tv [untitled] November 5, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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public's or the industries to set such a standard. know in san francisco. as much as i enjoy the storytelling of the counselor, it was not brought to the attention that it was going to be on calendar. it is not like things could not be done. i want to make it clear i do not think the police department should be encouraged as a naysayer. police just want to encourage due process. president newlin: anybody else for public comment? matters with the commission -- if you have a month, we have
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time in our next meeting. if we have time, maybe staff can run it by the city attorney. i certainly do not want to lose your ability to develop something in that area, where the city needs improvement, especially in that neighborhood. i would not want to do anything that would prevent that from occurring in the long haul. but we do have a process that would be personally -- i would be afraid of going forward with it until we got some directive from the the city attorney -- from the city attorney. with the applicants be amenable to continuing this to the meeting of october 25? >> i would. we would be amenable to that, yes, mr. president. however, i think ms. kane can address this issue.
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we have been posted 30 days. i am not sure, if it did not go out. that was not our fault. i think there is a process, and it is statutory in terms of the timeline and the response. i am not sure why zoning did not respond. i am not sure why the police department did not respond. yes, we will take a continuance for two weeks. president newlin: thank you. do we have to vote on the motion? the somebody want to make a motion? no. they requested the two weeks. will we accept a two week extension of this application? >> motion to approve, to continue. >> second. president newlin: excellent. commissioner cavellini: aye. commissioner hyde: aye. commissioner perez: aye. president newlin: item 7,
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commissioner comments and questions. anybody? >> i wanted to say it is national coming out day. if you are not out already, do it now. i also wanted to -- howard grayson, who is a longstanding activists -- activist in the city and a long-term member of the harvey milk club. he passed away two thursdays ago. i want to recognize that he will be sorely missed. i think that is it. president newlin: item eight, new business for future agenda items. the what? excuse me. did you want to do a report? a short report? a very short report? [laughter]
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we have had a lot of action items tonight. >> i will save a few things. i want to rehash what has been going on in broadway. probably the issue we have right now is with department 24. i would like to maybe sit down with them and hammer out -- we have had a lot of problems. they have just turned over to new owners. we are getting large party buses coming in. it is at capacity. they get off the party bus with a prepaid ticket and cannot get in. it is creating huge problems on broadway. it is overcrowded as well. we have been making sure they are in compliance. lastly, we got a letter from
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someone that is out of town. i will read it briefly and let you know what we are doing as far as that. "my husband and i are frequent visitors of -- visitors to the city. we visit giants games, the theater, and many restaurants, as well as other things to do. well there, we stayed in a hotel near the roby sky. on some thursday nights and friday and saturday nights, the clubhouse parties." the person goes into the different issues we have. i contacted roby sky, and we are dealing with that. we are talking about the good neighbor policy. he is extremely receptive. i think we will be able to take care of that. >> i apologize. i wanted to tell officer matthias, since he is here, that the new application for apartment 24 will be in front of
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the commission in, i don't know -- three weeks? for weeks? -- four weeks? we will have an opportunity in a formal way to consider that in terms of not just advising, but in terms of conditions. president newlin: 1 comment. i was speaking to some of my colleagues at dpt. they still tow a lot of cars on broadway. the toy trucks are lined up. we see the back end of it. we see the tourists going up there for a nice dinner at night. i think that ask you about this once before, and you felt it was still necessary to control the problems on broadway. the think that is still relevant today? >> is hopeful from the standpoint of traffic, as far as
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keeping them open, and as far as people not being able to get hold of a weapon while going into their car. i will speak with my captain. we can come back with his feelings on it as well. president newlin: i would request that if it is determined that it is necessary, we do not seem to be making any progress with the sign shop. we see the back and getting nailed. -- we see the back and getting nailed. the theory behind traffic control is should not be used as a law enforcement function. it is counterintuitive. people are not looking for a towaway. they are going out to dinner. we are not seeing gang bangers coming in. we are seeing live to commit people.
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-- we are seeing legitimate people. if you want to keep the restriction in force, would you work hard with the captain and police department to press upon the city engineers, the meter people, or assign people to put individual signs on every meter, just a little sign that says this is towaway on friday and saturday nights? nobody looks for it. i know they have increased some silage, but they are going like crazy out there. we are not telling anybody that is -- we are not towing anybody associated with gangs. we are just penalizing people who come into the city for dinner and entertainment. i hate to see it happen. if that has to be -- if that is necessary, i think we should do stronger out reach to keep people from getting hit so hard. ultimately, they do not want to
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come back to the city. we are all losing. ok? >> i just want to thank and congratulate director came and the staff for hosting the eighth birthday party for the entertainment commission two weeks ago, as well as the meeting today. i thought it was a very informative, so thank you. good job. president newlin: it was a very nice party. i got a great picture. item eight, new business request for future agenda items. seeing none, i will officially close the tuesday, october 11 meeting of the entertainment commission of the city and county of san francisco. thank you.
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i'm robert chief and i'm the park's supervisor in the parks in the sunset district. i've been working here for 3 years. we are 60-70 street below street level. the 64 acre park. the park is divided into 2 sections we are in the stern area. when you get over to pine lake meadow and pine lake, pine lake is considered a natural area. in 1847, the green family came out here, back then this was kind of an empty canyon and sand dun area. they claimed this property. in 1892. george green who's a second
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generation built the truckdaro club house. there was a hotel then. it was said this was the place to go if you were weary of the dirty city and the police. there were a couple of gun fights the front door has bullet holes. i don't ever repair them. 1931 stig mond bought the property from the green family. she donated it to the city of san francisco and had a specification, i'm giving it to the city that will be used forever for the enjoyment forever of the people of the city of san francisco. it has ever since. every summer the stern grove association in san francisco rec and parks put on 10 free concerts. usually people come out at 10 in the morning it's a family
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affair. everybody is on the lawn with picnics and it's free. anybody can come out. it's a great way to spend a sunday. >> goes to 1-2 in the afternoon and runs until 5. [music]. thanks to the stern grove association they renovated the concert meadow. it used to be a rolling grafsy area. put in a new stage and stage building. they put in terraces. we get from 8,000 to 12,000 people. and the meadow next to the concert meadow is full of people even though they can't see the music they hear it. i walked into the meadow several times and they don't even care. we do have literally events going on day and night.
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the concert association has kids days during the week. the performers come out for hundred 200 kids. now, the truckadero truck house gets rented out for weddings and retirement. the croquet clubs and horse shoes. 2 play grounds, tennis courts. we have from 25 to a hundred dogs here. it's like bisons going across the mid west. there are so many dogs they are covering the ground cht it's a get together. all the dog walkers know each other. if you go to pine lake day camp now, you will see 50 kids there. the r directors are wonder.
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>> the pine lake is natural. they take of the area around the lake. they plant natives that are drought tolerant. one that stands the dry summers here. the whole park is under going quite a bit of reconstruction. they will renovate the trails around the lake. and the big project is the capital project for pine lake meadow. they are going to returf the dog run and the meadow by the day camp. we are looking for a very busy fall. by the spring of next year should have major renovations to the mark thal make it an outstanding park. i don't ever refer to it as my park. all the parks belong to all the
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people. this park belongs just as much to the families in the bay view sdrishth as it does to the gentlemen that lives across the street. i'm happy and proud to be the caretaker for them. i wake up every day and thank that i havee supervisor kim: good afternoon and welcome to rules committee. i will be chairing today's committee.
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we want to enologist at -- acknowledge the staff at sfgov tv. madame clerk, are there any announcements? >> the items recommended will go to the full board on tuesday, november 15 unless otherwise indicated. item number one, hearing to consider appointing to members for january 31, 2013 s january 31, 2014. supervisor kim: unhook all the applicants are here today. we will be asking the same for the four of you to talk about your background briefly and your interest in serving on this commission.
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>> afternoon. thank you for your time and consideration. i am a san francisco native, my birthday is november 11, this friday. i have lived in annapolis, maryland. i was on staff at the u.s. naval academy where i attended school years ago. i enlisted in the navy after high school and have the opportunity to go to the naval academy. my military service and to my staff has been very useful to me throughout my career. now i will be 52. my wife and i returned to san francisco this last year and are excited to be back in the community. we made the decision that we wanted to get more active in our
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community and do things that we thought were, leverage the benefits and experiences we have had in our life to the benefit of those that have not necessarily been so privileged. i have seen that with the veterans that i know. others have struggled for various reasons with the simulation -- but with assimilation back to the world. health care and substance abuse issues, lots of things like that. i learned of this commission and immediately turned in my application. i am excited about the opportunity, i think this is an interesting group. i appreciate that the board of supervisors and the mayor take this kind of council from folks that come from different perspectives. supervisor kim: think you for your interest and also in getting real engaged with the
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san francisco community. what are some of your interests? have you attended any of the meetings? >> i have not. as i looked through their web page, i have primary interests. i am a development officer at st. mary's college. we have 31 veterans, and many did check on that today. one is career services. i have seen a lot of my friends come out and have trouble leveraging their experiences and communicating the value of their experiences to the civilian world. and the second is education. i had the benefit of the gi bill that allowed me to get my master's degree, but i have seen others struggle with that. it is not as simple as having
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those benefits available. how do you take advantage of that, how do you deal with family life and work life and to stay committed to that cause? there were hot to specific areas where i have not been helped. >> you said you applied a year ago? >> as soon as i came back. >> there was an open seat a year ago, but this is the first contact have had with the city. supervisor kim: jordan towers. >> good afternoon, a supervisor. i am in the iraq war veteran. i served in the united states marine corps in the infantry. i returned home and moved to the bay area, started a veterans group at the city college of san francisco and became the most successful program in the
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country. the only school the offers a program just for veterans. it was the first school in the country to bring in on campus to serve veterans. we also built a state of the arctic veteran center specifically for the needs of returning veterans. i have always been a part of veterans activities within the city. i am also the founder of returning veterans in san francisco, a couple months ago the board of supervisors unanimously passed support of a job fair, that is strong. i was contacted to get this started and i contacted the other vets that i know, high net worked with veterans from all of the campuses in the bay area.
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and we were able to make that happen. i am also a veteran advocate of the organization that has been helping out veterans since 1974. i work on the institute for veteran policy and under the resources and development, there i have been for the ring emission and helping out veterans. i hope to do that here. one question, have you attended any previous meetings? i have been active in the community and i have attended meetings and lent a helping hand wherever possible. >supervisor kim: what are your interests have your wanting to pursue as commissioner?
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>> one way that my generation communicates is on line. i would like to establish whether three. shows that we can establish about reached of veterans. second is jobs, jobs, jobs. veterans are desperately struggling and i believe in setting up a data base within the city to give veterans employed. supervisor kim: thank you. next is dorothy guy. jou tseng cannot make it today. >> i move in to sentences go for -- and i moved to san francisco in june of 2007. in 2003, i went to iraq as military police to serve in baghdad.
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i would love to be part of this commission, because i feel with the amount of debt coming back -- vets coming back, there are no issues that are unique, like unemployment and women's care. we have a good understanding of how to treat these issues. supervisor kim: same question that i asked to the other applicants, did you attend meetings and you already mentioned that you want to outreach to the current generation of veterans. are there specific goals he would like to accomplish as commissioner? >> i have not attended the meetings as of yet, but i am very interested. my goal, this war was the first time that women was owere ont the front lines. i want them not only to survive
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but overcome everything we have gone through. supervisor kim: i am seeing no further questions, thank you for your time. at this time, i will be opening up for public comment. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i have a commissioner on the veterans affairs commission serving as secretary. i am here today to advocate for two of the candidates. jordan tower who has come to several of our commission meetings and advocated strongly in support of some of the issues that we have advocated to the city government. particularly, i am speaking
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about the issue of veterans courts, which are successful in some parts of the state, and we wrote a resolution and passed it on to the mayor and the board of supervisors in support of legislation currently before the state legislature to establish some veterans courts. i believe the governor vetoed that on the basis of fiscal problems, but we would like to see it pushed and reestablished. jordan has been familiar with the plight of some of the veterans in san francisco, and some of them have gotten in trouble and have been working with the sheriff's department to try to even in formally established some set aside understanding for the special problems that some of the veterans -- younger veterans, particularly -- are going through. not a free ticket for them, but a hand up. he has led his experience and expertise, even as a guest,
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before the commission and in several previous meetings. i know he will be a jewel in addition to the commission if he is seated. thank you. i look forward to working with him. supervisor kim: did i miss here? i thought you said you would be speaking on behalf of two? >> if i could take another moment. the other one would be the young lady that just spoke. we have had a lot of trouble and gone to a lot of work recruiting female veterans for this commission. we absolutely agree with the push that was made by the board of supervisors about two years ago to add specific seats to the commission designated for female veterans and also at the same time, while it was not written into the mandate, it was completely understood that what we were looking for was more representation -- what you were looking for was more representation by the post-9/11
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veterans, the younger veterans because those are the ones whose problems we will be dealing with in great numbers in san francisco over the next few years. i just got an e-mail a little while ago yesterday from someone who essentially withdrew her name from nomination -- supervisor kim: she has not withdrawn. she just got a job. it was her first day. >> right. she just got a job, but she did say she would advocate in favor of ms. guy herself because she believes she will be going back east to graduate school and would not have much time to serve if appointed, she said please pass on that she would be happy to see ms. guy seated on the commission as well. those are the two candidates are would support. supervisor kim: another quick follow-up -- ou
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