tv [untitled] October 2, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT
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confuse them in trying to delineate where one picks up and where one leaves off and how they may not help each other. >> a great question, a supervisor. from the beginning of this program we have been challenged in communicating that this is not insurance. it is an access program limited to the city and county of san francisco. under the affordable care act, the notion is transitioning more individuals and to help the insurance programs, which we have always said it is certainly preferable for the uninsured population. as opposed to an access program that is not portable outside the city. connections between the two, we believe upwards of 60% of the healthy sentences go population will migrate to health insurance when the individual mandate kicks in, january of 2014.
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individuals that will belong to medicaid, metical, or the california health benefits exchange, we have consistently educated our health the san francisco population through our quarterly newsletters. we will still have 40% of the population that we believe will need access to a comprehensive delivery system. the program will but sees, but it will certainly serve fewer people in 2014. we are starting to work with all counties in california, around what will be the very real challenge of communicating across states. across individuals.
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what the options are, how to enroll, and the eligibility process. we believe that the work that we have done in san francisco, where we know where these individuals reside, but their incomes are, and if they will be eligible. certainly, when these individuals are actually enrolled in health insurance, in san francisco at least, you will not have a cry of tentativeness. and number of individuals uninsured, once they get insurance, they will want health care services to address issues that have not been addressed. using a comprehensive delivery system, we believe that the population of providers will be in a better position as a result of the work that this board, the
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mayor, and certainly the nonprofit hospitals that public health has supported. those are the connections. i think that there will be a lot of education that we will be doing with partnership providers, helping not only san francisco participants, but the 15% not in there yet, 19 year- old to 24 year olds that think they are invincible, telling them that the program is, in terms of the affordable care act, and how they can facilitate, using it to the fullest extent. supervisor mirkarimi: does federal money translate when more people are switching to the federal health insurance? >> it does not. healthy san francisco is not health insurance. as a result, it would not get any federal funding for that. however, california on a regular
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basis as a waiver that they use to fund hospitals and provides services for individuals that are uninsured. the most recent waiver that they received, the state asked the federal government to help jump- start this states move toward health reform. they are calling it a pitch to health reform. one of the initiatives is called the low-income health program. it is for all 58 counties. the notion, helping identify individuals that will be eligible for medicare or the exchange in 2014. preparing them. what has happened in our county is we have developed a program that is separate and distinct from hell to san francisco. it receives federal funding. we will require that as part of
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the waiver, there is a transition of the portion of our health the san francisco into sf path, which we did on july 1. those individuals would receive federal funding. the federal funding is not a grant, unfortunately. it is reimbursement. we have had to incur costs. we get a matching rate. for california, it is 50 cents. $1 on an individual is a bit more than 10,000 in world. the idea in doing this is for the state of california to be able to say to the federal government that it has submitted implementation and safety health reforms. this is just one of the examples of what the state is doing. as you are probably aware,
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california was the first state to implement a healthy exchange. implementing what they call and adopted a series of legislative initiatives and bills that promote some of the basic components of the affordable care act. guaranteeing issue for children. this is a part of that component supervisor mirkarimi:. thank you -- component. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. supervisor chu: thank you, tangerine. let's go to the budget analysts report. >> as shown in table no. 2, page 5 of the report, we propose not to exceed 1112 per agreement.
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full-service, nonprofit, for- profit health-care providers, $7,683,000 will be reimbursed to live reservist providers. additional costs are detailed on pages 4 and 5 of our report. the agreement between the dph in san francisco health authority for these services include, it was in 2008. as we state on page 6 of the report, you can see that the
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request for the proposal is not appropriate for this agreement as they provide third-party administration in a second agreement for the entire health the san francisco program. providing services as an efficient, we agreed that it would be inefficient. as pointed out, this agreement would be retroactive for the reasons stated on pages six and seven of the report. we recommend approval of this resolution. supervisor chu: are there any members of the public that wish to comment on item number four? >> please give to the program. ♪ for your healthy heart for
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your breath as you grow old you know your health you know is the measurable feeling good is immense so give it dollars and cents do it for your healthy heart and your health the sole and for your blessings you grow when it tilts to give money to some ♪ supervisor chu: thank you. are there other members of the public it wished to speak on this item? can we -- seeing no one, this item is closed. sent forward without objection. thank you. please call items 5 through 11. >> item #5. hearing to receive a regular
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quarterly update from the public utilities commission on the water system improvement program to include information on projects completed to date, the corresponding costs for completed projects, and schedule and corresponding costs for upcoming projects. item no. 6. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendments to increase engineering project design services agreement no. cs-879a for water system improvement program wsip-funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $14,000,000 pursuant to charter section 9.118. item number 7. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendments to increase engineering project design services agreement no. cs-879b for water system improvement program wsip-funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $15,000,000 pursuant to charter section 9.118. item #8. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendments to increase engineering project design services agreement no. cs-879c for water system improvement program wsip-funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $16,500,000 pursuant to charter section 9.118. item #9. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities
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commission to execute amendments to increase new irvington tunnel construction management services agreement no. cs-918 for water system improvement program wsip-funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $17,500,000 pursuant to charter section 9.118. item number 10. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendments to increase program construction management services agreement no. cs-963 for water system improvement program wsip-funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $34,000,000 pursuant to charter section 9.118. item number 11. ordinance de-appropriating $314,092,249 in existing water system improvement program wsip project budgets and re- appropriating the funds to the revised wsip program budgets adopted by the san francisco public utilities commission, and placing $227,779,748 on controller reserve subject to completion of project-related analysis pursuant to california environmental quality act ceqa, where required, and receipt of proceeds of indebtedness, as certified by the controller for fy2011-2012. supervisor chu: thank you.
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colleagues, these all deal with the public utilities commission. item #5 is one that i have co- sponsored with supervisor avalos. it is a huge project going forward, with many moving pieces. it is meant to give us an update on projects and how they are coming in terms of scheduling in the budget. 6 through 10 are amendments to existing contracts. item number 11 is an item that we intend to continue to the call of the chair. if i could ask julie to provide an overview on the program and join us through six through 10. >> because of the number of scheduling constraints, it has been six months since of the committee has been updated on the underwater improvement system program. we will focus on what we
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encountered in the field during the last six months or so. so, this is where we stand as of december 20. the number of projects in the program, and the dollar amount, is the full value of these. we only have seven of our 81 projects that are yet to reach construction. the last piece of the pie there is construction. 24 projects under construction. these are worth $2.6 billion. also noteworthy is the fact that we have completed nearly 50 projects, two-thirds the number in the program. a number of these projects have been succeeded by smaller projects. we are now about 6% complete on the overall program. what have we achieved in the
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last six months? we have advertise many different construction contracts. that included ntp, our largest project, and the start of construction on this new dam is one of the most significant milestones. we completed complot rigid construction on four, zero projects that are a part of the influence under the san andreas fault. also, the excavation of two large tunnels. one on the east bay, one on san francisco bay. pursuing rapidly, we have a full use of a number of key facilities that are adding seismic liabilities and
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separation of flexibility is. just two examples here. we have a new treatment facility, the largest in california that is operating. with so much work currently in the field, there are challenges that are typical of a large, infrastructure program. unforeseen conditions is something that we encounter a lot. we can make some assumptions as to the typical conditions that you will encounter. often in the field these conditions, previously assumed as changes, are very hard to control. project sizes that may lead to changes. much of the designs are based on
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documents coming from the early 1900's. that is an extra challenge. we have encountered new regulatory requirements during construction. storm water management, for example. we need to adjust our documents. with some of our contract documents, including these thousands of pages in the investigation, it is almost impossible to have them be emission free. whenever there is a discrepancy between different pages in the construction industry, they normally side with the contractor. that can be an issue. again, the goal is to retain the changes to within 10% of the contract amount. this is a summary of the contracts awarded since i was
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last in front of you. we continue to benefit from the environment. the second contract is here, with only one bidder. we are still seeing winning bids that are much lower than the budget and what has been accommodated for that work. since march of 2011, we have awarded contracts as a result of those cost savings. also, to highlight the fact that back in july, our commission approved revisions to the program. these revisions did not include any significant changes to the overall scope of the program. one significant change was the extension of this program from december 2015, through july, 2016. only three projects will have construction projects
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continuing into 2016. the program budget that was issued, it may be the same at 4.9 billion. we did propose the addition of the program management reserve, putting all of our program savings into, adding up to, $160 million. management responsibilities for five supply projects in the approval program, for different capital programs, they are currently managed by the enterprise. supervisor chu: the three projects currently underway? >> the calaveras them -- damp. then you have the reserve projects, including habitat mitigation.
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a support projects that could not be initiated before we got the construction done. the only one this is significant is calaveras. to give you an idea of the incredible amount of work being done in the field, i want to show you these photos. this tunnel that stands between us, located between the faults, that construction project started last summer, and is making great progress, the we have encountered some difficult situations in the field of geology. we have encountered methane gas in, which modifies the construction on this project, expanding to the middle of 2014. the work taking place in the
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water treatment plant is making great progress as well. it is one of the three main treatment facilities here, a massive amount of work is taking place in this reservoir. we are about what have we done with construction on this project -- we are about halfway done with construction on this project. as i mentioned, construction on the calendar is them -- calaveras a damn project, this will control the overall completion of the program, july of 2016. the bay tunnel is by far one of our most technically challenging projects. 5 miles under san francisco bay, that project has captured a lot of attention in the
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infrastructure industry. after one year of field work in the manufacturing in japan, we finally got under way with the tunnel in august. everything is going as planned, so far, so we are very pleased. construction will be -- continue to the middle of 2015. perhaps one of the most visually impressive works is taking place on the lower crystal street them, close to the solar can trail. we are conducting work overnight there. going in multiple shifts, if those are fine, we will be done with construction by the end of this year. earlier this summer, we completed construction of a treatment facility. as i mentioned, the largest uv
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treatment facility in california. third largest in america. we were joined for the ceremony without being thoroughly tested. this summer we also completed construction on the university reservoir. we refilled the reservoir immediately after construction. again, there was much added redundancy and reliability. i wanted to shoot you another project. this is the [unintelligible] pump station built in mclaren park. we're very pleased with that project. last week, the program received the outstanding large
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infrastructure project of the year by the american society of civil engineers. we were very proud of that. this pretty much conclude my overall presentation. i can answer any questions you might have. supervisor chu: let's go forward with contracts. >> items 6 through 10 on the agenda relate to the amendments for private consulting contracts that provided consulting in the program. in terms of the big picture, out of the $4.6 billion, up $3.4 billion, or 74% of the budget, was for construction and financing. what remains is for what we call delivery costs.
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project management, engineering and services. of that, you can see that these services are equally split between city staff. the five contract amendments that we are seeking approval for today, it would represent 2.8%. this is a summary of the five contract amendments. the first are for engineering amendment services. the last two or contract amendments for construction management services. they both involve changes in the amount of authority. going over each one very briefly, the first one is an amendment to an agreement with a joint venture for $3 million.
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not to exceed $14 million. this amendment is needed for additional engineering services on a project forcing conditions in there. we also need more engineering services in regards to their technical operation. the second amendment is an increase in the contract by $1 million. the amendment is needed for three different projects. in one case, services that involve the crossing of a fault. we also needed additional services on another project based on comments that we got from the california division. finally, we needed additional engineering support for construction.
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the third amendment, an increase of $2.7 million, bringing the contract amount to $16.5 million. we will need additional modeling work to support the view of the very large brown water project. we would need additional services on one of our largest, the traci water treatment plant. the overall scope and schedule of that project have expanded. the last contract amendment, as i mentioned, are for construction management services. the fourth one is the amount of $2.5 million. the contractor had to go on an accelerated schedule. we needed additional services to provide what was required from the sections as a contractor
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remained in the field. the final contract amendment is in the amount of $8 million. there is also a time extension of four months. this amendment is needed to accommodate the revision of the overall completion date program by extending the program by six months. also, but we are doing there is we are transferring some of the service that was previously provided by parsons in the pre- construction program management program to this contract. i am sure that some of you may recall, that is an early 2009 joint venture. a decision was made to split that cost into two separate contracts to avoid conflict of
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interest issues. now that most of the program is almost all in construction, it is much more efficient to phase parsons out of our program and transfer some of these services that are still applicable in construction to the ae com contract. these functions, such as risk management, dispute resolution, and quality surveillance are needed for us to be successful with our construction management services. that concludes my presentation. supervisor chu: thank you for the two explanation. let's go to the budget analyst report. >> madam chair, members of the committee, on page 7 on the report, we point out that it is shown on table 3. that is on page 7. the total proposed agreement
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amendments will result in a new total not to exceed amount of $97 million, an increase of his $17.2 million or 21.6% above the existing not to exceed amount. i would emphasize that all five of these agreements were awarded through a competitive process, and we are satisfied, based on the explanations provided by the puc, for the reasons for both the increased amounts as well as the time extension. on page 9 of our report, we point out that under file 11- 0875, the puc has proposed transferring responsibilities from
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