tv [untitled] November 6, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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programming than they were with this process. jan at the district laid the groundwork, both at principles at all school sites, they allowed this to the form of outreach that we needed to do to really engage students. classrooms were available. they gave us the run of the school. that was a great experience. i will say that going into the school year, i think the best place we could use assistance is just to let high school principals and teachers know about the program so they can understand that when we come in, we are actually coming in to enhance what is going on. i am a former teacher. i know the rigors that teachers deal with every day. the last thing they need is programs that don't actually enhance what they do but cause them an extra burden or more
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work. we are mindful of that. just advocacy and promotion of the outcomes, which i think will be beneficial for teachers and principals to understand. it just makes everything smoother working within the district. to your second point, we are definitely really aware of the need for working with first- generation college students and providing them what they need to get ready and prepared for college. the difference with the program during the school year is the time. we have the entire school year to do that. we will definitely provide workshops on how to talk to schools, financially and workshops. we will work with college track. i will mention the rest of the partners in a second. we will pull from them and work to combine resources. they will be coming in and talking to our youth and letting them know how to go to the process. we have a college were planned for the spring. i'm really fighting to get more
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funding so we can possibly do that to where they go out of state for this portion of the programming. we will have a college tour at the end of the program as well. the youth the chance to visit schools. we are on that track and we want them to be aware of everything they can do at the next level in terms of education as well as all the job options that are available for them. >> you said 70 out of 74 past. -- passed. >> the four that passed passed one of their class. one of the four did not pass english. two of those four did not pass algebra. one of them received an n. one of the things that would be helpful for us in terms of
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engagement and keeping people on track as having the names. we don't have the names, the actual names of the participants that received what. the district could not give us that information. we have gone through the formal mou process. we will have access to everything. we will be able to follow up and find out where gaps are and who missed what, and the best way to a system. >> for those that were successful that completed the program, has the district giving you any kind of a status update or progress report on how these students are doing in this fall semester? >> the first reporting period is coming to a close and we will have the information in report cards. we will be able to track those used -- youth who went through the program over the summer. it will take some time to get that information. the district has said they will provide that for us.
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>> if i remember correctly, the program once -- was -- there were challenges in getting the word out. what kind of improvements will you be able to make? getting the word out, advertising, and would like to see even more students enrolled. >> i would like to be able to do it at each school site. i think one of the things, it was a first-time program. i think getting everyone to be aware of the constraints and the time. and how quickly things move is something that we have the ability to do this year. same thing with the school year. just being prepared, and all this stuff being put in place. we are building from the ground up. we know what we need to do, when we need to start the planning and everything. i just need to get the go but in -- go button.
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we're prepared to move earlier. supervisor cohen: thank you very much. thank you for being good community partners. colleagues, seeing that there are no comments, i would like to open up for public comment. are there any members here that would like to speak on this item? no? public comment is closed appeared could you please read the second item on the agenda? >> there is only one item on the agenda today. supervisor cohen: great. thank you very much. that adjourns the meeting. have a good week.
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captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to the regular budget and finance committee meeting. mr. young, do you have any announcements? >> please turn off all cellphone. please fill out a speaker card if you wish to speak during public comment. items acted upon today will appear in the board of supervisors agenda on november 8, 2011, unless otherwise stated. supervisor chu: please call item
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no. 1. >> item #one. resolution authorizing the office of economic and workforce development to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $5,724,203 from the department of labor for transitionsf. supervisor chu: thank you very much. for this item, we have rhonda simmons. >> the grant that we receive from dol, the department of labor, is to risk -- is to survey unique population of non-job ready, non-custodial parents. it is a citywide grant. some of these folks are 121 days delinquent in their child care payments. we are looking at a caseload spread over four years this city wide. we would use stops to access these folks, doing outreach in services across the city.
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we do special outreach. the program is built off of jobs in the sense of a transitional jobs program with good will being our primary service provider for this grant. we will have a combination of case management, transitional employment, job readiness, as well as assistance for child support. we are also working with adult probation, as a number of these adults overlap in that system as well. i do not know if there is any other system that -- information you would like. supervisor chu: this item does not have a budget analyst report. we can open this item up to public comment. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this item? seeing no one, public comment is closed. colleagues, this item is before
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us. we have brought a motion on this item forward without recommendation. thank you very much. item no. 2. >> item #two. ordinance de-appropriating $17,080,000 of 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond proceeds, series 2008a, which were appropriated upon sale of the second issuance to specific voter-approved projects and re- appropriating $17,080,000 to other, voter-approved projects. supervisor chu: thank you. for this item, we have the recreation and parks department. >> i am happy to report that we are in the middle of a banner year in terms of implementation for 2008. in the coming calendar year we will either complete construction or start construction on every one of the 12 neighborhood parks that were called out of fun for funding and completion. just last week, we finished our first project to be completed by
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the 2008 bond. appropriation is being triggered by the need to appropriate funds for the rec center, one of the largest projects in the bond, with a total project budget of over $20 million. over the past two years, and when we last approach to the board for appropriation two years ago, since that time things have shifted. we have moved faster on some things, slower of others. this appropriation allows us to move funding from projects that have been slow on the city side. projects that will lead funding over the next few months. our intention is to approach the board in february or march for a third and final bond sale. supervisor chu: thank you.
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taking a look at this item before us, it might seem like it is appropriating income from existing projects, but that is not really the case. can you explain that? >> yes. we are going to reallocate funds from projects that do not need the full amount to get through the next three months. when we do the 30 final this spring, those funds will be replenished. supervisor chu:-the reason that we do not want a number of excess dollars to be outstanding without using that money, is that because every time we borrow that money, we are paying interest on it if we are not using it correctly? >> exactly. supervisor chu: thank you. let's go to our budget analyst. >> madam chair, members of the committee, on page 5 of the report we point out that the projects at this time, which had
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a short-term surplus, shown in table 2, the next is on page 5 of the report, eight projects. they will be real appropriated into other projects, shown on table 3. these are separate from every appropriation, then be appropriated to the eight projects shown in table 3, page 6 of our report. we recommend you approve of this supplemental. supervisor chu: let's open this up to public comment. do any members of the public which to speak out item number two? public comment is closed. we have got a motion by supervisor -- supervisor supervr
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mirkarimi to move this forward without objection. thank you. item #3. >> item #3. ordinance de-appropriating $314,092,249 in existing water system improvement program project budgets and re- appropriating the funds to the revised wsip program budgets adopted by the san francisco public utilities commission, and placing $227,779,748 on controller reserve subject to completion of project-related analysis pursuant to california environmental quality act, where required, and receipt of proceeds of indebtedness, as certified by the controller for fy2011-2012. should i read item number four? supervisor chu: yes, please. >> item #4. hearing to consider release of reserved funds, public utilities commission in the amount of $27,283,174 to fund the construction for the water system improvement program cuw374 -- calaveras dam replacement, a component project within the sunol valley water region. supervisor chu: this item came
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before us previously. we did not go into a leveraged details, to allow for the department to work with budget analysts to make some revisions. i believe that they have come to an agreement with some amendments. i know that todd will be speaking to us on the amendment later on. >> thank you very much. in the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission. it really speaks to the importance of the water system improvement program rebuild, as much was stressed by our colleagues at rec and park, we are well under way with construction on the rebuild. $2.6 billion is under construction right now. leaving only six left in pre- construction.
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we are significantly far along with half. to put this in perspective, $4.6 billion was the budget. before you today keeps the budget at exactly $4.6 billion. it allows you, the finance committee, to carve off savings earned it chiefly so far from very low bids from contractors, put it into a savings account, subject to your release and review. as far as it extending today, we have extended cash out the door. we have also awarded contracts in controller assistants, another $3.7 billion. we are bringing the total to $3.4 billion, extending and encumbering the contracts on the way.
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we have achieved very large savings, able to sell our water revenue bonds at historically low rates in the united states. the items before you today, i will summarize them. $304 million, up or down, so that the totals are the same. " we are doing with the legislation and an amendment distributor has been distributed to you. we are the appropriating be achieved savings in the system -- we are de-appropriating the achieve savings in the system. coming in in such a way that we have been able to rearrange them with other needs. those needs are down below. program, locked savings.
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$104 million have been put into that savings account. we will need some additional money for water supply, however, like the drilling in the station on the peninsula, as well as a local water supply for groundwater. additional enhancement for habitat reserve programs, where we do mitigation and are impacting a landscape in search locations, making improvements in others. working with five agencies to make sure that we have all of the sacraments in place for the proposal in the project. the recycled water project is also leading the additional $7.5 billion. proceeding with the recycled water. the ups and downs of $304
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million are zero with a total budget remaining the same. we are asking you to increase the reserve for this project, for those programs that had savings. that is part of the normal process. in addition, we are establishing new reserves, as recommended by the budget and a list, for the program reserve savings of 144. putting new money for habitat reserve and water on reserve, coming back before you anyway to ask for those to be awarded. leslie, the release of reserves for the project. we have reached a milestone this summer. we were able to start
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construction on the first major dam built in california since the 1970's. congratulations to you and the city family for moving forward. the amendment as a whole, just to recap, realigns the budget, bringing it up to date based on what has been reviewed and reported on in every single change and update, coming not only to the commission, but to this body to go through that. in addition to the items mentioned here, we have also asked for the amendment that you allow us to take any future savings on future contract rewards and moved it to the purview that you have under your reserve, locking in savings that we would only be able to pullout if you give us permission.
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i know that we have concurrence with the budget analyst on that as well. with that, i am happy to answer any questions. i am also joined by julia, who has done many -- much of the heavy lifting here. she oversees all of our capital projects. supervisor chu: if there are no questions, let's go to the budget analyst report. >> madam share, down members of the committee, under the proposed ordinance, puc would appropriate $304.1 million. this is money from six projects that are shown, in table no. 2, page 6, that money would be real appropriated -- we appropriated for five projects shown in
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table 3 of the report. going to this new system program reserve fund, which she spoke to. -- which he spoke to. we had concerns that the fund would not have been subject to approval by the board of supervisors and under this proposed legislation, as stated, any expenditures on that fund would be subject to the approval of the board. we recommend that you approve this ordinance and the release of reserve funds. supervisor chu: let's openness -- these two items up for public comment. any items -- any members of the public that wish to speak of items 3 and 4? >> good morning, supervisors. ♪ i would like to see water for
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free puc in an octopus' garden with electricity be would be warm in a power storm in a little octopus' darden beneath the the c p u c i would like to see more water for free puc in an octopus' garden under hsc ♪ supervisor chu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that would wish to speak? seeing no one, public comment is closed. i would like to thank the budget analyst for his recommendation, working through language that adequately allows for the department to be able to put away savings into a central reserve, rather than have it be a natural project, maintaining
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budget committee project oversight over how those allegations would come. i want to thank the budget analyst for actually working with us to make sure that that happened. we do have an amendment in full. colleagues, can it be taken without objection? done without objection. should the amendment be held? if not -- ok, the item does not represent a motion change. we have a motion by supervisor mirror real me to move the item as recommended to the board. without objection? item #4, requesting the reserves based on their new milestone and mean that new money. colleagues, do we have a motion to release those reserve funds? we will do so without objection. thank you very much.
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item number five, please. >> item #5. resolution authorizing the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute the first amendment to the memorandum of understanding with the alameda county resource conservation district for an amount not to exceed $775,000 and with a total duration of fourteen years, pursuant to charter section 9.118. supervisor chu: we actually have a request from the department to continue this item so that they can work through mou. hopefully we can continue this item. are there any members of the public that wish to speak on item number five? the side of we will, hopefully, be continuing with the additional opportunities for public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to speak, item number five? >> ♪ the 1% water, people who
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say water are the luckiest people in alameda county ♪ supervisor chu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on item number five? colleagues, can we take a motion to continue this to the call of the chair? we will do that, without objection. thank you. item no. 6. >> item #6. ordinance appropriating $3,370,001 of state revenue loss reserves and $78,826 of adult protective services federal match revenues to provide one- time bridge funding to adult day health centers, through the human services agency, in order to mitigate state cuts in fy2011-2012. supervisor chu: thank you very much. i know that we have anne and sherry to speak on this item.
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before we do that, i know that supervisor kim is a co-sponsor of this item. would you like to say a few words before we begin? supervisor kim: yes. similar to the child care subsidies that we were talking about last week, about health care has received drastic cuts from the state as well. we were able to work with the department of aging to back up that loss. we know that our seniors continue to be in need. supervisor chu: thank you, supervisors. >> presiding over the adult aging services committee of stairs, we are just very grateful that the board took this option. i wanted to give you a heads up.
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the funding goes to our department and then to the contract for the institute on aging. probably within the next 30 days or so. >> good morning. i am sorry to be laid. i am coming from another meeting in the mayor's office. you would like me to just -- supervisor chu: we had originally expected a proposal. >> as you know, the governor and the state decided to eliminate adult care health centers across the state of california,
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taking it out of the plan for the state. it was approved by the federal government. 50% of the money was coming from the state. because they decided to take it out of the california plan, there is no longer access to the federal or state funds. for people in san francisco, it means a $10 billion loss. in san francisco, we have a very brief high acuity raid leaving consumers in the lurch. primarily, with disclosure on december 1, we were concerned that there was no transition plan. that they would be in danger of being stuck at home, without adequate health care,
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transportation, or the importance of civilization that they would be getting. so, we are proposing to spend approximately $3.4 million to keep these services going while we figure out a transition plan. primarily, what we're doing is putting together an assessment team that would run through the funds. this is something that we have never done before in san francisco. people coming to the adult day health center, they get assessed if they qualify for adult day health. hoping that some of the people could be going into alternative programs to care for the elderly and has a separate funding extremes. elderly and has a separate funding extremes.
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