here in sentences go. we would also like to seek local collier and local pertaining to the disadvantaged communities in the communities affected by the project coming to us.
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we would also like to make sure that these jobs are union jobs as well. there are things that the communities are saying that they would like to see, and i am here to reiterate that to you today. >> good afternoon, supervisors. eric brooks speaking on behalf of the local green party. it is very important to note the key issue with this event in thiand the fact it is in san francisco. this is about pride in the event and civic pride on behalf of san francisco that we are hosting the event. since the steel came through, we have seen the environmental impact reports that we are getting -- asking to bend a lot on some of the environmental issues. where as we should be speller on those.
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we are here to speak up and this hearing on behalf of the strongest possible local hire and high wages we can get from this project, not just a man among letter of the wall. getting back to the pride issue, if mr. ellison and the other participants in supporters want this city to be proud of this event, they need to be stellar and exceed in environmental standards to the greatest degree possible. that goes to the greatest local hiring and union hiring. 20 percent is just 20%. and we need the event sponsors to look at san francisco and it's about using and follow those values so that people like me and others like me who have never been to a ceiling sporting event and our lives will be so proud of this event
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