tv [untitled] November 24, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PST
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management. that is the group that is really looking at designing the on- water racing activities and officiating the racing. there is quite a buildup that we are witnessing to the 2013 event. the ac 45 catamarans i talked about earlier are in the process of a world series series of events at different locations around the world. basically, it is an opportunity for the various competitors to learn about the new catamarans and to hone the skill of racing in these votes. we have had a number of events in portugal, the u.k. coming up. san diego is happening right now. the port hopes to learn a lot from what goes on in san diego,
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and the america's cup world series will actually come to san francisco in august 2012 for two world series events back-to- back. and additional dates are going to be announced as the schedule progresses. in 2013 is when the real deal happens. the louis vuitton cup will occur in the summer months. an opening event will be on july 1, and racing between various competitors, which they will graduate to at that time, to determine who will take on oracle racing in the match, which will occur in september 2013. that will be a best of nine match. i have already talked about the 45's and 72's.
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70-foot mast height, and the speed of these votes will be 55 miles an hour or more. this is the proposed race area in 2012. it is hugging the san francisco shoreline. this really illustrates well why san francisco was selected to be the host city. it is because of the ability to take advantage of the natural amphitheater of the bay with viewing locations extending from peer's 27, 29 on port property on up through christie field. slightly bigger proposed base area in 2013. in each case, you see the blue line to the north of the race
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area. that is the no. shipping channel, which the event organizers and coast guard intend to stay open so that shipping traffic is not disrupted by the racing activities. it is really going to be a made- for-tv event. they are using some of the sports technology that has made hockey or other sports more accessible to viewers so that people can watch and understand what is going on -- you know, who is in the lead and where they have to go on the race course. now, let's get into the approval discussion. ceqa started in late january/early february, with the preparation -- with a notice of preparation. the ceqa team pulled off an amazing feat in getting a draft eir out in july.
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2000-page document analyzing both the event in 2012 and 2013 and all the construction activities associated with it, and the cruise terminal project. but the construction of the cruise terminal and long-term operation of the cruise terminal. about a 2000-page document with 2000-plus pages of comments. there is a great deal of attention on this secret document, and responses to comments are being prepared right now by the ceqa team. publication of the final environmental impact report could take place as soon as the beginning of december. eir certification -- we are aiming now for a mid-december certification hearing at the planning department. it is not just ceqa that is required for this event.
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because of the various federal approvals by the coast guard, by the national park service, by the army corps of engineers with respect to building certain things in port jurisdiction, compliance with the national environmental policy act is required as well. the national park service and coast guard are the lead agencies with the army corps of engineers and the presidio trust as cooperating agencies for that effort. the goal of that effort -- and it is a goal -- is that nepa would conclude with an environmental assessment. rather than an environmental impact statement. in order for that approach to hold, the analysis would have to avoid a finding of significant adverse impact. the federal agencies would have to [inaudible]
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assessment to be published. that would occur in mid-2012. the agreement requires a number of plans to be developed. mainly by the city. a few by the event authority. this has been a very successful way for the public to engage in certain aspects of the project. i will highlight a few that have drawn the most attention -- the people plan was the first big plan that was developed by the office of economic and workforce development in conjunction with sfmta. peter albert was here earlier tonight and led the effort on the plan. very comprehensive look at how to expand transit service to hit
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the demand for some of these peak race days along transit corridors, along the waterfront, and to the waterfront, coupled with bicycle access and pedestrian access strategies and satellite parking strategies. that people plan had been through a number of public comment where they have responded to comments and has been formally accepted by the event authority. the other key plants that are under development right now -- some of the critical ones that we think will attract a lot of attention are the park events operations plan, really addressing how the park areas will be treated and cared for during the event. the water and air traffic plan, the sustainability plan, and the zero waste plan. each of these are going to go through that same public, --
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comment and rewsponse to comment period. ceqa is relying on these plans to establish performance standards in some cases that will allow the city to avoid impact of the event or minimize those impacts. now it is my turn to apologize for a slide with too many words, but the commission approvals are numerous. the first leading action is the adoption of ceqa findings and a mitigation monitoring program. the commission will review the seir. we will be presented with proposed findings developed by staff in consultation with the city attorney's office. that would enable successful -- successful adoption of those findings would enable the commission to consider and
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approve the disposition and development agreement. just harkening back to the host and the new agreement, there was a basic premise that the city did not have enough capital to be able to prepare the waterfront for the america's cup and that in lieu of that, to the extent that the event authority could bring private capital to improve port facilities that we would do what we normally do with respect to long-term development, which is to provide a long-term lease -- in many cases, rent credits -- as a means of repaving that private investment. it is a way to enliven the waterfront, and it is the strategy that is really the basis of the waterfront land use plan. the same is true with the america's cup. the disposition and development agreement with describe the long-term relationship between event authority, and attach to that would be the new leases for
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the short term use of port property during the event -- would be a venue leases. sometimes they start right after the event, sometimes later. the last up to six months after the event is over. possession for most of the sites would likely return to the port in 2014. part of the cordele is a transfer agreement to transfer seawall law 330 c title from the port to the event authority. it is part of the basic deal between the city and even authority where if they spend $55 million, the city will transfer a long-term lease. we will also ask the commission to consider an even relocation plan. this goes to the many tenants.
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we are going to hold the america's cup and provide -- these need to be moved to another location. this is a requirement of state law. the event relocation plan has been shared with tenants so that they have ample opportunity to review it. then, there would be also endorsement by the port commission of a resolution of an intention to form an infrastructure refinancing district. this is a lot like the redevelopment area. it enables the capture of tax increments to fund public improvements on the waterfront and is a requirement of the host and a new agreement. finally, there would be concurrent approvals associated with the cruise terminal project that is planned and will be a major part of the america's cup village.
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there are a number of other city agencies that will act. i mentioned the planning commission and earlier will certify the ceqa document. recreation and parks commission would have to approve the use of marina green. david will show what some of the plant uses are there. there is a goal of having a helipad on treasure island, and the treasure island development authority board would have to approve that lease. the municipal transportation authority would approve the people plan, and the redevelopment agency would have to approve any potential ac-34- related activities in the area, and there are a few of those that are planned. the board of supervisors approvals are almost as lengthy
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as the port commission's. they would have to adopt a resolution of intention to form an infrastructure financing district. they would also have to adopt ceqa findings. they would have to prove the long term development agreement between the port and the city, and then all of those plans that i mentioned earlier are likely to be subject to board of supervisors approval. finally, they would have to adopt by ordinance and infrastructure financing plan and form that infrastructure financing district. i just want to go back to this. we think that these actions are likely to take place in the later january 2012 time if the timeline for the certification holds -- the certification hearing holds. then, you may have been reading some in the paper about the bay
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conservation and development commission approval. they have started the process of considering some of the america's cup approvals that are required, and there are basically two forms of approvals. one -- there is the hope that there will be a lot of large spectator vessels that will come to san francisco bay. there are a number of locations at pier 27 in the northern waterfront at pier 9, just north of the ferry building area. pier 14 is that public walkway just to the south of the building, north and south of that, and then just south of the bay bridge where those vessels would berth on a temporary basis. also, the ac 45 adn ac 42 catamarans need to moore around pier 42. they have to amend the plan in
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order to allow that activity to go forward. they would also issue a major permit for the entire event, and we will talk about that a little bit more in this presentation because part of that major permits will require some permanent public access improvements to port property. i will breeze through the federal and state approvals. the army corps of engineers typically approves construction activities in federal waters along the port's jurisdiction. we are consulting with both the united states fish and wildlife service and the national marine fisheries service to look at impacts on endangered species listed at the federal level. national historic preservation act compliance with respect to historic resources.
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the state lands commission will weigh in on dredging activities in some of the waterfront areas through adoption of the lease. the regional water quality control board takes a number of actions with respect to the event. there is section 401 water quality certification. there are construction permits, storm water pollution prevention plans, etc. california department of fish and game is looking at impacts -- potential impacts on state listed species, and the bay area air quality management district will have to act on some construction-related air permits. there are non-construction- related promotions that are required at the federal level as well. these are principally the park service through ggnra and san
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francisco maritime historic park approving the use of the field and aquatic park as primary event locations. presidio trust may have to act with respect to some areas, and as we discussed earlier, the united states coast guard has to issue a marine even permit and a special local regulation governing activities on the bay. these permits are the focus of kelly capone's efforts on behalf of the port of the city. it is very complicated work. that is sort of the overview of the approval process. now, the fun part is to see what is going to be happening at the different venues. i would like to invite david to come up and talk about that.
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>> good evening, commissioners. thanks. i am sure we did you have seen some of this information already presented, so i will not spend too much time, but i did want to walk through and talk about some of the changes we are making. we're making some slight modifications. we are not doing anything drastic, but some of these plans do have some slight refinements. in particular, this one is a little bit difficult to see. working closely on insuring public access. there is an interagency working group that has been providing
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input into the purveying process, and out of that, bcdc has been a participant, providing public access long after the event would occur. the yellow places are indicated where some of the temporary access would be. we will do closeups on these so you will be able to see better as we go along. again, some of the changes here -- basically, after the race, and this will also be the very last slide. i will circle back to this again. you can see some improvements. basically allowing public access and improvements that are still being worked out and discussed. brad touched on the race course.
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as he had indicated, that there is a much smaller racecourse within this bigger blue and white line -- this is what was presented, but the race course itself really is about where the finish line is and then goes over to about where golden gate bridge is. 2012 stays pretty much on the west side of alcatraz island, so it is fairly close to the shoreline. in 2013, it is slightly bigger than that. you can also see the red dot deadlines on here where it says spectator boating areas. both inside where you see the transit channels going through their as well as along the waterfront, and the ones that are along the waterfront in particular are still being discussed. there is concern that the votes being allowed to park in those might block views from the shoreline. those continue to be discussed in more detail. the larger vessels are for the
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to the back and on the other side, and we will have some 3d images so you can see what those look like. in 2012, the main difference between 2012 and 2013 -- these are all the locations where things are going to take place -- really centered on the marina green. the marina green will serve as the main village for america's cup. things like hospitality and entertainment and media, etc., will be there. i will walk through the plan and each of these areas in more detail. we are dealing with it in terms of getting nps an clearance required for that. aquatic park. after some them cut to ensure that there is enough activity in aquatic park, so we will be discussing that a little bit. then, we have piers 30/32, which are planned to have the basis
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for the team spirit of it is not done in time, hear 80 will be the team basis, and i will walk you through each of these areas. just to bring some clarity, there are other locations such as alcatraz island. in the lower right-hand corner, you can see when the time is planned for this. this will only be used in existing facilities in the evenings if the event authority decides to have some private event, so there is no spectator viewing or anything planned for the island using existing facilities for a few evening things within the course of the race period. we have the same thing here. we would just use the pier, and they would set up a temporary tent. you would still have public access along the outside, and it would be used for functions, and he says between 10:00 and 5:00
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p.m., and it may go a little longer, but it would not be on an everyday basis. it would be set up, have the event, and take it down again. there's also some tv locations and satellite dishes that will be located here in locations that would obviously be discussed and worked out for those appropriate approvals. so here we are. we did start this process working very closely with a lot of them but, making sure that limiting the impacts -- that is why you see all the activities here, the program activities focused on the center, so we would have bleachers. those bleachers' their under number two in the yellow, that would accommodate roughly 4800 people. you can see a tent there for some activity, some concessions and some other things. you can see under number four, a book display. a really big part of this making interactive is having some of the books on display.
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in this case, this would be not one of the racing votes but one of the votes in a previous race. you can see an even stage, and we also have concessions. we also discussed the fact that we have to have under items 7, 8, 3, 5, and 5, having enough restrooms. having enough areas for safety and red cross, etc., to cover the crowds that might be expected through this area. as you can see, most of this still allows public access, and the park can be used in the way it was designed to be used during an even. we are now going over to east christie field and west green marina area. portion of this is still on nps land, mostly the left hand side where you see the yellow line going from top to bottom, separates with that boundary essentially is. under item six, again, we will have bleachers, approximately
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seating 1400 people. what is different about this plan at a slightly different than in the eir , for instance, is working through this and showing the desire to have public access and circulation around that. that is something we have been working through, insuring that the facilities are properly placed. again, these are all temporary facilities. in this case, we would all be taken down after the race. one of the requirements to use the land, and we're working closely with them to use some educational programs. here, we have the marina green. 2012 will be the main village, which is different. in 2013, that will shift to a
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rigid to pierce 27 through 29. this is really the center of activity that is going to take place here, in particular long waterfront. you can see the temporary docks installed right in front, and you can see under no. 13 there, those are actually race votes that would come out of the water. we would have a crane their, temporarily located to bring the votes in when they are not raising and right when the race starts, they go into the water so it is clear and open. they are essentially collapsible cradles that can be moved to the sides of it allows the area to open back to the public to allow them to you. we also have hospitality tents. we have concessions. some of the things we have been doing also is responding to the number of in-water things. we have reduced some of the docks and some of the way the attenuators and things like that in some of the programs, so that has been reducing the amount of
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in-water impacts. we originally had 15 maury locations, and we're down to 10 in the water there -- we origlook like when it is -- [no audio] >> ok, david. very good. >> this is now a perspective of the marina green, what it might look like when it is set up. there's still, beside the large tents, which have somewhat transparent side, they're still quite a bit of circulation of public access. main concept was to allow transparency through from the street side out to the waterfront and not block views. you can still see through most of the land here. another perspective here. you can see golden gate bridge. again, these are temporary facilities allowing a lot of you transparency right through. also in 2012, using existing
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facilities at fort mason, under one there, would be used for private events. no new construction or anything like that. two and three would be for media operations and international broadcast center as well. aquatics parked -- this was discussed quite a bit. there were a lot of commons. in particular, what you can see here that is different -- you can see the hatch area allowing the people from the dolphins club to swim and the rowing club. we were just trying to bring clarity. that was always the case. in this case, we have moved the video barge that is still propose, further back. basically, that area in the center is to keep people out of the area in the center, but you still have the public circulation for swimming and for non-motorized votes along the edges as well. discussions with nps have really
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encouraged to look at the visitors and see if we can capture more people in this area in particular just because it already has the natural amphitheater already built in, and it can accommodate people fairly well. so here we are at pier 26, 20, 30, and 32. tent is to use 30/32 for the set up. you can see people have to again allowing public access through their. that was a clarity item to ensure that was there. then, basically, you have the behind-the-scenes things that would take place as well. again, if this was not completed in 2012 in time, this would be set up at pier 80. here is a view of what that will look like. you have two cranes that would again be lifting the votes in you have two cranes that would again be lifting the votes in
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