tv [untitled] November 21, 2011 1:00am-1:30am PST
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friends foundation. the city of san francisco post -- proposed a bond issue in 2007 approving $16 million for the branches. the friends of the library are required to file financial reports with the california state attorney general due to the way -- it is not until now we have financial reports for the decade of this public- private partnership for branch libraries. in the year 2000, it had assets of $20.3 million. by 2010, it dropped to $12.7 million. during that time, the friends at income of $35.7 million. where did that money go? the executive director alone made $1.6 million. executive level employees made $6.1 million. the library itself is reported to disclose funds given to the
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public agencies or used for its benefit over the 10-year periods for the benefit of the library, most of the indirectly. and as we know, the friends of only expanded -- expended $807,000 for fixtures and improvements. these are actual documents required under public disclosure laws. i hope you're paying attention, because this is the only accounting there is ever going to be. because the friends have no agreement with the city, because it would not answer questions -- they would not answer questions from your finance committee. as bad and as wasteful it is up for community resources, the harm to democracy is even worse. the allies cost more than the money. thank you. -- the lies cost more than
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money. president chiu: next speaker. >> hello, board of supervisors. my name is michael goldman. i am sorry mayor lee is not here to hear public comment. i know that is the policy. i am staying at occupy san francisco. there are things you need to know about. i appreciate the support this board has given to first amendment rights. the city in the meantime is trying to prevent us from having a safe and healthy circumstances by telling us we cannot have tents in places like the bank of america, claiming that is not authorized. and what we heard after that was a fence was installed by a private truck, and i found the phone number of the person or the organization that was paying for the truck, and it turned out to be j.p. morgan-chase.
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the area cannot be occupied by a j.p. morgan-chased fence, and it is segregating the public and fencing people in. is also creating ingestion -- it is also creating ingestion. the city needs to respect the rights of people where they are and to facilitate our health and safety. we need to have access to the toilets and access to sewage and bombing and things of that nature. generally -- sewage and plumbing and things that people need to live. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors.
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i am dr. joel livingston. i am a member of doctors of america. we are a health advocacy group of physicians. i am also from the center of policy analysis. president chiu: excuse me, sir, if you are going to speak on the health care security order, we will have a hearing on that right after this public comment. if you could hold your comments until then? next speaker, please. >> hi, supervisors. since 2006, a conditional use hearing is required whenever formula retail establishment applied for permanent in a commercial district beatty -- commercial district. the planning department broke the law. who did they break the law for? jpmorgan chase, one of the companies that has caused and profited from the global
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recession. here in section c of the law -- "retail establishments are defined." notice that it includes general uses, sales and services, sales and services retail, which is highlighted in purple here. retail sales and service is a category here. is a catchall category and it includes -- it is a catchall quarter -- category and includes all these things. includes other retail sales and models. it is a complete catch all. the planning department broke the law, but striking out the categories -- the affectively just crossed these things out of the lot. that is what the planning
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department dead. they claim they can choose not to choose the catchall category. this is not merely a loophole the planning department had to avoid hearings, but a total violation of the lot. i challenge each of you to read the law for yourself. we hold the planning department accountable for breaking the law up. to make things interesting, the board said -- any building that is found to be formula retail, it is subject to revocation at any time. so it is still possible to revoke the chase bank permit. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is philip hackett.
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i am a poet. and we need your help. for seven years now, we have been trying to get pens and plume off the ground. we know it would take the board of supervisors and the dpw and the sfpd and others involved to get us going better. pens and plumes would be a public project that could involve the corridor from the very building to the castro, or from columbus to pier 39.
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it would help us economically in the city to do this project. it would be modeled after the boulevard of stars. it would be the pens and plumes of san francisco. it would be a plume in the sidewalk, and every plume would be the name of a published poet, and i know there are virtually 1000 poets in this city. it is a hub of poetry in the world. i did programs in iraq, egypt, jordan, and israel, and i was
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amazed at the amount of people in the audience. there were literally thousands of people who came out to listen to their words. supervisor chiu: thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> thank you, members of the board. san francisco deserves a fair discussion about rent choice voting -- rank choice voting, it has been successful, how it can be improved, how it is not responsible for all the difficulties san francisco faces and why it is so difficult to find a better replacement. it is important to acknowledge some of the deliberate efforts to spread disinformation and create confusion about right choice voting -- rank choice
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voting. i would like to remind each of you that you are here because you are majority winners. out of you are unintended consequences. in an effort to elevate the discussion, i will note that your being majority winners does not necessarily contradict supervisor elsbernd's claims last week, but it does eliminate the ambiguity of such claims. we need to make sure that the comparisons are fair apples to apples comparisons. repealing rank choice voting will systematically and unnecessarily restrict voter choice and prevent voters from exercising the franchise they now have. artificially restricting have the campaign to just two candidates tends to create polarizing campaigns. if you want san francisco to have the polarized, dysfunctional government that we have in sacramento and washington, d.c., if you want to fulfill the dreams of the pay to
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play crowd, the folks who will do the heavy lifting in the repeal effort, if you want to push candidates through a near- mandatory political makeover in the middle of a campaign, then repealing rcv and replacing it with a delayed two-candidate runoffs will be your choice. for the rest of us, please look for ways to improve on the success of rank choice voting. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i made some comments earlier. i just want to touch on some of the last few points. the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a son and they shall call him emanu-el, a name which means, "got with us -- "god with us."
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an open letter to the ambassadors of the united states. scholars arrived one day to jerusalem acquiring, "wears the newborn king of the jews?" on november 18, 2011, at 3:00 p.m. in san francisco, a marriage ceremony has been planned. in 1978, when harvey milk was assassinated, joseph, an upright man, decided to divorce his wife quietly, unwilling to expose her to the law. this is how the birth of jesus came about. when joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the lord directed him and receive marry into his home as his wife -- received mary into his home. he had no relations with her before the time she bore a son,
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whom she named jesus. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. i am with the occupiers down on market street, and i would like to bring to your attention that on friday, we received a notice from dpw stating a notice of dispersal on two counts -- two points. the first one stating that, you know, we were in violation of health codes, and second, that we were blocking pedestrian traffic. i would just like to state that i was slightly confused that we were receiving a health notice from dpw when we received no
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notice from the department of health. second, back to a previous comment regarding the barricades that were privately funded that are on the sidewalk on the first block of market street, it seems inconsistent that we are receiving, you know, notice to clear out when there are in fact these barricades that are impeding the pedestrians more than the tens -- tents are. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i do not know how i will get this done in two minutes. i will try my best pure first, i want to congratulate ross the boss. congratulations. we go back a ways. first, before i go into this little thing, i want to invite you this thursday to the west
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bay, the human rights commission is coming to the western addition. wild, wild west. ♪ here in city hall i want to invite you all to come out. they are going to talk about what i have been talking about for the longest. the mayor, the one that really did not care -- he could go up to sacramento, but it has been institutionalized. because of the efforts of all of us, the commission is coming. you get silly down here in city hall. i am telling you all because i have been here. the thing about it is all these department heads that have been here -- they do not even coincide with each other. but i am going to tell it all because i have been here down in city hall.
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in city hall, it gets silly, y'all. in city hall, it gets silly, y'all. let me go back to the historical value. you do not miss it. the west bay, 6:00. i want you to know one thing -- it still gets silly, but i know ed lee. he knows me. we worked together when he was with the hrc. it is no mystery. supervisor chiu: thank you. [applause] next speaker, please. >> i do not know how i can follow that. hello. i am bridge fellow at the asian
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law caucus. i am year to urge the board to find a different and better solution to the closed loop hole in the health care securities -- supervisor chiu: excuse me, we are about to have a hearing on that, so if you will hold that thought, you have an opportunity to testify on it in a few minutes. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? >> i want to say i really appreciated the mayoral debate and the share of debates and the g-8 debates. we are lucky to have such great public servants in san francisco. -- the sheriff debates and d.a. debates. david, you have one of the nicest guys as a father i could ever imagine. ross, i really wish kgo would have taken my suggestion and had
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the debate on air because i do not think the results would have been different, but i think we would have had a different understanding of the different abilities of the people. i am so happy that the mayor got elected. i am so happy that david and you entered the debates and the mayor's race. i cannot say enough how -- i went over to city hall in oakland, and compared to there to here, it is night and day. i also want to say that i am car to be a san francisco resident. -- proud to be a san francisco resident. i think that occupy sf -- i hope of any actions to take place, they are taken more like oakland in the last round. i was there during the peacekeeping throughout the night. i think that was better than it was handled at wall street where it just kind of happened. people were not able to get their positions. i hope that at least in san francisco, we do a better job. i think occupy sf also has to do
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a better job with taking care and following the rules that have been agreed to. thank you very much. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> mr. president, members of the chamber, first of all, i would like to congratulate the new sheriff in town. i would like to let him know that it was a measure that he had put before this board that is working to get people coming home from incarceration gainfully employed. with my ability as a craftsman, i am quite willing to share that
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expert knowledge with you. we would be able to have someone made by the hands of people considered people of no good. once again, mr. scherer, i am willing to work with you. call on me. -- once again, mr. scherer -- sherriff, i am willing to work with you. call on me. i will answer. >> hello, supervisors. thank you for your time. i am and occupier. i wanted to bring in my poster to show you what i normally
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march with, but apparently it is a weapon, so they are holding it down at the checkpoint. up until this saturday, we have had peaceful marches. every saturday, they have gone off at 3:00 with an escort from the police. for some reason, this saturday, the police decided they wanted to change their tactics, including corralling us and trying to force us onto a sidewalk we could not fit onto and eventually roadblock us. the response to us taking back the street was having our marchers run over by motorcycles, pushed and shoved and dragged to the ground by officers on motorcycles and additional officers in the area. out of that came a news story that two officers were apparently jabbed with a penknife by a little asian lady and then ran off to the crowd and was not seen appeared i wanted to inform you guys that we have gone through all of our video footage, which includes the three blocks previous to the claim incident and two blocks after. all we can find our cops continually trying to push us
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down and run us over. i never thought i would have to do this, but i wanted to let you guys know what i now feel i need to march with in the city of san francisco, which is a skateboard helmet, so if i get knocked over or beaten, i am not injured. swim goggles in the event the sfpd decides to escalate and used tear gas, i am not injured. and also a respirator. i do not really know what is going on in the city at this point with our police. i would just ask that the board of supervisors act on their support of occupy sf and try to do what they can to roll in as mayor and the police. supervisor chiu: thank you. there's a role in the chamber the faults are not allowed to bring posters or other large signs. why don't we hear from our next speaker? >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the vice-president of
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clinic by the bay. today is a big day for us. it took 12 years to develop clinic by the bay. it provides health services to the working uninsured. today, we are celebrating our 1- year anniversary in san francisco. we are part of a national program that has 85 clinics in 25 states. we are serving the working uninsured in supervisor avalos' district and supervisor cohen's district as well as daly city. what is truly remarkable is the diversity of the neighborhood we are serving. thank you for your support and others that have helped our program. we will be there for a long time. you are a real jewel to the city of san francisco. supervisor chiu: thank you.
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are there other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none -- do you wish to speak in general public comment? ok. >> yes, supervisors. i have to ask one question. before jerry brown, our governor, became mayor over there in oakland, he changed the form of government to a council form of government. would that work here? no? question. i guess not. i have to go, i left my glasses at safeway this morning. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public comment is closed. why do we go to our 3:00 special orders. please call items 12 and 13. >> pursuant to a motion approved on november 8, the board of supervisors has approved to sit
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as a committee as a whole for items 12 and 13 for a public hearing for persons interested in the proposed amendment as a whole of an ordinance amending the administrative code pertaining to the health care security ordinance. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, madam clerk. i will allow president chiu to go ahead first. supervisor chiu: thank you, colleagues, for your consideration of this item. i also want to thank all the members of the public who are here who i know have been working on this issue for many months, as well as supervisor campos and the co-sponsors of his legislation. several months ago, i introduced an alternative version to the initial version of this legislation to hopefully better balance the health care needs of employees in san francisco while at the same time doing what we can to minimize job layoffs. the version we will be considering today -- and i wanted very much thank supervisor cohen for amendments,
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and i know she has some additional technical amendments she will make -- does a number of things. it requires employers to give adequate notice to their employees of their rights under healthy san francisco. it addresses the surcharge issue, which ensures that employers do not charge an additional surcharges on their bills and not use such money for health care if that is how it is advertised. it also makes a major step forward with regards to ensuring that additional funds are made available, rather than the current state of law, which is a one-calendar-year approach. we provide a rolling two-year approach to ensure that employers -- employees have access to health care for these two years. lastly, and i think something that is important, is that the legislation ensures that there are -- if there are any legal issues to what we have proposed, and i do not believe there would be, but in case there are, supervisor compost -- supervisor
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campos' legislation that allows companies to provide 100% of hra's -- that version will then survive any possible legal challenge. i think this legislation does represent a significant accomplishment for everyone in this chamber who believes, as i do, that there is a loophole that needs to be addressed. i think it adequately addresses that, and i look forward to the conversation today. again, just want to thank everyone for their hard work on this. i guess at this point, why don't we -- i know supervisor cohen has some introductory comments she would like to make. supervisor cohen: thank you very much. i want to thank the colleagues for agreeing to continue this item today so we can hear from members of the public. as i mentioned in my remarks a few weeks ago, the issues that have been raised in months with dialogue with labor groups, health care access groups, small
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businesses, and our departments responsible for implementing the health care security ordinance are significant. therefore, after the mayor's veto of supervisor campos' legislation, i remain committed to finding a compromise that benefit workers as well and recognize the impact on small businesses. the amendments that have been previously introduced i believe are the result of significant input from all sides on this issue. after talking additionally with the office of labor standards enforcement and the small businesses commission, i had a few additional non-substantive changes to offer today. these additional amendments accomplish the following -- one, they aggregate all of the new requirements [inaudible] that we have previously discussed into 1 sections so they are easy to find. two, list what specific details
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are required in an employer's notice to employees. 3, changes the penalties for non-compliance to $100 per employee per violation, as has been reported by olse, to be the most effective way of implementing this ordinance and makes their imposition required. four, it incorporates two of the three modifications requested by the small business commission to clarify that the timelines for notices are defined as business days and that the reporting requirements for businesses that impose a surcharge is for the entire 12 months. i would like to thank everyone on all sides of this issue and my colleagues especially for their participation and comments on this very important issue. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. i would like to begin by
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