tv [untitled] October 13, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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quorum. director kim: 90. are there any communications today? >> not that i know. >> thank you. please call item four. >> item four is board of directors meeting new business. i know of none. director kim: great. please call item 5. >> item 5, executive director's report. >> good morning. add this one report that we continue our outreach efforts to the community and organizations interested in learning about our projects and interested in internships opportunities. most recently, we presented,girls, inc., an organization that works with girls and they teach them about science and technology and ask them to come in. the girls were very interested
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and learned a lot. we have asked our contracting team to keep my mind for future internship opportunities. we continue to pursue the sides of avarice. in addition, last night, we met with the association of women in construction, took them on an extensive tour of our construction site. tonight, we will be meeting with turner construction, a group of professional women in the construction group as well. we continue our outreach efforts as much as possible in these areas. also on the report that evers brothers has completed demolition. we are finalizing the close of the contract. they have worked over 54
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in zone 3, they are still using the area to build up the beams for the short wall. the continued use of the staging area. they are ready for the shoring wall equipment to be there. in some of your, the milestone at the beginning of the month of september with the beginning of the buttress work -- in selling four -- zone four. some comparison voters, the photo on the left was the end of august, on the right, early october, september. that is the far east and. a lot more activity. that is the buttress operation with both rotators working. one crane each servicing each rotator and the third service crane, all heavy-duty large equipment. some slides of that in a second. in the central and west end of
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the project are zones three, two, and one. you can see it was just getting started back at the end of august, early september, and now, both rigs are working successfully on the north and south sides of the project. to remind you, on the timeline, we are still at the end of the duchess activities. the cdsm should be complete by early next year with zones 1 and two complete by november. and also, obviously, the pre- trenching complete by the end of the year. nextel will be the start of the excavation, which we anticipate just around the first of the year. a low traffic, the -- a little graphic, cdsm is under way, both
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on the north and south sides of one and two. pre-trenching is complete in most areas with some left to do it in a coma and down on the west end or the throat with the trains will enter, the train box. and then to buttress work in the corner of zone four. some of the various areas on the site. the cdsm operation -- did want to include that one picture on the right there. these guys definitely earned their money and probably pay a lot in washing clothes as well. it is a very muddy operation. we would like to point out that as of tomorrow, if all goes well, there's two yellow circles will be covered in green and completed and that will give us nine completed shafts to date. that is what we callc li -- call the c line on the left side and
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the m line on the right side. it is definitely an marathon and not a sprint as this will be going on for the next year and half, but the equipment seems to be working well and the team seems to be coordinating well between all the cleanup operations, the concrete supply, etc., that has to go on. there is the equipment working on first holes. the rock crab bringing up some of the first rock we encountered. some of the shafts have gone deeper than originally planned, but the originally planned death was pretty much an average overall the 207 piles -- the originally planned depth. concord operation for one of the buttress installations. finally, the utility installations. we completed so were work on et al. last month and repaved and passed that sidewalk, completed
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natoma street. some restoration work at howard that was left to be done got finished this month. as many of you are aware and some of you attended, we had a special event on site to commemorate the completion of the demolition and starting of the shoring wall and buttress work. appreciate everybody who was able to make that. and there are the hours to date with local labor running right around 70%. total labor being worked on in the transit center. happy to take any questions. thank you very much. >> just a few questions. this is a great report and looks like it is making good progress. how are we doing specifically relative to budget and schedule? >> still very well.
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there are still, as the executive director pointed out -- we are waiting for those 100% cd drawings that spring, and that is more on the pre- construction site which turner is now working on. >> on the construction side, going well, there have been a few unknowns. we had it at the 72 shafts to the such as planned, so the change order was successfully negotiated, significantly less than the original request and also included some negotiation, so that has been a big, overall change. there continue to be minor unforeseen -- or not unforeseen, but changes the scope that were not covered during the additional utilities that were not planned on for rerouting and things like that. all fairly small in nature and well within expectations. >> when you said you had to go deeper on some of the shafts, is it because the bedrock is not
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where you expected? >> through the borings, they get to a certain death and find what they believe is a stable rock, and they start, and that is, of course, very small gauge. when you start thinking of seven-foot shaft down there, you get a better idea of what the rock is consistent out. >> and we are more or less paid by the foot? >> yes, the original price was based on an overall lump-sum price, but it was worked out as a per-but cause. you think of rincon hill and the slope coming down the financial district, we expect the death of the shaft should shorten up and move away as far as the landmark moves away. >> we will wait until the end. >> yes, that is the current plan. that is the way we assumed we would end up saddling it up on the overall total length. >> the last question on the
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kraft hours, are you measuring trade by trade? do you have the ability to break out san francisco from the rest of the area? >> what we do is track it through the certified payroll. there's a lot of different metrics that could be pulled out, including by a specific city if that is something that would be desirable. >> i think it would be instructive. it would be informative to the work that the rest of us are doing and the city in terms of on a big project, what kind of actuals you have and what trades have higher participation and what has lower. >> absolutely. one thing to keep in mind is right now, we have fantastic numbers from the work the evans brothers did relative to the local residents and county. we have seen a little bit of a taper off on that, and it is primarily because of the specialization of the drilling
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operation -- that is a lot of the work force right now. these people follow the drill rigs around the country. this is a larger project, and marathon, and there will be a lot more opportunity. we can certainly get those numbers. >> we can certainly break it out, but because we are a regional project, we calculate everything on a nationwide basis because we are not subject to any of the usual local hire ordinances were so sure roger preferences are allowed. we can provide you with that, but i wanted to point out for the record. thank you. >> anything else? thank you very much. >> i guess that concludes my report. >> okay, we move to the next item appeared item 6 is public comment, an opportunity for the public to adjust -- address the board on items not on the agenda should it. we do have one member of the
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public that wanted to address you today. >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i am a property owner close by this tjpa project. there's a proposal out to have a marijuana or canada's club build -- cannabis club built about 700 or 800 feet from the project. i believe you represent the ownership of that property, and i do not believe it is a good use in this area, and i encourage you -- and this was to go before the planning commission in november -- to take a position that this is a bad thing for this area. we do not want people taking the train from los angeles, san francisco, to get a joint and then leave. i would like you to take a position saying we are not in
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favor. thank you. >> thank you. ok, that does conclude that item. director kim: thank you. could you please call item seven, please? >> yes, we will move into the regular calendar. item seven, presentation of the proposed project labor agreement with the unions, the san francisco building and construction trades council and the contractors with respect to the trans a transit center program construction project. >> we entered into a contract, being brought to you today for public comment and for your consideration. after about six months of negotiation, we are pleased to report that at the staff level,
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we have successfully negotiated the terms of the project labor agreement. as we will present momentarily, the agreements provide uniform labor policy for our construction work involving specific projects. with respect to our project, we believe the pla is necessary, given the large number of trades that will be working on the project for many years. tla were both working on phase one and phase 2 to be of the project. pending funding, given how far advanced we are, construction of that in 2013, and that would be completed by about 2019 or 2020, or thereabouts. in addition, when you have a project of this magnitude with multiple contractors and workers both that our union and non- union on the job site, really, there's the potential for work
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disruption and with the tla, you avoid that. we believe the public, the unions would be better served if the construction proceeds in an orderly manner without distraction to the czechs, offices, like cats, labor disputes, or any other interference of work. as you will hear in a moment, basically it is close cooperation and continued harmonious relationship between the tjpa and the contractors union. it establishes standard wages, hours, working conditions for all workers. in exchange for that, the workers agreed to use thepla -- the pla to resolve any issues that come up and forgo strikes. we will present the terms of the proposal to the board and the propriety of pla, and we will be
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hearing public comment on that. to get into more of the test, i am going to ask bob beckel -- beck to make that presentation. >> thank you. would like to reports todayp on the pla we have negotiated with the local labor unions. the project labor agreements are fairly common for major capital projects or capital programs. a little more common in the public sector than the private sector, but that is primarily because private sector employers can make the decision to the -- to go union only if they want to to forgo some of the disruptions that maria described. the pla sets out common workplace rules, labor rules,
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pay rates for the project. sets out the general terms and conditions of employment, hiring, referral process is -- processes, and other conditions of employment that will go into in detail. on a project of our size and duration, pla's are particularly beneficial because of the complexity of the program. she mentioned work stoppages with our construction. we are going to go through two cycles of renegotiation of labor agreements between trade unions and the contract the community, signatory contractors. with that, there is a potential for labor disruption. also, the union and non-union shops working side by side. deliveries of materials that have the potential for
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disruptions. the pla says all of those work stoppages aside, which is important to us as we try to maintain our overall schedule and we have significant costs that we realize that we are subject to delays. also, we are going to have 50 or 60 trade subcontracts on this contract and about 250 total subcontractors working over 4.5 million hours of labor on this job, so there is just a lot of activity -- two or sometimes three shifts of work. what we call stacking of trades. multiple contractors working in the same area at the same time, and all of that increases the potential for disputes between trades. some of the benefits of the pla -- as we mentioned, it reduces
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the risk of those types of work disruptions and stoppages. the opportunity for cost disruptions overruns that. establishes the rules for holidays, work rules, setting aside some of the unions have specific black friday's, which are the fridays before recognized holidays, so we should adopt a uniform schedule of holidays for all trades on the job. also establishes uniform rules for drug and alcohol testing across the work force, so if there are any problems, we can make sure we have a safe and secure project zone. the central terms -- maria touched on some of these -- will cover both phase one and phase two of the program. it is limited in scope to the on-site work and excludes offloading of debris and
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excreted materials. it excludes offsite manufacturing of materials. excludes work that will be performed as an example, by the m.t.a. or transit which would involve ticketing or do improvements in the project because we can extend the pla to an outside governing board. and also, the specialty work related to the art program. we have specific rules for the artists to be able to select the craftspeople that will be working on the art program. some of the benefits that flow back to the beneficial terms of the agreement -- again, no strikes, lockouts. the pla does not limit
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participation but encourages participation from unions as well as small businesses. has special provisions for employees and contractors that come on site and participate including specific provisions applied to small and disadvantaged business to ensure that they have continuity by bringing their core employee of to the first seven on to the project. also, to the joint administrative committee, which i will touch on in a minute, it puts the union in supporting the tjpa in meeting our overall dbe and sbe goal. we describe our targets for the program in the pla. a contractor happens to be lagging behind and needs review opportunities like doing small business set-aside contracts or other steps to make sure that we
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meet that 17% goal, we will take that to the joint administrative committee for input from the unions on how we can best achieve that participation. the hiring will happen through union hiring halls. allows contractors who are non- union to register their employees with the hiring calls and receive referrals on a one- to-one basis up to the first seven with union and their core employees. requires all employees to pay union dues for their area of employment on the program, but all employees will also receive union health and welfare benefits. again, as i mentioned earlier, we established these uniform work rules, holidays, work hours, work days, the drug and alcohol testing procedures.
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one of the things we introduced in recognition of the nature of our program and also the nature of our location is that most schedules provide for reinforcement of parking for people who drive to the construction site. not all of them provide for reimbursement of public transit. in essence, a lot of them encourage people to drive the site. it established a uniform policy that allows for reimbursement of public transit costs for employees coming to the project site, and to the limits that they would otherwise receive through parking.
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it also has provisions for the union apprenticeship programs to encourage youth outreach and women and economically disadvantaged individuals as well as veterans. part of the veterans element is two programs that were established by the va. helmets to hard hats program, which is for veterans to transition into the construction trades, that allows veterans, based on their experience in service, to enter the unions of of the entry level apprenticeship program based on experience that they gained serving in the military. also, the wounded warrior program, which is to provide information about opportunities within the construction trades for people -- for veterans who may have physical limitations.
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in terms of the administration of the pla, it will be administered by the tjpa. there is a joint administrative committee established in the agreement that would have two representatives from the tjpa and two from the trade unions. the joint administrative committee would meet quarterly just to review the overall status of the program, promote dialogue between the trade unions and the tjpa and also can serve as, it parties mutually agree, as a first step for the resolution of disputes before going to the arbitration procedures that are included in the pla. the pla includes a number of different arbitration and dispute procedure resolutions. one is if there is an issue that would normally lead to a work stoppage
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