tv [untitled] October 6, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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also introduced this concept of leveling the playing field. at the moment, the set never been done before -- all teams are racing identical votes. who wins and loses is based on the performance of the team. at the moment, there is no biological advantage for any one team. >> [inaudible] >> that will not be the case with the 72's. however, the scope and a range of their boats will be as narrow as possible. >> [inaudible] >> i do not. i cannot comment on that. as i mentioned, these races are at the moment being boxed into 20-minute time frames.
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the match racing takes 20 minutes. the fleet race, which is where we have all of them at the same time takes about 40 minutes to complete. a 15-minute break in between races, and we usually have about 15 of these races a day. at the end of the day, these sailors are absolutely shattered, exhausted. these races are physical and demanding and they are operating within 80% of their maximum heart rate. this is athleticism at its finest. >> [inaudible] >> we anticipate all the teams to be in. >> [inaudible] >> i did not say that. i said all the teams that are currently and will be with us to the conclusion of the program until 2013. >> the world cup that is going on now has nothing to do with the america's cup.
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they are totally separate athletic events? one does not lead into the other? >> that is right. the america's cup world series is like formula one racing. at the end of the season, they have one winner. then the second season will have its champion. then we will pick up with louis vuitton. the best way to explain it to americans, this is like the playoffs. very much in the nfnhl, everyone qualifies for the playoffs. but there is no link between the america's cup and louis vuitton cup. the close to shore racing concept is also something that has never been done. this is a way to bring the sport
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to the people, to allow the mass audience, allow the introduction of the sport to a new generation of folks who are not hard core sailors but still respect the traditions of sailors. it was fantastic to see so many people. we had over 115,000 people come out to plymouth, including quite a bit on sunday. it is a spectator event for the whole family. if you enjoy speed and athleticism and a cool spectacle, that is exactly what this is. it is thanks to the technology of the votes that we're able to sail so close to the shore. that is also my san francisco was chosen for the event. the ability to have tens of thousands of spectators along the coast is phenomenal. continuing on the technology theme, we have invested a lot of
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time and energy into the research and ability to broadcast it in a way that has never been done before. we now have the ability to do the live, on-screen graphics that helps us to look at the playing field. that will be key to educating new fans and bringing new people to the sport. this is a remarkable advance by our team, the team that had been worked on this to make this possible. in the past, this had been possible only through fixed camera positions. we have now been able to make it a dynamic process where everything that is done is on the boats themselves and on helicopters above. so this does take the sport to a whole new level of possibility. likewise, we made a commitment
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to our social and a marketing plan part to help to spread our messages and bring the environment together for a variety of issues, not only on a sailing, but also to the commitment to sustainability. of course, the world series to post our world cities around the world. this is a great way to communicate what we are doing. i will also mention we have this partnership with youtube, another groundbreaking partnership, and they have allowed us to have their hosting on our website, which is a first for them. people can choose the way consume the event, whether it is by audio channels, paying attention to a graphics more than erasing, you really have a choice on our website, thanks, in large part, to youtube.
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i mentioned it sustainability. we are committed to saving the world's oceans. it is a logical fit sailors love the sea. it allows us to create a program where we have a global initiative that we can enact globally with local constituents. this is not designed to favor only one or two organizations. this is intended for us to unite communities around the world to protect the oceans. together with that, we are also committed to delivering grain, carter neutral events. we are also working to enact many of the principles we are developing in san francisco, actively delivering those services and our events around the world. back to the schedule. it is intended we will have 16 of the world series of events. we just concluded with portugal.
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next we will be in san diego just prior to thanksgiving. after, we will continue for one additional event in february, which is to be announced. following that, naples, italy, then venice, and then newport, rhode island. at webpage in june 2012. that is where we will crown our first america's cup champion. that will be the culmination of the first season. the second season will kick off in august and september for two events. you will be able to see the america's cup in action with the ac-45's in 2012. still have a couple of the new deals that we still have to work on. we but then finished the pacific
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ocean, middle east part of the door by going back to italy again, finishing up in the naples? in may 2013. at that point, the world series is finished and all eyes are focused on san francisco. in the advance of the world series being finished, there will be activity here as the team's focus on the ac-72's. was the world series is over with, it is all about getting the levitalouis vuitton cup goi. >> you are only going to have won the world series event? that one visit? >> that is right. we will be your fourth two months. late july until august, in terms
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of when teams are arriving on site to prepare. >> it looks like several of these other cities have multiple visits. why is san francisco only getting one? >> we are getting two. it just happens to be back to back. it happens to do with container logistics. it has been a challenging effort to get this pulled together. we are very close. >> [inaudible] 0 waste? >> we have a partnership with sailors for the sea. they are traveling with us to enact their list of measures about what is a clean her regatta. we are building that in through a step-by-step process. in portugal, we were able to achieve seven of those items.
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>> we are doing a hard mentor said every event, so we are collecting that now. >> one of the key parts of this is that we are measuring our metrics all the way with what we are doing. obviously, this is a new thing for everybody, so we want to take best practices and continue out of that program. so that by the tim to august 2012, it should be a pretty well polished machine and we should be fulfilling the clean run the standards. >> [inaudible] given the amount of time they will be here? >> i do not. every team is so different in the way that they run their organization, from staffing to advanced planning to engineering. for the moment, the focus is on the world series, understanding these votes. teams have full crews.
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all the teams are currently designing their ac-72's, so it is difficult to answer that question at the time. >> he said 100,000 people that came to plymouth over those series of days. 22,000 was the peak you got in a single day? how many did you get in portugal? >> portugal was a different venue layout, a different city. it was difficult to get a good number auto portugal because it was more spread out over the beach. whereas, in plymouth, we had a small area, like san francisco, where it was much easier to take a look at that area. if we know that there is ample, we pretty much know how many people. it is difficult to put a number
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on portugal. it was well attended but we did not try to put a reaction -- a member of the crowd reaction that we got. we never saw anybody in there on the beaches over the weekend, but when we were there, it was standing room only. there were a lot of people there, but it would not be accurate for me to put a number on it. >> is the 22,000 about when you were hoping for? >> averaging over 10,000 during the day in the week, over 20,000 on the weekend, that is great. the main thing is that it was full. if we were here and we only had 20,000 people, it probably would have looked like a low-attended event, but where we are, it looks great. >> from july 4 to september 1, what is going on then as
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opposed to september 7 through the 22nd? >> the louis vuitton cup is essentially the playoffs and between all the team's to figure out who will be in the lone winner. the team that will make it into the finals to compete against usa, oracle for the cup. the final is a head-to-head match race. it is the best of nine races. the first team to 5 is the winner. the only difference is oracle usa does not have to compete in the cup. they are already in the final perio. that is the tradition. once you are the defender, you are in the final automatically
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the next time. >> let us a a 18 denies the auricle tame -- raises the auricle came from some members second? how many races are in that group? >> a minimum of five. it is a best of nine. the same two teams going against each other, nine races in total on the calendar. the first team to win 5 is the winner. >> then the july 4 through september 4, how many races are in that? >> i think somewhere around 45 races. it is all of the challengers going against each other, but head to head. again, the exact format has not been finalized yet but there will be some sort of a round robin which will narrow itself down to an elimination round, which will lead to a head-to-
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head match. then the winner of that final head-to-head will be the winner to go on to compete for the oracle cupp. i think we can keep going. this is interesting for a number of reasons. this helps to give you an idea of what the event looks like, about the grounds and fans. this was the setup that we had in portugal. you can see the harbor, a lot of normal activity in the background. this pier area was set up specifically to have the craning process. it was a huge crowd draw. you can see these fans stop to watch the training process, but not in any danger. the larger area -- i am going to
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step away from the microphone. this is where we did our press activity. this is where we did the champagne and the announcements. this was one of our hospitality areas. this is an area we were running our underwater hospitality program. this is the oracle team. the team continued all the way down here. maybe we can see more of that in the next slide. this is a camera angle showing how close the fans are able to get. if you recall the previous slide, they were segregated. this is just a good shot from the camera angle. here is an example of what pit row looks like, if you compare it to motorsports. it is a big draw for these fans
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to see these crews working on the boats in a much more personal way. this is one of the core assets we have, allowing people this up close and personal access. again, an example of a beautiful day we had in england at the last event with spectators and on-air commentary, at the sign time, looking over their shoulder to see the event. we also have the america's cup experience. this will be coming to san francisco. it is a simulated experience where we can bring 30 or 40 people into the room at one time and they can watch an imax movie where they can get an
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interactive experience of what it is like to be on a boat. we are working to make it even more dynamic as we go forward. this is about a youth movement, about attracting a younger audience, about having an event for the first time. we also have a series of nighttime concerts'. certainly, in 2013, when we're here for the better part of three months, a tremendous amount of programming and content being provided in the area, from smaller events to the big, mass spectator events. this is one of our three live concert. as you can see, it was quite a popular event. i think that is the end of this
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overview. as you know, everything is on, it is also on our youtube page. we would encourage everyone to have a look at what is going on and visit us in san diego for a face-to-face look. thank you. >> next up, we are going to hear from kerry. -- carrie. >> good morning, everybody. i had the pleasure of being in portugal. it was absolutely tremendous. both my chairman and myself were there. we were very heartened by how exciting the racing was. i am not sure if anybody had a chance to catch the fleet race in plymouth, but tom covered a
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bit of the action from the collision in the starting line to a couple of capsizes. jimmy, who was driving one of the oracle boats, stepped out of the water and said, this is just like san francisco. that type of promotion really is a calling card, a road to san francisco for the next two years. what the event of a party has been able to pull together and started to come to bear. we are really excited to be able to bring this to fruition. they are doing their part. the city is doing their part. we are also incredibly proud of how the city has stood up and its commitment in pushing for the environmental review at a
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really impressive pace while staying true to that which we feel is important, part is a patient and inclusion. we are not only excited about what is coming to bear around the world and in san >> the organizing committee we are doing our part as well. we received our tax exempt status. we were originally a 501 c 3 and get our status. all the donations are tax exempt and that is significant when you are out in the marketplace raising tens of millions of dollars to cover city expenses. we have a milestone to meet. when the environmental review process is over at the end of this year and that is to demonstrate we have raised the first $12. we are doing the work with our committee. we have raised over $2 million
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in cash and commitments to cover the operational expenses and make sure we could hire staff as we have done. we are about to hire another person in the next 30 days. we feel we are well positioned to meet that only. we will have a full report when we are asked to come forward. the generosity that committee members have shown and how well received we have been on the other side of our obligation which is to introduce the event authority to corporate response source. we have introduced them to over 60 corporations the last year or so, and many of them are turning into partnerships. so, we are excited about the p.w.c. partnership. we helped facilitate those conversations and our role is to take them to the best partners in san francisco and find the right fit for them. we continue to introduce them to c.e.o.'s and executives and
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foster those conversations. they are important to find the right partners that help them and us be successful. having been in portugal and experienced it in plymouth folks are finding everything that has been committed is coming to bear in terms of what it means and access, public access, unique opportuniti opportunities, and just san francisco on the global stage. we are also working on some other commitments including being the host committee. we are helping put together the one-stop center with the city. we are having teams that will relocate here from all over the world. certainly starting with oracle racing and the members of the event authority. we are trying to make sure they get documentation they need, whether it is federal, state or local government introductions or entities they need to work with. being available to help them with housing or school referrals. putting that together.
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we are in the planning phase of that and trying to understand what the time line is they will need in order to have those needs met and working closely with the city so we don't recreate the wheel and we leverage existing access whether 311 or neighborhood services, working with congresswoman pelosi's office and having direct connections to the federal agencies that ned to deliver some -- need to deliver pieces. i think that is generally what you need to know is going on with the organizing committee. we will add more members. we are also helping for the advancement of the sustainability plan and community benefits package. >> can you go over the money part again? what is your total obligation and time line? >> the host city agreement calls for $32 million to be raised by the local organizing committee. it is broken up in terms of
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deliverables. the first $12 million is due by the end of the environmental review process. i defer to the city on exactly what the time of that will be. i think we are on track to meet the commitments of the host city agreement at the end of this year. we are out in the marketplace raising those fund as and we ha a great operational model with the event authority on -- we provide corporate sponsor introductions and they help facilitate our outreach to philanthropists whether individuals or families and are providing us with the assets that are necessary. so when you ask someone for a seven figure gift we can articulate the benefits that are coming to the city for that, helping us pay for environmental review and pay for the transit and doing it the san francisco way. the folks who made early commitments to us before we had our tax exempt status are really proud of the way it is
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unfolding. as more definition comes to the plan and people have a better understanding of the community benefits, what are the youth opportunities, what are the workforce and job plans and that is unfold being the next three -- unfold bei folfold ing the n months so we are going out to sell those opportunities for folks to help us facilitate our obligations. generally i say i'm raising $40 million if you count the $32 million specified in the host city agreement. there is a bond provision and other obligations, whether taxes or utilities, garbage. then i have the operational expenses. so if you roll it all up, a little bit of contingency, i think we are generally comfortable saying we are raising $40 million. >> of the 32 you have raised what do you have so far? >> we told you this summer when we got the status we raised just
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over $2 million, gifts from 10 members of the committee helping us get started with staff. we are now in a quiet phase. when we are done with that and come to the board of supervisors we will demonstrate that aware able to raise $12 million and we are well on track. i won't tell you what portion is that. we are well under way and we will be there. >> you saw the articles in july that said you were returning behind. >> yes. we are not running behind in the least bit. it is not in my benefit to tell you exactly where we're at in that milestone until i'm done with the meetings that we have on schedule right now. i'm out every week meeting with two or three members of the committee and we are going beyond the committee having conversations about what their commitment would mean to our effort and i will tell you confidently we are on target and that is resonating. >> it is not in your benefit to tell us? why? >> when you run a fund-raising
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campaign you want to have one-on-one private conversations with donors about what they are able to give and the timetable and you have those private conversations to help facilitate the conversations. >> how many members of the committee are there? >> i think we are about 50 committee members and we are having conversations with folks that are outside. that doesn't include the honorary committee members which is almost all the elected officials. >> the two million is from 10 members? >> a handful and they were not seven figure gifts. >> [inaudible] >> not yet. we are having conversations and when we report back at the end of this year i would expect that a couple of those donations will come from outside the committee because conversations we are having right now are with folks on the committee and outside. >> what point does the city see this money? >> we are working with the city on an m.o.u. on the payment
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schedule. we need to demonstrate we will have $12 million raised and the started july 1 and end june 30. i think you will see payments beginning when we announce that we have met the target and we will pay over the rest of the year. >> what if you are not able -- what if things are drying out and you can't meet it? >> the city has the right to terminate if we don't demonstrate we have $12 million. it is very straightforward and the city has confidence if we can't do what we said they have the right to terminate. >> they have the right. how likely is it that they would? >> you will need to ask the city that question. it is their right to terminate. we have been working with the city and the city's performance is an incredible asset to us. their ability to show that they are doing things in an
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