tv [untitled] October 23, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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you've been placed to do good for the people you respect. and to fail to do so would be tragic, tragic for all of us, tragic for yourselves, tragic for the future that awaits your children and mine. be an example for the rest of the country. follow the example of the city of los angeles and support this movement not based on whether or not you personally agree with it but because it is the democratic thing to do. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, my name is carol harvey. thank you for listening to this, supervisors. i saw -- i've been, by the way, made myself an embedded reporter with occupy san francisco from the beginning, september 17th because i am one of the 99% as well. i watched the footage of the
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attack on the camp the other night from home. i wasn't able to be down there. i would have, if i could have. i want to ask what on earth were they trying to accomplish by this attack on this camp? these people, we are not going away. is san francisco trying to show that they can be as brutal as the n. -- nypd. they were shouting the whole world is watching. and in fact, the whole world is watching. what is san francisco trying to do? align with seattle and show how brutal they can be to the occupyiers? again, let me repeat, they are not going away. the modus operandi of the p.d. has to change. as the occupyiers pointed out, you are one of us.
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you're in the 99%. 57ped i watched them say to these officers, what would your mother think of what you're doing. and i thought, wow, the whole world needs to hear about that. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> that's better. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is charlie pappas. congratulations on returning to your chambers. i'm here tonight because i would like to occupy the chambers i have as your neighbor seven or eight blocks away. i'd like to continue my lease and that would be a divinity co op. we are a medical can biss dispensary. the reason i'm worried about
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continuing our lease is because our very supportive landlord has received a 45-day notice. they got it 25 days ago. we may close in 25 days not because our landlord wants us to close because they are fearful that our 2,500 patients won't be able to be served. we're very fearful. it's 50/2450 we'll close, if not more -- it's 50/50 that we'll close, if not more. there is a time line for us. i'm hoping with all the strong, eloquent, intelligent words you listen to, you might come up with some yourselves and get a resolution or please reply to melinda hague or so and support the use of medical cannibus in san francisco and respond to the, you know, unfortunate federal government attack on us.
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thank you. [applause] >> good evening, president chu and the board of supervisors of san francisco. my name is mary sanders. i'm a native of san francisco. my parents were native of san francisco. my grandparents came here from ireland to escape prosecution, certain imprisonment and death because of their beliefs. i am employed by the unified school district in san francisco. i have actively supported many of you in your campaigns, stood by you in your beliefs. i want you to stand by us and our beliefs. we have to change this country. that's what occupy san francisco is all about, changing the
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corporate greed of this country. they got bailed out. the banks got bailed out. the people did not get bailed out. my grandfather built a home here in the avenues of san francisco and we watched it get sold on the steps of city hall right out there for taxes, for nothing. and if we have do anything to stop this from happening to another family, we will. [applause] >> my name is vingyuen.
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i am shocked on the treat these occupiers received. the reason why the occupyiers chose september 17th is because it's the anniversary of the signing of the u.s. constitution. i was a former census worker for the bureau of the u.s. census and as a government employee, we have to defend the constitution. we had to swear in before we could work because it's a federal job even though it's temporary. right now, i am unemployed. i have not lost my home yet. i'm fighting eviction and i'm standing here to represent tall hard-working people that work to contribute to the welfare of the community but gets nothing in return. i want you to think about that
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very carefully about the thousands of homeless people in san francisco. there are about 20,000 vacant units that are sitting there empty. but there is -- there is all these unemployed people and some of them were workers. 10,000 of them deserve to live in homes. so i want you to not only stop the police brutality and the oppression and the harassment of the occupyiers but to provide adequate housing for all the people that have lost their homes. [applause] >> thank you. next speaker. >> government brown signed a.b. 499 recently which gives children 12 years old the right to decide whether they're going to get the vaccination. terrible thing. sad, very, very sad. i mentioned in a speech about a year and a half ago that it's
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very well documented the catholic church murdered -- you think it sounds crazy but it's true. it's actually true. a lot of things that we don't know are true and well substantiated. but you know, the thing is this. whoever is in charge and whatever evil or good that they do, there's coming a day of judgment. now a lot of christians think it's going to be friday, as a matter of fact. and if it is, abraham lincoln john wilkes booth and all the dead are going to be raised up and if they weren't saved before they died it's going to be judgment, wrath, the wrath of god. i think about the story about how these jews came to jesus and told him that some jews had been murdered by pontius pilot.
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he knew that they all died lost. he must have. because he's the son of god. and so he said do you think they were any worse than you are. he said unless you believe in me, you will perish. jesus is the roughest preacher there ever was. he said look, there's 18 people on whom the tower fell. you think they were more evil because they died like that? he says unless you repent and believe in me you'll all likewise perish. he didn't say a tower was going to fall on them. he said god's wrath was going to get them. two minutes, unbelievable. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. i'm an eight-year resident from sfwran.
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i graduated of u.c. hastings. i'm here in support of occupy s.f. i haven't taken a part as most of the people here. my contributions have been limited to taking a walk on a beautiful saturday with them. and telling my friends to take their money out of the banks and put into credit unions and arguing with my ultraconservative brother-in-law in facebook. but these are the people who are sustaining the movement. the reason people are paying attention is because the people in new york took that part and they're staying there. and in order for this movement to be sustainable, i just want to urge the board of supervisors to do everything within its power to prevent the police from taking down what they're trying to build there. so thank you.
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[applause] >> next speaker. good afternoon, board of supervisors. i see some very familiar faces here. i worked on campaigns for you or not, i stood by your side a little bit on facebook and posted things for you and invited people in the community to come out and support you guys. you have done great work here. we know you're not against us. we know you are a part of the 99% here with us. and so is the police. it was really crazy to see the pain and some of the police officer's eyes before they literally arm robbed us and kidnapped us and came like swine in the night and took the actions that they did upon us, you know? it was -- it was unjust. it was unconstitutional. but we know that they were not -- they're not here to do that
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to us. and i just -- i urge you all to please just join in support with us. you guys are wonderful. i mean, you guys are here right now with us. and i think that really goes to show, you know, the beginning of steps towards creating a better world for everybody when where we have social justice. where we have equal human rights, period. and i just want to say thank you all so much for being here and on behalf of occupy s.f. and myself, yeah, just thank you. thank you. [applause] >> next speaker. >> good, afternoon, supervisors. my name is philip o.j. thank you for hearing us and y lowing our hearts to reach yours. you've heard many statusics and
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stories. you are now presented with an occupy to assist occupy san francisco to become the model for this unstoppable global movement. you are part of the 99% and we are here for you as well. so there is nothing to fear from us. let san francisco shine as an example of unity for the rest of the world. be a part of the positive change so you can tell your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren that when you had the chance you helped oufer specie reclaim our humanity. i'd like to leave you with a quote from franklin delano roosevelt, the task of our progress is whether we provide those who have too little. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. final speaker. or next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisor,
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peter warfield executive director of library association. in terms of silencing the public library is on a project to implement the snuffing out of a multicultural mural that includes as a key feature victor hara, the image on the branch library also includes words in english and spanish. words from holly mere. all of that is going to be wiped out in the mural that is planned as a replacement. someone close to the original mural which was a community process that was contributed to by lots of people over a two-year period called it a sanitized gentrified version of the mural. in all of the meetings that i have attended at the library commission particularly recently and at the art commission, there has been no discussion of the
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specifics of what the images were in the existing mural and what they respect nor what specifically images are going to be in this sanitized replacement. who was victor hara, a voice filled in the "new york times" december 2002. general augustus were so intent on eliminating all traces of the leftist singer victor hara that torching and executing him was not enough when they seized power in 1973. they also had master tapes of his recordings and concert appearances destroyed. i'll read near the end. i guess it shows that you can kill the singer but not his song. well, in san francisco, the library plans to do just that and that is to kill off the image and the memory and the
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words of this person. [applause] >> thank you. >> hi, would a real america medical marijuana cheerleader, occupy san francisco step up. i am here. listen, i am glad that these people are here in san francisco because what they don't understand is we are in a may oriole election. and they're messing with president obama, all those crazy people. they said we lost our soul. and it is so good because what you all don't know a lot of people are in shelters and in s.r.o. hotels. they cannot come out. and we are glad you are in this city to let the people know that we have a federal reserve bank in this city. and my other thing to talk about is about the last may oriole candidate we would talk about aids.
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they want to keep you negative. we want you to come out to the state building from 5:30 to 7:30 on thursday for the last day dealing with aids. medical marijuana is the last 15 year of the aids crisis. and it started in this place here. we need to have the people really rise up and know what san francisco -- we have 18 states that come out of here. you know, i also voted when you all were just making $33,000 a year to take your salary up to $125,000. see, we want green backs for everybody. and that's really where we're at . 30 more minutes. and with marijuana and the president and the mayor and occupants. thank you all, and we think you will do the right job because this is the last part of america before you fall into the ocean.
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where else are you going to be? i look forward to see you thursday in the state building because i did get an official candidate vote. $10.10. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is alex. i'm with occupy s.f. probably would have guessed that by now. on the night of the 16th, i stood in the human chain in the street to prevent police from illegal stealing food and other medical necessities from peaceful protestors and i witnessed this horrible violence from the sfpd. in an attempt to remove them by making them think that they would run us over. what have we done? we are a small occupation gathering in a public park. we didn't have means or hurt or
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harm anyone or anything. i saw people being beaten and then arrested for protecting property that originally we felt belonged to anyone, that anyone could have come and used that property. but instead the police chose toe basically throw it in the dump truck and run off with it. i feel that the trust has been broken personally. this is not me speaking for everyone in the movement. but i feel like the trust has been broken before the sfpd and occupy s.f. there's been a particularly interesting aspect in this movement to me. one that questioned my preconception about police. we have worked with the police. we have been trying to comply with city codes and so on. we've been trying to make this a movement that is not disrespectful or harmful to anyone. but when you assault us and arrest us and you refuse to let
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us have basic human rights, you are not showing that you are with us. i told many of the riot cops that were there that night that i believe in personal responsibility. that we all choose our actions and we're responsible for what we choose. so my question to everyone here as well as to the police is are you part of the 99%? are you willing to support us or not? [applause] >> thank you. next speaker. good evening, city officials. it's been a rough night. an entertaining night. my name is ivan velez. i just wanted to say three things. a lot of things have been said. the mayor has been on many, many
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times tonight especially about occupy s.f. and the new movement that we are all part of. and i would like to hope that you enjoy it. you gathered a lot of information from us. and you appreciate what's going on on this day. you can use all your powers and not be detered by obstacles to help to help everyone and ourselves move forward. the 99% -- the 99% help us, help us move forward. thank you for listening and being here with us. >> 99. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i just want to thank you all for listening to these incredibly well spoken people. i have not been a part of the movement but last night i found out a little bit more about it. so i went online and i watched
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what happened on sunday night and i was just so shocked and so incredibly upset that i had a difficult time sleeping last night. and i wanted to do something to try to help these peep. this is something that's been going on for a while with the police. i noticed this when i was protesting against the war, you know, back in 2002. and the police takes such an antagonistic stance against everybody. i mean, there were children, there were families and grandparents, you know. everyone is extremely peaceful, yet, the police just had this -- i don't know -- smears on their faces. the riot from the other night -- i don't understand riot gear. it only equates to me violence and violence begets violence.
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and this is something that i would hope that you can do something about. i don't know if you can or not. i know it's the police department. and, but please do whatever you can. maybe find the person that was responsible for ordering the attack on sunday night and see if they can be accountable for it. thank you. [applause] >> are there any other members of the public that wish to speak? seeing none, i want to thank everyone again for your patience and for your respect during the public comment period. and with that, the general public comment is closed for this evening. colleagues why don't we go to our adoption. would you please call items 27-21. >> these items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. it will be called separately and
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considered. >> supervisor? >> 27. >> supervisor avalos? >> madam clerk would you please call the roll on the balance of the adoption calendar. >> on items 27-21 -- >> supervisor avalos. roll call vote on item 28-31. >> cam? >> aye. >> supervisor chu? >> aye. >> owen, aye. >> supervisor else burn? >> aye. >> ferrell? >> aye. supervisor kim? >> kim, aye. >> supervisor wiener? >> aye. >> there are 11 ayes. those resolutions are adopted. item 27. [reading]
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>> supervisor else burn? >> thank you. and i'll be very brief because i understand supervisor avenue lose is going to move to table this item because the governor has signed this bill. i couldn't let the opportunity to go by. this bill is exactly why i think is wrong. why in the world do they pass a bill telling city can and cannot do. why are we doing this? san francisco hasn't passed a new contract proposal in about 25 years. the public library has never even talked about doing this. this is such a pandering piece of legislation that the democratic caucus and the legislature did to placate the service employees. it is absolute pathetic and rather than focus on how abysmal our state budget is, they're
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passing legislation like this. it's embarrassing to be a californian while our legislature is dealing with this kind of tidly wink stuff. focus on the real issues. sorry, john, but this one more than anything, this session drove me the craziest. and if we're going to support anything like this, let's just pull ourselves out of the league of cities. why are we here? let's just let the legislature tell us how to run our budget. this bill is asinine. thank you. >> supervisor avalos? >> well. >> i got egg on my face, don't i? this bill was important to me to support because i'm really concerned about the privatization of our public institutions. it's something that we grapple with over and over again here in san francisco about public
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services that have been looked at to privatize. so i thought it would make sense to support efforts against privatizations even at the state level or adjusting places around the state of california. we grapple with the idea of privatizing our jail services, going from a profit model to manage health care for people who are inmates in our jail system. so i actually was, you know, interested in -- to urge the governor to sign, clearly not everyone was onboard with that idea. and i'm actually -- since the governor did sign it i was going to say to table it. it doesn't relate to the resolution here in the room. >> supervisor avalos calls to
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table. without objection the item is tabled. >> madam clerk could you read the me mother yum. >> the late mr. howard grayson on behalf of supervisor else burn for the late thomas beganlynn. on behalf of supervisor kim for the late mr. paul gillman and on behalf of supervisor chu and else burn for the late tina -- >> can you put howard grayson for me as well, please. >> thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. >> is there any more business in front of this body? >> that concludes our business. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned for gentlemen, we are adjourned for the evening.
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