tv [untitled] October 22, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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terrific workers that can enhance the education in the community. the last component is a project that has already been started through the regional hope sf and housing. family development training, it is called kids talk. i have worked with them to provide environmental health expertise. she has developed a curriculum with parents at the housing authority. that curriculum was turned into something of a day trainer model by consultants. the goal is to train community health leaders and have them invested in one topic and building activities around that topic.
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they became nutrition specialists, looking for ways to promote nutrition, along with community members that have hosted potluck dinner clubs or cooking class is. -- classes. promoting child development through reduction of urban stress factors and the reduction of toxic exposures to children, basically helping to promote activities that parents can do. once again, this is a health improvement project for the community. supervisor chu: thank you very much. let's turn this over to the budget analysts report. >> on the bottom of page 9 of the report, expanding the funds
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over a three-year period, so that the budget submitted to us is strictly an estimate. on page 10 of the report, of course we consider this to be a policy matter. if the board of supervisors wishes to entertain more detail in funding to these specific organizations, they would be placed on budget finalization for those eight bills. supervisor chu: let's open this up for public comment. are there members of the public
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at which to speak on this item? >> ♪ they found a $1 million bill on petrearearu hill and it will help the bill and the moon stood still on petreareau hill because you gave with such good will ♪ supervisor chu: thank you, walter. that was one of my favorites, so far. [laughter] next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. i have been involved in the
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energy issues in the city, shutting down power plants, and so forth. this is definitely death by 1000 cuts. this was one that was identified, supervisor maxwell, who wanted to be the most impacted community. we did include a piece on the pilot program because it was something that could never be gotten off the ground. i guess it is a little further
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south. what this has done, we have been able to cobble together many different programs that have shown success but have no, true, long-range support. i am very proud of everything that has been done to get us this far. there are funding things behind them, but at the end of the three years they will promote what has been successful and what has not. thank you, i really support this. supervisor chu: next speaker, please. >> my name is emily wine steen, and i just want to express my support for this funding.
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there are two projects that are specifically geared towards the residence. they are development of community gardens and the expansion at the family resource center. also, the community health programs with a variety of other partners in the community. both projects have had significant involvement with the beginnings of programs in place now. guaranteeing their ongoing suspended -- viability. thank you. supervisor chu: the next speaker. >> good morning, madame chair and members.
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i want to speak in support of the uses of this settlement. it recommends projects that have some hope of going beyond the three years that we have to spend the money. this way we are not relying on one time projects. this will be ongoing and helpful to the community. in terms of getting these power plants closed, i do endorse this project and i thank you for your consideration. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is the douglasyap.
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i would like to thank the supervisor for delivering the $1 million to this neighborhood. we have to give her credit for the differing the goods. i thought that it was interesting that in this discussion, we were talking about cutting. i have not seen any community developments in the rich neighborhoods. i question why we need them in a low-cost neighborhoods. this is the experience, in detroit, michigan, for they were at such a low level that they were forced to stop community gardens in detroit. hopefully this is not what will happen in san francisco. i hope that the department of
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public health, number one, is not going to waste funding and, number two, is not going to waste -- is not going to increase costs on the department of public health. also, rather than teaching people in this neighborhood to be gardner's, why not try to teach them to be doctors, lawyers, and nurses? i was told that third of martial was to be equivalent of low wall, but obviously it did not happen. is it because the residents came from different neighborhoods? thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. were there other members of the
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public that wish to speak? seeing no one, public comment is closed. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, madame chair. in reference to public comment, it is an incorrect representation of supervisor maxwell. she very much facilitated the shutdown of the power plants so that it could then be processed. fortunately, supervisor cohen is here, but supervisor maxwell did a hell of a lot of work in the community. this is not accurate, what i heard. supervisor maxwell does deserve a lot of the credit. supervisor chu: thank you. i would like to thank the department for bringing this item forward.
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given the community outreach that we have heard, including the members of the public that have come to testify, given that there were areas that we talked about back in 2009 and the fact that we have multiple budgets, it includes expenditures in these areas. i am not to take -- not inclined survey at this time. this will be sent to the full committee before we take action. and the closing remarks? supervisor cohen: no, you have succinctly articulated my position. supervisor chu: is there a motion to send this for were supervisor mirkarimi:? motion to accept -- send this
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forward to? supervisor mirkarimi: without objection. supervisor chu: thank you so much. mr. young, are there any other items before us? >> that completes the agenda items. supervisor chu: thank you, we're adjourned. >> welcome, and regretted. i am the general manager of san francisco's recreation and park department. i want to thank everybody for joining me today for the
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official rollout of park wide by crystals. it will be at five sites throughout the city. hopefully this is the launch of what will eventually be a part- by-park and maybe some day a street corner-to-street corner of by sharing. this is a new park amenity that will allow the opportunity to rent a bike at one city park and actually ride to another and drop it off. we're thrilled. imagine somebody renting a bike in union square and taking a ride into a beautiful golden gate park, coming to see the incredible academy of sciences in front of us, and then taking the bus home. it all works perfectly. we're thrilled. this is a partnership. it is really a win-win all the way around. it will be easier for residents and visitors to get out and to buy it and see the city's incredible park system. but it is an agreement that will
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activate our public spaces and help keep our parks clean, safe, and fun. we expect bike rentals to bring in more than $1 million of revenue to support the department's operations over the next five years. >> i want to thank all of the folks who supported this effort and worked to make it possible. i want to thank mayor lee, who will say a few words in a moment. i want to think the board of supervisors for their support of this. our district one supervisor in gold and great park, eric mar. i want to dig the recreation and park commissioner. and david lee. i want to thing lia and all its supporters of the san francisco bike coalition for their advocacy and support of biking in parks and healthy recreational activities. and i really want to thank park wide. jeannie and luisa are here.
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daryll and jeff, thank you for your vision and doggedness. that is what is needed in san francisco. last but not least, i want to thank my staff, the team which has been doing a tremendous job over the last couple of years, thinking about a creative new strategies as our general fund dollars get tighter and tighter in parks need more investment than ever. our partnership in the research development team has worked creatively, and it has been incredibly effective in adding park amenities that park-users enjoy. it has helped us sustained as a credible park system. i want to take nicole and nick and cassandra, who are all over there. thank you. and of course, all of this falls in line with the city's goal of making our communities and
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places like golden gate park and the academy of sciences more bite-friendly and easier to visit for parents, families, and even alligators. i thought they were scared at the rain. but we were supposed to have won today. i will plug something. helen taylor from the academy is here. if you rent a bike and are lost and need to get through golden gate park, all you need to do is take up your iphone and download the academy of sciences golden gate park field guide application, which has all kinds of credible environmental information about this park and about the academy, and it also has two bike routes. thank you to the academy of sciences, and thank you, helen. i now want to bring up our mayor, who in the last year has demonstrated himself to be a champion of our parks and of biking, healthy recreational options and environmentally- friendly transportation. where are you, mr. mayor? thank you very much.
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>> thank you. good morning, everyone. i also wanted to express my thanks to the collaboration that has occurred today with the bicycle coalition, with the rec and park bank commission, and with park wide. this is just the beginning. i think today you had the first part of what we have talked about for some time now. that is by sharing in this city. something that is going to be starting early next year, led by the sfmta. when these parks start happening for recreational users, we will also meet with mark tempi -- commuters to make sure they have a chance to q use bikes and the go to work. bicycle growth in the city has been phenomenal over the past few years that we want that much more of a combination. i think it is a neat idea for us to be able to begin at one park, and today you can go from here to the marina or herman plaza.
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you can go today and drop off that bike. on your way, you can pass by city hall and vote. do important activities. this is an amazing thing. i really do like the idea that you can just drop it off and not worry about it. you can go by the hour, by the day. everything is taking care of. i think that is just the solid beginning of bike-sharing across the city and the bay area. i think this is another indication that we want to be alternative mode transportation friendly. so we're working with the other cities around the bay area to do the same thing. so for those enthusiasts who want to go from city-to-city, they can do that as well. i think that is an exciting part of this. i want to thank all the agencies for coming together and promoting this.
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this is a great kick off. this is just the beginning. i look forward to even more folks using this and getting the exercise and a fresh air, but also being able to get out of their cars with their families are with their friends, and exercise this wonderful option to leave the bikes at various stations in the parks. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mr. mayor. i want to bring up our supervisor who presides over golden gate park to the one thing about eric mar is he is a true user id of this park and its amenities. there's not a weekend the goes by when we do not bob into each other during something in golden gate park. thank you for being such a champion of this system and golden gate park. >> it is let my backyard or front yard, because the live across the street on seventh avenue and faulted. i brought my bike today so we
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can all right together. i wanted to thank park wide for their vision, and the mayor and the recreation and parks department. gill, cassander, net, and the cult, and the others in the department for their vision of improving vikings the more families and everyone in this city can take advantage of this. i like the $1 million a year or more that this will bring in for the parks department. the richmond district is just one neighborhood. i know new barker of the question now more bikers will come to richmond, but also the sun set aside another part as well. the lisagor coalition has been tremendous in making a better bike weighs from the embarcadero to charge -- to the ocean beach. this will help us to make sure san francisco's number one as a viking city in the country. thank you for being here with us. i cannot wait to ride. thank you. >> our next speaker is
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commissioner david lee. he has been a big champion for our of its decree more family friendly amenities in our parks. >> i just want to say, what a tremendous asset that philbins for has been for this department. he has the best i doubt -- philip ginsburg has for this department. he has the best ideas, and he is always thinking about ways to raise money for this department. and we're really grateful for his leadership in this department and looking forward to new and more ideas from phil in the upcoming years. i chaired the capital committee at the recreation and parks commission. we do a lot of the fix-ups in the city. we fix our playgrounds. we fix our recreation facilities, and we are administering the 2008 bond that is going into fixing up recreation centers all across
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town. i had an idea just talking to lia from the san francisco bicycle coalition. as we were out here, thinking it may be one of the things we could be doing is installing more bicycle racks. the reason being is that people are renting bicycles, people from the neighborhood, come to the facilities, and have a place to lock up a bicycle. if you enjoyed the facility and the get a fabulous part in our city and neighborhood, even right here in the concourse, it would be a great advantage for people to be able to lock the bicycle, perhaps at a picnic, and get back on the bike and go on to another location. that is something i hope to explore and to work with the bicycle coalition to see where we can put these in bicycle racks. with that, thank you all for coming. >> thank you, david. the recreation and park
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department has a great partnership with the san francisco bicycle coalition, in addition to their support of park wide, we're working together to create a dedicated bike lane in golden gate park. we have worked together on a sunday streets and send a street closures and also healthy saturdays. yes, we want more bike racks. to talk more about our partnership, lia. >> thank you for your leadership. i know staff has been working so hard on this. she was so much to mayor lee and supervisor mar. almost 15 years of working and bicycle advocacy in the city, i have not seen this kind of political commitment and support. it is because san franciscans love bicycling. this is another great sign that our parks want to draw people to the city's. ride bicycles. the california academy of sciences wanted to visitors to come by bike. restaurants, cafes, and never
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did see the value in drawing more people, whether it is locals or tourists writing by bike to come out to the neighborhoods. it will be number one in the nation soon on that. we're on our day. the launch of park wide is a sign of that, one more commitment. it is a commitment responding to a demand. we know more and more people want great biking conditions. as the mere mention, it has been nearly as 60% increase the people biking in the last 40 years, and that is growing. i would love to see the day where you see the front of the academy of sciences filled with by cracks in the front and filled with tiny bikes, so that -- filled bike racks in the front. so people are coming to learn about the importance of sustainability and the importance of our future fabric of our planning. but actually, riding the ride, walking the walk as well. kids see how they can integrate
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sustainability and environmental awareness by visiting this institution and this park and parks around the city by bicycle. this is a huge opportunity for great bike use today but really to be educating generations to come. i want to thank the parks department and commission looking ahead for hopefully their support of a new bikeway on jfk drive. we're excited about welcoming more people to golden gate park with a safe, dedicated, inviting bikeway that is family friendly and connecting our city. thank you, looking ahead for that. and we look forward to riding. >> thank you. last but certainly not least, the folks that we're celebrating today, again, for your vision and partnership -- did i mention patience? our friends from park wide. come on up and say a few words. >> thank you for coming. i want to introduce all park
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wide the members park. sharyl, jeff, elena, and my husband, luis. we all own our own bike-rental companies. we came together to the form park wide to address this giant need in our city. we're opening of these bike rentals in parks, and we hope you join us and bike the parks. i would like to give everyone that has supported us a hat for that effort. not to be used as a bike helmet. thank you all. >> she did not say this, but the consortium of bike rental company has over 50 years of experience with bike rental in the city. thank you for being our partner, and let's get out and ride.
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