tv [untitled] October 17, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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prepared in the kitchen onsite, you cannot get a liquor license. this makes absolutely no sense. grocery store is like valencia wholefoods, if they want to sell organic beer or wine, they cannot do it because of the sud. it also undermines job creation by bringing in new businesses. honestly, it is great that we're doing this, but this bowling alley should not have had to gone through this process to begin with and making a special exemption from the sud. a gesture not have had to do that. it undermines entertainment and nightlife. it undermines bringing new, creative uses and to the mission and, new kinds of businesses that we did not anticipate in 1996 when we passed this brought
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and inflexible sud. it also encourages and freezes in time some very bad uses, some of the corner package liquor stores better their, and no one else can make use of this liquor licenses, so those stores remain there. so some of the liquor light that folks were trying to get rid of are now perversely encouraged. this is a good start, and i am very supportive, but i will continue to advocate for a repeal of the sud, and a look forward to the continuing conversations. supervisor cohen: thank you. he took a couple of my talking points. i just wanted to share that if there is anyone else there who would like to open up appallingly in district 10, i am willing and available to work with you to make that happen. i want to encourage whoever is listening who may be looking to make another business venture to
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venture a little bit further south. the dog patch never had this up- and-coming, thriving, and beautiful. so i just wanted to put that out there. if things do not work out and stick, i want to to know that i am here to help as well. i would also like to echo some of the concerns that scott wiener articulated. i think he invented a new word called liquor polite. i have never heard that before, but i like it. i have a lot in my own district. i am always looking for a way to look at that blight. supervisor mar: i wanted to thank supervisor kim and supervisor wiener as well. i cannot wait to challenge some of you in bowling. since i was 11 years old, it was kind of my passion. supervisor wiener: i grew up in new jersey, so be careful. supervisor mar: i looked at
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reviews, and i am often around little star and other places around there, but a promise to come in sometime. nothing but tremendous reviews and knowledge of how small the place is, but hopefully some expansion into other neighborhoods is really important for our business sector as well. i hate to acknowledge that the planning commission kind of split is unanimously. it was acknowledged that the small business commission as well unanimously supports this. so i look forward to being supported. i look to be added as a co- sponsor as well. supervisor kim: thank you to the land use committee for sharing this item. we're also very happy to have the support of the planning commission and the small business commission. it is really exciting to have not just the small business but women-owned small business coming to the district. they will be very close to daggar package, but i am -- they
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will not be very close to dog patch. i am big fan of polling also. there was j the closure of j- town bowling several years ago. and many families spend their evenings there. it was an alternate to other types of entertainment venues. it was an incredible community space as well. i do encourage more bowling alleys throughout the city. especially in districts tan and 11th with many families who do not have a lot of been used to go to peter i am excited about this moving forward. thank you so much to peterson and ms. bradshaw for all your work, and also with meeting with neighbors and community-based organizations. i look for to working with roxie theater as well. one thing i forgot to mention in the beginning is that we're also building a new park next to mission bowling club. this is something we heard at least two weeks ago. it is on 17 and fall some,
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across from the odc theater. that corner of the mission district is very exciting. we will be building affordable living in the future in that never had, too. supervisor cohen: i also wanted to abolish the small business owners. thank you for stepping out there. -- i also wanted to say thank you to the small business owners. i am tired of going to daly city to spend my bowling dollars. so thank you very much. and good luck. supervisor mar: thank you. colleagues, on the amendments without objection? and now on to the amended ordinance. can we do this with a positive recommendation without objection? >> excuse me in, a diversion in the file was originally introduced in june and does not
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include the new proposal to extend this to the single screen movie theaters which has been blessed by planning. it does not need to go back to planning, but it needs an additional notice and opportunity for public comment. >> ok, so this will come back to the next meeting. we will continue this item to our next land use committee meeting. ok, without objection? thank you. thank you, everyone. thank you, supervisor camp. can we call the next item? >> item number two, resolution authorizing a street name change on that portion of la playa to great highway. >> thank you. we have a member from supervisor chu's district. >> i am from supervisor carmen chu's office. i wanted to give some history as to why this legislation has come about. back in 2008, supervisor chu's
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office was first alerted by residents of the discrepancy in the street name for the 1500 block lawton and kirkum. the question was whether it should be called great highway or la playa. it was for that one block. a lot of residents used great highway as their addresses, but a number of folks used la playa. this led to problems with mail delivery, signing up for credit cards, and other issues. we worked with the u.s. postal service to allow for a dual names in their computer system, to allow for the mail delivery for both la playa anne craig highway. we also checked with the emergency services to make sure that 911 or any fire services were not be disrupted with the dual street names. we thought that that would solve the problem. so over the years, we had not heard much until recently. we found out it was still
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problematic for residents applying for credit cards or who had just moved to that lot. due to the looming problems, supervisor to sponsor legislation to officially change the street name to great highway. actually, i have -- i apologize that there is not a better map, but we have a google map here. the streets in question actually split off into la playa about three-quarters of a way into the block. some of the neighbors here will share with you some history as to why they think this discrepancy happened many, many years ago. prior to the street name change, we're required to seek approval from mta, our department, and police department, and those departments have sent their approval to the clerk's office. that is some background.
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if you have further questions, barbara is here from the department of public works. supervisor cohen: i want to quickly direct my question to you. i am curious to know the thought process between -- behind supervisor chu and how she came to determine great highway as the name change as opposed to la playa. >> we had consultations with the department of public works. its stems very far back. i think there was a lot of testimony from the public, and we will shed more light on that during public comment. there are two signs on the street. once the great highway and pointed to the block in question. then another one says la playa. at some point in time, a sign was in stock that accidentally showed that the street actually had both the street names. but if you look in at the sidewalk, it actually says great
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highway. i think maybe the department of public works might be able to better answer that question. we did in formal surveys with property owners and tenants. dpw did a formal survey as well. there was mixed reaction, but the general consensus from the folks living there for the longer amount of time is that they have great highway on their property deeds. supervisor mar: thank you. would you like to add anything, ms. moi? maybe address supervisor cohen's question. >> it certainly was a mystery for us. we had to do a lot of research. we cannot find any thing that pointed to the segment of the street being great highway. but because there was a median adjacent to it, i think that is for the discrepancy occurred. records show that the street is
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called la playa, but over the course of decades, people have called these three great highway. it made some sense to us as the department, not from a policy perspective, but more of a use perspective and as long as emergency services and police and fire and mtsa every to identify the street properly, it certainly did not seem to be a problem. as long as the property runners and residents can have something definitive now, which is either a very clear statement by this board that it is called great highway, i.t. that will solve the problem. -- i think that will solve the problem. i will answer any questions. supervisor mar: i did want to complement the residents and dpw for the street vacation around the area. it is tremendous. i used to go to ensure the beach quite a bit, and the persian the residents' efforts to make it a
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more livable community. i have a number of cards here. three minutes per person. i will call them and people can come up as you want. jeffrey salmon, ray stewart, sheila gants, frank mitchell, gordon, and ruth mitchell. >> my name is jeffrey salmon and i have been a resident on the block for about 15 or 20 years. for some history and why there is confusion, upon some of my research, i discovered that the first error is a computer error in the tax assessor. there was a condo converted from an apartment to a condo. that was the first error clinically in my research. later on in 1997-1990, the street was repaved. at that time, the company did not do a good job of replacing
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the line that used to be on the street the other used to be an additional stop line at the media and so that you have to have a double stop line to go at the end of kirkum, crossing across to the end of la playa, stopping there, and in making a left onto great highway. that was not repaid in three areas were diagonally put down. also at the end of la playa, there used to be at butterflied arrow where you had to turn left or right and you cannot story. that painting was also not placed down. lastly, there was a sign that says end of la playa at the stop line that was not repainted. a few years later, google earth accidentally put it on a there's as la playa. that is when it started to steamrolled. after that, vandals stole the sign that said end of la playa. when the sign was replaced, it
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was replaced with la playa 1500 block, directly across from the great highway 1500 block and is etched in the concrete on the sidewalk. for years, water has said great highway. voter registries as great talent. pg&e says great highway. after things that digitized in 1998, things started to change. we were told that either address would work. but in the past year or so, some residents have gotten letters from the postal department, a federal agency, that this great highway would not be accepted on the federal level. so more people raised a voice to have this correctly relabeled as great highway. supervisor mar: thank you so much for the history, mr. salmon. please just come forward your name has been called. it is not apt to be in the same order. >> hello, supervisors. i am glad that you're having this hearing. my name is sheila.
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i have lived on the great highway since 1991. this is part of what i wrote in my letter was first put out about the problem. in march of this year, i ordered a new cell phone. everything went through. then the next day i received an e-mail telling me that my order was cancelled. there was no specific reason given, so i call. it took me an hour-and-a-half of being on hold and talking to five different people before i was given a reason my order was cancelled. and because of security reasons, nobody would actually tell me the reason. the reason was, finally someone give me the secret, that i had the wrong street address. so the person who originally took that order did not say that. eventually i had to go down to the office of the company and get my new cell phone, because i cannot do it over the phone because i cannot give the correct address.
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if i had known to say la playa, i would have. so that is a little bit of confusion over the years. i have not got all of my mail. most recently, it was my birthday in september and my mother sent me a birthday card and a little check. she wrote to the address correctly with 94122, and then when i got it almost two weeks later, at the bottom or the post office prince sunday, it actually says 94133 at the four- digit code. another friend of mine sent me a card from east bay, an hour and 50 minutes away from where i live. it took me 12 days to get this car. and again at the bottom, is that printed from the post office 94133. and my friend even put the last four digits and that still did not give it to me any sooner. i would really appreciate
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clearing this up. because it causes a lot of problems. there are a couple other cards and never received, and i suppose they're floating around there someplace. it would be great to have this straightened out. thank you. >> to get afternoon, supervisors. my name is ray stewart. i live on the great highway and have been there since september 1989. briefly, i want to run through six items that i hope will help you make a decision to go forward with the change to great highway. there is a long-term precedent that has been established by the u.s. postal service in terms of delivering mail their. up until 2008, all of my mail was delivered to me at the great highway address. after that, the post office spent me a notice about changing and started this whole process. so the u.s. ps has established a
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precedent already, and they're the ones initiating the change at this point to update their computer services. i believe that changing the address and the confusion that comes to be because of the east -- because of the change, for example, is because it makes the situation very ripe for identity theft when there is confusion like this. i think for that reason, we should go forward in change to the great highway as well. city and county also has identified that street as the great highway by road signs and the concrete embossed name on the sidewalk indicating that that blog is in fact the great highway. i understand that some old maps
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do indicate that that street is called la playa, but because of the precedent, the city i did find the street, the postal service, all of that reinforces the fact that that is the great highway. given that, i think it would be very helpful for all of the residents on that street to maintain the name as a great highway by officially changing it on at the maps. thank you very much. supervisor mar: and thank you for writing this down as well and for sending it to us. the next speaker. >> hello. i live at 1576 great highway. i have lived there since 1995. there has never been any confusion about it being great highway except in the computer. which is a funny. my mail has also been sent back to one of the things early on, we received a letter from the united states postal service
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saying that it would not deliver our mail if we did not begin to use la playa. we contacted carmen chu. luckily, she informed them that they did not name the streets of the city could they agreed at that point that they would allow us to use both addresses. this has not worked. it's kind of like don't ask, don't tell. they agreed to do it, but it has not worked. every time i go into the computer and type my address, it fixes it automatically. and then at the bottom, is as and three different zip code. it literally will not allow me to but my address in. when ordering things, i have been turned down because my credit card is not match the address i am trying to ship to. mostly, it is the idea that it was never -- i mean, the 20 years i have been there, it has never been called la playa. i have never heard anybody say that out loud. this is completely the matter of
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a typo that has taken on a life of its own in. even the mail that we have had issued says it should change its. it has become something of a bugaboo, so i really do hope that you will end this for us. because the post office is not sticking to its decision that we can use both addresses. it is absolutely not doing that. it is correcting male or just changing it. so thank you for your time. i am nervous. supervisor mar: thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> supervisors, thank you. i will probably be reiterating what has been said. i will do my best also to not be too nervous. my name is frank mitchell. i have lived at 1576 great highway since 1988, 23 years. to clarify, there has never been
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confusion as to the name of our streets or where our homes were located. it has always been known as the great highway. about three and a half years ago, we started receiving computer-generated junk mail to 1576 la playa, and we thought it was a strange coincidence. but it has continued and has grown into a frustrating program that has created financial and legal issues. multiple address that in the far separated problems such as processing personal loans, confirming credit, ordering online, and more. everything about personal identification. the u.s. postal service responded to our problem as a literal threat, to stop delivering all mail to great highway and to force us to accept an arbitrary street name change. that attitude, if not i'm not just, was priceless. on a whim, they decided to identify a our street as la playa.
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thank you to supervisor chu for listening to us. instead of recognizing the problem that began recently, there is a longstanding discrepancy. as stated above, prior to the action of the post office, there has never been confusion as to the name of this block. it has never been an issue. it has always historically been great highway. no one understands this when you mention street name confusion or when you suggested is anything but great talent. as for the history of our streets, our neighborhood is from the turn of the 19th century and it has been great highway. early in this century, la playa street south of golden gate park in swith junius. there is no confusion about the difference between the 1500 block of a great highway and the nearby la playa street.
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mapping services such as google maps never displayed in naming the discrepancy. search for the 1500 block of great highway and that is what you would be presented. there has never been recorded renaming of our block from a great highway to la playa. [bell rings] isn that post of the computer protocols do not take over government business. the concrete imprints placed on the sidewalk by public works have always appeared as great highway on both ends of the block as well as on street signs. the concrete imprint is many years old. again, defying any conception -- [bell rings] and with the sign put up alongside the existing great highway sign. as an aide of sentences in, a great highway is the home i have been that. supervisor mar: thank you so
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much. i have called a bunch of names. please go forward. >> share, -- members of the committee, thank you very much for inviting us to come and vent our frustrations. my name is joseph gordon. i am from supervisor chu's district or the street and changes being debated. and i have lived there for 30 years. we have never had a problem with confusion with deliveries, with mail, or anything else until very recently.
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i fail to see any discrepancy or dual street name for the great highway from kirkum for one block. one block, this is only one block. and it has never had -- it picks up where la playa leaves off. supervisor chu had arranged so that the sign would say la playa and the great highway, because there is only one left turn off leftlincoln way onto the great highway. and that has to pass through the two blocks of lafayette -- la playa. the other blocks of la playa is on the side of the safeway. you know where the safely is out at the beach. it is a very nice area. they have facilities and stores
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were the families can go. and those who do not want to who bring their lunch will walk down the beach and come down. but there's no reason to change that one block. who will benefit from that? who even suggested that that name be changed? what about the rest of the great highway? so the extensions and everything to the zoo begins right at kikrkum -- kirkum street and goes all the way down to the zoo. if you change that one block, you create more problems than you can imagine. [bell rings] i feel that this is really unnecessary. so we request the committee to remove any deal street name -- a
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dual street name that exist or is created for that one block of the great highway and leave things alone and continue our street as the great highway. thank you very much. [bell rings] supervisor mar: is there anyone else whose names i have called that have not spoken yet? then, mr. paulson, it is all yours. >> good afternoon, and land use. ♪ and now the time has come and you are going to name a new place and now i state my case well what i want now you think we have changed all that and might i say in a great way what more much more than this will fix it my way?
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what is an item? what has it done? if not better we have not got much but through it all i want all that the record shows you really know and fix it up great my great highway ♪ thank you. supervisor mar: people have already spoken. i cannot allow you to say anything more. anyone else would like to speak? seeing none, comment is closed. i do have a question. it seems like this is not really a changing of a street name, but it is correcting a discrepancy caused by the postal service. that is how this is a little bit different than the street change? >> actually, it is not. the dedication maps, which is the dedication maps, which is the official record,
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