tv [untitled] November 17, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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marijuana patients. in light of that in light of the fact that i know him to be very dependable and a very transparent, i would like to recommend him for that seat. i think his qualifications and the work he has been done -- that he has done have been more than demonstrative. he would be the best logical choice. thank you. >> i just wanted to say that i wanted to thank them for coming and having a dr.'s support here. that is much needed in this movement and it is very lacking. we need more of that and people
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with medical and professional attitude to set up to the plate. i want to thank him publicly for being here. i wanted to support him because he is very compassionate, he has done things for me, i am medically handicapped. my illnesses have gotten worse and he has one person the has been there for me. i wanted to say that i support him very much and i also support -- he is another person that has been there as a patient advocate. and you. >> i was scheduled to speak, my name is henry johnson by wanted to say something. i have known him for a number of
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years in he was my primary care physician when he was in residency about the market lacking in he was very compassionate. thank you. >> i am here to speak on behalf of hunter for seek to. the reason that i would like to have him in that position is that we have a fresh set of eyes. a lot of times we have a tendency to do things over and over the same way. and if we have the same individuals looking at the same situation, we will have the same result. it never hurts to have a fresh set of eyes or years in a situation. in this day and age when we are constantly in changing load, we're looking for answers to
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situations. a fresh set of eyes and a fresh set of commitments, it can only tell having the same ones of the time. >> i could not hear who you were supporting. hunter? thank you. >> hello, i live in sentences go since 1966 in the mission district. i see him working in all the community, even the commission district. i support him with all my heart. >> in the afternoon, supervisors. i occupied the agent -- the patient advocacy seat and.
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i came here to support marquis ausby who has worked diligently on patient issues. having that have people come from experience is incredibly important. and the vote of hiv-positive use is something that is lacking. it is something that he will bring to the table. that alone, this is a very critical moment for us and i would like to support sarah from americans for a safe access end of that they do have representation of a vote. martin oliver has always been appreciated by the patient advocacy community and his balancing efforts.
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and of like to support the doctor for not only having the necessary medical input, but noting that he is the only physician willing to work with me when i went to bat for low- income patients and veterans that could not afford a doctor's visit. no other doctor would work with me. >> a good afternoon, supervisors. i currently holds the no. 1 on the task force. i am the elected spokesperson. i am here to say that i appreciate every single applicant that has come before you today. they have all contributed and done a great job. i have sent e-mail to all of you listing who i strongly support.
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42, i strongly support hunter. for seat 4, i strongly support carol who is not here before us today. and leonard and canada. i think they would all be great editions. i strongly support martin's reappointment at sarah's reappointment. i am very grateful that the doctor has decided to apply and i strongly support his application, too. i can send of things about the brand to has been a tireless advocate for the low-income patients and has made significant contribution to the medical taskforce in the form of a proposal for a low-income cultivation garden that is included in the annual report. i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> my name is paul and i
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support in-house marquis. he is a good friend of mine. he is a hard worker. and i also support kenand bre-- ken and brent. >> the evening, board of supervisors. i want to state that i stand in support of sera, martin, dr., and can. i also wanted to support marquis ausby. for the past year-and-a-half, i have not seen him as a meeting. he has been diligent in supporting the task force. he has been taking on extended roles and volunteering.
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>> i have been a patient since 2000. i have been a caregiver for others since 1976. i have known lots of germany -- a terminally ill people that needed medical cannabis. been around the task force meetings and stuff, the different committees, i have noticed that the consistency of marquis ausby nd ken -- and ken lima, i also see their work and compassion with the other patients, and i recommend that both of them be appointed to
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seek to end for accordingly. >> i am here to support the candidates sarah schrader, marqquis ausby and more. they are candidates i have known and trusted for years. kenneth lima is my cousin and the way he took people -- and took care of people in hospice care, i was extremely humbled. one of the people he took care of that the veterans hospital had $1,000 stolen from him by the nurses and he stepped up and helped him with issues that he faced by not even having some basic needs met by the nurses.
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it was really appalling the way he was treated. i think of all these other people in these hospitals and i shudder to think that they need someone like my cousin to be there for them. that is all i wanted to say. >> i am just actually appear because i know that everybody who is applying for to be a part of this is passionate in one way or the other about that a self canada's rights and protections. so i would say, i don't know, created position for everyone. i have worked side-by-side with marquis. i know what he has done and the commitment he has had to the
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movement and protecting our rights. i have been a protest lithium and some of the other candidates. i support them all, but i wanted to let you know my thoughts. >> my name is louis, i am a patient for about six years now. and i highly recommend marquis ausby. i have personal experience as a recipient of the work that he does with the access of love, he is at all the meetings, it is very supportive of people, medical canada's patients, and i have had a problem with that like all of us have. i have gotten to see that, i
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can't think of anybody more qualified. as far as all the other person's, i can very much recommend each and everyone of them for the other seats. supervisor kim: are there any other speakers for public comment? public comment is now closed. i do want to thank all the members of the public that came out for this item has yet to the applicants. how want to concur with one of the public speakers, fred. i think every advocate is very passionate and you can see that in the application and through the letters that we received on your behalf. it is a very passionate community, and we have a lot of great individuals for these seats. we do have the number of seats where there is only one applicant. including two of which that
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would be real appointments. i like to see if we can move forward martin olive and sara schrader, brent, and tehe doctor. i think that -- we appreciate them for applying again. i know that the task force is a huge time commitment. i know that there are multiple committees even within this task force. for applicants that we are not able to put on today, i think several of you are already involved on committees. there are other ways to be involved with this task force. i think there will be a lot of work next year in terms of what the future of the taskforce is going to mean. diversity is a big issue for me, it is something i like to see.
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i know that we don't have tremendous diversity, it is something that i have been weighing in terms of looking at the applicants. i am highly impressed by mr. hollyman and mr. ausby. your very clearly qualified in your experience and background. very strong community support. we have gotten a ton of letters on your behalf and you have come to my office several times. i appreciate your persistence in your interest in the sea. i would like to support mr. ausby for seat number two. in seat number four, mr. watkins was not here today but i was impressed by him a couple weeks ago. i know he commutes from sacramento but has been incredibly active serving
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patients. and kenneth lima, your tireless dedication to patients is great. it is nice to know that you are related. i would be leaning toward supporting mr. watkins today. any thoughts? supervisor elsbernd: sure. obviously, no problems with 6, 8, and 10. i fall on the other side from seat 2 and 4. i was impressed with leonard watkins, but i think it is a mistake to choose someone from sacramento. sacramento is a big commute in this is a very active task force. to ask someone -- not to ask him, but to reject a qualified sentences than for someone that
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far away and think is a bit of a mistake. as cq, i agree with you on diversity. it is diversity of opinion. what i see a lot, if you're not part of the click, you are not allowed. we have seen the click speak for one candidate and not for another candidate who, if you look at the rest of may, is a super qualified and has a great background and would probably agree with every position put forward. we don't know. having someone with a divergent point of view or coming from a different background than everybody else that is part of the process is probably a good thing. obviously i am speaking about mr. holliman. i will leave it to you to figure out where you want to go.
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supervisor wiener: i think there was a mistake here. supervisor kim: i think we can do this without opposition in terms of moving forward martin olive, sarah, brent, and the doctor. thank you for being here. we have to applicants for c two and two applicants for a seat for. we have hunter holliman and marquis ausby for seat two. ansupervisor wiener: you expresd your preference for mr. ausby and mr. watkins?
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supervisor kim: i do like everybody who applied, so i understand where supervisor elsbernd is coming from as well. i know from talking to folks that they have been an almost every meeting. members of the public at commented on that. >> i think i willg go for mr. watkins. seat two is a hard one, but based on what i have read, i will go with mr. holliman. supervisor kim: ok, so what we have moving forward here as a recommendation than from the committee will be mr. holliman for seat two and for --
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>> [inaudible] supervisor kim: i'm ok with doing it as one package. mr. watkins for seat four. >> [inaudible] supervisor kim: ok. we can move that forward with recommendations. i really wanted to thank mr. ausby and mr. lima. i know you have spent a tremendous amount of time and are very active on the task force. we had a very difficult decision in front of us and i would love to see everyone moved forward as well. thank you for your time. we can do that without opposition.
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[inaudible conversations] >> now it is going to go to the rec and park commission to do final design approvals. >> is it a ceqa thing? >> there will be a ceqa process. >> is there going to be a food truck? >> i introduce legislation so that they can move it on to the streets. it is a cut out at nineteenth and dolores. that is a separate thing. on the web site, there is information about it. but the final design, you can call my office if you can't find it. supervisor kim: at this time, we
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>> this is the first in the market. it is a city that has a number of challenges, despite -- in terms of -- despite it being a strong real-estate market, as strong economy in terms of businesses. there are neighborhoods that have real challenges here, so today, we're going to hear from a year lee as well as from supervisor jane kim, in context to the city that is hosting us today. i am going to introduce mr. henderson, a president, who will give some opening remarks and introduce the mayor. thank you. [applause]
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>> ok, so we will let you behind the curtain. the mayor is a few blocks away, so i am going to talk extra slow. [laughter] you know, when you invite people in political office, they have a lot more to do rather than speak to folks from across the country who really think this is a great opportunity, and we have always had great welcoming, and we appreciate the may for joining us, and when he comes in, i will introduce him, and in the meantime, i would do some song and dance -- and we appreciate the mayor joining us. it is really an exciting opportunity for us. we do not do this as a routine matter for the other areas of focus. we do not have an annual event with our grantees or our arts
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and culture grantees. but we do do another. many of you were with us when we call this the community revitalization program and have been with us during the switch to a more economic focus. that switch to a more economic focus, for those of you who do not spend all of your time thinking about this, i will provide a little bit of context. this was really because we change more broadly for the foundation of communities, and we understand the economy was an important piece of that, as was an virus, as was culture, and we really want as we do this to look for this, and that is why we have spent -- it is really hard to get the staff to appear all in the same place at the same time. i can guarantee you, to have all of them fly across the continent to be here in san francisco to meet all of you and to learn not only about your work but to be
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thinking about how the work that you are doing in communities every day, the work that you are doing to stimulate economic opportunity to create connections, particularly among low-income folks, to opportunity over the long haul, the folks from our culture program and the folks from our sustainable program, are trustees are looking at that through the lens of how that affects what i am doing it and my expertise, so this is very rewarding for all of us, and i want to repeat what sean said, and that is to thank you very much both for coming to spend a few days with each other, not so much with us but with each other, and we do hope you will let us know how valuable this time is, whether valuable or not valuable, because ultimately, we are doing this for you, not for us, but we also benefit enormously from being in your presence, and we
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want to thank you for taking the time to get us learn, as well, and we want to say a quick word of thanks for the actual work that you do, because we identify areas of interest. we identified areas of focus, and we have some ideas, but ultimately, any success we have in impacting the issues we care about is completely dependent on the skills and the leadership and creativity and the really hard work that all of you do, so we want to say thank you from the foundation's point of view for being such terrific and innovative and effective leaders, and it was great. i like the shout out. i know you did not plan that, but having you all identify where you are from is an example of the pride in where you live but also a demonstration of the breadth of the sort of geographic region of the grantees. we are a national funder based in new york city. we try to balance the work in
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communities, the investments we make and work that is happening in real communities in the u.s. with a national perspective, with work at the policy and network an idea moving level, because we really believe it is that kind of activity between the real work happening on the ground and the actions happening at this sort of national and regional areas that makes real change happen. what else can i say that will interest you while we wait for a couple of extra blocks? [laughter] i want to say something about the program. this is kind of interesting, and i saw brent earlier today, and he is with a former employer of mine, and what i learned was the importance of good programming at an event like this, and one of the ideas we had at the marshall five years ago was the idea of doing sessions late at night, because
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