tv [untitled] October 27, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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peorgomoin d welce toeteer 22, 11eeti oheboard of peors govement, it ad mittee e cpos. i the cir of cmittee we're joineyresidentchiu. e wille joshort peor farrell e clerkirea. we wt to thefollowg members ofs foroverg eeti we wanto t themor their contued go wor caroona. oe veancem? >>yes. i w le toll cellhonegee of if wh topeur blic cmentfill in a keace it at e podi items acted today wil pearheoctober 4 board of peisorsagea unless otherwise stated peor cpos:pete plse calitem er 1 >>earie01011 civil grand reporentitle hirictic of e ci d co of n frcisco. peorcampoankyou ve in e nextfew wes,he govementaits ersi coittee wille hoing a seri oeetis arious reportsfrhe cil iwanttoeginyanki the members of the
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cil jury foeiseiceto thecity d coof fncisco is importt woa we ow it erytimeo agaewant to you. wi tt,will turn iter to the cil for eir report good mog. my me ilia,d se theforepe oe01 11an fncco cil itlly w lto olh sevel meers of the whopen tosittingon e ch thisorni hey'reere wi in additi, ere ar sevel membersot inries d a meer' rrent i would like to welce al ereod ourinitial ror thismoin e civil seic commsia i w like to tt reporteroe ror cir t coittee, ricro ervisomp: k you veuch,mad 4%. goorni >> t forvi the hearinay e ricron, ipe o see e coittee air of theor ilservice cmiio staittlegrouab e grd ecse ifo athere we misinformatihe cposeof 19 meers, d itkes 12members to pre aneporic somee atweir ltan st t letounow,alis wo wase e members of he jury. e pihetopi do al he writelvesd
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doll nterviews,wi portrom e staf the cour t foe mostart,al itg an eves al doney e 12meerse 19be ikes 12 meers torovea report ef ebcmitte'he memberof thecoittee melaetiredsteelworker, retireererana gentle who ise nepetr rorte weecedooobout- 9civiseice d esrc- civilervice pr reforich cove reas. u to our lit time,we decided to focusoe hiri procs. alsowet fo the iscelleo workea w leftheolice and fire tentiolly,beushey ve differenleabirg. o, silly,r report t e hiri procin the miscelnes woer e the cilervice refo w to speep hiriprocs and todoit iol po, ic are irtoe woers an unirtoar weonowledge the rtments of healir
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aoritut resources the civilervice cosire iplace tose at thelesarollowe heroceres are follow our reportweed forsome tters, wintentiolly did not nt tknowe me of thepeopl peal letters at we review aseler in ou rtt weidotnowhe mes --thielerate ouraratweo not ow e mes of thelint n preparfor ou committee epori want tllhe departments,rohr cil ice d bliclt alsowenterview w riety ofeople ath cnot list the mes, eid teiew --tried inteiew alifferent rties whkes in the hiriroceroni sinessagero le citorkehoor for e ci tt, wou leo r r fiings wehaveiv indis. e fifiinger the ditialsed testg, lintheht t peal tommiion at almost eveointurg examinatiorocess anlint tg itio asettic ree poin in rocess heseifferences
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orot toarticite he atioand toeto elility list otherwe, lt ese sole thear igten nocement filly,figfive s ehiriprocsine cibecomeincrsi decentlized d positi tiecmorepraili here is growidoubmo some city woers at the ommsis rrently staffes leorotect eir ri e cosihould be oriz toire ditialior al psiti astto cment owwe neveeceived a rese fromheayo's office ab ecmeation five. two, the currentpositi e civiseice etne staff, oneaid for uc d one fory e mea. nceheirpor's terise nehere's noreonhe aiornot fi this ne siti at is rort. ifyquestioi wille ytower peoryou veucfoe report ere y bespecific questio ut int toget a clarificatiorom e ci attorneintesof the procs. myerstandi it wi reect to thisreport, e civil grd he board oferviso to re toecmeatio5ofi
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er recmeation 5, and at the we les wat wecoittee asoa wouave to reo specific ite o ollesyestisfo e cil jury? 's doit this way,ere' somee fr thear would like tresenthe dertment's pepecte,a e wec followi tis. >> tt woulee, t you. peorcampos: veuc ood mog,pervisors. i am from the mayor's office. i wanted to actually correct one thing that the grand jury mentioned. we actually did respond to recommendation 5. unfortunately, it was mislabeled in our response. so if you do look at the mayor's response, we did address that particular recommendation. supervisor campos: supervisor farrell. supervisor farrell: committee may be read into the record so people are aware?
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-- can you may be read into the records of people are aware? >> yes. the recommendation was deficient and the commission should be onerous to hire at least one additional senior analyst and the mayor's response is the recommendation requires further analysis. the determination of appropriate staffing levels required an analysis by the mayor's office and the department as to whether the department is able to perform core functions as well as a consideration of the budgetary resources available annually. the commission has stated that it takes seriously its role and responsibility to oversee the city's merit system and does believe its staff response to complaints and concerns in a timely manner. it has indicated that any additional staffing would only enhance operations. any discussion related to increasing staffing will have to be made in the course of the
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budget development process. supervisor campos: so that i understand the point does that mean that you do not believe that staffing is needed? i guess this was still not clear. >> we have not had that discussion with the civil service commission. over the course of the budget process, we do take into account what the purpose staffing level may be to have the department meet its core functions. with respect to additional staffing, we have not had that discussion yet. this is the first i am hearing of an additional staffing. supervisor campos: i mean the finding is that as the hiring process becomes increasingly decentralized or release that is the finding that there is concern about the ability the commission, as currently staffed, to protect individuals' rights. i mean what is the civil
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service commission's perspective on that? >> i have anita. what i would like to point out very quickly with respect to the finding is that the finding that the civil grand jury mentioned is based on a misreading of the 2005 dhr report on civil service reform. i can give you a copy of the actual reportdhr . but on page 6 of the report under the heading summary of findings dhr listed the following the centralized authority for personal positions especially for hiring. with the civil grand jury did was they concluded that that was a recommendation that was implemented by dhr, and that is not the case. i have jennifer johnson here from dhr who can further elaborate on that. supervisor campos: thank you. if we can hear from ms. anita
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sanchez. >> we thank the grand jury for their review the hiring process of the city. the civil service commission takes a very seriously the findings of the civil grand jury. and to ensure that there is a fair and impartial process in that the hiring of our city employees who are permanent civil servants. with regard to the recommendations, i will address item number 5. the commission agrees with the civil grand jury's recommendation of an additional staff person for the civil service commission. i do however, want to assure this committee that our office is ensuring that any concerns or issues brought to the civil service commission is being handled in a timely manner. we would be able to expedite our
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analysis and review the concerns that are brought to us in terms of the appeal or whether there is an appeal process available to the employees or whether this can be handled through what we call and inspection service which we look into matters that are not appealable to the commission. however, we would discuss with the department in the department of human resources whether merit system principles, rules and policies have been followed by and that employment transaction. and an additional staff person would expedite our analysis and also give us an opportunity to review the department's analysis or reports that they present to the commission, and we can advise the commission whether merit system principles and policies have been followed. supervisor farrell: thank you. to get your opinion on it this
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you know is the second edition, from your point of view, is this nice to have or need to have? as you talk about expediting processes, i completely understand and i would want to support it really respect what the civil grand jury -- all of their work. i think about our process and the board of supervisors everything else in city hall, and our city government. obviously, we're in a huge budget deficit times. and we're all having big austerity measures. so is this completely necessary to function? or can you bucshon without it? >> i think all of us have cut our belts and tighten our belts. we do with what we have. this department can certainly do that and it is not the recommendation that we thought that is what the finding of the civil grand jury is, and the commission agrees with that. but they do feel that there should be additional staff for the commission.
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but i also want to assure everyone that anything that is brought to our office is addressed and not put aside. supervisor farrell: ok. >> it is not absolutely necessary like a lot of things. but it would be nice to have. supervisor farrell: thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. i know there was someone from the department of human resources -- i do not know if you wanted to add anything. >> good morning jennifer johnson from the department of human resources. we have nothing more to add. we think the civil service commission does an outstanding job of insuring principles are followed, as with dhr. there is one misconception bit of the civil grand jury was operating under the assumption that it was the civil service
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commission that oversees examinations. it is actually the department of human resources. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. i am wondering if there is any additional information or comment from the civil grand jury? >> sir, we knew that the civil service commission role is to make rules and to edifies, you know, to see that hr is following its procedures. hr does the operational and sets the you know, is the one who monitors the exams and the decentralization process is hr to ensure that departments follow the policies and procedures of the civil service
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commission and the operation rules of hr. supervisor campos: thank you very much. why don't we open it up to public comment? if a member of the public would like to speak, please come forward. let me see if there's anyone for -- i know mr. da costa signed up for item number one, and if there's anyone else who would like to speak, please come forward. mr. da costa good morning. >> for those people at home i am in addressing this to you because really we get no representation here at city hall. and to you here, you know your responsibilities doing legislation. you have the executive branch, and by 1996, billy browned clipped the wings of the city administrator so we really have
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the ying and the yang. but when we few advocates come here, all we get is a ding dong. having said that, the only vestige in this adjudication process giving the constituents of san francisco some sort of representation is the grand jury. while some departments acknowledge that a grand jury what they do is right and things are going to be implemented. today, you have seen at the mayor's office spew hot ash. so if we have a separate mediator or something, he's going to say something else on whatever type of analysis we need outside the realm of the close circle. having said that, the population of 816,000 we have 26,000 plus
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city employees and it is left to you who are representing the 11 districts of this city and county of san francisco to do what is best. [bell chimes] we do have budgetary problems in spite of having a budget of $6.8 billion, and it is left to you. some of you are in the financial realm. some of you have been consulate to whatever, the san francisco unified school district. some have had experience with smart business. put your heads together and do the right thing. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is douglas and i have lived in san francisco 59 years. i am glad to say that i survived 20 years working for the city of san francisco and san francisco general hospital.
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in regards to the hiring practice of the city. i would like to point out how the system is manipulated for my direct experience at the hospital. many of my co-workers kept telling me and eventually i experienced where our superiors basically verbally discouraged us from taking any tests because they basically said between the lines that the person was already chosen. now this is from my experience. i have taken one test. i finished with a near-perfect score. and you tell me in 20 years how a person with my qualifications and never was promoted and never took another promotional test. so i would dare department of human resources, to tell me that it is not an ongoing and longtime practice where applicants are verbally discouraged to taking tests because, basically, the appointee has already been chosen by management.
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second, i would like to point out that the civil service commission helped me in regards to my problem. i would like to give credits to kate. after her departure, i hate to say that i was given the cold soldier by the current civil service commission. [bell chimes] roughly an appeal through the civil service commission took close to three years to go through the process, and i was forced to go by their rules. let's put it this way, how does it 20 years city employee have to wait five years and is still undecided, undecided whether it was legal to put that employee on mandatory sick leave with no process of appeal? thank you. supervisor campos: thank you server -- thank you, sir. next. >> good morning. i am here are my own time as a private citizen. i would like to put the record
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straight. mr. da costa noted that we have 26,000 employees. you all know because you are keenly involved, that that 26,000 figure is a lie. and it comes from the controller's office. we have 26,000 fte's but there are another 11,000 or so full and part-time employees such that we have 36,644 city employees. so the other lie beneath -- being promulgated during the pension reform debate our friend jeff adache claims city employees average $93,000 in salary. so if you forget the fte thing and actually look at the city controller's payroll debt, than
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$93,000 average salary is salaryhooey. as you consider changes to the civil service commission i beg you to start using the real number of city employees and stop this pretense that there are only 26,000 fte's. supervisor campos: thank you, sir. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues as was indicated earlier, we have been asked to respond to find number 5 and recommendation number 5 and we have before us a motion a proposed response, that calls for a specific position with respect to that finding and that recommendation. supervisor farrell. supervisor farrell: thank you.
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first of all again, thank you to the civil grand jury for their work on this matter, and thank you for those who came before us today. i think, at this point i would be prepared to accept the finding. i have no reason to doubt that their hard work has kind of really gotten to the bottom of what some people are feeling about commission and city workers right now. however, on the recommendation, i am inclined to disagree here. it would be great to hire more folks, but we at the border faced with the budget for next year. and hundreds of millions of dollars of deficit already. so i would be happy to consider that next year and we can think about it as a board next year in terms of our overall budget process. but to recommend it right now
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