tv [untitled] November 11, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm PST
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firehouse and land which they purchased and the new location is better for us and more importantly will enable us to provide better services which require so many calls, namely the fixed corridor in the tenderloin area. the fire department, s.f. moma and d.p.w. have been working to assure that the fire station best meets our needs and is designed to meet the department's exact specifications. once this fire station is completed, s.f. moma will turn over the keys to us and it will become acquired property and over the past few years we have had many opportunities to meet the neighbors at shipley street meetings and the soma leadership council at the south of market project area committee and the south of market community action macintoshing and even had a chance to spend time with the groupses on one of the fire boat rides for the change of venue.
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through the meetings we learned that the neighbors have real concerns about the impact the operations may have on their daily lives. we are committed to doing all we can to minimize the impact and providing the best level of public safety to the community. for example, the project includes a commitment to controls for the right of way at fifth and sixth streets to reduce the need for sirens and horns. we don't have that at third and howard. we work hard to be good neighbors to the stations and look forward to a good relationship with the neighbor. and the actions before us today will bring us a giant step closer to ground breakbreaking on in public safety facility. i hope that you will echo the unanimous vote of the fire commission in support of the action before you.
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thank you. >> we have several speaker cards. secretary avery: is your microphone on? commissioner miguel: sorry. christine grif fit, danny campbell, david nichol. >> good afternoon, again, commissioners. christine griffith and i want to reiterate again that the owners of the hotel are not opposed to the project as a whole. they want to make sure their concerns are heard and address ing and acknowledged and that hasn't really bun done. i'm going talk briefly about hunt lane which has been referred to periodically as landlocked and described in the document as a particular place for the firefighters to park. what that description leaves out is that the main part of the middle of that block, which is referred to as the notoma pad,
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the underlying pad is owned by boma but they have granted an ease tonight the public which has the same league significance as a public street and by vac e vacating the portion of hunt street, you are also vacating the legally public street that run through the middle of the block. our objections to the vacation of the hunt street has to do with in the long term access to the loading of the w. and it was approved with the loading in the back and designed to have access through the middle of the block. and the improvement measures that it's provided in the e.i.r. doesn't actually guarantee the access that it has now. and what we have asked for is a permanent easement to be enforceable by the w rather than through, i don't know, what, the notice of violation process they know all of you are very familiar with. and some of the frustrations
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that go along with enforcing a particular condition of approval and my clients like something they can really enforce and to make use of in the long term that is equivalent now which is the use of a public street. and it is necessary for the operations and state law doesn't allow you to vacate it and give it to a private party. and we would withdraw the objections if we had a permanent easement but we can't wrought the objections based on the improvement measure without it being specific to what the access is for and how it would be enforceable. and that relates to not only the 11a and 11b and the findings don't make the improvement measures explicitly enforceable and they reference only mitigation measures and don't
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trefrns improvement measures and they talk about the mmrp but the notion of the improvement measures is not directly addressed in the findings. we believe that the findings also aren't supported by substantial evidence in the record for many of the reasons that i have said before. i'll just say in the final five seconds, we are not against the project, but the issues the w has is very real and will cost them half a million dollars during the construction period alone. commissioner miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon, madam secretary, commissioners, and we are local union 104 and we're an affiliate of san francisco buildings trades council and i am here to urge you to move forward with this project and i think it's a wonderful win-win for the city and providing a new state-of-the-art fire station to help the san francisco fire
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department provide all the necessary services to the citizens here and expanding the muse museum. and will be an asset to future generation and tourists that want to come here. tiffed pleasure of kwloshg -- i have had the pleasure of working on the young museum and built and installed the heating and air conditioning and ventilation system and what is unique about that and what i bring up here is the indoor air quality required for that facility because it was such the artifacts and tapestries and things going in there, the air quality had to be, the humidity levels and the temperature had to be so precise it was a wonderful project to work on and i welcome something like this. so i urge you to move forward on this project. thank you very much for your time.
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commissioner miguel: thank you. >> greetings again, commissioners. david mecle, california college of the artses. it is a happy accident i get to speak to you a second time today. as a life long arts educator, it won't surprise you to know that i am here to speak in favor of the findings related to the final e.i.r. and the zoning changes required for sfmoma's expansion. much has changed from the original year when the complex was unveiled and at that time the area was a bit rough around the edges and as such the buildings were designed in a very controlled manner. it moot not be too -- it might not be too strong to use the term with an entrance light with a blank entrance and blank walls. and many years later the neighborhood has filled with residential units and restaurants and retail and other
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cultural facilities. and it sits on the edge of an exciting transformation of the trans bay terminal area. all of a sudden and the back and sides of sfmoma need to be additional fronts. what good fortune it is to have the opportunity to respond to that challenge with an addition that does exactly that, transforms a fortress like trap into a porous, welcoming cultural light beacon. and of course, even in a well-designed building which this one surely will be under the guidance of the talented team of architects needs assets that will attract and enrich the audience. once again we find ourselves in the enviable position of not only gaining a more friendly face for the neighborhood but also an enormous enhancement of program via the fischer collection. for example, all of a sudden zip doed 94103 will have the most el lshgsworth kelly paintings in
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the world. frank lloyd wright once famously quipped that a doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can onliedy advise the clients plant vines. however, we are in the position to fine tune the original sfmoma building to better change a city so current and future residents may use it in new and wonderful ways. thank you. commissioner miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am james gomez and proud member of painters and drywall finishers union in san francisco, california the we have a proud representative of district 16 that covers four crafts, on the site painters, glazers, dry wallers, and floor
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finishers and i stand in support of the full recommendation of the project where the highly skilled men and women to exemplify their skills on that project and finish it proud. thank you for your time. commissioner miguel: thank you. james ramirez -- >> that is all right. can i go ahead? >> great. thank you. good afternoon. we're the home to sfmoma and as you know, community benefit districts are a tool to enable property owners to improve the neighborhood and we are a cultural magnet home to 24 museums and golryes as well as a great -- and galleries as well as a place to live and visit and the neighborhood continues to be
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a vital institution. and the great neighbors are incredibly active and do a great job keeping us informed of all of their plans. the benefit district is focus and improving the quality of life for everyone who live there is, who works there, and who visits there. we are specifically foes kued on making sure it is a safe, clean, and safe neighborhood and activating public spaces a and will activate howard street with the distinctive and welcoming glass design to serve as a second entrance and take the pressure off the third street entrance buzz the sidewalks are not terribly wide. that also offers access to the gallery to the folks in the neighborhood without paying a fee. we think the additional people this museum will attract will support neighborhoods and
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businesses and that is one of the things we are excited to do. and active streets as we all know contribute to a sense of place and safety with a pride and we think the project will do that. and to we urge you to move the project forward and we are in support of the expansion. commissioner miguel: thank you. >> commissioners, hello, i am carrie tillman, the director for a city agency that has contributed about $300 million over 50 years and we're celebrating the 50th anniversary to the arts in san francisco. sfmoma is one of the organizations that has been funded for 50 continuous years by the city of san francisco. we have an enormous stake in the organization and i am thinking not just -- i am speaking on behalf of the whole arts community for which this addition and expansion of moma
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will be an important resource. and we are funded by the proceeds of the sales tax and expect more visitors to come and pay more sales tax to the arts organizations and other important services funded by the hotel tax. and 50 years ago policy makers had such an enlightened view of the art's ability to make our city welcoming to visitors, to give our residents opportunities for creativity and one of the things we have seen is the very large institutions grow up in the city of san francisco. we're a small city and we have institutions that are in the cities with many, many, larger populations and enlightened leadership in the policy makers for so many years.
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and sfmoma shines in this and we know it will help our economy and it will help the arts and i urge your support. and one final note, i have worked for the city for 30 years and a lot of large building projects and i don't think i have seen a project that has been so care to feel bring in the community and bring in the policy makers to work hand in glove and this is really a rare and marvelous opportunity. thank you so much. commissioner miguel: thank you. >> and good afternoon, commissioners. and i would like to tip my hat to soma. and a new fire station at no cost to the city and with respect to the men and women who risk their lives sand a thing of beauty all the way around.
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it is tremendous and at no cost, and i keep saying that through my head and that is wow, but we look for the approval on this project. thank you very much. commissioner miguel: next speaker. >> hello, commissioners. my name is scott cooper and i am on the backside of the folsom street development and i have been sitting in on the neighborhood community meetings. and there are concerns of a fire station going in the area that is a bit more residential and we are hoping that they do what they can to be conscientious of one of the area's busiest fire stations and inevitably there will be noise but however they do the operations they be conscious of the people in the neighborhood. it is interesting to see the evolution of the particular site from the commercial uses in the 1980's and sweat job and grow op and the mini tower and now a
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fire station. personally i am kind of excited about this. it will serve the community better. as far as the rats and mosquitos, you can find the same thing at the location, so please keep working on it whatever you did at that the other location. and i would like to call on moma to meet the requirements for or to help with the requirements of 2% for public art that is typically paid for with municipal projects and a fire station would normally fall into that category and since the moma is paying for it and turning over turnkey, that might have been the process which it's been exempted to call on the moma to look at the important funding mechanism to offset some of the effects the station will be of the area and bring forward more public art that we are really hoping to see happen at the site. that is my main bit of feedback. i have no opposition to the project but would like to see the 2% public art reinstated with this project. miguel were thank you. is there additional public
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comment? >> brad paul. i would like to speak in favor for three reasons. my son, the residents of the tenderlo tenderloin, and my son is 8 years old and only in the last two years he visited the museum and he loves it and asked when we can go back. it is great it will be done by 2015 and he will be 12 years old and able to enjoy the addition as well. i recently took him on the 6th street art walk and he thinks art gallery is a museum and he loves all of them and i can't wait to take him to the new edition, but speaking of sixth street, i spent a long time and one of the greatest dangers is fire and in the s.r.o.'s there are people away day and night for different reasons and when a fire starts they get reported quickly, but it is the response time of the fire department that makes the difference between
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people living and also major damage being done to displaced the many residents. having the improved fire station that serves sixth street and the tenderloin couldn't be more point. and finally t jobs. other speakers from the labor unions have talked about that, but we know what the need is for more work and the more large projects that you can approve gives you the leeway to occasionally say no that don't meet the test of necessary and desirable and this is clearly a project that is both necessary and desirable. i would urge you to support it. thank you. >> thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. i would like to add a couple of comments. i was taken by the phrase changing city particularly in reference to this site.
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i probably have mentioned it before, but i have a particular interest in this site in the mid 1860's, my grandmother was born in momar or -- i don't know which side of third street it was, but over time this is another another major change. as to the comment on the proximity to the trans bay terminal, the cause of the fishery collections itself has such massive sculptures within the collection and it would be my hope that by the time we work out all the details of the trans bay terminal and it's coming and
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the open spaces and parks that form an entrance to it and are adjacent to it that it might be possible for some of the more massive pieces that might not be easy to house in the new structure that they would form sort of an area expansion of that part of the museum's collection and enhance the city in that way. and it is just a little thought out there, if you will. commissioner borden. commissioner borden: it is very enthusiastic to support this project and i remember when i was living in cal hallow and the issue came up in the presidio and a lot of people thought that was not the location for the world class ard art opportunity
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and we have developed a flourishing art district with the moma and the upcoming mexican maw second degreeium and -- museum and there are a lot of great cultural resources and seems like it is a logical response and thing to do. i am so excited to be part of making that happen. i think it's also amazing that we get to build a brand-new fire station, one much better positioned for the clients and i work downtown sometimes and the fire truck is trying to come out of the fire house and it is lock down in the neighborhood with a taxi from city hall during the one of the big conferences and it took 30 minutes. i was cursing myself for not just taking the muni because it took so long with everything that was going on in the corridor. and being so logical to move the
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fire station to a much better location and the traffic flow in that general area. that is very, very exciting. the idea of having for access and if you have been outside sfmoma when there is a major exhibit, the sidewalk is hard to get on because there are so many people on the sidewalk and have other entrances and the museum will be beneficial for the passability of the sidewalks on the evening and big events and will be spectacular that not only people go there for the three day a month enjoy the arts and the art free of cost. and with that i would move to approve all the action items which are 11a, b, c, and d. >> second.
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fig fig wr sfi -- commissioner miguel: commissioner antonini? commissioner antonini: i agree with the comments that have been said and the idea that it will be open in all four directions will be a great thing and the last time i checked, i don't know fit's still true, but station one was the busiest station in the nation for number of calls a day. and the idea of having to go through everything every time a call goes out and will be a big improvement. and there was some commentary on the hunt lane and the access and if you can answer that for me, i don't know if that can be done or if it can be worked out and it seems that would be vacated.
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is that correct? >> and with the general plan referral and part addresses the making of findings and findings to be consistent with that part of the plan and it is part of the process to be maintained that rely on hunt street right-of-way for the loading and trash collection and valet and things like that, so it is something that is incorporated into the project and could potentially be advantage and the project would need to come back for section 309 review which is a condition and before you today is the mmrp's for the project and those would not include
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adoption with any of the improvement measures list there had. however t improvement measures could be imposed in the future as conditions on the section 309. commissioner antonini: thank you that the 309 will be coming up in january and would be a design and other issues as well as this. so thanks. >> and commissioner fong. commissioner fong: this is a great opportunity to expand itself for tourism and local and as commissioner antonini brought up, we both have an opportunity to address some of the concerns and did a significant remodel to the restaurant and floor and bar and lobby area. overall they will benefit from the expansion and i am in support. >> commissioner moore?
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>> this is actually quite unusual. normally when large projects come in front of the commission, they are controversial. this is not. this is a double winner and you look back at the redevelopment and large development areas and this is like the final touch of completing the district. and what is exciting to me is that we are not just creating a background building as an addition but will be doing another spectacular piece of architecture that really plays well on it own as a compliment to the place where it's going to be. and i am very excited and supportive and delighted that we all agree. commissioner miguel: commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya: yes. and i don't have much to add
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except that commissioner miguel reminded me that we have seen the proposed skull sculpture for the transit center made out of salvaged concrete blocks apparently. commissioner miguel: that is not part of the collection. commissioner sugaya: and to try to replace that thing with something we would be better off in the world. thank you. secretary avery: commissioners, the motion is to approve all the proposed actions before you and just for the record, i will state them. the motion is for approval of 11a, findings of the ceqa environmental quality act, 11b, consideration of the motion with the general plan and section 101.1 and 11b is the general plan amendment and item d to
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reclassify from public to downtown and question the northerly portion from mixed use -- >> if i could ask for a clarification to the inclusion of the language just -- in the general plan referral. thank you. >> with the inclusion of the new language that is provided by staff. commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> commissioner miguel? >> thank you. commissioners. the motion passed unanimously. commissioners, you are now ready to hear 12, case 2005.1004e. the glen park community plan. you have had public comment on this item, today you had public
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comment on this item and the public hearing on this item is closed on the certification of the final environmental impact report. >> good afternoon. i am lisa gibson of the planning department and before you is the certification -- >> commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya: thank you, staff. i have to ask for a recusal because we did participate in the environmental impact report. and so just asking for a recusal. >> second. secretary avery: on the motion to recuse commissioner sugaya. commissioner sugaya is recused. >> just on this one item. secretary avery: thank you. >> to continue, the item before you is a certification -- you need to let him
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