tv [untitled] November 9, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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fund- raising events for over 30 years. this year we are combining. we used to have two, but w we're combining the two. it is more important because it is the one event. and we hopefully can raise as much money as the to have and the past -- two have in the past. we can do a live auction and do as much money as we can. >> how is this different from last year? >> this is the first time we have done that at the school. prior to that it has been held at the city club, this is the first time we have had it at the school. part of the reason we did that is so that more parents would
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want to comment felt comfortable to come -- come and felt comfortable to come. the attendance has been 375 and we already have over 400 that want to come this year. it has been well-received by the parents to have that at the school. >> of the event ends at 11:00. >> right now we have a permit until 10:00. >> and you want the music to continue until 11:00. >> where is this located? i am wondering because they hear a lot of complaints about music when you have at the bottom of the hill, a stadium effect. >> we are on top of the hill, on the roof. it is tented. >> how far of a radius did
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you send out to neighbors? >> the surrounding block. on both sides of the school. >> just a block? ok. president newlin: any more questions? >> why does it have to go to 11:00? why the extra hour? >> typically our events have been five hours and i feel like we need those five hours. we thought about starting at earlier but because of the sports program, parents won't be able to get there earlier than 6. in order for the timeline to progress and have time to do -- have cocktail hour, dinner, auction, then have maybe an hour of dancing, we feel like --
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>> disco dancing? house music? >> in the spirit of trying to attract a diverse community, is an indian theme. bollywood theme. i don't know if you are familiar with that term. >> are you familiar with the police department's recommendation for 10:00? >> we would still like it to be 11:00. >> in my experience, when we want people to leave at 11, we need time for them to kind of cool down, get their jacket, say goodbye. i think you need to allow yourself time to chill out from dancing and exit in a
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convenient way. >> they can do this chill down without the music. >> the music won't be going after 11:00. our request is to have the news end at 11:00. our experiences that when the music shot down, people leave reasonably quickly. we expect that to be the case this year. primarily because we are at the school and attendees will be parents. they will be even more respectful of the venue than they would have been perhaps in different situations. i suspect that once the music shutdown, people will make an exit to reasonably quickly. >> 20 minutes, half an hour? >> i can't predict, but i can't imagine it would be any more than that. >> do you expect for the doors
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to be closed by 11:00? or do you expect to have the doors open until after 11:00? >> i think we are allowed a certain amount of time for people to exit the venue but would like the flexibility to have the music on until 11:00. people would exit between 15 minutes at 30 minutes. president newlin: i think since they did not reach the neighborhood and nobody has issued -- if it gets to be a problem, we can revisit its for the future ones. i think it should go to 11:00. >> i have one more question about placement of speakers. have you looked into how to mitigate sound the best cayou c? >> as i mentioned earlier, the event will be tented.
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we understand it might rain, so we are fortunate. the speakers are position towards the inside of the enclosure. i think coupled with -- the tenting is thinpretty thick. we did pay a little bit of consideration to that. >> who has the phone if there is someone complaining? >> i will. the dj is next to the dance floor, the dance floor is in the center towards the building of towns school. it is not on the street side or against to the neighbor's side. it's next to the school. hopefully, it is the for the state can be from anybody. president newlin: anybody else?
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a motion? >> i motion to approve the loudspeaker permit until 11:00 p.m. >> second. >> thank you. president newlin: aye.[roll cal] president newlin: i guess there's no public comment on that. [laughter] item c, lok, jason. apartment 24, place of entertainment. >> at 440 broadway has functioned as a nightclub. there has been a change of ownership under way. i believe he is there to
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explain. >> i am here today with the co- owner of the apartment 24 llc. mr. lok is out of town and unavailable. we had a meeting on monday with the permit officer. due to some incidents on broadway, we put in a couple of amendments to that, in paragraph 2 under page 11, the second paragraph says if any patron is passed out on the premises or in need of medical
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attention, and interior security person shall immediately take charge of the incident and remain with a patron until paramedics arrived. we made a second amendment on page 4. paragraph 5 states no party buses will be allowed at the premis. large groups are denied admittance. there is a problem with party buses, my client took over apartment 24 on the first of october and he did so a little prematurely. i'm sure they're aware of this. apartment 24 has pretty much the
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best route for several years. after we went into a contract in the spring, there was a hiphop promoter that caused quite a bit of commotion in the neighborhood. we couldn't take over on a temporary abc license. we went in, my client was physically threatened by the promoter. he is still taking money from party buses and said that we paid you what ever to get in. there is a big altercation. broadway is a problem. arguing with aprty buse -- party buses full of drunks is not what the new owners want to do. last weekend was much better. mr. lu is well-known in the
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asian community as the foreman's promoter. he had 3000 who pie people andr one for -- 3000 people at pier one, he draws a college crowd primarily. they are pretty much non- problematic. obviously, he has his hands full at apartment 24. i think if last weekend is an indication, we have turned the corner. we closed for two weeks to try to make that old grout go away and they still keep coming back. that is the reality down there. i have looked at the police recommendations that came in around 5:00. you should have a copy of those.
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the recommendations were extending -- we have no problem with that. we -- there is a 50 to 1 security personnel, or 1 to 50 security personnel, we have no problem with that. we do object who nobody being admitted after 1:00 a.m.. for practical purposes, hot we don't allow evidence at 1:00 -- admittance at 1:00. if someone shows up to meet their friend or escort them home, we don't want to have our hands tied on that one. if you have questions, mr. lu would answer.
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>> is the promoter still active in the operation of the club? >> absolutely not. >> and as of now, no party buses? >> they showed up last weekend. part of the discussion i have had with jocelyn is how to stop party buses coming to broadway. it is not good for the neighborhood, it is not good for the establishments. rowdy havec -- they have rowdy crowds that come intoxicated. i think it is destructive to the neighborhood. one of the discussions with the captain, because there is no standing or stopping, he made a note to talk abouto the motorcye
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police. to get 50 people out there, they have to stop for quite some time. if we can make expensive payi as ofng -- in terms of paying tickets, foor having people cited for public intoxication i think will handle the situation somewhat. >> i did make a written formal request from the entertainment commission to use enforcement's like he described as it's available and possible to make it difficult to come to broadway proper. there will be a bunch of people walking around the corner.
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the enforcement officers out there can take -- we did request that. i got no response. >> i have an item -- i'm having trouble. party bosses are coming there anyway even though you are telling them they can't come in? >> they are saying that people were given money to insure 11 spirit -- ensure admittance. security says no party buses now. >> is there legislation? >> we have had this discussion in the past and ultimately the regulatory framework around the buses, the vehicles themselves is a state concern. otherwise, these are businesses
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that are not sent from it is businesses. we have very little control over them. i think that is sort of devolves down to the police code. it is relative to driving the vehicle and what they can do in that territory. it can be citing individuals overly intoxicated or open containers. these are businesses in san jose and east bay. >> the party bus issue is an issue citywide. it is not just a broadway. they will show up to the venue, they will deny them had amendments -- admittance and they'll drop them off anyway. >> is there anyway we can
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approach that if it is causing problems? >> all right. >> do you have documentation about your neighborhood connection now reach -- outreach? >> there is more with the voice of broadway, a group that has been put together to deal with some of these problems. i don't have anything from the board member and telegraph dwellers. what else do we have on there? the north beach chamber is broken up. stefano is in the audience. we will have some discussions with him.
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there is a new group forming in the area, the north beach business association that is kind of a mixing of the old chamber with the the business owners -- some of the business owners. we have pretty much talked to some of the business owners there. we have made of reach to all those people. >> in what way did you do that? talk one-on-one, a meeting? >> and you want to speak a little bit about that? >> of the voice of broadway is basically the business owners on broadway trying to improve and save broadway street from all the bad problems that we have had. we have monthly meetings and we are trying to come up with ideas to help each other with
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different ideas that need to be done. >> are you an officer? >> no, i'm one of the members. >> that is business owners, correct? but you haven't talked to groups outside of the business owners? i know there are several there. the telegraph hill dwellers are hard to get in touch with. i'm having trouble myself. the north beach neighbors need to be gotten in touch with. there needs to be more outer reach because they are the ones that are being affected. i don't think they need a vi continuedew -- to continue to view entertainment as a bad thing. i am a little concerned ou about thetreac about the outreach youe
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done. >> telegraph dwellers, and they are going through some problems. i did reach out to one of the seven board members, explained what we are doing, what the ideas were. the dwellers, i have been to a number of meetings. they have given up on broadway. they are active on columbus, grant avenue. broadway, and they are more concerned with changes in the facade and building looks rather than the whatever. i had an hour conversation with this and recess. >> ok, but the telegraph hill
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dwellers are not the only group in the area. what other groups have you approached? >> we attempted to get in touch with the old north becaach chamber, but that has been put into the new one. i called yesterday to have a conversation but we have not had a chance to do that. he is very active in the neighborhood. president newlin: officer, to you want to address this -- do you want to address this? >> captain and i met with the applicantyestery -- applicant yesterday. in the past, he has had a pretty
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good track record at horizon. there are some things lately that we are not happy about but we discussed them yesterday. it was the captain's feeling that we recommend conditional approval. it is based on one of the things that we thought was real important. they came up with a security plan. there are a lot of provisions in there that would be a well-run business. we would like them as part of the conditions, if this is granted, they have to abide by the security plans. there was the security plan, and then he discussed that he was ok with the 50 patrons ratio. no party buses. protecting 100 feet rather than 50 feet.
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we just want to clarify, the separation of removal of patrons in the event of fights. i know that sometimes it is a chaotic situation and you are trying to get everybody out. sometimes there are fights inside of a club and security is able to separate them, and haven't seen in have been here, but sometimes it will take both people out and the fight just resumes outside where they will take of the aggressive one and right after that, it will send out the other person and now we have route to. -- round two. if there is a fight and you can get one of the parties out, doves and the other person out for slaughter. if they are hanging out, give the police a call and have us come over and deal with it.
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electronic surveillance, and they said they were going to hold for seven days, there was a late reporting of an incident. and the last one, no one shall be amended after 1:00 a.m.. this is something the captain and i talked about. we talked about the broadway corridor having a soft closing. not having everybody come out at 2:00. they're talking about maybe rotating commager's throughout the month, -- rotating throughout the months. we thought about restricting apartment 24's hours. the captain did not think it would be fair for them to close at 1:00.
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if we can stop the people from going in, they might be getting their girlfriend or a couple of drinks. we want things winding down. not to leave one club and get the last two at the new club and start ramping up. and that was our justification. >> i have a question. the applicant had a concern about other people picking up friends. are you ok with maybe 1:15 or 1:30? >> we live like to hold it to 1:00. they have last call at 1:25. they start kicking people out about 1:45.
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what we don't want is a rush to get to the pub to get the last drinks in. >> ok. >> do you see, if we say 1:00, at 12:59 there won't be a rush? >> i don't think so. if most people are at the club, they will be enjoying it. i don't think they will think it is 1:15, let's run over ot. or you would have moved earlier. president newlin: anybody from the public wish to respond to this permit application? mark? are you ok with 14 days holding tapes? you have no problem with that. the only thing we have in this issue is the 1:00 that
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amendments -- admittance. >> and, you know, i think i would like to see more community outreach also. this is going to be granted for a short amount of time and they will be reporting back. how is that what is going on here? this is just how is going to be? they don't have to report back? of like to see them report back in three months and think we should grant a conditionally. but i would like to see them come back and have met with at least a couple more neighborhood groups. president newlin: three months or six months? >> in meeting with groups can happen -- they will start
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operating. president newlin: i have no problem with that, i am just trying to establish a valentine to oversee the operation. -- a valid time to oversee the operation. if three months it too short, six months may be better. either way. >> it is certainly possible for the commission to request a recport in whatever time frame you're comfortable with. it is also completely reasonable to request a six month reporting or asking the applicant to come addressed the commission after six months as well. that is within the realm of the conditions that you can attach to this conditional grant. it won't be something we tag in
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writing on the permit itself because it's expiration driven. we can put them on the record and in the file, make sure that these things come back to you. president newlin: i assume we could support of the police department on the knowledge of the tents -- no admittance after 1:00 am and have that be part of the report and see if it is working or have the club report back to demonstrate to us where specific problems lie with that. >> can we split them? have the neighborhood of region done in three months -- outreach done in three months? president newlin: you deal with these. >> three months
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