tv [untitled] November 11, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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>> iould like to call this meeting to order. this is our quarterly meeting of the disaster council. i am anne kronenberg, executive director of department of emergency management for the city and county of san francisco. before i have the mayor give his opening remarks, i would like to ask everyone who has one of these things to please turn it off, put it on silent or vibrate for us. that would be very helpful. mr. mayor? >> thank you. thanks, everyone.
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welcome to the second meeting of this year for our disaster council and, again, i want to signal my appreciation and i know supervisor chiu, our board president who's here today, is also welcoming of everyone here today to focus on national awareness month. we recognize events happen all over the world, not only new zealand, not only japan but what we all kind of felt the weird earthquake on the east coast, it's still a constant reminder our percentages are going higher here as years go by that we have to be even more ready. i want to signal a very, very clear appreciation for the departments that anne is working with, your level of cooperation from our fire to police. but every other department and then as importantly, our utilities and our agencies that
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we're working together with as well. nonprofit world are just as important. it's my intention and goal in working with the board of supervisors to make sure everyone is prepared. and not only prepared for the 72 hours. we know we've got that down now as our city standard. but i want to make sure that we look beyond it. i want to make sure that people who are just arriving now to live in our city can immediately know that that's part of our culture here. and they also want to know that we're going to go well beyond response. we have to get people ready to recover as well because our whole city, survival will be on thinking forward about the things that we can do now to really land a quick recovery. it's going to happen and we know it's going to happen, whether it's manmade or hopefully it's more of the natural disasters that we expect. but i know our police and fire and immediate public safety
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departments like d.e.m. are ready. we're always ready and perfecting that as we do the exercises that we go on. but it's really the community and the expectations and the new arrivals and the people who aren't paying attention every day, whether or not they understand our siren system, whether they understand our education, whether they understand our websites. hopefully in the multiple language that's we want to make sure that they understand that and getting themselves ready for something that we see all around the world, so many examples of people not being ready where they could have been and even on the east coast, they should be ready as well. so they're learning from those lessons. i just wanted to share that with you as we go through the number of events that occurring this year, end of this year, the fall is obviously when we both celebrate, commemorate but also remind ourselves october, we have fleet week, where one of
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the most important things they're doing is the exercise that we're doing with the navy, with all of our response networks and agencies. so i want to welcome you again to the council and, again, thank you for everything that you're doing. and for your leadership and for also making sure that our whole city is unified in getting better prepared and also working for response. >> thank you. >> thank you, mayor lee. i will be brief in my remarks. i did enclose a director's report in your packet. it's the green sheet. i'm not going to read the entire thing but i want to highlight a few things since our last meeting. we have been very busy. just most recently we did activate our e.o.c. on september 11. we were prepared for the worst and thankfully the wostt did not happen but we do take every opportunity that we can to activate and we get better each time that we do.
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the police department had their department operation center activated that day as well and whenever we activate, we learn new things. at our last meeting, i mentioned laura phillips had retired from the urban area security initiative as general manager. since that time, craig deasac, who worked in the assessor's office as attorney was on loan for a period of months and he did such a great job that the approval authority offered him the position, asked him to come on as permanent g.m. so that happened august 18th. so we now have new leadership there and things are going along very well. in june, we had the national uacy conference in san francisco. it was a huge success. it was the fifth annual conference and it was the biggest conference to date. everyone loves san francisco.
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people came. they spent money. it was wonderful. and the weather cooperated. you know, our weather this summer has not been the best but that particular week, it was outstanding. i wanted to just mention we're in the process of going to become e-map certified, which is the emergency management accreditation program certification. it's a long process. it's very complicated. it's involves self-assessment and it involves around the country. we will be when we get through the process the first city on the west coast to be e-map certified and one of the very few in the nation so we're very excited about that. just to piggyback on the mayor's remarks about resiliency. we have been working as part of the clinton global initiative on resilient efforts with the
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harvard kennedy school and so this year, you will be hearing much more upcoming disaster council meetings about the plans that we're putting in place and we're very excited about that. going to roll it out beyond just emergency preparedness and into the economy and health and transportation and other areas. something that is very exciting, on i think october 15th, we're going to kickoff a new app, iphone app called s.f. heroes. and rob told me right before the meeting that the app was just approved by apple in two days. is that correct, rob? >> 48 hours. >> inside of 48 hours, which is i guess unheard of. i'm not really that -- i don't have an iphone, but i guess that's really -- i guess that's pretty outstanding that they love the app and so we're very excited, yet again another tool
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to help our residents, people in san francisco be more prepared and be more aware of emergency preparedness. we are trying from every angle we can. as the mayor mentioned, we're doing a loma earthquake dedication and munich's deputy will be here as keynote heading that up. and just a reminder to everyone, shakeout is this month. it's the -- or in october rather. it will be the fourth annual shakeout. we practiced duck, cover and hold. so you will be hearing more about that. please, if you have not signed that and you don't have your department or your organization signed up, please do that. we would like to break the amount of people who participated last year in the city, which was more than 350,000. that being said, that is the end of my director's report.
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and i would like to turn the presentation over to barry frazier, who is our inner operability manager for communication. and we have many exciting things happening not just in san francisco but in the region now to really improve communications between our public safety agencies and so barry is going to give us a little -- a little update on that. >> thank you, anne. thank you mayor lee. i'm barry frazier with the department of emergency management. and just 15-second update on who i am, i came over to the department of emergency management in may. before that i was with the department of technology here with the city for about five years, where i worked on a variety of wireless and broadband and -- and fiber types of projects in addition to a lot of other projects for d.t. and before that, i was with county of san diego for about 12
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years down there working in technology and cable television regulation and those types of issues. i'm very happy to be here today. i'm happy to be able to talk about the project that i have been working on the last several months. i'm really excited about it. it deals with the regional inner operability. and it is called the bay web, bay area wireless enhanced broadband. it will be a network data, broadband network, exclusively for public safety and first responders. hopefully i can work the technology here. bay web is a public/private partnership. it is a partnership of the bay area public safety agencies, ten county bay area region. we're working with representatives from all of these counties to develop this partnership. another partner shmotorola and i will talk a little bit about
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motorola in a few minutes. they received an grant to build this network. finally we have bay area regional inner operability communications system, j.p.a., which is recently stood up joints power authority to oversee and govern the bay web project and anne kronenberg and chief sir are both members of the j.t.a. so we have great representation from san francisco. just a quick couple minutes on our current status. on communications and inner operable communications. we have our voice communications, land mobile radio and they work really well. they're reliable, they're dependable. they serve a mission krill cal function. in the city, especially they're inner openable. our police and fire and first responders are able to communicate with each other extremely well. when you get out into the other counties, when you get out into mutual aid situations, we do a
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pretty good job there. but there are limitations in our voice network because we have what i call a system of systems. each county and the core cities have built their own networks and in some cases there are little quirks and differences in those networks that interfere with the ability to use our radios, say in oakland or for oakland's folks to come to san mateo county and use their radios but we're getting there. we're getting there on the voice side. we're able to -- to achieve a pretty good measure of inner operability in our voice communications today. in the broadband data side, it's a little different story. most of the jurisdictions in the bay area rely on commercial services. your verizon air cards, your smart phones, commercial services that you purchase just like you purchase your smart phone today. so -- so in many cases, public safety and first responders have to share the network with
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commercial users. for that reason, they're not extremely reliable in emergencies. and i will talk about that in just a minute. and there are also subject to cost increases. i know some of you probably have your own smart phones or iphones or that type of thing and you know that the commercial carriers are moving toward a usage-based pricing model as opposed to an unlimited usage pricing model. and usage based means you pay by the amount that you use. and so for applications that would download video files or large files, on a suzeage-based model you can actually end up with pretty high costs. if they go to that direction for the public market. and just to kind of point out the problem with commercial usage, as mayor lee mentioned, there was an earthquake back
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east last month. 5.8. it didn't cause a lot of damage. but it caused a lot of -- a lot of interest and a lot of excitement on the east coast because they're not -- not necessarily used to those types of things. so as part of that, when that earthquake occurred, fema put out an advisory and the advisory stated, the key part is that due to overload of cell phone usage, there are reports of cell phone congestion. and fema was asking people to not use their phones, to use texting or other things to allow folks with legitimate problems to get into call 911. and that just kind of plays up the fact of the problems that we have relying on a commercial service for our public safety usage. so bay web would solve a lot of those problems.
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this is a high-speed data network on the 4-g l.t.e. platform, cutting-edge technology. i'm sure you have seen the commercial. 4-g is the big thing now in commercial wireless technology. it's fast, it's faster than -- than 3-g technology. but the key -- there are several keys that are important for public safety and emergency response. one is, will achieve true inner operability region wide. whether he have one network that will cover the entire ten county bay area. so the devices we purchased in san francisco we know will always work in santa clara county or up north in sonoma or napa county. oakland folks can come and, you know, mutual aid requirements and come to assist here in san francisco, their devices on this network will work because it's all the same network. one network region wide.
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it's also private. it's not shared with commercial traffic. that gets back to the concern that fema had about network congestion. we won't have the problem of network congestion on this network unless we have so many public safety users that we're -- you know, but that would be a good thing. we would hope that we have a lot of users on the network. but we won't have to share it with commercial users. in a large event or in an emergency, everybody gets on their cell phone these days. everybody wants to contact relatives, loved ones, find out if they're ok. in many cases they're taking pictures and sharing photos and videos and really, you know, using up the commercial space. and the key with bay web is we wouldn't have to worry about sharing the network with commercial users. it's controlled. the technology, 4-g l.g.e. technology allows you to prioritize data transmissions. so, for example, if you have a
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command -- if you have an incident out on the field and you need to set up a command post, you can allocate more bandwidth to that commander in the field to allow that commander to view several different videos and send videos to certain staff out in the field and then throttle back on some of the other uses of the network to allow that capability. you can also prioritize by application. if you need to stream a lot of video, different videos, you can open up more bandwidth for the video and throttle back some other uses of the network or even by event. if you have a major event in one part of the city, you can dedicate more bandwidth to that particular event and the needs of those first responders and throttle back on some of the other uses of the network. so it's very -- it's very controllable. it's also secure, dedicated to public safety, federal law requires or limits the use of this network to eligible users, which are public safety first
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responder users. and so we can adopt the incryption or security measures that we need to keep it a secure, dedicated network. a lot of new applications we're expecting to see on this, the really good ones are photos and video, ability to blast out an amber alert photo from the field to literally every public law enforcement officer in the region at the same time, almost realtime. the ability to -- to stream live video from from an incident or event to allow other first responders or law enforcement officials, to see what's going on in other locations. and then the f.b.i. i know is setting -- is testing and developing some pretty cool applications where you can use like an iphone-type device to basically do fingerprinting in the field, shoot the fingerprint back and compare it with a database so you have fingerprints right there, right
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there in the field. a lot of this is under development but this is -- these are the capabilities we expect to see once we get network up and running. one important point have i to mention, this network did not support mission critical voice communications at this time sofment we're not replacing our land mobile radio. we're enhancing it with another system. there are efforts to develop mission critical voice capability on the l.t.e. platform, but we're not there yet and we're really in the early stages. we expect that to be several years before that's available but we're moving in that direction. you can use it for voice. those of you who are familiar with voice-over i.p. or skype, those applications can be used on the network but your push to talk, channelized public safety radio functions are just not there yet. i wanted to make it clear that
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is one area we're not talking about replacing land mobile radios but enhancing them. i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this slide. it's awful hard to read. i apologize for it. there are several building blocks we needed to get to where we can build this data network. first we needed spectrum. we received through a waiver through the f.c.c. some 700 mega hertz spectrum that was actually freed up as part of the digital tv transition a few years ago and was dedicated by congress specifically for public safety broadband uses. san francisco, oakland and san owe day applied to the f.c.c. to begin work building on this spectrum early and we received that waiver last year. funding and regional collaboration are two more pieces to it. i mentioned motorola got a $50 million grant under the broadband technology
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opportunities program and they're also contributing a match of $21 million to build the network. regional collaboration, you can cannot build the network without sites to put your radio so we have to have regions contribute to locations, to sites, the space to put radio transmitters out there to build a network. finally, governance, i mentioned the bay area authority and joint power authority, that had to be in place to govern everything. now, the only other thing i will say about this is we started with the spectrum and we got the funding and getting regional collaboration and governance. we probably did it backwards, started with the governance and worried about the other pieces. but you use the hand you're dealt. so we had an opportunity to get the spectrum. funding became available and now we're building around that.
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they established a regional team, negotiating team to work with motorola to develop what we call the boom agreement. the beam agreement is a build, own, operate and maintain agreement whereby motorola would build, own, maintain the system for ten years and at that point transfer the entire system over to the authority at no cost. they tentatively agreed to play all of the site remediation cost, all of the cost of installing equipment to make radio sites ready. they would then charge a service for operating on the network and we're tentatively looking at $38 a month peruser for the first year and after first year an adjustable rate that would never be more affordable than a market rate. a market rate is something that the authority and motorola would
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determine mutually but there's a condition in the ora grant that requires motorola to provide the service at a more affordable rate than market rate for the entire ten years. we would always get a better rate than the market rate. the key is finding market rate and we have probably some challenges with that. we have some guarantees the price will stay low for the entire ten-year agreement. there are no minimum user requirements. motorola was asking them to commit to a certain number of users to load the system, guarantee a certain amount of revenues for operating. but we couldn't agree to that. so motorola has now backed off. there's no requirement that any jurisdiction have a minimum number of users. you can use it. you don't have to use it but we hope it's a valuable enough system that we will get lots of
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users. who pays for it? i talked a little bit about this, but the capital cost of the buildout, 100% paid by motorola. it should be motorola or the b-top grant. site remediation, motorola's covering those costs. site maintenance and upkeep, site owners and jurisdictions that own and control sites will have to put some resources into contributing the sites to staff time, to escorting motorola onto the sites to do the work. there will be in some cases these sites are leased and may be lease modifications that will be some costs and utility, the electricity, whatever increases electricity on the sites to add the new equipment will be the responsibility of the jurisdictions. operations costs, motorola is responsible for operating the system. they will generate revenues
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through their monthly user fees to cover the cost of operation. but, again, motorola has the commitment to operate the system regardless of the number of users they have on it. we believe this will give them a huge incentive to make the network work really well because they're going to need to attract users to cover their cost. finally, devices. agencyless have to buy new devices, broadband enabled devices and there will be a cost for those devices as well. again, if an agency or jurisdiction chooses not to participate, they don't buy any new devices. so there's no cost there. ok. finally, where are we? what happens next? we at the end stages of negotiating this boom agreement. we're down to just a handful of points that we're still negotiating. first thing has to happen and motorola and various jurisdictions, cities and counties in the bay area that
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own sites have to -- have to have agreements to allow motorola to use the sites and we're working on those agreements right now. second thing, the authority has to adopt a system funding plan and endorse the boom agreement. we're getting to, like i said, getting to the end of the negotiating of that agreement so the authority will have to endorse that agreement and it will go out to for member approval and each has the opportunity to approve or dace prove or recommend changes to the agreement. and finally the goal is to have all of the member agencies sign on and have bay ricks actually execute a final boom agreement by december 6. i failed to mention the gran the -- grant that motorola has, has an aggressive time line. they're stimulus grants so the idea is get the money out there and get people hired and get
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jobs created sooner rather than later. so we are under a deadline to build the system and that is why we're working very hard to meet these deadlines and to fit the time line so that motorola can begin building the system and get it built within the very narrow time limits of the grant. well, that's it. i have said a lot of things. i would be happy to answer any questions you have about the system. i think you can tell i'm pretty excited about it. i have been working -- working almost exclusively on this project for the past few months. i think it is a wonderful opportunity for san francisco and the bay area to adopt new technology that will have huge benefits for the folks that live here and visit here. i thank you. i will answer any questions that you may have.
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>> is this network dedicated -- a debt or -- is this a network a dedicated network to be used for emergencies or disaster declarations? and are the devices -- are they diagnostic in terms of what devices can be used? >> great question. first question -- who can use the network? congress has developed a fairly narrow definition of eligible users. an eligible user is public safety, first responder. it is not limited to a disaster or a emergency incidents. law-enforcement officials, fire department, ems can use this on a daily basis. in addition to that, the fcc has taken action very recently to try to expand the definition of eligible user even more to
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governmental entities like transportation agencies and airport districts -- those types of entities that while not strictly public safety, served a fairly strong public safety function. we believe those entities could use it on a daily basis as well. obviously, in an emergency -- in an earthquake or a disaster -- everybody becomes an emergency services worker. when something big hits, obviously, i think any city employee would be eligible to use the system. and we are actually working to expand the definition even more to allow public works -- there are a variety of functions that the city performs that i would consider public safety functions. we are just trying to expand
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