tv [untitled] November 29, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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with that, why don't we go to our adoption calendar? my apologies. i neglected to call the 4:00 special item. >> public hearing of persons interested in the decision of the planning commission additional use offer -- conditional use authorization to install antennas on mission street. also, items 18, 19, 20. supervisor campos: i would make
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a motion to continue this matter to december 13. president chiu: there is a motion to continue these items to december 13. i understand i'll be a 3:00 p.m. special order. >> on december 13, we currently have a free o'clock for the fillmore community benefit district. president chiu: why don't we have a second 3:00 special order for that day, given that it will be the final meeting of the year? with that, supervisor campos has made a motion to continue and there has been a secondary let me ask if there are any members of the public that was to comment on the motion to continue. seeing none, public comment is closed. on the motion to continue, if we could take that without objection. that will be continued to the 13th of december at 3:00 p.m. now to the adoption calendar.
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>> items 21-28 will be enacted on by a single roll call vote on last a member requires an item to be discussed separately. supervisor elsbernd: item 24. supervisor chu: 71. president chiu: if we could take a roll-call vote on the rest of the calendar. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. collapse there are 11 aye's. president chiu: these
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resolutions are adopted. >> to support a full legislative process for the 2012 farm bill. supervisor elsbernd: i moved to continue this for one week. president chiu: there is a motion and a second. if we could do that without objection, this item will be continued to the 22nd of november. madam color, can you read the in memoriams? >> this will be adjourned on behalf of supervisor kim and president chiu for the late ho. on behalf of supervisor avalos for the late jesse morris. president chiu: is there a more business in front of this body? >> that concludes our business for today. president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned.
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agenda items, members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. is there anybody that wants to address the commission? sit down. seeing none, we'll go to item number two, review and approve the minutes of july 12th -- july 26th, august 9th and november 8th and having reviewed said minutes prior to the meeting we do not have the sufficient personnel here necessary to approve them. so -- >> july 26th we can. >> july 26th we can? that came under question that there was only three people here. oh, ok. all right. i'll have a motion then. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> second. >> call the roll. >> commissioner hyde? >> here. commission 234er joseph? aye. >> commissioner newman? >> aye.
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>> thank you for that. moving on to item number three, reported the executive director and sound technician -- >> good evening, commissioners. i don't have a whole lot to report. it's been a couple of weeks and i've been out most of that time, out of the office, but i did want to remind you that we are involved with this event on the 29th of november. it's a joint mixer with the film commission and the entertainment commission and the grammy association at rebel again on the 29th of november from 6:00 to 9:00 so if anybody would like to calm. it's the first hopefully of many that we'll do to interact these creative communities and see what question make flower forward. other than that, do you want to
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talk about -- yes, you do. it's your turn. >> sure. commissioners, i also don't have a lot for you tonight, one few high notes, one is, we had an incident at fluid about two weeks back that was a fight that started inside the venue that was pushed out on to the street and restarted which ended up kind of sliding into a full scale brawl. units were called in. and d altercation was broken up. unfortunately, two people were sent to the hospital, with nonlife threatening issues but pretty seriously beaten up. since that incident, myself and deputy director nicholas king looked into the issue, we've talked to both sfpd, managers
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and representatives of the venue. the venue was violating their good neighborhood policy. and we updated their reviced security plan from fluid. and -- revised their security plan from fluid. one was how to deal with altercations meaning pushing both parties insued outside into the street is not the smartest thing to do and two, aparently, party buses, there's up to three party buses involved in the altercation that evening. and so we wanted an update on their policy, around party buses. they were going to no longer allow party buses at their venue. we'll continue to watch them and follow up on them to see if that is actually the case. officer mathias is here from
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central and he'll talk about some of the issues that have happened in central station. one that i will bring up is the ambassador club which was an issue the club had with two patrons. security escorted the patrons out in the process one of the security guards was punched in the face, actually had his known broken. once they got patrons outside, it escalated to a threat of violence and coming back and shooting people and security and staff called sfpd, arrived on scene and took care of the situation. and i bring it up because it's an example of what should happen in that security they did their jobs, they es cored someone out of the venue and when they felt that it had escalated to eavepb more dangerous point, themselves and the public in general, they called the police and the police came and did their job and that's how -- that's what we've been advocating what we're talking about should
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happen. so that's why i bring it up. that's about it. we're looking -- and if you're looking under the complaints that were currently following up on, you'll see there's a few in the rich mon, over the last month we've been able to -- we have a new permanent officer throughout and he's very interested in being proactive, so we've actually gotten some time on the struents with units and richmond. we've been able to do some good work out there. so that's about it. >> ok. thank you. i just want to inform for the next item, inform all the commissioners that officer mathias is not in trouble and been told to sit in the corner. police department comments and questions? >> good evening, commissioners
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-- >> you're not on. >> hello. very good. >> good evening. steve mathias from central station. quickly go through a couple of different incidents that happened within the last two weeks. november 13, a wallet was stolen from a purse. november 12th at the bubble lounge, 714 montgomery street assault with an aggravated weapon. a patron was denied entrance. he later came through the correct door and attacked the bartender from behind punching him in the back of the head and throwing an object at him. he was arrested. at beso november 20th at 2:15, victim left vesle and was walking over on stom stockton and bush and he was a victim of a strong arm robbery. unknown if he was followed from vesle.
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advantage, we've talked about that. i won't go into that any further. the last one was assault aggravated with a gun. this is a weird one. we're still looking into this. i was talking to vage about it. it happened at 46 gary in front of lot 46. it was about 1:15. two officers were going north bound on curny street near gary. and they saw this guy running in the middle of the street. they stopped him and he said he had been shot in the back of his head. he had blood in the back of his head. they called for an ambulance. they went in front of lot 46. they didn't see anything. he was taken to the hospital and they found as they put it -- the victim said that he -- he was breaking up a fight and he felt a hard object hit the back of his head. he turned and saw a lady with a hand gun. the victim then ran away. it was determined at the hospital the victim was not
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shot. he sustained a right angle laceration to the back of his head. so most likely it was pistol whipped or hit with the back of the gun. vage has contacted lot 46 and is looking into that. and we have our inspector's bureau looking into that as well. questions or comments? >> commissioners? >> no. great. thank you. >> have a great thanksgiving. item number five hearing a possible action regardsing existing permits in the jurisdiction entertainment commission. item eight, 1525 mission, amendment to the place of entertainment permit. nick? >> the applicant has asked that it would be continued through december 13th. >> ok. this is the one right down here where they had the issues of planning -- >> are they still working on that?
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they're still working on it. it's almost resolved. >> ok. do we have to take a vote on that or just continue it? [inaudible] >> a motion? >> i move based on the applicant's request to continue this item. >> second. >> commissioner? >> aye. >> commissioner joseph? >> aye. commissioner newman? >> aye. >> item number six, comments or questions. >> i just wish everybody a happy thanksgiving, gobble, gobble. >> so i just wanted to say that we had another meeting of the broadway ad hoc. thank you for all the speakers and people who showed up especially the neighbors. i think it went pretty well. i mean, i got a lot of information out of it. i hope everyone else did.
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also i -- at this meeting a lot of complaints about the party buses came up. so i took the initiative to contact senator leno as well as david chiu's office and i've gotten responses that we will be looking into these party buses and see what we can do about their reign of terror. so -- i think that's it. >> ok. well, thank you for delving into all these issues. i know we hear repeatedly that for years knew the party buses have been a major problem. so i appreciate your efforts to see if we can curtail that. ok. item number seven, new business requests for future agenda items. we have any? >> yes. >> ok. >> one i was wondering if the western task force was scheduled to come in december to speak. and the second one was that i
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think the broadway ad hoc would like to present at the first meeting in january. >> i have no problem with that. ok. ms. cain if you'd schedule that. and anybody else? before we recess this meeting, i'd like to inform the public that the december 27th meet willing be canceled. that concludes the entertainment commission's november 22nd meeting and thank you for coming. and have a great thanksgiving.
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>> ok. meeting is called to order. >> [roll call] thank you. item two," of minutes for the october 25, 2011 meeting. -- approval of minutes. >> motion to approve as submitted. >> second. >> motion is submitted. all in favor? minutes are approved. >> item 3, public comment on executive session. item four, executive session. >> is there a motion? >> so move. >> second.
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>> we will be in executive session.>> aye. k. of a vote not to disclose the closed session we just had a few minutes ago. i so move. >> all those in favor of the motion? >> please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. by the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the reading of or use of cell phone, pager, or similar sound- producing electronic device. please be advised that a member of the public has a to 3 minutes to make part of public comments on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter time on any item. 7a, executive director's report.
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>> i see we have five items on the executive director's report. the first item are wanted to introduce -- as you know, the port has an annual legislative agenda that we used to focus on our priority projects. the special projects manager is responsible for that effort, and he has a couple of key introductions and acknowledgements that he will present. >> special projects manager representing a special project group. this year was a banner year for
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the port of in sacramento. it was really due to the efforts of assembly member ammino -- ammiano who cared for two critical bills this year, one that allowed the poor to capture additional tax increment financing associated with america's cup sites to be able to help finance the cruise terminal project, which is our leading project right now. it was an extraordinary ask in a difficult year and tom and his staff navigated the process to get that bill over the finish line. and then we had ab 418, which was a bill initially to help pier 70, a project that many court staff were pouring their hearts and souls into. a 65-acre site at the foot of petraeus hill -- of potrero
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hill. there were some very complicated public trust issues that needed state legislative action in order to let that development will forward. tom and his staff carried that and late in the day helped us to work through some public trust issues associated with the america's cup as well. you may not all know, but i was staff to tom. he had to put up with me for seven years. [laughter] but i wanted to say to you, you are a dear friend, a mentor to me. it means so much for me to be able to work with you, even now while you are up in sacramento. on behalf of all ports staff and i'm sure the commission as well, i want to thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you very much. i do want to tell you that in sacramento, the port is held in high regard, particularly because of people like mr. bentsen who come up and argue the case. sometimes -- republicans always professed love for san francisco, but when it comes down to it, they are quite different in their support. on this one, they came around, and we really felt good in it. i think what makes this a little specialist our previous governor vetoed the affixed bill rather poetically, and i rejected his veto and has offered. being a good san franciscan, like we all are, i came right back with the same bill. it has been my honor to continue to work with the port. this is truly a treasure of san
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francisco. it has been overlooked for a long time, and i know all of you are dedicated to making this a world-class port, and you do have the staff that can help you do that. thank you very much. >> before you disappear, we have a plaque. hope you have some room on your wall for one from us. in recognition and appreciation for uncurl of commitment to the port and 34th america's cup effort. as brad alluded, it really goes back more years than just this past year. i think we're very fortunate that when we sent you up to sacramento, we brought brad over here so you too could continue to collaborate. you have really been the dynamic duo as far as giving us so many more errors in the quiver. we really are grateful. >> thank you so much. it means a lot.
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>> [inaudible] [applause] [laughter] >> the thanks do not stop there. you know, at the port, we are working with a complex set of laws and policies that are really designed to make sure that we maintain a public waterfront, that it is here for not just san franciscans, but people are around the state to enjoy in a variety of capacities, whether that is recreational or maritime or the other endeavors along the port -- but people around the state to enjoy. there are two agencies with whom
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we have to work most with in order to accomplish our goals. they are the california state lands commission and, of course, the bay conservation commission. we have here today representing the california state lands commission grace kato, representing the executive director and the remainder of the staff. i want to emphasize that if we worked on ab 418 and looked at the issues pertaining to the pier 7 development and also the america's cup and how we could pull off the deal that america proposed to enter with the hosting the new agreement, we confronted some public trust issues related to the san francisco waterfront that were really new and different than we had ever encountered before. the creativity of state land staff, their commitment to help us to come up with solutions
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that would help the waterfront, the ability to help us navigate the legislative process -- they are really trusted by the legislative staff of in san francisco -- up in sacramento. really amazing and remarkable. we cannot thank you enough. grace, i would like to have you up here. so -- [applause] >> apologize for my voice. i am actually losing it on the drive down here today. but on behalf of curtis and jennifer, we would like to commend port commissioners and staff in regards to having a wonderful relationship with the state lands commission. we really chairs that relationship, especially in scenarios like ab 418, where there are some very difficult issues that come up for us, but i think our history shows that our relationship of respect and
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open communication has actually fostered some early positive development and redevelopment of the san francisco waterfront. we look forward to many more opportunities to work with the commission and with the ports staff and again would like to commend staff for all of the hard work that they have put into all of the issues around the waterfront and thank you. >> thank you. do not go away. we are an equal opportunity plaque-giver. in recognition specifically approved for jennifer and yourself for extraordinary creativity and waterfront stewardship. again, we also look forward to continued cooperation and collaboration with you. i think we all have the same goal, and it is very rewarding and satisfying to have that kind of partnership, so thank you.
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[applause] >> commissioners, the next item is also related to america's cup here and i guess where beginning to see some of the benefits of having the race here in san francisco. the america's cup event authority has selected aquarium by the bay as well as other leaders in the estuary and ocean conservation research and sustainability as partners in their healthy oceans project. there was a kickoff for that on
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october 17. this is part of the america's cup effort to indicate that this is more than a sport. they want to build on the reputation the san francisco has as a model of sustainability by putting this program together, and they have the ambitious goal of a multifaceted outreach program related to it. that would involve public service announcements, identification on all america's cup votes, and also, multiple out -- events -- multiple outreach events. it relates to clean regatta standards as it relates to the base as well as environmental stewardship. the program will be part of all america's cup events and will be prominently -- the paraphernalia will be promintl
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