tv [untitled] October 17, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PDT
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forward to the k and m. the bottleneck in the subway created a considerable delay. the ripple effect of that made for a difficult rush-hour last wednesday. we had issues with the california cable car, the comptroller that regulates the speed was presenting some issues. none that we felt posed a real safety hazard, but as a precaution, we took the cable car line down over the weekend. we were able to get it back up and running, having made the adjustment to make sure that the ride was smooth. it basically put folks on buses instead of cable cars over the weekend. and yesterday, there were delays in the morning and the afternoon rush hours.
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no specific trend, just a variety of issues. but again, the bottle back doesn't take much to trigger problems throughout the system. all of these things are generally in areas where we have plans for improvement, particularly in terms of the cars and we will continue to make those improvements and to minimize delays. on a good note, we did have a very big crowd for the game that was played at the baseball park on saturday. much more people than your typical giants game. the university gave their students the of tickets in transit. virtually all of them came in on bart.
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we had a very heavy traffic, but we had an of trains, staff, ambassadors, cited, and from what i understand, it went very well. a bright spot on our weekend, great work via a lot of different services and by a lot of different parts of the family. finally, the heart of what happened this past week, a fund- raiser for the american heart association. we had a goal of 100 employees and $5,000 raise. he had 139 employees. folks were doing a good thing on their lunch hour, something that was healthy for them and good for the community. kudos for the family that participated into a time out of their day to do something good for somebody else.
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that concludes my report. chairman nolan: comments or questions? >> there are some members of the public that wanted to speak about the use pass. >> i was told a couple of people wanted to speak on this. why aren't we have a couple of people come forward? how do you know who is going to speak? >> can we get a couple of additional minutes for translation? >> it can be doubled for allowance of the translation
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time. >> [speaking spanish] >> good afternoon, i am a member of power. >> [speaking spanish] i am a single mother and i m impacted by the rising prices of transportation. as you know, san francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and one of the most expensive ones. >> we want to thank director ramos for introducing this proposal because it will support a lot of working families in the city.
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thank you again, and we like to also said that power would like to have multiple meetings with a different board members and also the director of the department who further disclosed the proposal. we want to thank you for considering the experiences of all working class families in san francisco. thank you and have a wonderful evening. [applause]
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>> i am a member of power, people organized to win rights. i am here to share my experience with public transportation. each year, more families moved out of san francisco because housing end of basic services cost too much. most people can't afford cars and so public transportation is the only option we have. it has gone up the past two years, it forces young people to sneak on the bus. i had to choose either to eat or catch the bus, and as a young person, i should not be able -- should not have to make that choice. we feel the stress and when the police start moving person to person.
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it is intimidating the way they approach you and makes the bus feel less safe. we go to libraries, museums, national parks, to find work and go to school. we need it to be able to get us around. it opens doors for us to connect with these resources. the question is, is used a priority? does the city really care about the struggles of young people and working families? it is important to hear the experiences and perspectives of young people directly because there are 1000 stories just like mine. the school year is in full swing. meeting with the members of the board to further discuss the proposal, we need your support to authorize our proposal.
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if thank-you. -- thank you. [applause] chairman nolan: two folks wanted to speak from power. are there people that wanted to speak on other things? [talking over each other] >> there were some other people outside of power that wanted to speak. iris leibowitz? are you here? miss tyson? the rest are on public comment. chairman nolan: we look forward to seeing you on the eighteenth. >> and thank you for providing the translation. >> i don't see mr. murphy.
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chairman nolan: i would like to announce at this point, will group items 11, 12, 13 on the same subject and will call them all that once -- all at once after public comment. >> [reading names] >> good afternoon, directors. i want to extend to each of you an invitation to come by and visit luxor cab at your convenience. [applause] chairman nolan: they like what you say. >> seriously, we live like you to drop been. we don't need announcements, to a free to come by.
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today, i want to talk about an unwelcome taxi app. taxi mojo is currently being promoted among san francisco taxi drivers. one of its questionable features is that it allows drivers to indicate which parts of town and they wish to accept service requests from. that translates into redlining of neighborhoods. a think that is not what we want at all. the other licensed dispatch services in perfectly, admittedly, we try to provide service to the whole city. if we were to offer a redlining feature to the dispatch service, i think we would lose our licenses immediately. it is a good example of why he taxi -- of why taxi apps nee
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td to be regulated by the mta. some are illegal and provide questionable services to the residents of the city. >> my name is david, i am a resident of the city of san francisco. i have two items to bring to your attention right now. we of been trying the bottom of the approach to try to get people -- we haven't seemed to get any response over the years we have been bringing this to your attention. the sfmta is engaged in unlawful activities. i bring to your attention city ordinance 101217 dated november
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2010. specifically, the problem is that there are certain streets in the city that are private streets that the mta knowingly continues to write parking citations on. that is unlawful. how are collecting fines and that is also on lawful. i live in mission bay where this is an issue. we brought it to the attention of numerous people, we continue to have this problem, i have spoken with members of this board and they say they shouldn't do that. they have given us the runaround at this point in time. i want to see the mta corrected this problem.
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i want to issue refunds to all the people that have been illegally sited, and i have 27 pages that i have obtained, at just a random time covering certain streets of which many of them are unlawfully issue. one other item. i live on mission bay boulevard. it lacks speed limit signs in the stop signs on key intersections. where there was once a single speed limit sign which is about a mile long, there are now no signs. we now have an area where traffic exceeds 40-50 miles an hour. [chime] >> maria villafuerte. >> sorry you weren't interested in hearing the story.
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>> board of directors, i'm public relations officer for arrow cab. we have proceeded with filing administrative complaint with the city and county of san francisco in preparation for our lawsuit against the city. that a pending lawsuit notwithstanding, it remains our goal to work things out with sfmta and work with the director to resolve issues that formed the basis of our complaint. our consul has made contact with your office to request a meeting with you and with the board. we are here today to request that you please also give our company some of your time as well, and we hope that you will respond to our attorney's request kindly.
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thank you for your attention. >> dvave snyder. >> good afternoon, directors. ever since i was a little kid, i sometimes wonder about the karma of things. i wonder if it was a total coincidence that i grew up to mr. james ryan of the university of minnesota that was the inventor of the retractable safety belt. you have to go to the alumni site to see it, but i used to play on his crash test car. i wanted to make things better, engineer things. what wonderful, he had. how many lives must have saved? i am here today as an individual.
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i am speaking on behalf of centralized taxi dispatch service. i am not exactly sure, but there have been no guidelines, no benchmarks, no due date. i spoke to willie brown about centralized this back. what it does is it gets to the nearest available cash to the public and taxicabs and under the law, when i was a lawyer, i picked that up. you have the perfect right to regulate it. i haven't seen in the due dates come from the chairman or anybody on this commission to set up centralized gps taxi dispatch, a win-win for everybody. make it a little bit more efficient in addition to what
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ever dispatched is in the cabin by the companies. it would not replace it, but it would give the nearest available have the to the passenger. >> have good afternoon, board. my husband and i have lived here for the last 15 years, and we have used public transit as much as we can. i am very happy to hear that they brought up the issue, pedestrian safety. specifically, we live near the entrance of the forty first and 11, and you mention the four-way stops are not necessarily the safest.
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we have almost been struck by cars going through that intersection. we have had people tell us, they have seen someone being struck in that intersection. i am not sure why i have had no response about installing a pedestrian flasher hair. i believe there is the opposite end over at forty third. i would like to bring it back to a higher level of attention. the other issue is the speed at which muni cars travel. pardon me. we lived 15 years and when the new cars came into being, we have noticed with increased consistency, the speed of drivers has really -- is really way too fast. they crossed sunset, there is a
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switch track, they slow down for that, and then they speed down the fortieth. it's not just a home issue, it is a safety issue for passengers. we have had more experience with the drivers that are jerking and we feel like we are being thrown around the cars. in the long run, the safety issues and the cost of those driving patterns are really something that needs to be brought back a. -- back up. >> next speaker. [reading names] >> good afternoon, i drive for yellow. i did not attend the taxi advisory committee meeting because i had so much
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confidence in the sfmta and people -- you are engineers and not just people with agendas. but i sought a repeat of a lot of the failures of the taxi commission, there were owner operators, medallion holders being demonized. i discovered that there was a report that was supposed to be sent forward to the full board that risk for other people on the board were not forwarding even though they were supposed to be forwarded to the full board. i am really very concerned because it is because of some of the abuses of the administrative process that we have the mess in the taxi business to begin with, which results in danger to
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the public and older drivers driving that they have been relieved by the exit policies crafted. i would like to see a continuation of that exit policy and the pilot sales program. i am very concerned that the t.a.c. is full of people with lefty type agendas, demonizing people with smaller power. and they are demonizing the desire, the overwhelming desire to continue with the pilot program. and thank you for the intelligent thing to have been doing for the industry. you have increased public safety and i know you will increase the number of cabs. >> i am here with the medallion
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holders association to support the medallion sales pilot program. it has been extremely successful and the benefit of multiple stakeholder groups. some of those problems are resurfacing. people are coming up to me every day and asks whether this will be reopened for them to sell their medallions the people that are going through the motions of putting in the minimum required work. there are 1400 people waiting to buy medallions. the staff indicated a while back home that if the process were opened up to people 60 and older, 250 people would qualify to match up. at the taxi revisory council meetings, there is an anti- business ideology that is somewhat pervasive. we are considering that item next week. i would urge you at your next
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meeting, only 11 remaining sellers that are qualified applied by the deadline for the pilot program. also on the short run, i think it might be in your interest to promulgate some transportation code amendments. if you are going to issue more taxing medallions, you can set up a four-year plan. even as the request for proposals are pending. including leather and not additional taxis are needed. if you issue new medallions, there are a couple of issues to decide. the revenue sharing, applicant list systems, dual systems. i think the applicant list is best for a sales model. >> tariq mahmoud.
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>> good afternoon, directors. my name is tariq mahmoud. taxi driver alliance -- first of all, i thiank yo -- i thank you from the bottom of my heart for the meter increase. it helps the taxi drivers a lot. the last three years, they lost 40% of their income. the driver that used to take home $200 was taking home an average of $120. it made them very happy that they are picking up customers more happily, quality has improved with dealing with the public.
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[unintelligible] we are very thankful to all of you. it is unbelievable how much you have helped them. there are issues with taxi drivers about electronic waybills. the backseat terminal is causing muni to be late. you don't want them to be stopped behind a taxi for 10 seconds with a regular credit card machine. this new machine is causing a three or four minutes of delays. i have been honked haat a hundrd times, but i don't blame them for that. we will be sending you an e- mail, so please, let's solve this problem. the sale of medallions should
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continue. let's have the medallions. >> that is the last one to turn in a speaker card. >> one of the people who spoke was interested in some sort of traffic control device at the interest -- entrance of the park. we don't handle that the board level, but will someone let her know how to deal with that through staff? she came all the way down here, i hope she leaves with the information on how to start that process. someone said it illegal parking tickets are being issued. i suspect we know the answer to that, but it seems to me there is a definitive answer on if the parking tickets are issued
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properly or not. i forgot that man's name, but i think he deserves an answer. chairman nolan: i agree with that. we had least know his name. evidently, he has been in contact with the department, though i agree with that. any member of the public that want anything removed? members of the board? >> this has to do with the t- zone up on rothaway. is this the same one we put in with lots of fanfraare and now it's coming back out.
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>> good afternoon. you are correct, director hein icke. director heinicke: rare occurrence. [laughter] >> this legislative about a year-and-a-half ago. one of the niceties of the program is that it is entirely established or rescinded by choice of community residents. they had it in and after about a year-and-a-half of experience, they found it did not make much of a difference. the location is a little bit removed from the remainder of the area, so they made the decision to collectively withdraw from the program. i would want to add, this is a very rare case where the group actually joined and then decided to remove themselves from the program. thank you. director nolan is that a motion to approve?
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all in favor? suppose? -- opposed? thank you very much. i asked that we call 11, 12, and 13 together because they all have to do with the same thing. >> 11, presentation and discussion regarding the bond issuance and supporting legislation. well, approving it the policy that sets forth the guidelines and restrictions that will direct the mta as it prepares to enter the capital markets in coming years to issue debt to fund capital projects. finally, 13, approving a reimbursement resolution related to the upcoming debt issuances for the san francisco municipal transportation agency. >> i am joined by my team who are here to answer questions you may have. may have. we're excited to issue our first we're excited to issue our first
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