tv [untitled] November 23, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PST
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it encourages all contractors to bid, whether union or nonunion, and have specific procedures for the support of small business. along into print or employees to the program to the project and also, through the joint administrative committee, bring the unions to the table if we are having difficulty meeting small business participation goals for them to win and be part of the dialogue about how we can for the public -- promote small business participation. can the other elements include compensation provisions, uniform work schedules, holiday schedules, across the trade, safety and training, we have a safety and training program administered by webcor/obayashi for all workers coming onto the site.
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pla also include drug and of all tests provisions and also provides that if we need to put in place a background check program clearance program, workers on the project we can also do that and implement that. it lays out the management rights. these are the minutes and writes a sign to the contractors working on the program. it just out lines those. it promotes, as maria mentioned, the apprenticeship programs. there has been a lot of work over the last month to expand the apprenticeships and pre- apprenticeship programs, particularly with the san francisco school district. tjpa, the building trades council will be partner with the school district remote pre-
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apprenticeship programs, including a multi-trade core curriculum in district classes, educational tools for students of our project site, internship opportunities, tjpa participation in a printer should job fairs with the schools. through the unions, into their apprenticeship programs for graduates of the school district program. the program also extends to adults. we're trying to work with the unions to try to promote opportunities for underprivileged and up -- underrepresented membership in the unions, working with cdo's to identify candidates for those apprenticeship programs. on apprenticeships in general, state law out lines provisions
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for apprenticeships hours, pay rates, so forth. a threshold here is to have one hour of apprenticeships labor for every five hours of german labor on the project. the apprentices will be graduates of state certified apprenticeship programs that are administered by the trade unions. we plan to come back, as maria mentioned, to the board, to provide quarterly reporting on the apprenticeships and pre- apprenticeship programs and the efforts we have been engaged in and to monitor and report on progress of the contractors, unions, on referring and enlisting apprentices on the project. that concludes my presentation on the pla. we recommended to the board for adoption. happy to answer questions you
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might have. director ortiz: i am sorry i was done here the lost time, but you discussed it in october. i have a couple of questions. director reiskin mentioned something. reporting done about the jobs created? >> that is correct. if you look at the last resolution results clauses and the resolution, we will be doing it. director ortiz: as a partner of this, contributor of funds, ac transit representative, i would like to see the breakdown geographically of where the jobs have come from, number one. i would like to see the ac transit service area in the east bay to have the ability to access the jobs that will be
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created. on the sbe program, number one b, city and county of san francisco certified, what happens with sp's from other areas like east bay or the caltrain area? >> the program adopted by the board recognizes not only the san francisco small-business registration but state gsa sbe business registration. also, the state dbe registration. we have ways for local and regional small businesses to be recognized and participate in our program.
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>> director, i wanted to respond to your other comments regarding the breakdown. we are a federalized project. we do hire regionally and we have members on this board from other counties. east bay, san the tail, -- san mateo, santa clara, and even the proposal at the federal level as part of the jobs action that included the provision on local hiring, adjacent to the project site, so it was never just about strictly within the place where the pride is being constructed. we are definitely tracking regional. we will be providing that to you. director ortiz: we would love to provide accessibility. >> santa clara, san mateo. director kim: now we will open up for public comment. >> we have public speaker cards
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from mike brown, danny campbell. if there are other members of the public, please line up. >> good morning, directors. michael brown. senior agent. i wanted to complement again maria ayerdi-kaplan and bob, the lso wanted to remind you, local 22 has been rebuilding sanlocal francisco since the 1800's. you want to continue to do so and we're looking forward to building the project. also, on the helmets too hard at part of the program, i am a veteran. tomorrow is veterans day. i would like to see this pla past. >> i just want to take the opportunity to take you for your work and leadership.
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giving your upcoming retirement, making so much for all that you have done. >> manny flores. local carpenters 22. tough act to follow. on this project ever agreement, it has proven over time, this can be two things that it could bring. coming in under budget and time frame. very important. we look for your support. on another note, the last time i spoke, going back to the high schools apprenticeship program. i am happy to report by senior agent, williams, who will be replacing mike, we met with the principal at john o'connell high school.
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we did get a sneak preview of their new building. it is exciting. we were impressed. we had a good meeting, when back to our pre-apprenticeship program. as i say, baby steps. we are excited. commissioner, i will be coming to you for advice. any help that you can be to me, so -- we look for your support on this pla project. director kim: thank you. >> danny campbell. >> good morning, madame chair, director, members of the board. danny campbell. she metaorkers' local 104. i applaud you on all the harvard you have done in putting together this pla. this will ensure the taxpayers would get the best value for their tax dollars.
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as the slide show, the benefits of the pla. i urge you to support this pla. thanks. >> eddie ahn with brightline. >> good morning, directors. first of all, let me start off by saying bart line supports the proposed pla on the transbay terminal. we wanted to particular thing belabors and carpenters for introducing the agreement to make sure that this agreement works, to make sure that it is union work as well. union benefits and wages are key to ensuring mobility for low income communities, as well as making sure the construction work itself is maintained at
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critical standards. we do have one concern. we were hoping it would be addressed today as part of the discussion, moving to the pla board. that is making sure, if the federal government decides to change its current prohibition on geographic preferences, local and regional hiring are incorporated, and that the parties are able to come back to the table to talk about local and re as director reiskin and director kim pointed out in the last meeting, we saw indications, positive indications, that the federal government can potentially change its position on local hiring, which is a ronald reagan-era band that exists. there are two examples of this. the obama administration level, there was a report called reading pathway to opportunity in 2011, which describes how local hiring is a job creation strategy at the local and regional level. there are also comments by fda administrator peter wrote off.
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those were made in may. those also indicated that local hiring was an old ronald reagan- era practice again that deserves revisiting, and he indicated for fda and the projects, as well as products under the jobs plan, potential regional hiring and hiring practices can come to life as well. given all the hard work in this pla, we hope the parties will commit to undertake another effort to engage communities to greatest extent possible. to that end, we are encouraged the transbay court powers authority has taken steps to incorporate new clauses that were mentioned by the previous presenter on these particular concerns, including regional hiring. we would also like to propose an additional clause, perhaps, that transbay joint powers authority staff will commit to lobbying federal government to this and extend the los angeles county mta, metro staff has, making sure that federal prohibitions on local hiring can be
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revisited. in conclusion, pla's for a critical tool to make sure we deliver high wage benefits they we are not negotiating, but we are knowledge and will mix of parties to come back to the table when the federal government lifts its ban. director kim: thank you. >> ramone hernandez. local labor 261. >> good morning, directors. on behalf of my members, this is one of the greatest pla's i have ever seen. i have to think area. she put in a lot of effort for
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the perhaps quickest pla that has happened in history. i think we did a great job. this pla can put thousands to work. not only in east bay, san franciscans, all over the bay area. it is a really good pla. i forgot to mention, everything that will be put into the building, that facility will need to be made in the united states, which is really good. i hope you support all of that. thank you. director kim: i noticed many of your members are here. would you like them to stand in support? thank you.
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>> james bryant. >> good morning, directors. >director kim: we called mr. bryan be we will continue to call the names. >> james bryant. western regional director. have done a very fine job, maria, you always have done a fine job around the city. you continue. i am impressed that you all have been very good about looking at what is important about making sure this project works in a very professional way, in a very financial responsible way, and bringing all the unions together, including mike.
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that is a joke. let me express, if at all possible, if you could saee any federal changes to keep the door open. i come from a community that has very high unemployment, and we would like to use this as a possibility of changing, not only the status of someone's common life, but the status of a community's life. this project has the potential. i am impressed with the categories that you all have diligently talked about. those categories including, where you need to start, which is where the youths are, the high schools, in developing folks with apprenticeship programs. i am impressed. i support this project. i think this community will
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wholeheartedly support this project, and i say that this is a regional project. we respect all regions, whether alameda county, san francisco, san mateo, all of these regional counties will be impacted by this work. again, i want to stress, you all have done something that i did not see in the near future that could be done, and that is putting something fantastic together. kudos to you and i support from my organization, not only locally, but nationally. director kim: thank you. >> we have a couple more cards. if you want to speak, line up or submit a card. >> good morning, and directors. i am a community advocate for chinese for affirmative action.
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representing chinatown and we would like to support the pla. we would also like to see stronger local hiring provisions on this project labor agreement. in that way, there will be more doors open for job opportunities for underserved residents of san francisco. thank you. director kim: thank you. >> good morning, everyone. jackie plan. we are also in support of the pla. -- flynn. we feel the current pla is in line with product standards and is being completed on time and on budget. we appreciate that. we would like to see, as my colleague said, more definition around the apprenticeship programs, opportunities for disadvantaged residents. we would like to see a realistic, measurable goals for
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targeted hiring and community unregenerate recruitment. thank you for your time. director kim: thank you. >> good morning, madame chairman. i am here to speak in support of the pla, in appreciation for the work of the board of directors, their attention to detail, and genuine concern for the safety, security, and welfare of the workers on the project. with that, the operating engineers and represent 40,000 active and retired members across northern california, nevada, utah, hawaii, and i represent the workers in san francisco, marin, and san mateo counties. it is a product that provides a lot of work for our members.
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we send out workers from those three counties first. it is a regional project, and it is a great opportunity for us to get this economy, to get our members to work. thank you. director kim: because several of the community advocates have brought this up, it was something that was brought up in the last board meeting, if there are changes to federal law allowing regional and local hiring targets, would you support a reopening of discussions, if that occurred? >> currently, we are putting local workers to work. director kim: yes, but would you consider reopening, if there were federal changes that happened? >> we would have to look at the proposed changes. director kim: right. it would just be a discussion.
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if you do not do, will answer the question, that is fine. >> obviously, we can discuss the proposed change, but the nature of the change -- director kim: exactly. thank you. >> michael terio. san francisco building trick council. i think we're around 7% higher. that has been a rational approach to the question. we would be open to discussion of formalizing that, if and when it became possible under federal law. one of the things i most excited about is something that has developed in the last month or two in this discussion, and that is the tie to the school district shop programs. for 22 years, we in the trades have been pleading for a restoration of these programs in our schools.
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they said generations of workers into our trade. finally we have that. i came to tears when i saw that shot building open up. the fact we are going to cooperate through trades and tjpa, helping those shop programs, is great. i know the district is thrilled by it, and so are we. thank you for your work. we look forward to your approval of this document. director kim: thank you for being an advocate at the schools for bringing shop class is back. is there any other public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. we will open back up for discussion amongst directors. director reiskin? director reiskin: thank you. i will join in commending the director and staff, the labor unions working together on this. it was a tremendous effort in a relatively short period of time to come up with what i think was
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a very good framework and document for moving those projects forward and provided good opportunities in the process. i agree with almost all the public speakers, that there are great benefits that will come from having this pla in place. i am very appreciative also to the staff for the work that was done between the last meeting and this, working with mike and the school district on the apprentice side. i had not realized until you mentioned in the intro, the addition of the resolve clauses, which i think are extremely helpful. i think it is our obligation, as the board, to make sure all those benefits that we have all talked about, that the staff reports, lists, and that we all want to see happen so that the document is a good framework and
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we have a chance to hold ourselves accountable so those are realized. i think reporting on a minimum is a start down the road. all i would suggest, and i am certainly ready to support this and to approval, i would suggest with the board's conference that we direct staff to identify a specific things that we will be reporting on. for example, the cover sheet says if we adopt this we will enjoy substantial cost savings. that is a ". i think we would love to see cost savings, risk of delays, speedy resolution, support for small business programs, the apprenticeships hours. we have heard and reminded that the law requires trade and contract on how we're doing, and
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to ask the committee, the four- person committee to come back with corrective action plans to the extent that any of the targets are not being meant -- met. to have a framework would give us something to measure against. beyond that, i think it has been a great effort, and i look forward to supporting it. >> thank you. your comments are addressed. it says we will report regarding implementation of the pla. that covers the various provisions. if you look at the next clause, it covers the print and ship components, so it is all covered. we would be quarterly reporting on all of the key provisions that have action items attached to them. that is covered and result causes. >> i appreciate that.
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all i was suggesting that up front we agree on the benefits we're touting we're born to get from this, how we will see that in the reporting, that we agree on reporting from work up front to give more specificity, and the addition is excellent. >> they do. ank you. many of the provisions are listed in 7.7-7.12. many of the cost savings and support through small businesses we would like to add in the quarterly report. that is covered under implementation. so it is already covered. director>> i would also like tok
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staff and labor for coming to this. i personally have a skepticism that i want to convey about the addition of more local hiring preferences. some of these are thoughts i have come paid -- conveyed in the past during the city local collier discussions, but i think in particular for this project, i have even more skepticism. there are working-class people and unemployed people in san jose. they are as deserving of a chance at work as residents of san francisco. i do not want to be part of pitting working-class communities in one city against another. furthermore, this project is not a local project. it is being paid for by taxpayers of california and the
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entire united states. as we began to focus on ways tp ii, we're going around the region say this is not a san francisco program, that they should help pay for it through all kinds of mechanisms. i do not want to give them any ability to save this is actually a san francisco project and should pay for it ourselves. i think the regional targeting has more logic to it, but even there i have skepticism, because the definition of region is very arbitrary. a working-class person who is just outside of the boundaries, i believe it should have a shot at the work. i do not want to see san francisco residents shut out from the opportunity to work on jobs and other cities as they implement their own local
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