tv [untitled] November 1, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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the korean- american community. i attended his funeral services last week. as a testament, there were hundreds of people lined up for his wake, including the general counsel but represents cent -- represents of correa here in san francisco. -- represents south korea here in san francisco. i want to honor a person who has made a lasting impact on the korean-american community in the bay area. the community is proud of its history, roots, and heritage. many came here fleeing the consequences of a very difficult civil war that raged on the peninsula. due to many of the unfortunate economic consequences of that war that lasted for decades. he was an advocate for families and preserving our heritage. mr. kim established the east bay
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caerleon school and is a past president of the -- korean school and is a past president of the community organization. he led immigration celebrations. he has received a presidential recognition award from the 14th, 15th, and 16th presidents of the republic of korea. this is the highest award given to members of the caribbean -- korean diaspora internationally. he was highly respected in our community, serving the population from youth to seniors. he cared about elevating the profile of our community, educating and engaging korean americans on the rolls the card
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holder in our communities. he was quite active. one of the most admirable was when he became primary caregiver for his wife, who is currently battling pancreatic cancer. upon her diagnosis, he supported and attended her health and well-being seven days a week, until recently. he is succeeded by his son, who serves at the mta as a human resources director, his daughter, his wife, and his three grandchildren. derek is a friend of mine and someone who carries a legacy with community outreach and advocacy. he is here on behalf of his father to receive the certificate, signed by all the members of the board of supervisors.
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[applause] >> thank you, supervisor kim, and supervisors who are present here today. my dad, all the work he did was for the korean people, but he cherished his adopted home of the bay area. wherever he went, one of the things he strived to do was represent the bay area. he felt this was truly his home. i thank you for acknowledging his service to the community and the bay area overall. thank you very much. [applause]
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president chiu: thank you. our next commendation will be provided by supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: we would like to call up ellen and island -- and alan marck. over the past three years, ellen marx and her family have championed the need for people to know how to reduce exposures to microwave radiation from cell phones. she has turned the story of her husband, who underwent a massive surgery and cedar -- who underwent a massive surgery, into something which gives people the right to know. ellen works tirelessly to
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educate legislators about ways to protect brains and bodies from potentially harmful effects of radiation. just last month, she was in washington, d.c., where she testified before congress and several state legislatures. she continued to do it advocacy work with the department of the environment, and was instrumental with the board of supervisors to promote public education, and insured that the cell phone right to know legislation was passed. she has been featured on many national television sites, including "the view," "larry king live," and "dr. oz." the board of supervisors applauds the founders of the brain tumor association for
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their courageous ability to turn personal tragedy into selfless advocacy. we recognize your tireless work through the environmental health trust to honor your leadership and advocacy efforts. the board of supervisors conveys our highest appreciation. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, hit supervisors and the full board. this could not have happened without your dedication to this serious issue. on behalf of many victims worldwide, i want to thank you. your voices are being heard round the world, seeing this through. thank you for raising awareness to save the brains of our children and grandchildren. i am so proud of all of you. truly, this commendation belongs to you. thank you.
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[applause] president chiu: at this time, that is the end of our 3:30 commendations. why don't we go to general public comment? >> this is an opportunity for the public to address the board for up to two minutes on items subject to the jurisdiction of the board, excluding items which are often considered by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. if a member of the public wants to document a slide, please state when we should return to
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live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: i will reiterate that two of the rules of the board chamber are we do not express applause or opposition to statements, and if there has already been public comment on an item, that is not appropriate subject matter to general public comment. for example, we already have a public comment on the occupy sf resolution, although if people want to comment more generally on occupy sf, that is appropriate. >> salaam. [speaking arabic]
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created a nice party we have. it was one night for 1001 nice we had last week here. we see for the first time each arabian flag was hung here in the city hall. gavin newsom, when he had a party for the irish, he refused to let me and my people put up our flag. he let us put it at 5:00. now, where is it? i want him to move for my city. share with us and love us. we never forgot what you did. i would like to tell you please do not forget that next tuesday
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we are going to vote. which one is a going to be? our mayor deserves to have this vote. thank you, each one of you. look at our arabian flag. president chiu: i should also mention there is not to be in the electioneering or campaigning within the board chambers. if you could please abide by that, that would be appreciated. thank you. next speaker. >> thank you for that reminder. stop the corporate rate of the public library. do not give or accept money from the friends of foundation. this is not really about the library. this is about what happens to our institutions when they are
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run by our increasingly private partnership. the public library is presumed to be the most democratic of our institutions, and it is involved with the right of the public to be informed, which is essential to any exercise of democracy. for that reason, it is crucial to understand the public library is the worst example of what happens in our institutions when the purpose becomes too maintain -- becomes to maintain class barriers. there is no accountability for the private money that is raised for it. there is no accountability for where that money goes. there is no accountability for the ethics and sunshine violations that allow them to operate with impunity and in secret. there is just enough money and just enough democracy left so
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that the corruption and diversion of public benefits to private benefits has been exposed. but there have been no repercussions. city hall itself is enslaved by private money. are you prepared to commit a city hall where the citizens cannot criticize the corporations, because the corporations paid for the chairs? not only is that what they do in the library, but they say so to your face. increasingly, bureaucrats and corporate interests see themselves as the only ones in the lifeboat, and the only ethics is lifeboat ethics. but the city cannot be run that way. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i want to show you a picture of my mother. she worked for the city as a meter maid for 10 years, and as
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a gardener in the san francisco zoo, gray summary -- grace murray. this is her in 1972. i sure miss her. thank you. ♪ i feel the set -- the civic center wind blow by city hall it calls your name this city's dawning the budget is spawning you know how i feel you know i wish you had the tv show "tjhhe view" and a tv movie shows too the city would be worth living
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if you had better things too i can't stop loving city you and president chiu what happened to the city i knew? we can think about yesterday's and where it might be again but i can't stop loving city you and tell me what what happened to the city that i grew and i was going here, -- was born here, too and i can't stop loving city you ♪ president chiu: next speaker,
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please. >> i just wanted to thank supervisor weiner for reaffirming that the role of police officers is not to protect the rights and safety of human beings, but of property. thank you. >> my name is michael goldman. i want to thank the board of supervisors for passing the resolution supporting occupy sf. for the supervisors who did not vote for the resolution, there needs to be some understanding of public right of assembly. president chiu: as i mentioned before, we cannot talk about issues we already discussed, but if you want to speak about occupy sf, that is ok. >> can i speak about public assembly? president chiu: yes. >> de public rights of way are reserved for public assembly since time immemorial.
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there are court cases which point to that. i hope in the future that all members of this board and the city government will respect the public right of assembly. it is what government itself comes from. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you for speaking about that. that was my first point, the right to assembly. what i was going to speak about is the real importance of this is a public forum for people's voices to be heard. i think a lot of people have really seen that in occupy sf. various citigroup says an individual -- various city groups and individuals have offered us office spaces, labor, and more. we ask you to assist us in meeting people's needs of healthy wholefoods, sanitary living, health care, and a space
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to participate. i would like to see this become a model of how people can live happily with each other and with the earth. i know it is possible and we can do it. please allow us to build a better world. if you wish to help us, we welcome your energy, presence, contributions, and input. we can make san francisco a beautiful and desirable place for all people to live, and provides solutions to the problems this city and the world face. if you want to contact me directly, it is rootsrhisin or you can visit me at the plaza, where i have been living. we asked for access to land to grow healthy food and medicine, and the ability to teach ourselves skills and concepts in
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classrooms and other public forums. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. we certainly live in interesting times. i am here to speak broadly about medical cannabis and concerns that need to stop falling throughout the cracks. this concerns mentally ill and disabled patients who do not receive enough services through the existing agencies, in some cases because of workload, in some cases because of other interests. we need to insure safety. the only way to do that is make sure that each facility helping patients is not leaving anyone disenfranchised, is not going just buy the books, but by the book. proposition 215 was not
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conceived as a shadow law to be used for other people to have their way with our medicinal rights. i beg to this august body to keep that in mind, to try to instill non-profit as a basis for medical cannabis facilities in this city. maybe work with getting a community center, so we can handle all aspects of this very worthwhile subject. thank you all for being courageous. i love you. have a good day. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, president and supervisors. i dropped by to pay my property tax. i might as well come up to the supervisors' office.
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my name is joyce. i live in the excelsior district. i did go to the senior action network senior summit about two weeks ago. we were broken up into different areas, according to interest. i went to the one for affordable housing for seniors. the facilitator, who is a social worker, was telling us -- the previous executive director said back when she was the head of senior action housing coalition, they needed 10,000 senior housing units. that was for seniors alone. i went also, to the mercy housing workshop on affordable housing. that is just for seniors. but does not include war
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veterans or people with mental illness. back to the senior summit, in our meeting for affordable housing, we had a neat idea. habitat for humanity helps people build housing, or rebuild housing. why can't we get 30,000 people housed in san francisco? we could pay them, maybe from people like buffett and states. maybe micra financing. think of creative ways to get people into housing. that was our creative idea. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> overhead, please. president chiu: if you put something on it, the overhead will come up shortly. there it is. if it is possible to assist him with the microphone?
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perfect. >> we have been here a couple of weeks now, at 18th and mission. i have been trying to use this as a reference point for noise. it is a brutally beautiful, a brutal example of where the city is going. it is 3 years old and pumps a lot of noise about. it is like a niagara falls event. i am going to go from something over the top to something under the bottom. over at third and townsend, the old borders, up a block from willie mays plaza. there is a couple walking right here. they are not even aware of the noise coming out of the garage and the event of but the top. it is a continual noise. the best time to hear it is at
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2:00 in the morning, 3:00 in the morning. continual noise. what does it dumped on but another building across the street -- new housing? we can do better. wrong direction. the noise in this is kind of like a theater, a live stage. they turn the lights off after a play is over. they put a lamp with a bare bulb on the center stage. it lights up the entire theater. that is what you get here. we can do better. "the new yorker," october 17, they have an article on steve jobs. his defining quality was perfectionism. the development of the mcintosh took more than three years because of his obsession with details.
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he nixed the idea of a internal -- of an internal fan because he thought it was noisy and clumsy. he would agree here. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, members of the public. a beautiful day we are having here in san francisco, november 1. quite a beautiful time in san francisco's history, as well as the elections coming up. it is a poignant moment in san francisco history. it should be noted that a number of attorneys are running for the office of mayor. and there are a number of attorneys sitting on the board of supervisors.
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it is kind of ironic to me that we need attorneys to represent the public and what the public needs and wants. and it is blatantly obvious there is something going on when we have so many attorneys involved in san francisco politics. what is the reason behind that? usually, when you are trying to do something you should not be doing, you need an attorney. or when you have done something you should not have done, you need an attorney. that goes to the heart of what san francisco politics is about, which is violating the rights of people that were previously here to accommodate people that want to be here. case in point, golden gate
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stables was closed with an ordinance by this chamber, saying it would reopen in the most efficient manner possible. here we are, 10 years later, voting for a mayor, with no equestrian center open. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i am a representative from district 6. 99.5% of the residents of our city our guests find some sort of legal housing to sleep under. there is no reason we cannot push that to 99.9%, which was the norm before homelessness became a problem and identifiable issue in the late 70's and earlier 80's.
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there are ideologue to "notions and detached, abstract beliefs -- their art in the logic -- there are ideological notions and detached, and toward beliefs. but we need mathematics. we pay over $2 billion to health care every year. a medical savings account is a drop in the bucket. it would have an economically on measurable effect by any tools we have to measure it today. -- and president chiu: thank you. the next speaker. next speaker for writ -- next
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