tv [untitled] November 7, 2011 4:00am-4:30am PST
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addition he is trying to put on his house and directing him to how he can work with staff and go through the process, which is a long and involved one. president olague: i received a couple of the mails for members of the public who have consulted with edgar at the counter regarding the tracking system. it was suggested we have him come and make a presentation about the capabilities. maybe in the next few weeks, we can have him come in and -- >> editor is not the expert on the us system. perhaps even the vendor could come in. >> he did -- members of the
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public were happy with the way he worked with them and was able to explain things. >> if that is all commissioners , we're onto directors announcements. >> i wanted to mention assets for lunch -- spur is opening a branch for the first time in san jose. i bring that up because i think it is good for the region to have a planning organization located in a different part of their region discussing regional issues. i think that was a very healthy out comes. i do help the regional discussions we have been engaged in. the only other thing i want to mention was there is no board of appeals hearing last night.
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so mr. sanchez has no report. >> item 8 -- the historic preservation commissioner said. >> i'm here to report on this week's activities of the board of supervisors. eric m. going to tell you today was items from the full board meeting on tuesday. first would allow up all sales in bowling alleys and a specially subdistrict introduced by supervisor kim. this recommends the board of supervisors amend the ordinance with one substantive modification -- it should allow another exception for single screen movie theaters. at the committee hearing a week ago, supervisor kim amended the ordinance to include your modifications. the full board passed the
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modifications on first reading. supervisor weaner noted his desire to repeal the existing are you be in its retire -- in its entirety. -- existing rud. supervisor kim stated she would pursue additional outreach to allow this sort of change in the future. second, the board heard an ordinance that would alter their requirements for rebuilding non- conforming usage and structures destroyed by acts of god or calamity's. this commission recommended the board adopt modifications, specifically recommending flexibility for those who experienced calamity. you also wanted to ensure was not overly permissive. there were major modifications in the committee hearing and the
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full board approved the item on first reading. the last item i want to share with you was a wireless appeal and an association for a conditional use authorization at 4141 gary boulevard. this appeal concerns the placement of cellular antennas on the kaiser medical office building. the commissioner heard this in july and only to people spoke in opposition. it was a different story at the board last week. the board took comments and closed the public hearing. the only people who spoke were members of the board. supervisor mar asked they present data to a neutral third party so they can analyze it and share analysis with appellants. the appellants refuse to
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participate because they still stated they were worried it would be biased even by a third party. in his comments, supervisor mar said there should be technical people on staff who could verify coverage submitted by cellular companies and the supervisor did not feel the project sponsors but their obligations to prove additional services were needed. he said he would like to work with the department and commission to address the necessity for additional antennas citywide in the future. this was the last week the board could vote to overturn the cu. the board discussed approving an amended one which could be tied to an independent study of the necessity for these antennas. of that discussion petered out
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and supervisor mar may motion to overturn it and deny it. it received a majority 7-4 vote but did a super majority of eight in order -- in order to pass. it was one vote short of overturning your decision. with that, your decisions did. the board went on to file the other items. after the vote, a supervisor weaner stated the reasons he voted against a motion -- number one, it was a preference one location. second, claims of health impacts are beyond board per view. 3, the project sponsor offered an independent verification of coverage data, but appellants refused the offer. last, with concerns before the board, he noted antennas were indistinguishable from intel structures at the site. that concludes my report for this week. there're no planning or land use items introduced.
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commissioner miguel: thank you. i was particularly taken by your reiteration of supervisor mar's comments on technical expertise in the department. next time i see him or you can do so when you see him and say it came from me, but i will do so also, i think that is an excellent idea. if the board of supervisors specifically allocates sufficient funds for that type of personnel and research, but without it, it is impossible to do. >> i just wanted to request that it may be the supervisors should also consider having a conversation with the department of public health and i might even suggest when the department of public health considering these items that it be a public
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hearing at that level. because most of the issues that pertain to health are not ones that either we or the board of supervisors has purview over. it might be that dph needs to consider these matters. commissioner antonini: thank you for your support and for giving us supervisor wiener's very cogent reasons why he voted against the motions. and the reasons -- for those who might be supportive, did they go into detail? >> the only ones who spoke were supervisor mar and mirkarimi, but he was not there last weekend could not vote.
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>commissioner borden: did it ever occur to them why would at&t put these antennas in there if they did not need them? i cannot imagine that at&t or whoever would spend money on wireless and tense as they did not need. it's not as if it creates a public groundswell because there are more antennas. i do not understand the logic. we know businesses don't make decisions that are not based on revenue models. my issue is a i do not understand why people want to spend all of this money on hiring experts when at the end of the day, these companies would not spend money on something they did not feel like
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they needed. commissioner moore: i appreciate raising the issue, sitting here, with about six or eight cases like this broke, with large numbers of people across all the districts raising health questions, last week or the week before, many times before, we have asked the supervisors to join in that dialogue to raise broader questions. that is not resolved -- not having a team who could help the employee perform better, that is one opinion. there were 50,000 other opinions. if indeed, we want to support the supervisor to broach the
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question, we should go into debt issues of policy that we raise a question at a larger level and find people who can help us address some, including the department of health and might include the federal government. but i think that is the attack at want to take today. >> we mentioned this before and mentioned it five years ago, having the citywide plan, we have been harping on this issue forever, we all have. this is not new. to the extent a member of the board of supervisors is willing to step up and take some of leadership around this issue, we are all for it. there was a report that was released that explained a lot of these issues. i think we are all open to
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further discussion, but i don't see how it could happen. dph has to be at the table and the federal representatives and everyone else. commissioner antonini: without getting into a discussion, we're giving input to take back to the supervisors. i would say my advice would be to encourage them to ask, have the public direct inquiries to the federal government because they have control over the regulations and to spend our time and money on doing a locally is counterproductive and that should be done on a federal level, which has jurisdiction anyway. once again, we have to stick with what we have control over. commissioner borden: one of the things i had suggested was maybe the health department process, there could be a hearing there
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because that makes a lot more sense since they are dealing with health issues and can talk about how they come to the decisions that they do and what the maximum exposure limit this. having them take that. right now they do not have a hearing and that is just something i would suggest. >> commissioners, there are only two items on the regular calendar for the historic preservation. they consider it the transit draft eir and i do not believe there was any public comment. the second item was planning code controls for amendments to articles 10 and 11 and they adopted staff's recommendation and then considered memos and suggestions submitted by supervisor wiener.
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that took some time and they did not get to complete that. the continued that until their next meeting. that is all from the historic preservation commission. that replaces under general public comment. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are brought within the jurisdiction of the commission. your opportunity to address the commission for agenda items are within the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes and i do have several speaker cards. president olague: we have a few speaker cards. [reading names] >> i started to talk with you
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about the subject allow ago. recently, one of the mayoral candidates met with people from knob hill to find out what were our concerns. he was floored. at the end of hearing from 20 people, he said how can a neighborhood be so abandoned by city hall? the subjects that were brought up were live nation -- the reserve protester about what's happening to nob hill and what is going to happen. what has already happened to poklk street, the already attempting to use the polk street in zoning. not hill neighbors objected to having entertainment years ago, being allowed there, which is not in most residential commercial district and ours is a residential commercial district. we have been inundated with bars and alcohol licenses, the same
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thing that's going to happen at the top of the hill. up there, it is the mother of all 47 licenses. we have the normal size 47 licenses. there nightclubs, an opportunity for teenagers to comment binge drink in our neighborhood. the whole tenor of the street has changed. now, one of the bar owners, it is to be 352 or three years ago, and now the average age is 22. -- ease to be 35 two years ago. now it is all teenagers that come down there and go to these places that are illegally operated. does your enforcement staff and force? they do not. what i call a little while ago, they said they don't even know what the conditions are. you have to research the conditions. how would we know? they are old historic things. do the police enforce? certainly not. i'm going to send you a letter about this.
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we have occasion to complain to the police about this past weekend, not knowing about each other, and we get the same kind of response. the same response the police give us when they come to the neighborhood meeting said one person after another says this is out of control. the police, you know what they say to us? they say nothing we can do. we are completely out manned. it is one of us at 500 of them and they are all drunk. they don't listen to the police for more than one minute, so don't bother us with your complaint. you call to offer that we cannot respond. you are just bothering us. what does abc say? abc is supposed to defer to local control. so they're opening another bar. the ninth alcohol license in one block of our troubled block. he says to me, we look foolish if the planning commissioners
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don't care and the supervisors approve it, and the police recommend a, how can we do anything else? [tone] [tone] commissioner miguel: any other public comment on items not on the agenda? the general public comment is closed. >> commissioners -- >> thank you. my name is bill shepard. i'm the property manager at the corner of polk and bush. want to cooperate everything here linda has just told you. i'm virtually a ground zero of the noise problem and if i could be allowed to tell you -- to play you a recording of exactly
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what we hear on a weekly basis -- is that ok? >> this is a recording from a second-floor above street level. [crowd noise] i have a set of eight of these tapes. this one runs for half an hour. this occurs between the hours of 1:00 20:30 every saturday and sunday morning. sometimes it continues until after 2:30. i have tenants in my building that have been there 20 and 30
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years. i have been there 29 years myself. in all of those years, i have never run across any invasion of our neighborhoods such as you are listening to right now. [crowd noise] >> this will go on for half an hour continuously. you can fast-forward to any spot in this tape and it will be a continuation of this. [crowd noise] i have tenants have medical issues. they are under sleep deprivation stress. some of them after they have been blasted away to 1:30, they don't sleep the rest of the night. they cannot get back to sleep. i am recovering from a heart attack myself and this is not the funniest thing in the world. every night, every weekend, just
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like clockwork, this is what we get, saturday and sunday mornings. it is expanding into thursdays and fridays. [tone] thank you very much. >> i live at 1255 polk street in the building that bill shepherd manages. the bars between bush and cider, every time i walk down, there are always crowds of kids or people who frequent the bar on the curb, on the sidewalks, just blocking so you can't pass between them and less -- you really have to be aggressive. they see me coming but they do not move out of my way, they're
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smoking cigarettes and there are times i almost got burned by cigarettes. i almost got hit by a guy a was so drunk he was waving his hands and luckily a small enough aiken dodge between the people doing it. i find them not very nice or bother to see there are other people coming. when i excuse me, sometimes they just don't move and i tell them again and i just think they are disrespectful. i have been living in the building for six months. i did not realize how bad the area has gotten because i've lived in different areas of the city and i've been here since 1987. i've noticed certain neighborhoods have gotten worse, like broadway. thank you.
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president olague: that is a huge conversation. the shifting demographic in the city. it's even bigger -- it's a huge issue. thank you. >> commissioners, now you are on your regular calendar, i am 9. 601 14th avenue, request for consentual use authorization. >> the item before you is a proposal by at&t wireless to install up to six antennas and related equipment with in an rm1 the zoning district. pursuant to the planning code section, the project requires conditional use authorization. under section 303, the
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commission must find a project is necessary or desirable and compatible with the neighborhood or community. at&t has provided the department with coverage maps indicating a service service at the site -- and the residence the were previously approved. based on at&t's information, service would be approved before the four and five blocks east and west of the site and the three blocks north and west of the stock. at&t has work on the project to make it visually compatible. the site is occupied by the jurors below -- by the jewish bureau of education. within the past week, the department of energy has received five letters in opposition and one letter in
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support of the project. at this time, the department recommends approval and at&t has provided standard information at that the site is necessary. at&t has worked with the department on a site that is compatible for the neighborhood. thank you. i am available for any questions. president olague: project sponsor? >> good afternoon, president olague, members of the commission. i am here with mr. addison and who conducted the radio frequency tests. i am also here with amy millions from kei.
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at&t is taking a conditional use permit to install six new panel antennas on the roof of the property located at 6 01 14th avenue, also known as the bureau of jewish education. the necessary equipment will be located outside the public via in the basement of the subjects -- outside the public view in the basement of the subject facility. under the city sighting guidelines, this is preference one, a public structure. at&t conducted a significant site analysis. 15 sites were chosen and evaluated are around the area. all of them were preference seven locations. one of the alternative analyses considered, across from the property, was 1300
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balboa st., which is occupied by a church and located in residential-mixed low density area. however, at&t determined that the location did not provide an opportunity to incorporate a proposed wireless communications facility because of the building's architectural uniqueness. it has a large former window and a roof that would make it -- a large dormer window and a roof that would make it impossible. we have information and details in your packets. it was also detailed on yen and 81 k supplement the letter. the gap is proposed for significant demand by at&t character -- at&t customers in the area.
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it is even higher in san francisco. we conducted two community meetings -- the required one on april 20. i attended it. i presented at. there were about four people who signed an, about eight people who attended. we conducted a second community meeting on october 25 where emf was a predominant subject of the meeting. i want to thank the department of planning staff for their hard work and support. we ask for your support as we diligently tried to upgrade our network to meet the exploding wireless and technological demands of the city and county of san francisco. we are happy to answer questions you may have. president olague: thank you. let's open it up for public comment. catherine, followed by zina.
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as i call your name, please start coming up to the mic. sure. >> my name is vadim. i am a parent. my son goes to first grade. i am probably in a unique position to testify to the technical aspect of this, as well as the sec protection of legal framework. -- fcc protection legal framework. i am an engineer in my daily job. day after day, i sealed electromagnetic fields in tell the commission -- in telecommunications systems. i do not work on antennas, but i run high-frequency simulators
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