tv [untitled] October 20, 2011 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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they drive me to the ground. what still makes me laugh as when i remember the officers working to tie it around my wrist. one was so tightly fastened around my wrist that it took three different tools until the officer was able to remove it to let the blood flow back into my hand. what was incredible was hearing the officers arresting me asking why i was getting arrested. one responded by saying if he did not snow. somebody said, take her. i was arrested and cited wis delaying -- cited wilson'with disrupting an officer and traffic, and i am wondering who you are protecting. >> i am here as a member of now occupy san francisco.
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on sunday night i was threatened, terrified, and beaten by a member of the sfpd. i think that is atrocious. i have a humongous bruise that is going away. is still visible. i do not know if i should start screaming or crying. my heart is broken. i move to this city. i am a citizen of this country. i love this country. i moved to this city because it is supposed to be a progressive, welcoming city. what i saw on sunday night and what i saw of the police is unbelievable. you people sitting on the board, you are responsible for what is going on, and who are you taking your orders from? we are not going away.
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now your faces are on the news. we have video of the police attacks. this will get out to the mainstream media. this is a global movement. it is on-line, and people are watching. there is tourism dollars loss for this city. that does not matter, but i am bringing that up. you really need to figure something out, because we are not going anywhere. every time you try to knock us down, we grow exponentially. that is all i have to say. thank you. [applause] >> my name is mike. basically in response to what i saw in the video, i am coming, and it is something that spreads out, and even people that are
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not necessarily in complete agreement with every part of the new movement are going to join in, and i would like to be one of them, but what we see in egypt and libya and other countries that is alien to ourselves, we do not expect our police to be paved the way. but is what we fought for. it is a political movement. we do not all agree with every aspect, and we'd do not need to, but we need to let every wednesday -- let everyone say something, and we should allow them to take over the square if they can do it in egypt for libya. if they are allowed to do it in these kinds of countries, you are going to squash it here. it is not something we can tolerate as a political people. every time it gets on youtube,
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it makes it worse and makes it more of a problem, and in a sense it makes it better, because people start thinking it over, and we would ask you to think it's over. is it really necessary to silence these people's voices. we would ask you zero stop it. >> good evening. >> ♪ there is a protest plays for us ♪ of protest place for us ♪ ♪ time to share to protest in the oak and error -- in the open
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air ♪ someway, somehow, sunday, sunday, so good to mea ♪ ♪ sunday was not what i thought it would be ♪ ♪ sunday evening would not guarantee that you would be free with me ♪ ♪ sundae, sunday, cannot trust that day ♪ [applause] >> we can break the no clapping rule. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to close public comment. thank you all for coming. thank you for those of you who helped calm down the situation.
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if you do have complaints about the way the situation works, director hicks as to members and audience. they will meet you outside to take your complaints regarding the officers. there are two sides to every story. we need to be respectful for others, whether we are doing it through protest said. we need to be respectful of our officers. sometimes things look different to different people. they have financial issues. you need to appreciate the. i want to ask for mutual respect, the way we had in the second half of this meeting, and i want to thank you for taking into a productive level. >> thank you very much for coming. thank you for your words, and thank you for allowing everybody tuesday. each of you has a point we want to hear, so i really appreciate that, and if you need to come back, come back.
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>> we have no future plans to go to the demonstration. we know it is for the long haul. we are trying to work all day sunday to take down the tarps and structures. we did meet last week, and i did provide a written notice. we realize this movement could go on indefinitely. i am asking them to provide sanitation. i do not know that anybody is during but in other towns where this movement has grown. they are already experiencing things like dogs that have written people, rats, sanitation issues, and -- dogs that have
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bitten people, rats, sanitation issues we keep people safe. >> that isn'-- that is what i am talking about. >> thank you. we will let you go while we call the next item. >> love you guys. noon on saturday. you are more than welcome to come. >> you are welcome to stop shooting us. >> you can start. praxair she is. -- >> there she is. thank you.
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ok, if you call item four. >> item 4, reports and announcements. a review of recent activities, a presentation of third quarter findings and recommendation, and whether presentation of the summary. good >> thank you for that round we just had. it was well done. >> i think it was "westside story" that turn that around. one of my favorites. >> crime continues to be down in the city, 6% violent crime. we have not had a homicide since our last meeting.
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we are of this year and seven homicides over last year, but we are less than half of where we are in 2008, so the two prior year's war record years, and we are still experiencing this. over the last week we participated in the lgbt job fair as well as a community center. i met personally with business owners, the san francisco rotary, and a hotel council as we move forward trying to make them aware of our plans in the states of the city as we move into the holiday season, a lot of businesses and tourist-based industries want to note
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regarding public safety, so we are happy to let them know. last week i met with merchants and residents. they are concerned with an uptick of commercial burglaries. we have some leaves and we hope to close in on serum, and monday was the anniversary of, and there were festivities. today would have been a different day, and all weekend long last participated in an international terrorists training that took place all over the bay area. our swat team participated as well as the swat team from israel and an entirely female swat team from jordan.
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it was really impressive, and we continue to prepare for something we hope never comes. with regard to occupy san francisco, the police went in on sunday. over the weekend, the demonstration migrated to the plaza. that is a park and rec property, so it is a different circumstance from the city streets. we have worked to try to make the demonstrators understand the demonstration is being facilitated on the 100 block. some of the hazards are spoken about on the written document. some of the other occupier folks did not make it over there. they did not come down. the officers went through the same thing where there were people laying down on the
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roadway, although it did take on a violent event as a bit of a fringe element was making its way through this area. windows were broken out. some of the officers were punched, and some of the officers had a moment with which turned out to be nothing, but it is very disconcerted when liquid is thrown on you. you do not know what is, and it takes awhile to get used to it. i have to emphasize the helmets are for protection. they are not wearing helmets anticipating that is not what that is about. it is no different than when someone wears a helmet during contact sport. if you suffer a head injury, of people do not recover from them, so i want to make it clear they are there for their protection,
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and that concludes my report, and i will ask the discharge review board and the investigation summary to be presented. >> thank you. >> good evening. give me one minute. i will just pull up the reports. i am with the officer shooting investigations division of the department. i am here to present two reports to you. reconvened on september 21, 2011. the voting members included the four deputy chief as well as the advisor remembers.
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we reviewed the shooting that occurred last year on 1000 sceptre street. this was an incident that involved are respondent to a noise complaint. the officer discharge of firearms, and the suspects died as a result of the incident. the discharge finding was in policy. the occ will be making findings and recommendations at a later date as they decide if they will await a later date. we reviewed the discharge on october 8, 2010. this had to do with the officers who conducted a vehicle
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stopped regarding a woman screaming for help. the officer unintentionally discharge of firearms. when the vehicle began to flee, the officer was struck on the arm by the door frame. no one was hit. it was reclassified as a discharge as opposed to shooting. the officer experiences and retraining. finally, we reviewed may of this year. that included an officer with a firearm that unintentionally discharge. retraining was completed as well. i am happy to take any questions you might have before i go on to the status report. >> thank you for your presentation. i want to ask if you wanted to respond about the pending investigation.
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i want to know how the process works. in general, do they have their own time line famines -- their own time line? is that the normal procedure, or does it make sense for the board to wait for the investigation? >> the department completed the criminal investigation. as the attorney's office issues a letter to the department. being as there are no charges filed, as soon as they completed their criminal investigation, they also completed the administrative investigation, so once those are completed, you see cases we still present our findings internally in to the district review board. it was at that time the director noted they still have an open case, but it is customary in the past we would continue with that stereo -- we would continue with
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that. there are other issues that were discussed. they determined they would look at it at a later date. >> there is a reason for the delay in the investigation, and that is that we did not have all of the documents until the homicide investigation was concluded, so we have pending document request out, and we are furthering our investigation and. the commissioners slaughter did ask about the investigation, and while a criminal homicide investigation is open, the statute is held, so we are
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investigating in an addition to whether there was an unnecessary forestce. >> there was an agreement to reinvestigate once it is done. >> you may continue the second part. >> the status of the shooting investigation as of today's date. since the last report we gave this commission, we concluded a four summary letters. we had one of the cases but i just mentioned that it has gone to the review board, and we have three new cases since our last report. this is the status of any open cases. these are the cases left from 2010. there are four cases still pending. more than likely an additional
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one or two cases. the case is pending from 2011 are listed there. for all of the cases, we await a decision or two cases that were referred the district attorney's office. those will be up for review. that is where we stand. >> you have done a great job. any question regarding the actual details or the progress of the investigations?
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>> i want to reassure the commission that we did prepare a document. we have probably distributed hundreds of copies with an emphasis on the importance of facilitating first amendment rights and also keeping the site saved for everybody. we did have folks complaining they felt unsafe because of a bullying element, and we have had problems in other places, so we will continue to work wesith public health, to make sure the site is safe, as that is a busy space right across the street from where everybody in disembarks and now, right next to where the children are going to be coming to participate in the ice skating rink.
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we are committed to navigating these delicate waters to keep the priorities were they should be, and lastly common -- lastly, tomorrow the police department will be doing a ribbon cutting for the new special victims unit. good we have consolidated sex crimes, juvenile, domestic violence into one unit. as our resources as an flow, we want to make sure our most valuable resources are safe in the warmest possible space, and i think if you have the time to come by, you will be able to see there has been an ocean of time put into making this space for the advocates and the victims
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and children who come to seek comfort. >> i just want to get the thinking behind going in when the department did on sunday night and the factors that led to that decision, as well as your statement earlier that you did not have any plans or in the long-term future to have a similar action. all i know is what i learned in the press, so i would like to get a sense of what caused the decision sunday night. is there any reason to think similar circumstances would not come up in the future? we need a way to make sure folks have a way to protest. >> the demonstration has been
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ongoing. just yesterday i was leaving a hall of justice. i go down there literally every single morning, and i am a chatty per cent. i do talk to whoever is around. it is very hard to find out who the leadership is. when certain things the top oatp that are going to cause of problem, we are trying as best as we can to navigate those while at a manageable level, and saturday night the park and rec
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folks believe we have other people who have permits for this space. this is not somewhere folks can go, so we went in and in. we tried to tell them, please go back. there was compliance. it has been back and forth on market street since sunday night. there was one target of was an -- one tarp. so more have appeared. we are trying to work to get those taken down, because if you cannot see through, it is another hazard.
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it is an obstruction, but we will continue to try to gain compliance. we will continue to put porta- potti is down there. we will continue to work with the mayor's office and the department of public health, and we drop garbage cans all over the place. there are extra garbage cans we service every day. this is all at city expense. no one is asking anything of the demonstrators, but we are trying to be smart about what appears to be something that may go on for quite some time. >> i appreciate that, and i appreciate your efforts. do we have plans in place in
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case this movement gets larger? i did not know how many people are there now. i want to know, presumably we are talking fire department, mayor's office, but it does seem to be a reasonable possibility that we can be here for a while, and we are thinking not just about today but about next month. >> so does the question where do i anticipate a leaderless group known next? >> that is not so much my question as we could be in a situation where we need to find more space, and i wonder if those discussions have started with the mayor's office or anywhere else, because that is a very high traffic area. there are people who have permits to use it. if we got a spot where the
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protests were significantly larger in terms of numbers, you can imagine in be a more difficult to make sure people have access. i do not know the answer. >> i think it is important, and i think it is really important to keep the dialogue open, so if we keep talking, if we keep working towards it, if the situation stays safe, if it does not pose a public health hazard, i think in san francisco we facilitate first amendment demonstration, and i know the mayor has been very clear that as long as there is no permanent structures and it is safe, that is all about facilitating first amendment rights.
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>> i want to add a little bit to the occupyi sf situation, because i did attend a meeting with the supervisors and members of the national lawyers on some of these issues, and some of the individuals who are not representing clearly but are part of that movement. there is no leadership of this movement, and it is hard to negotiate what the parameters are. we must achieve to prepare written instructions so people would be on notice as to what causes seizures and the police department. gooat the same
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