tv [untitled] October 24, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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accelerating a process to be more carefully positioned. >> i would say it is a very good team working collaborative way, and now the contract is signed and have resources on board, we are moving ahead quickly. we keep getting new status is. commissioner murphy: i wanted to hear from the other side. the facilitators. whoever is representing. >> good morning. i and the ceo om the ceo of exc. thank you for having me. i have had the pleasure of living here for a few years and one of my goals to be able to help the city provide a great service that improves the relationship between the city and its citizens and other parts
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of the construction community, as well as provide a system that provides more transparency and leads to more accountability. i will answer any questions that you have about the project. commissioner hechanova: my question to you would be is there any way we can get this system up and running before that? why it should take so long? >> let me reiterate our commitment to getting this done as fast as possible. i think we will work very closely with the project team to condense this project down and to squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of our team and the department as possible. i was delighted to hear there are 20 subject matter experts that are going to be tasked to this project.
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one of the things we've seen in the past is project it slowed down when the vendor and consultants who are working on the project are unable to extract information from staff, so having that amount of people is actually a very good thing. when i look at the project plan myself to answer your specific question, where do i see, using my background, potential to squeeze in save time? i think -- when the power point was put up, there was a blue area around stage three that really marked the disembarking point where we will get to a stage and try to recap the timeline to see where we work, so we could potentially work very diligently in stage two and three. my goal is the same as yours,
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and the same as staff, to show value for the citizens so that they can realize the value of this investment, and we will make the best efforts to make sure that is done. >> you are sayicommissioner hecg stage two and three could be done by december? >> yes, we will work with the teams to make sure we squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of our staff to make sure that happens. commissioner hechanova: how do you feel about us getting a system up and running fast and then working out of the kinks? >> one thing, and i will listen to what commissioner walker said, and i agree with certain parts of that, because this is a very complex system.
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it is a complex city. there are regulations that apply here but do not apply everywhere else, primarily because of where we live in the earthquake zone. i am not sure putting a bare bone system oup is needed, but e need to make sure whatever we put up serves the public to the full extent. does that make sense? is>> is this system so unique that it will take that long to address the key issues the department needs? >> we have clients all around the world. we're based in the bay area. we provide a software package that is tailored specifically to meet the needs of government agencies.
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dbi and planning primarily. what is unique, of course, is the size of the scope of the project. this is a project that is very complex because of the number of people but will be interacting with this system, not just on the city side, but the customer side. we have very small accounts and have very large accounts, new york city, mel bourne, australia. when you have a very large audience you have to serve, both on the government side as well as customers, the margin of error is very narrow, because the last thing we want to happen is for customer to get online and not get the right information. i have heard the presentations before about mistakes and this got deleted and that got
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deleted. we need to make sure when we put the system up, that everything is as accurate as possible. >> we will have certain interfaces. will our equipment and current technical capability be sufficient to run this system, or do we need some server upgrades that we know are really reaching their life cycle use, will we need to really implement that also? >> there are two parts to the question. i will address the server question first. the contract between excelia and the city is we will provide all the infrastructure for you. all of this server capabilities, everything is done through us. very similar to what you see with and other
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vendors to twho sell use softwa. as far as the technical capability, part of the contract is to provide training to staff to empower them with the capability so they can manage the system, so our trainers from our company will come in and teach them how to maintain the system, so that when we leave it will be empowered to basically take care of it themselves. commissioner lee: could you mention what you did for do or new york and other cities? >> we have an implementation going on there that a similar size to this with the department of health to do restaurant
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inspections. it is an 18-month project i believe that. i guess the interesting thing from there is it took a lot of political effort to get to the start right. i think that if i were to think about your question -- i think what you are leading to is is this a typical implementation time line? i would say that it is a conservative plan that will get us where we need to be. to the extent that we can do things faster and better, we will most certainly do that. commissioner lee: ok, and maybe we should get an update in march or april something like that to see how things are going and see if there is a new proposed timeline. >> absolutely.
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i live here in the bay area, and i am happy to come to any one of them. thank you. commissioner lee: presumably were operating on a fixed income feet. presumably it is on your best interest to act quickly. i think we recognize that. commissioner hechanova: on the other side, there is no incentive. >> item 5d, an update on that major projects.
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-- update on major projects. >> good morning, commissioners. in your package you have a paper telling you how many high- profile projects we have currently in store or maybe in the future, and also those mou projects. the biggest part is the public safety buildings. the public safety building is the future of of police headquarters, and also the fire house. currently the whole block of buildings in the area, and it
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has been filed already in the course of that. friday is the $164 million. the next four projects are lincoln hill, and also trinity plaza, and 45 lansing street. those are the projects on the high rise. those projects we have been planning for a long time, but due to the economic downturn, it is on holding status. right now those projects came back. the new project we have on that is 184 chanel's street. you have $104 million.
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we also will embark on the mta project, the subway projects. as you know, the total cost right now projecting is about $1.7 billion, and we expect three projects. the smithsonian station, union station and [inaudible] . that amounts to $520 million and projects. our mou project, the biggest project we have, the high-speed rail is undergoing the permit side.
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we're working on the superstructure. that project total is about $586 million. we also have an mou project from the porch. that is a $30 million project. those are our total projects that we can see that are already being projected, so i am happy to announce that hopefully with these projects on the way, we will bring you more projects. is there any questions you may have? commissioner hechanova: could
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you arrange a tour one day? >> yes. right now i really want to invite the commissioners to see that high-speed rail. it is beginning to stabilize the whole site. and we are putting what we call a container structure there to contain the structure around you. that has a staff -- as 7 feet diameter. it has 290 peers. so i would like to invite the commissioner to see it. it is a really big project. it is so simple, and you will be astonished at how effective are
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contractor operating the site. it is a good project to see. commissioner walker: i see the cruise terminal for 30 million. are there other projects associated with the america's cup that may be added to this? >> that is for the america's cup. and it does not have too much improvement in side, because during the american cup, we will use the whole facility so they can have a lot of the events there. maybe after the american cut, then in the final stage they will build the internal commercial space. commissioner walker: are there any locations that will be
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developed from but project? >> that is only the parking area, the cruise terminal area. >commissioner lee: what is the timeline of these projects? what is the time line for our involvement? >> you can see on those high- profile projects, the permits are already filed. they filed the first permit for next march. all the other projects are already on the way. commissioner lee: so we need to
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provide the inspections and all of that further? >> we have not had that down yet. given the scale and scope of these large projects, are you having one focus on certain projects and second on others that are helping or assisting you? >> mainly i am managing their projects, because those are special design, so i put a lot of effort in every project, and then i have an engineer follow each project for me, especially [inaudible] we will have six people.
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we have six participating in the plan check. >> is there a critical time line for when we could come and visit the high-speed transit center? >> right now there during preparation for the site. this is an amazing operation. it is fairly simple machinery, but a lot of operations. i really want the commission to see it to appreciate how well the project is coming along. commissioner clinch: i would be
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happy to host a quick meeting to give a slide show on the site. commissioner walker: i have been the occasion to watch the general hospital bill that is going on, as there during the cement pouring, and that is another huge pouproject our staff is in, and it's pretty amazing. if you have the opportunity to go to general hospital, go to the fifth or sixth floor and you can see this amazing work they're doing with isolation systems. i think so, because they just finished it. >> topping off ceremony at the children's hospital. on 3rd? >> we do not have jurisdiction
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over there. commissioner walker: it is pretty amazing >> for those projects, i feel that the commission should take a look at. we use a very special excavation where we tunnel in. it is a very good observation pierre ye n. >> is there a photograph recording of these event that would also be good for at least being available to look at? >> well, i have myself taken a picture of it. i think the project sponsor
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usually takes a lot of pictures. ok. commissioner murphy: it is exciting to see these projects moving forward, and especially the scale of them are very exciting. we also want to emphasize we pay as much attention to the smaller projects as also the single- family renovations and additions. >> that is why our operation at the fifth floor is really affected. we're taking care about 80% of those projects go through that floor. >> item 5e, update on the q- matic and status of activation.
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to report to the commissioners that we will have a new launch on the operation next month, the 21st. the reason we think the 21st, during that time we can amend anything that needs to be improved or getting ready for the next phase. another thing, at this time, i want to train a group of staff so they could be the person that we go to during operation that we need. we cannot just depend on the
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whole crew, because that would put a lot of hardship and operation. so the schedule right now, we will train that special group that has staff from department of building inspection, informations that, and also the central permits that, plus we will have staff from the city planning and department of public works. so those -- that training to the group of staff will be our go-to persons when we launch operation. that is why we will take another two weeks as we try to prepare that. and then we want to put the answers into the website so people have a chance to see
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what we are going to launch. maybe when they read the question and answer --- from them to us, what kind of things we need to improve. so that is why we think four weeks to prepare for that. we tried to launch that at the end of october, but thaat that e we may have to approve or amend the system we already have. so right now we're going to launch the system what we have
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three months ago. the same system we're going to launch. during the operation we will improve things that we encounter during the path of operation. i feel i have confidence in the system. the q-matic system is to replace our charging system for our customer, a mixturmake sure we e the service to them in an orderly fashion so that they can get their permits as quickly as possible. it is not a process we tried to delay. it is a process we tried to improve our order. we try to keep track of the number of people using our service. we do not have bought automated.
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this q-matic system will help us to provide the data, and help us to provide the manpower we need and improvement in the certain area. that is the good data we can get out from q-matic. it has been in the making for the past two years. we have already paid for it. we have to launch it and get the value we spent on it. commissioner hechanova: is it the same process for everyone? >> we can provide a permit at that time. any more questions?
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commission>> will this be able o accommodate the small homeowner, as also the large permit? >> yes. most of this operation is for the fifth floor operations. when you look at the flow chart that i have, a very simple flow chart, when the customer comes in, we go to the information conduct. we will look at the scope required for services, and they will review them to all the stations we have, and then the most important station is the initial permit and takintake one fifth floor. they will input in the record
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the permit record, and also determine the station they need. we give them a ticket how many produce stations they have to go through, and each station will perform the check, and hopefully they will go for permit. right now we have two screens. i would like to have more when we see the need of it. commissioner hechanova: do you have some sort of a system that people can hear when they're called? >> yes.
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