tv [untitled] October 11, 2011 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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president mendoza: thank you. any other reports? commissioner wynns? vice president yee riley? commissioner wynns: i wanted to make an addition to the rules committee report because all the members of the board have gotten or are supposed to get the 9,000 series, the one that's in detail proposed because we wanted everybody to give us input before the october 17th meeting. tell us what you think of it. >> i didn't get a copy of it, i don't think. i didn't see it in my mailbox. president mendoza: can we get them resent? thank you. commissioner yee? vice president yee: i wanted to make an announcement that we had a meeting yesterday, the joint committee, and the reason why i want to make the announcement is because i won't be here to report it at our next meeting. and so but i do want to say that the two items of the three that were on the agenda i heard and i
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have paperwork. i would recommend actually that for one of our educational discussion pieces that we have our staff and maybe invite city college also to talk about the bridge to success program, because it's really interesting. they have a lot of great data that is worth looking at and the nice thing about it is that there's a real collaboration between the two institutions in using stafford to share the data so if anybody's interested, i have it. president mendoza: thank you for that information. >> the budget and program committee of the san francisco board of education had a meeting. i'll report on it at our next
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meeting when it is sunshined or whatever but to make that announcement, so, we don't have enough money. president mendoza: any other announcements from board members? this is the informational place that if i were to announce something that's coming up, this is the right place to do that? >> we can as a matter of moving forward, we can agendize all the committees that met in the previous two weeks as a place holder so we can properly compile it. >> we're usually pretty good about it. let's make sure that the committees -- whatever -- whenever we have any meetings set, let's put it in the agenda. and i want to make a quick announcement that this weekend is the 11th annual harley strictly blue grass festival put on for free for the city which is a huge contribution to our city and he, every year, kicks it off by taking all of the middle schoolers to listen to blue grass music so he's going to do that again. he's moving it up to a thursday
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because friday is going to be all day he's actually adding acts so all day friday will be the festival itself. so once again, m.c. hammer will be performing for the kids on thursday from 10:30 to noon if anybody would like to come out and join the kids. commissioner norton? commissioner norton: i wanted to say that many of the schools located around golden gate park have turned this into a fundraiser and are allowing people to pay to park on their schoolyard grounds so if you want to support your local schools and are looking for a place to park, of course we always recommend public transportation first as city policy but if you do find yourself in a car going to the festival, you can support a school and park on the schoolyard. president mendoza: i love that we're opening school yards for parking. commissioner murase?
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commissioner murase: ruth asal school of the arts had a dedication ceremony on september 14 and i wanted to congratulate that community and tonight actually comcast is going to present sort of with donation, they're having a precedent tonight, announcing new asian-american media content so we're very proud of soda and the contributions they're receiving and support from the community. president mendoza: commissioner yee? vice president yee: wherever these schools have celebrations, especially the 100th anniversary celebration, one of the most difficult things to do is find alumni, because we don't have a list. if anybody know of somebody actually went to school at gene parker at any time, let them know that there's going to be a 100-year celebration of gene parker tomorrow night at 6:00. so please join us there.
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president mendoza: i also wanted to share that the college track did their groundbreaking for their new facility site on third and gerald which is really exciting so it will have a big college track sign which is on the corridor which will set the tone for our kids in the bayview so i want to thank college track for their partnership and the work they're doing with our kids and there was a backpack give-away this weekend at garfield park that was put on by the city that benefited so many of our kids in our superintendent zone, the mission superintendent zone. thank you for doing all of that, as well. are there any other final announcements? great. thank you. yes? sorry. are you ok? item t is the report of closed session activities. this is the closed session actions of september 20, 2011. the board of education approved a credit for one direct, one principal and two assistant
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principals. in the existing litigation case oah case no. 20011160521, the board, by a vote of 7 aye's, approved a settlement. in the existing litigation of case no. 2011060361, the board, by a vote of seven aye's, approved settlement in $3,000. in the existing litigation case of jh versus sfusd oah case 2011060553 the board approved settlement in the amount of $3,000. in a public employee discipline release matter the board resolved by a vote of seven aye's to accept the resignation of a classified employee and to waive certain damage claims against the employee in exchange for the employee's agreement to reimburse the district the sum of $14,300.34.
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we also have -- do you have a question? >> i was at that meeting. i arrived late. president mendoza: you were absent for that vote. yes, thank you. and then we also had a closed session action on today this evening september 27, 2011, the board by a vote of seven aye's approved joining the california school board association's los angeles unified school district turlock unified school district and association of california school administrators in initiating litigation against the state of california, anna j. monte santos and her capacity of director of finance, director of public instruction and john chang as state comptroller. item u are other informational items, there are no one tonight. and we are going to adjourn our
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meeting in memory of elaine fong. elaine was a retired district administrator who passed away on december 16. she started her career as a teacher at sherman elementary. she served as principal of treasury island. elaine remained active after retirement and belonged to church choir, taught yuk laely lessons and was interested in any hawaiian activities in the bay area. she served as a day-to-day substitute after retiring in 1997. the board of education and superintendent of schools express sincere condolences to the fong family. meeting adjourned.
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be new technology that could make it easier to get to your destination. many are taking a position of next bus technology now in use around the city. updated at regular intervals from the comfort of their home or workplace. next bus uses satellite technology and advanced computer modeling to track buses and trains, estimating are bought stocks with a high degree of accuracy. the bus and train our arrival information can be accessed from your computer and even on your cellular phone or personal digital assistant. knowing their arrival time of the bus allows riders the choice of waiting for it or perhaps doing some shopping locally or getting a cup of coffee. it also gives a greater sense that they can count on you to get to their destination on time. the next bus our arrival information is also transmitted to bus shelters around the city equipped with the next bus sign.
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riders are updated strictly about arrival times. to make this information available, muni has tested push to talk buttons at trial shelters. rider when pushes the button, the text is displayed -- when a rider pushes the button. >> the success of these tests led to the expansion of the program to all stations on the light rail and is part of the new shelter contract, push to talk will be installed. check out the new technology making your right easier every day
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>> to you have an ipad? >> no, i do not. >> good afternoon. balkan to the public utilities commission meeting, brought to order. -- welcome to the public utilities commission meeting, brought to order. please call role. >> commissioner moran, commissioner caen, commissioner tores, commissioner courtney,. commissioner vietor is excused
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from today's meeting. >> i believe that mr. shepherd as a substitute language? >> an alternative language is the redline copy in the folder, paragraph three, just a clarification that shows a significant a larger change in clarifying the understanding of what was said. following public comment and after additional comment, the commissioners address for wholesale customers through 2018 and beyond, there was recognition that the relationship with wholesale customers was contractual and long-term supply issues would have to be dealt with under the terms of a large supply agreement.
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customers represented by the bay area water supply and conservation agency, under an agreement as to how the short and long-term water supply needs can be met. this changes the post from the vice-president. >> thank you. this was a less formal meeting than most. we were struggling to put together something. if there are any other thoughts on that? and if not, i have a motion and a second. commissioner for me? all of those in favor? >> aye. >> the minutes of the september 13 regular meeting. any comments? >> ok.
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i have a motion to approve. >> second. >> those in favor? >> aye. >> unanimous. mr. secretary? >> item #four. public comments. members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. >> do we have any public comments? next item, please. >> the next item is communications. letter summary options and print summary is available for public review, as requested by the commission. items held under written report, this is the time to bring those matters up as well. >> commissioners, anything that you would like to comment or question? >> yes. we all received the letter on
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september 14, from the russian group association regarding the reservoir. >> the reservoir in question is down on bay street. we have not used it for a number of years. if you drive by it, it appears to be a part. if you drive down the street where the cable cars are, you can see that because the reservoir is not being used anymore, we have had discussions for years about what to do with it. typically supervisors in the area would like it to be turned into some kind of a park. we do need some kind of value of of it. we got the letter and will send a response to all of the commissioners. >> thank you. >> that is up for discussion at some point.
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>> at a number of points with of this commission, you will see the discussion as part of the land use policy, and the times that -- the kinds of views. i think that what the neighbors are looking for right now is a fairly quick fix to a roof that they considered dangerous and unsightly. what i would just like to comment on the living management -- >> i would just like to comment on the living management program. it was compelling and the kind of thing that helps to make sense of those comments. >> that was mr. ritchie. >> next item.
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>> the next item would be -- pardon me. other commission business. we have a certificate of recognition. please read the recognition. mr. moses de los reyes, if he could come forward to be recognized. he is the general manager small firm advisory committee, honoring him for his distinguished public service in years of civic leadership. driving changes to increase leadership in regional water system construction.
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>> it is here? >> perhaps there is a twist in the communication? [laughter] >> thank you. many things regarding your service as well. >> any other new business? commissioners? >> the next item is the report of the general manager. >> before we start, just an announcement. in april we will receive a request for $25 million in state grants to fund the department of wildlife resources. particularly to help to fund the cesar chavez management improvement. you may have noticed that staff has recommended that. the director will have that on friday to make that decision. we expect to receive that decision before too long.
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a very good, large size grant from the agency. it tends to go to smaller, rural agencies with violations, so that is a good thing. next, we have our federal lobbyist legislative outlook. did you want to introduce the topic? our assistant general manager, julie ellis. >> good afternoon, commissioners. historically we have brought our federal lobbyists and state lobbyists to the commission to pretty much in role in basic for you all about focusing priorities on the behalf of the federal and state level. many of you have not had the opportunity to meet our federal
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lobbyists, they're owen. today would be a great chance to show what he can do at the national level with regards to priorities. as a kind of introductory meeting with him. i look forward to the opportunity. i have had a chance to work with him for the last two days. darryl and his team have gone deep into water with power, beginning to take priority for the upcoming years. >> thank you. thank you, commissioners. i am joined today by adam ingles. he joined a couple of years ago. this is the first time that we have requested the commission at the same time. he is a welcome addition to the team. it was suggested that i give you
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a short history of the relationship here as to why you have federal lobbyists. getting down to some more specific issues back in washington. in the mid-1980's, when i was still running for u.s. senate, puc was negotiating a new power contract. one of the district went to the local congressman and got a provision for an appropriations bill that would have adversely affected our ability to charge for power. when i left it the senate in 1990, the commission was in a crisis proceeding at the irrigation district. the motion was that it would be
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useful to have someone prevent that from occurring in the context of a license procedure. initially it was a protective measure. licensing procedures proceeded just fine. results quite well. in 1994, remember, newt gingrich and the contract with america. there was a proposal to raise the fee to 25 million. motivated mostly by antipathy toward san francisco more than anything else. it pops up periodically it in the second term. it is an issue that we are constantly monitoring back in washington to make sure that it does not get out of hand.
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it was more of an aggressive posture, more than anything else. in recent years we have become more entrepreneurial. more advocates. several years back we had a vision that allowed us to adopt a permanent office with various agencies that were engaged in processing, the theory being that rebuilding the last of this vital piece of infrastructure, while operational, we could not afford to fall behind. we could not afford to miss states as everything had to be so carefully sequenced. from what i have been told, it has been operated well and has been very useful as a model that congress and others are increasingly choosing to follow.
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the trip out here over the last few days has been extremely useful. the enterprise apartment has got together with local, state, and federal lobbyists to make sure that we are all communicating with each other and not missing opportunities to pursue the agenda of the commission. we had a very useful meeting with the corps of engineers. we have been working with them for a couple of years. as you know, they have suffered some pretty serious erosion out there as a result of winter storms. we are working towards each repel -- replenishment program in this environment, and it is pretty tricky. you can no longer do your marks. we have had to work on a problematic level in order to get the project past. we have lucky -- we are lucky to
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have gotten out. it was very meaningful to be with them for a couple of hours yesterday going forward. as far as watching right now, it is pretty much what you would believe. we are all but broken back there. over the last few years our elections have come to be known as a wave of elections, with radical swings back and forth between who has been sent to washington. years ago there were 60 members of the democratic blue dog caucus. they are now down to 20. they are on their way to single- digit. we have the tea party in washington. they came to town, committed to everything that was said. they have noticed a change in the debate in washington. we have to give them credit.
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they are determined to make these changes. the result has been that we are all fiscal, all the time. we start of the budgetary analysis earlier this year. holdovers from the previous congress. we went straight into the debt limit discussion. recently, we had another flare- up over issues to keep the government functioning. now i am on the so-called super- committee. deficit reduction by thanksgiving, or there will be a massive recession that takes place under spending levels, fairly well having consumed the agenda in washington. items that we could have worked on in the past, climate change or energy legislation, spending levels -- discretionary spending
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continues. funds are extremely scarce. there is more demand for them than ever. which is why i hope it makes the ocean side property so key in yesterday's suspicions. but i think that meaningful financial support for the kinds of things we have seen in the past with other entities in the past will continue to diminish. it will be a very lean talk in that respect. of all of the leads we have had out here this week, they were extremely useful as we were about to reach the point where we would need to reach our professional representatives to make sure that they were aware of the status of that. certain things happen. we are about to reach a mid- stage crescendo and we will have
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to do outreach with delegation members. that is one of the discussions we have had. it has been extremely useful to be out here, from my standpoint. i would love the chance to answer any questions you might have. >> commissioners? >> i want to make it clear that the tea party is not a populist movement. it was started by dick armey and funded by the insurance companies. what ever happened after that, i do not know. i find it absolutely ironic that the entire movement was based around objection to the obama health care plan, funded by the very people that would be regulated. to me that he party represents nothing more than a cup -- corporate elite, g grassroots movement.
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