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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2011 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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>> let me read it to you -- this
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morning, the earth shook and through us from our beds. we were not hurt, just stunned. do you see earth? something shook, and she's looking outside the window to see what else is going on. something would probably do, too? dishes crashed, pots and pans fell. ancestral portraits flew off the walls. we packed up all we could carry. bedding, clothing, food, utensils. that is what happened after the room was shaken. and they called somebody papa. do you know who that is in chinese? >> grandmother? >> yes, grandmother. that is a grandmother.
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ok, that is what i call my grandmother, pawpaw. that is kind of fun. mama told us to hurry. where extra layers of clothes and prepare for safety. see, they're all getting ready, because they do not know if the shaking is going to stop. so when the earthquake kids, it is not just for one time sometimes. it lasts for a long time. so they wanted to get out. pawpaw hurried out to seek help and returned with a cart and two kinsmen. carefully and slowly we made our way down the stairs to load the cart with our belongings. this one right here, they all started leaving. then they tried to put everything in their part to try to move out, out of the way of the year earthquake.
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in the early dawn, confused and frightened, we gathered at the square. all of chinatown must have been there. has everybody been to the square before in chinatown? it is in the center of san francisco's chinatown. that is where everybody gathers didn't you know that park with the elevator that comes up, and the little bridge that comes over. that is called portsmouth square but that is where they all gathered, and that is where a lot of people will gather, too, if there is a major earthquake in chinatown. you must go to golden gate park, showed the policeman. the city is on fire. go quickly now. dark smoke hurt our eyes. dust filled the air, our mouths and noses, too. this is where the policeman from way back then told them there was a fire, so they had to go to golden gate park to get away
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from the fire. the earth shook again. remember what i said? after an earthquake, it is not just once. the earth shook again. we stopped and watched in fear as buildings crumbled around us. pretty scared, huh? older brother, younger brother, and i cleared the path of the cart with our grandparents and our belongings. they did not have cars in those days. the had to have carts to carry people out. they cannot get out fast enough. we were hot and thirsty, so we shed the extra clothing and drank some cold tea. in the early morning rush to leave, we had not eaten anything.
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grandmother give us crackers and dried fruit. see that. up the steep hills, across the city, we pushed and pulled the heavy cart. we were trying to get out to, where? golden gate park. right? >> yes. >> all around us, frighten people struggled with loads they cannot leave behind. terrified dogs, cats, and horses joined the people hurrying to safety. a lot of people were scared, even the animals were running around scared. mm-hmm. until, at last, we were away from the spreading fire is, away from falling buildings.
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all right. in golden gate park, there was food, water, and tents for shelter. the grandparents, brothers, and i rested and ate. do you see that? they got a little bit of rest. we were safe for now while this city still burned and the earth still shook. what did they live in? they live in tents. what is that one with the cross on it? yeah, the hospital, the medical tent. right, just in case anybody is hurt. there you go. all right. so that was the story about an earthquake that happened a long
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time ago. can you guess what year? >> [children making guesses] >> this one was 1906. >> look. it says lee. >> yes, it does. 1906, there was one of the biggest earthquakes here in san francisco, and a lot of people were not prepared. so a lot of people died. after the earthquake, what happened was that not only did the buildings fall them, there was a big fire. and the fire was the thing that killed people the most. most people died because of the fire. today, we're better prepared. we know how to turn the gas off and stop the fires. we have a good fire department.
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guess who is here today. our fire chief. the chief of our fire department. who is standing next to the chief? the police chief. that is chief suhr. and he is standing there. next to him we have our department of emergency management deputy coordinator. we're all working together with the school district. hydra mendoza is part of our school board, the president of your school district board. she is working close with the librarians, mr. hendry, and your principal, so we can all learn together of better to protect ourselves during the next earthquake. are you getting ready? are you ready for the fire drill? >> [all] yes. >> thank you. i want to thank mr. henry for inviting us for this drill. why do we have a fire drill or
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an earthquake drill? why? that is right. in case the real thing happens. so if we practice what we do, then what happens? >> we get better. >> you get better, exactly. that is what we want to do, get better. and today during the drill, what i want you to think about is if this were to happen while you were at home, what would you do, the same thing? yeah, it would be ducking and covering. cover and -- you practice, too, huh? if you practice, then you will not get nervous when it happens. >> when the alarm is ringing, a practice, and i stayed low. >> the fire alarm goes on when your mother cooks? wow.
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probably try to tell her not to frighten many things. -- not to fry too many things. [laughter] >> we're going to get the kids back to their tables so they are ready when the drill happens. kids, can you go back to your desk? >> all right, three, two, one -- go. >> doug, cover, and holdd anduck, -- duck, cover, and hold. >> this is an earthquake drill. i repeat, this is an earthquake drill. please duck, cover, and whole. i repeat, please duck, cover, and hold. this is an official earthquake drill. please duck, cover, and hold.
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>> it did the shaking stopped yet? it is a big one, huh? >> ouhave are we doing? >> all clear sign, everyone. >> all clear. >> be careful, be careful. >> watch your heads. >> good job, everyone. >> in this fabulously beautiful
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persidio national park and near golden gate and running like a scar is this ugly highway. that was built in 1936 at the same time as the bridge and at that time the presidio was an army and they didn't want civilians on their turf. and the road was built high. >> we need access and you have a 70 year-old facility that's inadequate for today's transportation needs. and in addition to that, you have the problem that it wasn't for site extenders. >> the rating for the high
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viaduct is a higher rating than that collapsed. and it was sapped quite a while before used and it was rusty before installed. >> a state highway through a federal national park connecting an independently managed bridge to city streets. this is a prescription for complication. >> it became clear unless there was one catalyst organization that took it on as a challenge, it wouldn't happen and we did that and for people to advocate. and the project has a structural rating of 2 out of 100. >> you can see the rusting
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reinforcing in the concrete when you look at the edges now. the deck has steel reinforcing that's corroded and lost 2/3's of its strength. >> this was accelerated in 1989 when the earthquake hit and cal came in and strengthened but can't bring to standards. to fix this road will cost more than to replace. and for the last 18 years, we have been working on a design to replace the road way, but to do in a way that makes it appropriate to be in a national park and not army post. >> i would say it's one of the most ugly structure, and it's a barrier between the mar sh and
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presidio. and this is a place and i brought my dogs and grandchildren and had a picnic lunch and it was memorable to use them when we come here. what would it look like when the design and development is completed. and we are not sure we want an eight lane highway going through this town. and it's a beautiful area in a national seaport area on the planet. >> the road is going to be so different. it's really a park way, and it's a parkway through the national park. and they make the road disapeer
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to the national park. >> and the road is about 20 feet lower, normally midday, you go through it in two minutes. looking back from the golden gate bridge to presidio, you are more aware of the park land and less of the roads. and the viaduct will parallel the existing one and to the south and can be built while the existing one remains in operation. and the two bridges there with open space between them and your views constantly change and not aware of the traffic in the opposite direction and notice the views more. and the lanes of course are a foot wider than they are today. and they will be shoulders and if your car is disabled, you
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can pull off to the edge. and the next area, the tunnel portal will have a view centered on the palace of fine arts and as you come out, you can see alkatrez island and bay. and the next area is about 1,000 feet long. and when you come into one, you can see through the other end. it's almost like driving through a building than through a tunnel. and noise from the roadway will be sheltered. and the traffic will be out of view. >> when you come out of the last sort tunnel and as you look forward, you see the golden dome of the palace of fine arts and what more perfect way to come to san francisco
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through that gateway. >> it will be an amazing transformation. now you read it as one section, the road is a major barrier and then a wonderful strip along the water. all of those things are going to mesh together. >> right now the road really cuts off this area from public access. and with the new road, we will be able to open up the opportunity in a new way. >> this bunker that we see now is out of access for the general public. we are excited to completely rework this side and to open up the magnificent views. and what we want to do is add to this wonderful amenity and restore this coastal bluff area and respect its military
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history and the doyle drive project is allowing us to do that recorrection. and this area is not splintered off. >> and we can see how dramatic a change it will be when doyle drive is suppressd and you have a cover that connects the cemetery to this project. it's historic on the statewide and national basis, but you could rush the project or put thought and time to create something of lasting public benefit. >> we really want this, for everyone to feel like it's a win situation. whether you are a neighbor that lives nearby or a commuter or user of the park. that everyone will experience a
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much better situation than they currently have. >> the human interest to me is how people could work out so many challenging differences to come to a design that we believe will give us a jewel. landmark of a place. >> i am sure it will have refining effect like embark did. and there were people about that and no one would think of that today. and when you look at growth and transformation of the embark, the same with doyle. it will be a cherished part of the city and a worthy addition to what is there. >> it will be a safe and beautiful entrance to a spectacular beautiful city. it will be the entry to golden gate that san francisco se