tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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can we take this without objection? this item will be continued until december 6th. >> tele sizing -- televising meetings on the san francisco channel. without objection this is passed on the first reading. item 21. >> responding to the presiding judge of the superior court on the findings and recommendations contained on the report entitled continuity report reviewing the state of prayer recommendations. president chiu: same house, same call? >> authorizing the construction of playground structures. president chiu: same house, same
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call? this ordinances passed on first reading. we do not have any 3:30 p.m. special accommodations i am aware of. we do have a special accommodation. ok. of the two four-o'clock special orders, the first will be continued and i do understand the hearing will be held today. with that, let's move to the committee report on item 31. >> 31. that was considered by the land use and economic development committee at a regular meeting on monday, november 21 and was referred as a committee report. there is a resolution approving the release -- a lease agreement for brian cowen hill dog park. president chiu: can we take this same house, same call?
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this is adopted. >> your first on roll-call for introductions, supervisor mirkarimi. supervisor mirkarimi: this is a minute -- amending the administrative code. to conform with provisions for the assembly bill 109 regarding prisoner realignment. adding information relating to home detention and that information relating to an electronic monitoring program and exercising by no other than the department of sheriff. the rest i shall submit. >> thank you. supervisor elsbernd? supervisor campos? supervisor campos: will be hearing -- having a meeting regarding the mta's plan to deal with overtime for the legislation and resolution that supervisor farrell and i
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introduced around the issue of dealing with overtime. the mta made a commitment to come back to the board of supervisors with a plan on how to deal with overtime and we look forward to hearing from them on that plan. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor avalos? supervisor mar. supervisor mar: thank you. i wanted to ask you to join me in in memoriam of a tremendous principal and educator. supervisor campos and supervisor kim may have worked with amy. she passed away november 15, 2011 at the age of 66 of natural causes at her home. she is survived by her children, biological and otherwise.
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the father of her children and her longtime companion hector. her heart glowed with light that shines on everyone. she delivered -- she was dedicated to social justice and promoting diversity. she received her ba from george washington university and worked for robert kennedy during his presidential campaign. subsequently she became the chief of staff for senator alan cranston when she was involved with the cases of military draft and vietnam veterans. after running out home day care center, her long career in education began with the sun set co-op nursery school. she was president and she became her long tenure with the san francisco unified school district and another great school, new traditions elementary where she rose to become the teacher in charge or the principle of a progressive public elementary school.
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later she became the principal of betsy carmichael elementary in supervisor kim's district where she was a strong advocate for immigrant families and their children and served as the director of the gifted and talented program. she earned her teaching and administrative credentials that ff state. she understood the value of balance and appreciated music, art, books, and wine tasting. cooking up a storm and fine dining and traveling. always sharing the trip and perhaps gathering people together to celebrate contributions in honor -- gathering people to celebrate. contributions can be made to the san francisco food bank. i have a resolution to support of the russian-speaking population. many of you know there is a large concentration in the richmond district.
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not only russian people but russian-speaking folks from the ukraine and other folks -- areas. the national council on alcoholism and other drug addictions currently operates the first offender driving under the influence program in san francisco and through this process, they have identified a number of clients to require multiple programs at past the board of supervisors to recommend their program for licensure within the state department of alcohol and drug programs as required by state law. my resolution is urging us to be supportive of this underserved population and supporting this in our city of san francisco. also i am introducing a resolution today that encourages and supports our sheriff's department. also supporting the juvenile probation department and -- in reducing entanglement between customs enforcement. many communities have been
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standing up to support stronger public safety and to reduce fear from detainers of immigrants. entanglements with i.c.e. increase is fair in immigrant communities of coming forward to report crimes and cooperate with local law enforcement. this resolution clears of troubling misrepresentation by ice. local law enforcement agencies are legally required to comply and this is not true. contrary to this false impression, the federal policies provide that detainers are merely " requesting that local law enforcement advise the department of homeland security when an individual is due to be released from the local jail and that law enforcement continues holding the individual beyond the scheduled time of release for up to 48 hours for them to
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assume custody. this emphasizes that san francisco county is no on -- under no obligation to use its resources to enforce federal civil immigration laws and that enforcement is the responsibility of the federal government. i made of this krepol -- resolution, we will join counties and states across the nation that are informed about the discretionary nature of detainers and refuse to enforce them. except in situations where federal reimbursement is provided. lastly, it has been several months since we have been updated by the mayor's office regarding the state of negotiations between the mayor and california pacific medical center. this proposed expansion could result in a loss of critical services to some of our most valuable residents. it is important to get an update before the end of this year and before the end of -- december. this is my second motion to schedule a hearing on the
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status of negotiations. because so much is at stake and i believe all of us should have the opportunity to participate in this hearing, i am requesting that this is scheduled to be heard december 13 at 4:00 p.m. the breast i will submit. president chiu: i am introducing a hearing request review. at various times in recent years i have asked our arts agency to provide information about how different grant and program funds are going to our various communities. i believe that san francisco could do more to support a greater cultural equity. recently our controller's office completed a review of the arts commission. this report along with recent leadership changes at the arts commission provides us with an opportunity for the city to take a closer look at equity issues. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you. supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: thank you.
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today i am introducing legislation making a number of amendments to the campaign finance ordinance. this legislation came up through the ethics commission through their public outreach process. i am sponsoring as a request of the ethics commission. it would do a number of things. most of the items are clean up and consolidation. some of the primary features are the following. first, right now, there is an aggregate contribution limit which is $500 times the number of races on the ballot. it was $65 a year before. it was an arbitrary and ever- changing number and especially with ranked joyce boating, --
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choice of voting -- it makes it difficult to do that so it would eliminate that limit. it would also take the $500 contribution cap and in the future, index it to the rate of inflation which would result most likely taking five years to 10 years for it to go up by $100. it would be a very slow increase. the cap has not been raised since it was implemented almost 30 years ago. it would make a change to the public financing ordinance, that would make it easier for candidates to incur compliance costs particularly with accountants right now, with strict spending cap, it would provide incentive not to spend money on accounting and legal
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fees to make sure they are complying with finance laws. because of every penny you spent are legal, -- this would create a separate account that would be audited and would allow spending on compliance costs and that would not be subject to the regular cab. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor cohen. supervisor cohen: thank you, colleagues. today i will be introducing to simple items. the first is establishing the art and special design use district. this will facilitate the expansion of one of our city's most innovative and important educational institutions. the california college of arts. the second piece i'm introducing is an amendment to the campaign in the government will conduct code. the department of election shall not certify any disbursement of
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funds seeking election in november of 2012 until the redistricting task force has completed the revision of the district. we're interested in participating and every district -- in the redistricting process and this is important to ensure that our public financing dollars are allocated appropriately. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor kim? seeing no other names, mr. president, that concludes roll- call for introductions. president chiu: let's go to general public comment. >> this is the opportunity for the board to -- public to address the board. including items on the adoption without committee reference. a portion of the dead and excluding items which have been considered by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to have twice the time to testify.
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if you would like a document displayed, please state that and remove the document. >president chiu: stop the corporate-our first speaker. >> the privatization of our public library depends on dehumanization. like the rest of our in corporate society. in order to counteract that dehumanization, i would like to acknowledge when i pass a major birthday. i will be 65. if you have been told how long i have been doing this you do not need to be a genius to figure out i was 27 when i started. when i became interested in the san francisco public library, my generation was conscious of the invisible chains that enslaved people and we thought ideas of justice would reform society.
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among offers -- authors like george orwell who wrote a " down and out in paris and london." also, r. d. laing. exposing the fact that in a capitalist society, people suffered psychological effect from dehumanizing politics. i thought it necessary to expose the mechanisms of repression that i believe for unleased on people to protect economic self interest and corporate greed. it is an almost unimaginable horror. i have a picture of what i looked like in those days. i'd barely believe it is me. i remember taking the picture. [bell] my parents changed over the years. one gray hair at a time. the corporate influence peddlers could not to be any better. they're just too corrupt. i'm still fighting for the
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decency and access to reason to which that slightly lost youth was entitled. i would never turn my back on him because democracy exists for one when it exists for all. when our society collapses, that is when we realize the lies cost more than the money. president chiu: thank you. and great picture. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i was at the flea market, i got the best job i in san francisco. 25 cents. the free-market. -- free-market -- flea market. it wcould have been john avalos, anyone i could visualize on there. and -- ♪ you decorated my city life by not putting plastic bags over the place ♪
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♪ in made it look nice ♪ you decorated my city life ♪ and you made it turned out, you made it turned out right ♪ ♪ and you made this city look ♪ and you fixed it up great ♪ ♪ in all of your night -- might ♪ ♪ what a day for daydream ♪ ♪ i have been lost in a daydream wondered about my city bundle of joy ♪ ♪ even if time is passing the by and all the budget has gone by by ♪ ♪ at the budget is really low. you get a pie in the face ♪ [bell]
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♪ ♪ the center went to the mighty king ♪ do you hear what i say ♪ music nig ♪ and they make it turn out right ♪ captioned by the national captioning institute ♪ make it turn out right ♪ president chiu: next speaker, please. >> the whole world is the stage. i was here last week, some of you might recall. i was here to give you a briefing on formula retail law. i just gave a summary of it, i thought it was pretty gripping. we will decide if it is gripping by how many of you decided to go back and refresh ourselves with it this week. that was one of my challenges was to refresh your memory is
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by reading the law. did anybody? >>they are on board with their efforts which we appreciate. the formula retail thing that i was talking about last week, the law was broken by two entities, the planning department and it was chase. one of those i am ok with saying was a mistake. the other was more for the benefit of the big corporation. i think we can figure out which is which of their. if you have not refreshed herself by rating formula retail law, it is a great holiday read. it is something to be thankful for, for thanksgiving. it is amazing landmark legislation that was passed in 2004. matt gonzales led the way. it said san francisco is this unique place, let's go ahead and make sure we protect that and we
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protect small business's ability to thrive here. they're going to get priced out by these big box stores and big corporate entities. we will give people the right to talk about it. and the planning commission with a conditional use hearing and the planning department decided that they did not have to honor the general categories. it was meant to be a catch all. any standardized decor and 11 or more stores in the u.s. and chase falls into that category. we have been occupying for -- 401 divisadero as the service and telling them about credit alternatives to big banks. it is a great thanksgiving rate. i am not being sarcastic. join us for our christmas carols -- [inaudible] president chiu: think you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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everyone knows who i am, so there is no need to see my name. i would like to thank tony hall for his run for mayor. he is a good example of an honest politician that was unfairly treated by corrupt influences in the city of san francisco. he had the courage to run again to show that you cannot keep a good man down. also i have some random thoughts i would like to put forth for the record. i would like to know how many supervisors have seen the movie "j. edgar." the fbi is supposed to be the good guys, not the bad guys. is it true that during the recent election cycle every prominent chinese politician was seen with a knife in their back? i kind of thought that was an interesting thing, even though some people said the knives were invisible, except for us
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astute observers. thirdly, i would like it known that it is true that charlie chan is alive and well in san francisco and is actively working at an interesting job, and also i would like it known that i am one of the few people here in san francisco that actually believes that eventually, there will be the return of eliot ness and he will set foot inside city hall. [bell] one more thing i would like to add. all those people down at justin herman plaza should remember that a certain person did not live up to their word, and consequently, in my opinion, destroyed the goodwill and reputation of all honest chinese throughout history. now, all i hear when i talk to people, especially from the eastern part of the united states, is, why should i trust you?
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you're actually chinese. thank you. [bell] >> ladies and gentlemen of the board of supervisors, my name is john palmer, i am a 20-year san francisco resident and a 15- year small business owner. i am here to talk about rank choice of voting. a distinguished supervisor among you told me, it is the political consultants in this time who hated because they cannot figure out who is winning. they cannot serve their clients the way they want to. political consultants are nice people and all, i am sure that. please consider the rest of us and what makes better elections for the rest of us when you vote on this issue. critics are blaming ranked choice voting for low turnout. nationally, turnout is down.
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did you know san francisco ranks among the largest 22 cities in america regarding turnout at the most recent mayoral election? i have the data for you and i will leave it for you. there's a lot of talk about majorities. you have to pick your poison on this one. your choices are between exhausted ballots that have averaged 19% in the contest for have exhausted voters. the 37% fewer rudder shall run. december runoffs where nobody votes. that is the real disenfranchisement. did you know that in the runoff between 2000 and 2003, in eight out of 14 contests, the winner of the first-round had fewer -- the winner of the runoff round had fewer votes than the winner of the first round? it is that exhausted voter thing again. 37% stake in -- the homstayed hn
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december. speaking of low turnout, the same consultants would love to see this on the june ballot. special interest money goes a long way when you want to get those low turnout races. i contend -- [inaudible] just ask the voters. thank you. president chiu: thank you. >> supervisors, tom gilberty. three years ago, exactly, the noise control bill was in passage between here and the mayor's signature, it became law christmas morning. it was the first legislation for noise in decades. we appreciate tom. in between his first and last
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name, i consider him lionhearted. if you see him, passed along. i had issues with that. my issues with that bill are the 5 and 8, dess newble increases and the 55 and 45 noise limits. reasons why 5 decibels, if we have 1000 units of noise in that neighborhood, five changes that to 1500. 50% gain. eight nearly doubles it. why are we adding noise in buildings? architects can design and build quiet buildings, better machines, better designed, acoustic modifications, we all remember noisy neon advertising signs, we all remember the era when the car alarms were raging. we can modify these things, we
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can change these things. right now, we have an epidemic of buildings just dumping noise and the only process in the city to adjust that is by complaint and the complaint goes down if there is 55 decibels of noise daytime, the department of health will get it to that level. and how much noise is 55 decibels in your neighborhood? i do not want you to sleep with that. they want to reduce it to 45 for the night. the only problem is, at 45 decibels, even with your windows closed, you'll get noise. and you can get noise in your apartmentñr with a rating of 36, 37 decibels with your windows closed and there will be abuzz across the street. why can we not catch these
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sources at the source? surely we can do better. it is something new. it is called forced air heating and air-conditioning, hvac. we can modify this. we are such a treasure to live here. i really think we can keep this noise out of our environment. this would be a good time to do it. thank you, happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. unfortunately, there are people in san francisco who want to regress, to roll back recent advances in democracy, who want to restrict the voters who want to get rid of ranked choice voting. they say it has not delivered
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majorities, not true. they tried to play semantic games but if you do a fair comparison, and apples to apples comparison, the solution is worse. they tell us the turnout was lower than it was four years ago. no, john diaz, it is not true. this was brought to san francisco with the promise it would bring more voters to the polls. that is not true. the promise was to complete the voting in typically higher turnout november elections. even for mayoral runoff, more often than not, the december runoff had lower turnout. the december 2003 polarizing runoff was the extreme out liar. the exception that proves the rule. it has lived up to its promise. they're not clamoring for five more weeks of candidate debates and another trip to the voting booth.
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