tv [untitled] October 19, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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you should watch people get thrown down and their heads-in. this is not the only time i have not seen this. i have seen homeless people get beat up by cops when no one was around outside my window, and i had to yell down to get them to stop as they were smashing someone's face in the street, but no one has to see this alone any more. we are showing what is happening in this city as inequality has grown, as racism has grown in this city and the police department goes after a says poverty continues in this city. that is what this movement means. we deserve so much more, and the police department has a responsibility not to kill us, and your responsibility is to actually go after the police department right now and say what they have done is wrong.
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i am shaking because this is sown in infuriating and so scary -- is so infuriating and so scary. i hope before one more person is killed, one more person of color, and i hope you take this very seriously, because we are not going away. there are tens of thousands of us in the city, and there are lawyers on our side, and we are not going to stop. this movement is growing. this is our city. we pay the police departments paychecks. [applause] >> are you coming up? >> good evening, commissioners. i do not call you she's, because i only ally -- i do not call you
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chiefs, because i only acknowledge elected chiefs. i am here for the families who have been killed. i am on my second term as a city commissioner. this is not the most liberal city of the world. this is starting to be a conservative, a fascist, racist city. he was slammed against the pavement and polled by his dreadlocks. this is not the plantation. the flav institution is so long time ago. this is set -- the slave
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institution is so long ago. this is san francisco. goowe are watching you as you ae watching us. we are attorneys, and we have the city coming and saying, a enough is enough. it is inappropriate today, but we are here to reclaim the herd. we do not need to occupy. we own the herd, and i would say, occupied this. [applause] >> good evening, sir. >> i want to say that i have an incredible capacity for love, and for all these things i am
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hearing, they sound really terrible, but i want to say for what ever in justices have happened, and i forgive you, and let's move forward. let's work together. i really forgive you, and i value each of you as a person, and mistakes we have both made now i am sure. if we were sitting out there right now, you could line of n.g.o. your thoughts as well- known regional -- line up and yell your thoughts as well. i like your suit. it looks really good. i say that from the bottom of my heart. i forgive all of you, and i want to work together as a team. let's rise as a community, because this is your city as well. i do not see it as a city.
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i see it as the entire world. we should come together and forgive mistakes and move forward together. that is all i have to say, and thank you. >> next speaker please. >> hello, my name is larry, and i am with a coalition to stop police brutality, criminalization, and we are going to have a protest coming up on saturday in the bayview hunters point, and these brothers, clayton, tommy clayton are incarcerated. they were incarcerated for speaking up about half of schilling of kenneth -- the killing of kenneth n. charles -- and charles.
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people are aware of the past history of gus shot down 26 times. there are many other people in the bay area. this is what the history of the police department in the bay area and around the country, this is what is happening in our communities, and we are talking about mass incarceration. mr. mezuco thought that was funny. you were smiling. we need to support occupy san francisco. we need to support people who are struggling in the communities. we need to have our own communities free of police violence, and that is what
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october 22 is spreading around the country and will spread right here, and we are inviting people to come up soon bayview hunters point, and we are inviting people to come on october 22 to join the occupation of san francisco, so basically, we are saying, stop police brutality and police occupation, and we want people to occupy our communities, sir justice for kenneth harding, and justice for charles hill, and justice for people at the hands of police brutality at the encampment. thank you. saturday, 12:00 the reagan -- 12:00. [applause] >> next speaker.
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>> my name is barbara. i am a lifelong resident of the view hunters point. my dad was very community active, and he used to teach us if you see signs of trouble, run, but i cannot tell my son to run, because if he runs, he might get shot, and i do not want to end up like ms. harding, but i see that is going to happen if a police are arresting him and slamming him into the ground, and it is not like his anger is made oup. he was misidentified in the ninth grade and kicked out of the private school because he wasn't a police system, and he has been a rise -- has been harassed ever since. i try to be an outstanding
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citizen. my son is a good person, but he should not be harassed, and none of these people. we should not have to watch the police, but there is a need, because they are doing so many things not consistent with ilate law. i felt i needed to common out because my son is standing up, and i need to take a stand because he has people who love him, and he is not the person you are trying to make him out to be, and i do not want to be like ms. harding. i support what the other people are saying, and i want you to police the police and not abuse your power. [applause]
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>> my name is darnell, and i just got off the airplane from occupy wall street, and i want the police commissioner to know that the only reason i am there is because of the videos i saw of you and brutally attacking occupier san francisco members on saturday night. i would like to thank you for participating in the strongest campaign, which is a police brutality. every time you do it, we grow. we are not going anywhere, and it is despicable you are not letting us have our universal right to assemble and you keep harassing us. we are not going anywhere, and we stand in solidarity with all the people around the world
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being oppressed by the police. thank you. >> i am a member of occupies san francisco, and i am in agreement with everything i heard tonight. for your job descriptions, for money, for our children, our livelihood, there is so much to disconnect, the fact that we wound up getting beat and ratedided, because you could not decide near if the police could decide -- you could not decide if the police can decide what we can or cannot have. it is to the point where we
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cannot believe said you are complete 80's -- that you are complete i.e.d.'s. either you do not give a damn what is going on, or more of you are getting paid for sitting on your hands or because you are getting a good paycheck. people are tired of it. i cannot remember the last time iron saw one of the men it -- last time i saw a man in looking at me like anything other than someone i wanted -- someone they wanted to attack. i cannot remember the last time i saw one of those men in blue looking at me or my brother's as if they did not want to do something or if they did not have a preconceived notion that their life was worse, and people are tired of it, and that is the bottom line. i do not care what happens to mea.
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we are realizing you have given us no choice, nothing to live for, but many of us are finding this is something to die for. california has been first when it comes to many things. silicon valley, when you started out with a dotcom boom, that was california. to this one thing right, and set the tone for the rest of the nation. o[applause] >> next speaker. >> you already spoke. you only get one shot.
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sorry. >> i do not think it matters what my name is. i have been brutalized by police, and i have seen my friends, too, but i am here for the people and the moms of the victims to make their voice a little louder, and that is all i got to save. -- to say. [applause] >> i get nervous when i speak in front of a lot of people, so i wrote something about a. my name is elliott. i am 19 years old. i am one of the 99%, and i stand in solidarity. i was one of those unlawfully arrested. i was in a line of people attempting to block a truck holding personal belongings.
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these include new tents that i believe have right to. shelter is a basic need, and we will not relinquish our right to it. sunday is the first time experiencing police brutality. my body is still sore from when they drive me to the ground. what still makes me laugh as when i remember the officers working to tie it around my wrist. one was so tightly fastened around my wrist that it took three different tools until the officer was able to remove it to let the blood flow back into my hand. what was incredible was hearing the officers arresting me asking why i was getting arrested. one responded by saying if he did not snow. somebody said, take her. i was arrested and cited wis delaying -- cited wilson'with
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disrupting an officer and traffic, and i am wondering who you are protecting. >> i am here as a member of now occupy san francisco. on sunday night i was threatened, terrified, and beaten by a member of the sfpd. i think that is atrocious. i have a humongous bruise that is going away. is still visible. i do not know if i should start screaming or crying. my heart is broken. i move to this city. i am a citizen of this country. i love this country. i moved to this city because it is supposed to be a progressive, welcoming city. what i saw on sunday night and
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what i saw of the police is unbelievable. you people sitting on the board, you are responsible for what is going on, and who are you taking your orders from? we are not going away. now your faces are on the news. we have video of the police attacks. this will get out to the mainstream media. this is a global movement. it is on-line, and people are watching. there is tourism dollars loss for this city. that does not matter, but i am bringing that up. you really need to figure something out, because we are not going anywhere. every time you try to knock us down, we grow exponentially. that is all i have to say. thank you.
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[applause] >> my name is mike. basically in response to what i saw in the video, i am coming, and it is something that spreads out, and even people that are not necessarily in complete agreement with every part of the new movement are going to join in, and i would like to be one of them, but what we see in egypt and libya and other countries that is alien to ourselves, we do not expect our police to be paved the way. but is what we fought for. it is a political movement. we do not all agree with every aspect, and we'd do not need to, but we need to let every wednesday -- let everyone say something, and we should allow them to take over the square if
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they can do it in egypt for libya. if they are allowed to do it in these kinds of countries, you are going to squash it here. it is not something we can tolerate as a political people. every time it gets on youtube, it makes it worse and makes it more of a problem, and in a sense it makes it better, because people start thinking it over, and we would ask you to think it's over. is it really necessary to silence these people's voices. we would ask you zero stop it. >> good evening. >> ♪ there is a protest plays
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for us ♪ of protest place for us ♪ ♪ time to share to protest in the oak and error -- in the open air ♪ someway, somehow, sunday, sunday, so good to mea ♪ ♪ sunday was not what i thought it would be ♪ ♪ sunday evening would not guarantee that you would be free with me ♪ ♪ sundae, sunday, cannot trust that day ♪ [applause] >> we can break the no clapping rule.
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[cheers and applause] >> we are going to close public comment. thank you all for coming. thank you for those of you who helped calm down the situation. if you do have complaints about the way the situation works, director hicks as to members and audience. they will meet you outside to take your complaints regarding the officers. there are two sides to every story. we need to be respectful for others, whether we are doing it through protest said. we need to be respectful of our officers. sometimes things look different to different people. they have financial issues. you need to appreciate the. i want to ask for mutual respect, the way we had in the second half of this meeting, and i want to thank you for taking into a productive level.
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>> thank you very much for coming. thank you for your words, and thank you for allowing everybody tuesday. each of you has a point we want to hear, so i really appreciate that, and if you need to come back, come back. >> we have no future plans to go to the demonstration. we know it is for the long haul. we are trying to work all day sunday to take down the tarps and structures. we did meet last week, and i did provide a written notice. we realize this movement could go on indefinitely. i am asking them to provide sanitation. i do not know that anybody is during but in other towns where
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this movement has grown. they are already experiencing things like dogs that have written people, rats, sanitation issues, and -- dogs that have bitten people, rats, sanitation issues we keep people safe. >> that isn'-- that is what i am talking about. >> thank you. we will let you go while we call the next item. >> love you guys. noon on saturday. you are more than welcome to come. >> you are welcome to stop shooting us.
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>> you can start. praxair she is. -- >> there she is. thank you. ok, if you call item four. >> item 4, reports and announcements. a review of recent activities, a presentation of third quarter findings and recommendation, and whether presentation of the summary. good >> thank you for that round we just had. it was well done. >> i think it was "westside story" that turn that around.
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one of my favorites. >> crime continues to be down in the city, 6% violent crime. we have not had a homicide since our last meeting. we are of this year and seven homicides over last year, but we are less than half of where we are in 2008, so the two prior year's war record years, and we are still experiencing this. over the last week we participated in the lgbt job fair as well as a community center. i met personally with business owners, the san francisco
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rotary, and a hotel council as we move forward trying to make them aware of our plans in the states of the city as we move into the holiday season, a lot of businesses and tourist-based industries want to note regarding public safety, so we are happy to let them know. last week i met with merchants and residents. they are concerned with an uptick of commercial burglaries. we have some leaves and we hope to close in on serum, and monday was the anniversary of, and there were festivities. today would have been a different day, and all weekend long last participated in an
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international terrorists training that took place all over the bay area. our swat team participated as well as the swat team from israel and an entirely female swat team from jordan. it was really impressive, and we continue to prepare for something we hope never comes. with regard to occupy san francisco, the police went in on sunday. over the weekend, the demonstration migrated to the plaza. that is a park and rec property, so it is a different circumstance from the city streets. we have worked to try to make the demonstrators understand the demonstration is being facilitated on the 100 block. some of the hazards are spoken about on the written document.
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some of the other occupier folks did not make it over there. they did not come down. the officers went through the same thing where there were people laying down on the roadway, although it did take on a violent event as a bit of a fringe element was making its way through this area. windows were broken out. some of the officers were punched, and some of the officers had a moment with which turned out to be nothing, but it is very disconcerted when liquid is thrown on you. you do not know what is, and it takes awhile to get used to it. i have to emphasize the helmets are for protection. they are not wearing helmets anticipating that is not what that is about.
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it is no different than when someone wears a helmet during contact sport. if you suffer a head injury, of people do not recover from them, so i want to make it clear they are there for their protection, and that concludes my report, and i will ask the discharge review board and the investigation summary to be presented. >> thank you. >> good evening. give me one minute. i will just pull up the reports. i am with the officer shooting investigations division of the department. i am here to present two reports
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