tv [untitled] October 11, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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we're in the close-out progress there. trans world with the contractor, and they are submitting their documentation. the tjpa is reviewing a final change order request that has come in on that, and we will work through that this month and finalize that shortly. on the buttress shoring excavation package, the main package that is working, and we celebrating cent of the beginning of that yesterday at the event. the shoring walt is about 75% complete in the eastern zone. they're finishing up crossing field street and doing the far eastern wall, but the north and south walls of what we call a zone four. that shoring wall is complete so that the buttress shoring operation can begin. one of the machines as move down to the west end of the project and started the shoring while at first street yesterday. the day before yesterday. so that is rolling along. the second machine after this
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week in, we have a complete street closure this weekend, which will allow them to cross the southern half of the southern crossing. next week, the machine will agree mobilize down to the west end, and the two of them will work together to finish that shoring also the excavation can begin in the western section. as far as his own four, were the buttress operation is taking place, the equipment mobilized over the last month, i have some pictures of that in a moment. that drilling operation began yesterday, and it there restoring some of the drilling mud that comes out of the hole and the water. the water treatment plant is nearly finished, and they should start production drilling next monday, september 12. that is the long ships we talked about yesterday in the board meeting. that is coming up. that will be for the next 18 months. we will be in a zone for drilling those shafts.
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if you have not been down there, this is a picture from the end of june, with the cdsm wall just getting going. you can see the equipment being mobilized for the badgers operation. that green and yellow piece of equipment side-by-side in the middle of the picture there are the two rotators that will be used to drill the 240-foot shafts. the green one is the new one that was bought specific for this project and was mobilized last month. the rest of the area, on the right, is the end of august. you can see the additional recycle concrete materials have been removed. the wall machine has moved down to the west end. they continue to fabricate the soldier beam files that will be used in the shoring wall. we have to make about 800 of those. we're about halfway through welding those together and getting them ready for the
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shoring wall. the demolition is complete. the archaeology pit for the project is under way, on the left or the remaining buildings needed to be demolished, and on the right, they're all gone. the equipment has been demobilized, and the archaeology pit has begun. that is near natoma and howard. that pit should be finished on september 19, and that will allow the team to start their pre-trenching in assuring wall -- shoring wall. those are the final buildings coming down during july and august. 568 howard, 85 natoma had come down previously. just to revisit the timeline on the buttress shoring and excavation work, we're in the pre-trenching face right now. we have started the cdsm shoring wall.
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the excavation and bracing work in the construction of bridges started in the first and second quarter of next year. that is the progress made so far on the area. the cdsm wall completed is the yellow area. the c blue the keydsm wall that is under way. the green is the pre trenching. and the buttress area is ready for the start of that work. these are some shots of the ongoing pre-trenching effort. piles that to be removed in front of the shoring wall installation. cdsm operation in his own four, which is now nearly complete, with just the beale street were to finished. it creates a lot of mud. and the equipment has been mobilized. there is the rotator on the right. one of the two rotators that will be on the project. and the crane setting them up
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and assembling the equipment. as far as, to give you an update on quality control, the instrumentation has been put in place. the shoring wall, and that is the drill rig on the left. it is to monitor any potential for movement, as well as other instruments around the site. one of the things i forgot to mention is the during the month of august, we completed the test panels on the shoring wall system, and those came out of the test panels. they were then sent to the lab, a check for strengthened permeability. everything past. so we moved into the production phase last month. some general utility shots. this is just about complete, which will be a big phase to get behind this with the utility relocation. these of various sites around the project. and just an update on the craft hours, about 55,000 hours total
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completed by the evidence brothers without accident or injury, and about 88% of that was bay area local craft labor. so far with the work packages, they are running about 71% of total local craft labor of the bay area's. that is my presentation. i would be happy to address any questions. >> the statistic of working 55,000 hours without an accident or injury is phenomenal. i am just wondering, with -- was this luck or were there specific strategies that use that for that these are to create an environment where you could have that kind of track record? >> there is some luck involved, obviously, but the evidence brothers teams retard at it. we work with them in some areas to remind them to keep their safety up, but there were very attuned to it with what they do today. the operators of very careful. a lot of times in work like
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that, you get man versus operator injuries. there were very careful about that. and the standard of hard hats and i protection and proper clothing, you know, avoided the normal cuts and bruises that you might see. to the best of my knowledge, there were not even any recorded first aids. so we strongly believe that, you know, they did a phenomenal job. i was going to talk to the executive director about issuing a letter for the tjpa congratulating them for that if we can. it is thousand and that is normally seen to that level, especially something as difficult as a demolition. >> i would urge that we take the lessons learned from that and bring them to all of the subsequent trade packages and do other major construction work in the city. it is a great hallmark of this project. >> thank you, director. i should just add that the tjpa from the beginning has instituted strict quality-
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control measures. we have an extensive construction management manual that we have. we require all of our subs to have specific safety features in place. i think it also helped a lot. >> absolutely. it is on everybody's mind. we will keep that up as we go forward. >> congratulations, good report. >> thank you. now i would like to ask phil to give an update on the terminal. >> thank you. good morning, directors but i am with the tjpa program team. i have a presentation this morning, just a few topics on the temporary terminal, to give you an update on how things are operating there. i have four key items i will speak to. one would be the shuttle bus relocation we're working on currently. i will touch on bicycle sharing, accessibility, and also operations.
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for a shuttle bus operations, currently we have shuttle bus operators with -- who are stopping on beale street, between mission and howard. we need to relocate these stocks because they're basically over the point where we will be excavating. we need to relocate them to proceed with the excavation for the train bus. we have five key operators that we're working with. so we have been working with those operators, as well as the division of sustainable streets, to find an appropriate place to relocate these stops that are still convenient to the temporary terminal. and we have a proposal that we are working with right now, and that is to relocate these shuttles over to the northeast corner of howard and means
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street -- main street. on howard street, we're proposing to designate 105 feet of curb during commute hours, morning at 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and in the afternoon 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and we designate this as passenger loading zone. this would be on the north side of howard, just east of main street. during non-commute hours, this area would revert back to regular parking meters. there is a section of main street that we're going to designate as passenger-loading. the east side of mian street, just north of howard street. that would be all they. this is a graphic showing those two sections of curbs. you can see the 105 feet of passenger loading zone on howard
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street and in the 40 feet of passenger loading on main street. we're working with the operators. they like this location. division of sustainable streets is on board with that. they are looking at a couple other options, but we think that this one probably holds the most promise. for bicycle sharing, the original design of a temporary terminal has 10 bicycle racks on the center island. this is a very well-used by the commuters. recently, we were approached by mta staff. we're working on a bicycle sharing pilot program. they had an interest in having a bicycle sharing site near the temporary terminal. so we are working with them. we have looked at some installation sites adjacent to the tiberi terminal, particularly looking at -- and adjacent to the temporary
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terminal. particularly the lot at howard street. there are several layout we're looking at currently, but right now we do not have any funding. there is about five different schemes. each one has a level of sight work that needs to be done. so we need to look at that and try and find out whether we can find some funding for the options. accessibility, the tiberi terminal was designed to meet the current accessibility codes. we work very closely with the mayor's office of disability, as well as the dpw disability access coordinator, and white house for the blind. that has been operating well. we have not had any accessibility issues reported. finally, on operations, link facilities. the facility manager is working closely with tjpa as well as ac
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transit and greyhound to maintain the temporary terminal operations and security. we also have the transit rider of restrooms. link is seeing roughly about 50 passengers a day use the rest rooms, with no reported incidents. finally, the temporary terminal serves approximately 20,000 passengers a day, and it has recently completed one year of operation, and we think it is operating very well. that is the end of my report. any questions? >> that is the para transit service, i believe? >> yes. >> you have accessibility issues than on moving these things, and you are aware of those? continuous path, accessible paths? >> yes. >> i am sure kaiser permanente
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has some of the same issues. >> correct. >> ok. i will add that i have not received any complaints about the temporary terminal for seven r a eight months, so i know is going well. >> thank you. >> thank you pyeatt now i would like to have to sarah present the quarterly financial reports. >> good morning, directors. sarah. for our new directors, welcome. by way of background, these are quarterly financial reports. there on a quarterly basis. the contract status report that lists all of the contracts with their amount, terms, and miscellaneous information such as dve and fpe participation. and investment report with our interest earnings. and a fourth report that we call in session today, showing
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all the expenditures and revenues for the life of the program by a major expenditure category. these will be the final reports until the annual financial statement for the fiscal year that just ended, june 30. the show that on the budget side, we were within budget. and i am happy to answer any questions. they're just the standard reports. >> any questions, members? and then the report is just fine. >> it great, thank you, directors. that concludes my report. >> ok. we will move to the next item, number six, public comment, we do have a member of the public that wants to address on this item. jim has correspondence that he will share with the board. come on up, mr. patrick. >> good morning. my name is jim patrick, with patrick and company and san
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francisco. we have been in business since 1873. i did write a letter to the board, which they're passing out now. thank you for doing that. it talks about the west end exit way structure. you may not be familiar with that, but that is an exit way that exits from the park level only and also the first floor. it has turned out to be a very large building mass. and i would like to propose that we do away with this structure and find an exit interior within the building. the exit way does not support the pedestrian environment and circulation report, which we will hear in the transbay plan. i believe there are better alternatives, and i believe we can sit in excess of $5 million by eliminating this particular item. i know what i am asking the board to do is to direct the architect for the tjpa, and i will be glad to serve on that
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facility, to evaluate the west and structure. i have in the endgame, it will allow for a graffiti pallette, just to think of the old exit ways they used to be in the old terminal. i also think of sleeping homeless people. just think of what has gone on in the past. it is not a good thing. i see really no value in it. i am interested in generating some board discussion about why we need that particular attribute in the terminal design. >> members? director metcalf: i am new to this board. is there anyone who can be speak -- who can speak to the question? >> staff has been meeting with the board, and bob can speak to this. >> let the record reflect, i
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have not met with staff on this. >> he has met with bob, i believe. >> thank you, directors. the structure in question is located at the west end of the facility and has two components, one of which is an emergency exit stairwell for exiting from the park and is part of the exit ring function affecting the capacity of the park to hold events and the total number of people that can be hosted at the event. the second element is an elevator, which is intended to give access to the park, and one of the intentions of the three points of access directly to the park that we have -- one of the west end at beale street, one at the main entrance of mission square, and this one at the west end, is to provide access to the park without bringing those
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passengers -- visitors in and through the building where they would be interacting with and adding to the flows of people who are accessing the transit functions of the transit center. there are ways of activating the park and bringing people directly into the park from the street level. we did early on look at different alternatives. we have looked at access from an area which we referred to as howard square, which is the area of of the pros structure and having an access point out and then above the top of the bus route as a freestanding structure. that would have been a more expensive solution to this. the other is that the current development at the west end of the transit center is a variety of low-rise, you know, single
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two four-story buildings between the west end and second street, and currently, those buildings -- there is a blank wall that faces the transit center there at the west end, so there was not -- there is not currently a west end for the transit center as a building. for those reasons, the structure was kind of talk in at the west end of the transit center. -- kind of tucked in at the west end of the transit center. >> i just want to remind the board that this item is not again rise -- agendized for discussion today. if you want to discuss this, you should consider putting it on the agenda for a future meeting. >> is this something you would
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like to agendize? director metcalf: i have so much to learn about the design. what is the normal process for this body of reviewing the design issues? >> we are happy to brief you on design issues. certainly, as part of my report, i could give you more in-depth briefing. we could always do that. or you could come to our office, and we could brief you directly. whatever you would like. i think we are good now. >> my experience -- for 12 years, i was on the emeryville redevelopment agency and counsel. i can tell you that the only thing i can say is one of the things we have learned is that when you do something as huge as what we're doing, you will affect everything around you in terms of buildings will turn around, things will happen
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because of what we're doing, and we that. it may be a wall now, but the question is -- from a permanent planning standpoint, and this is where san francisco staff comes in -- that wall -- it may not be in five or 10 years, but that building most likely will turn around, given what your doing, and we must be sensitive to that as well if that is an issue. i do not know. there's a whole lot of things. maybe it should be agendized, but i will not be here for it, so i will not say one way or the other. director metcalf: i just want to say thank you for raising the issue. >> we have a long closed session. >> we are looking at building a building adjacent to that, and it has been to the knowledge of staff for many years, so we are trying to get the design
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finalize so we can move forward. the idea of there are other alternative exit ways to be had, so with a little thought and head-scratching, we can develop a win-win strategy, and right now, it is sort of a win-lose strategy. >> thank you very much. >> no other members of the public indicated they wanted to address you under public comment. with that, we can move into the consent calendar. >> we have three items. the minutes, which i will recuse myself from, from the last meeting. and then a couple of amendments. >> we can call the member -- the minutes separately, sever those from the calendar. >> all right, is there any motion for approval on items 7.2 and 7.3? ok, and the objection? seeing none, passes unanimously. i will recused from item 7.1. any objection from the minutes? and you will recuse yourself, to appear are, are you going to
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recuse yourself? you were here. -- and he will recuse yourself, too. art, are you going to recuse yourself? you were here. that passes unanimously among members allowed to vote on it. what are we on now? regular calendar? presentation of the transit center district plan by the san francisco planning department, sort of. -- sort of apropos of our public comment. >> as i mentioned yesterday, mayor lee did mention that in early october, we should have the draft released for the public. in anticipation of that, jobs will be giving a presentation on that plan and what it entails. >> good morning, directors. -- joshua -- josh will be giving a presentation on the plan and
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what it entails. >> good morning, directors. the plan was published in 2009 and has been on the streets for almost two years now for public review. what will be published in a short number of weeks is the draft environmental impact report for the plant, which will be a full analysis of the proposals and plan for public review and comments. the transit center district plan covers a broad swath of the southern side of the financial district from market street down to folsom street from the embarcadero to second and third streets. it overlaps with the transbay redevelopment area, and covers almost the entirety of the area, but the plan will not be affecting any of the land use and development proposals for a zone 1, which the redevelopment
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agency has jurisdiction over and is overseeing the redevelopment of. zone two, the jurisdiction of which was transferred or delegated, i should say, to the city, back to the planning department, and is subject to the control of the city's planning code, and as such, that is subject to this rezoning. the plan will be rezoning essentially all of zone two as well as surrounding areas that are not part of it. this plan has several core objectives, the first of which is a land use objective to recapitalize on the major investment that is transit center and really look at the south side of the downtown now that we are 25 years out from the adoption of the downtown plan in the mid-1980's and look at how the city should respond to the major public transit investment with the land use response. second, to look at how the
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downtown has evolved from a physical standpoint and see whether we ought to further kraft both the form of the downtown at the skyline level as well as the pedestrian level and what public realm response in terms of streets and public spaces should be improved to provide a more world-class setting for the transit center and all the increased activity that will take place in the area. importantly, our key goal of the plan is to generate a substantial amount of new revenue for the transit center project as well as for other infrastructure that is needed to support the district. all the increased activity from the transit center as well as the increase dedication as part of the downtown. streets and so forth are substantially lacking, and i will talk more about that in a second year lastly, to insure that the continuing growth of the district is sort of a
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shining model of environmental sustainability. i will talk more about that. i mentioned the draft plan was published in november 2009. the draft eir will be out at the end of the month. we anticipate the final adoption and hearings at the planning commission will commence probably at the end of february, given our current schedule. as i mentioned, the transit center district plan builds on the foundations established in the downtown plan in the 1980's, the premise that the downtown should remain combat and walkable, that market street is sort of center -- should remain compact and walkable. really, that the core of downtown is right around the transit center. as such, the plan proposes to modify the development allowances in terms of heights and densities in this area.
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to further reflect this, i should mention that the downtown plan did assert and establish that the area did immediately establish that the transit center at the time was zoned for the highest heights and greatest in city's downtown, the highest heights being around 550 feet immediately adjacent to the transit center. this plan seeks to enhance the division of the downtown block -- the vision of the downtown plan and more cement the downtown district as the real core of the 21st century downtown by increasing densities further and allowing more transit-oriented development immediately around the transit center. the plan proposes to increase heights strategically, to crown the downtown skyline.
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