tv [untitled] December 1, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PST
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it was adopted by the board of supervisors in 2009. the sfmta approve the process in their resolution. and the board of trustees has unanimously approved this as well in a meeting on june 20, 2011. the apartment -- the apartment found it consistent -- all of these items are part of the board filed. i am joined by lisa from the office of economic work force development. she has my personal gratitude for her tenacity to keep this moving forward and i am pleased to finally get this final piece of the puzzle for you today. i am happy to answer questions you might have. supervisor mar: seeing no
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questions, let us open it up for public comment. anyone like to speak? we have hannah stewart and brittany hammond that have signed up to speak. >> walter paulson. ♪ oh, city, take a look at me no you are there on the floor wanting me to have better land use now ♪ ♪ don't go thinking of want collegi don't want better college districts maybe i do ♪ supervisor mar: miss stewart, miss hammonds, please come forward. >> my hame is hannah stewart.
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my comment pertains to the first issue being the proper release me of the intersection of ocean avenue college district. i believe the development for a public plaza for the next 75 years, it will benefit the surrounding community under certain conditions. they can be beneficial if it contained a more natural landscape and even worked toward a community garden where neighbors of the community college of san francisco can attend. if it contains benches and tables i believe it will bring the students to study and me go outside rather than being contained to and in your library -- and mingle outside rather than being contained in an indoor library. there are numerous restaurants in ocean avenue, and it will
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give them a place to sit outdoors and properly dispose of the leftovers. it will that a fund -- benefit from it. [inaudible] the sentence is the planning commission certified the final environmental and back report in which supports another reason why this should be granted. granting sufficient funds so they can relocate the muni bus. this public plaza has the potential to bring surrounding communities together in a place for students how to interact in a more natural landscape. i look forward to hearing the outcome and hopefully one day visiting the plaza. supervisor mar: thank you. >> i'm brittany hammond from san francisco state university. i am here to kind of understand how public hearings work. but also, i'm in support of the
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plan, because i feel like it will be a good way for the city to kind of have more community vibe. it is easy for people to just go to work and go home, but i think it will have an opportunity to have a nice green space. i think that that's really important. there have been studies done about people that have seen green spaces and it relaxes them a bit more. i think that is really good to go ahead with it. supervisor mar: thank you. is there anyone else that would
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like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. to the san francisco state students, this is a good opportunity because the planning director is here. there is a great proposal for the expansion of the museum of modern art as next month. the development you're talking about, there are a bunch of different agencies that are involved. who controls the plaza will be the community college board. that might be another local body to look at as a plan in the future. lisa who is from the office of economic workforce development, a great use of this transit oriented development as mr. updike explained. so, supervisor wiener, can we move this forward? thank you. mr. young, claall items 2, 3,
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and 4 together. >> amending the section planning tocode to change the classification from public to downtown support district. from excuse residential to public as part of the san francisco museum of modern art expansion project. supervisor mar: we have a number of speakers -- >> two more to read. ordinance amending hunt street as part of the modern art museum expansion project. ordinance of amending the 40 -as part of the san francisco museum of modern art expansion. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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i am happy to say that we are in a position to bring approval before you before the region for the expansion of the sf moma. this project is the result of an innovative plan to swap between the city and the sf moma > . they continue the certification under a number of approval actions. we are here to ask this committee to approve the action and forward them on to the board. sf moma plans to build and expand the museum to house the fischer collection and generally expand its collection. sf moma has already acquired the old college building and acquire fire station number one. sf moma will demolish both
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structures and construct a new wing. in return, the museum will build at no cost to the city, a new fire station and a superior location at 935 fulsom. this proposal is win-win for t he city. it allows them to provide for the fire department, a brand new fire station that is superior in its physical layout and location. in terms of the economic benefits of the project, these are only items that can be easily quantified, museum expansion alone will generate 1100 construction jobs. the annual ongoing contribution in terms of property and sales taxes is expected to see $1 million. and the fire station itself, it exceeds the value of what the city gives to the museum by $10
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million. the city is basically getting a gift of more than $10 million. the overall schedule for this project, above the museum and fire station is completion of the fire station in 2013. completion of the museum expansion in 2015. i would like to as representatives from planning, real estate, and the fire department to discuss this and we'll be available for questions. >> i'm john from the planning department, and i am excited to be here today. kevin will go over the specific actions that the planning commission tuck. i want to make three points about this project that we agree as a pretty exciting one. it is quite consistent with the vision put forward many years ago for the yerba buena area to
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create a cultural district and the expansion of the museum, it's very consistent with that vision. we always like it when plans are carried forward to the future. that is exciting. and secondly, the transit center district plan, we are completing trans bay terminal. when you look at these plans together, it makes for a vastly increased and vastly improved public environment. unexciting part of the city for the downtown plan that suggests the downtown grow. thirdly, i want to make a comment about the design. the final design of the department has not been approved by the planning commission as of yet. we think that this design is very innovative in many ways, taking a very unusual -- not
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only incorporating the needs of the museum, but increase public access to the site. it is a huge plus to tehe city. for a number of reasons, we are pleased to bring this before you today. i will ask kevin to address you. >> i'm kevin gai with planning staff. supervisors will lead to approve the zoning map amendment that resounds 76 hours straight, the existing fire station from -- residthe amendment is necessaryo incorporate the property and a to facilitate construction of the fire station.
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it will revise them out to reflect the relocation of fire station number one. -- the map to reflect the relocation of fire station number one. the environmental impact report adopted findings under the california environmental quality act and the objectives and policies of the general plan. the commission also made a recommendation to the board of supervisors that they approve the request of resoundinzoning. if it's granted by the board of supervisors, the commission will review the detailed design of thesf moma expansion. i would like to introduce john updike that will introduce in the location of hunt street. >> good afternoon again. hunt street under what was
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mentioned earlier is one of two city properties to be delivered as part of the exchange of parcels. it must first be vacated. that is the action of for you to consider a -- for consideration. -- before you for consideration. it is 30 feet wide. on the overhead, a look at hunt street. there we are, cross-hatched. it is disconnected from third and from howard . the street serves as a parking area from firefighters' first asian -- for station one. additionally, the street provide supplemental loading and valet parking and access to the
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w hotel. there are no facilities or utilities in the streets. as the hotel and enjoys directory access elsewhere and as one of the improvement measures -- and it addresses and concerns about one of the uses of the third street easement area. sf moma is meeting the terms and conditions. in regard to other owners and proximity to the area. i recommended proceedings is it is unnecessary for non- motorized transportation. no public or private facilities are in place in the public interest and necessity are furthered by this. secondly, just for context, to clarify things, you may have noticed in this morning's
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examiner a shot of " was purported to be area b to be vacated. this was not the area of hunt street. this lies beyond what this photo is showing in from third. here is an aerial shots, that view, was along this section. an area of the vacation is right here. we will see how it is disconnected from the rest of the grid. here is chief fields. >> think you for being here. >> thank you. i would like to tell you why san francisco fire department is looking forward to moving into the new fire station at 935 folsom st.. fire station 1 located at 676 howard st. is inadequate to meet
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the safety needs of the south of market and the tenderloin area that it serves. first, the station is poorly located, located at third and howard streets which is congested 24-7. the station is too small. it was designed to house the arson task force. it had to apparatus bays and three pieces of equipment. two of them are parked in tandem. if the rescue squad were to get a call, the engine would have to drive out into traffic on howard street. the rescue squad would leave and the engine would have to back in. this causes an incredible amount of congestion. fire station number one is obsolete that when the 1989 earthquake hit, the doors proved inoperable. living conditions for that
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firefighters at the station are unacceptable. that was designed for an arson task force of approximately three or four people and they have 13. on any given day. dopw estimated the upgraded $9.50 million and it would be too small and poorly located. fortunately the city would not have to make this poor and investment. sfmoma is constructing a new firehouse which the purchase. the new location on folsom is better for us but more importantly, it will enable us to provide better service to the sixth straight corridor and the tenderloin. those are the areas of the calls we have and it should be noted that fire station number one is one of the busiest stations in the nation. sffd and mom have been working together.
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it is site -- designed to meet the expansion stations. once the station is completed, sfmoma will turn over the keys in the property will belong to us, the fire department and the city. supervisor mar: can i ask about this? >> the more fire, the more medical calls. we have had opportunities to meet our neighbors. we have been to clementine neckers, so -- cares and the south of market community. we had a chance to spend the afternoon on a fireboat with some of those -- the residences in the area of folsom street. through these meetings we learned our neighbors have some real concerns about how our operations are going to impact
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the day-to-day living. the fire department is committed to doing all we can to minimize our impact while providing the best level of public safety to the community. for example, this project includes a commitment to signal controllers to give our vehicles right away at fifth street and sixth street reducing the need for silence and horns enabling our engines to run silently until they reach the intersection and they're on their way. we work hard to be good neighbors at all our stations and look forward to a good relationship with our new neighbors at the folsom street fire house. action will bring closer to groundbreaking. on behalf of the san francisco fire department, i hope you will echo the boad of the fire commission in it -- and support the action before you. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. we have the director of the san
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francisco museum of modern art. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is greg johnson. i will let him know i was acting on his behalf today. i serve as the expansion project director and on behalf of the museum i am grateful to have the opportunity to speak to you today. we are a great deal -- a great deal of information has been presented and we're thrilled by the process and the ability to reach this milestone. we would not be here if it were not for the tremendous about overwork. this has been a fantastic partnership. we're extremely grateful for the efforts that have been put forth. you are familiar with the proposal so i will touch on a few highlights to present to you today. natalee, sfmoma has on average
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650,000 visitors a year. a unique factor about that is almost 100,000 of those visitors come to the museum free. we offer free programs, free education programs and access for children from schools and so forth. the ability to expand our facility and grow and increase our programming for the education programs antelope more children and other groups to come in and attend the museum for free is important to our mission and the goal. not only will this building and the expansion allow us to display and showcase the fisher collection but we have a growing collection that is increasing. we've received 280 other gifts and donations. that will help us balance and strengthen our modern art program which will be one of the largest in the country. the proposal has benefited from
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a lot of great support from public agencies, neighbors as well and the design the architects have worked on is we believe extremely creative and thoughtful of the neighboring area and as the director said, one thing that has been a key focus of this is to look at the neighborhood, to look at the transbay terminal, look around the entire area and engage the area around this building. it is not simply about enlarging a building for expanded our programs but is to engage in transformed the area. one of the most unique design characteristics is that someone could walk down third street and enter into the existing atrium, arise a set of staircases into what we're calling our new entry court and walk through that area free without paying, walk past a large gallery which fronts howard street and exit into howard street. the ability not only as i
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mentioned from earlier but some of the free programs, someone can walk through the museum and engage art in a variety of aspects free is a unique trait which expresses the goals and vision of the museum. as i mentioned, we have a tremendous amount of support. we have been working with our neighbors in the immediate area as well as in the larger context of the district. we have been working with the meyers family who owned the building at 161 natoma. we provided clarification that was requested at our most recent planning commission hearing. we also have been working with management and the ownership of the w hotel to address how we can work with them not only during construction but after construction. and as described by mr. updike, the existing condition of the hunt plan, we believe our design
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will improve this condition because the firefighters, the cars from the firefighters will no longer be there. we are extremely appreciative of the support we have received today. we're also extremely excited. this is a big moment. for the city as a whole. supervisor mar: this fisher collection is the reason for the expansion but there are other pieces and collections that are included that will benefit from the expansion? >> that is correct. supervisor mar: it sounds like a w hotel was using the lane for loading and valet services but you think the vacation of the street and other improvements will improve the situation for the hotel? >> today, the current situation is if you look at the photographs that were put up before, you see a series of cars along hunt street.
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the access is across our property. without the cars, we would be cleaning up that area. supervisor mar: thank you. >> thank you. this diagram here, this is sfmoma. this is the existing building. the firehouse. this shows how a number of cars are parked. >> and the college building is owned by the museum of modern art? >> that is correct. you can see the vehicles traveling down natoma will have to cross the natoma parking pad then -- rather than across hunt street. because of the vehicles that are there. in the proposed condition, you
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can see that the footprint of the building cuts across a portion of hunt street but the rest of the cars are gone. and clearing up the area in terms of access and turn around and so forth. i also have a variety of letters of support which i will provide you. no further questions? supervisor mar: i was going to see the website has a good video and also a lot of good information. it seems like a transparent process and december 1 is when the design will be unveiled by the architect. >> there will be something later this week. on december 1. thank you. >> that concludes our presentation. we're happy to answer any questions at any time. supervisor mar: supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: i do not know if you would be the appropriate person. i know we have -- the w has
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raised concerns. i think there was a last-minute request to continue the hearing. if you could maybe respond to those concerns and also -- have been going on for some time. >> the key point is in the additional land disposition and acquisition agreement. that the board approved last year. contingent upon these approvals. there is a clause that says the swap between the museum and the city does not close until the city is satisfied for access for the w. access it is being -- access is being provided. between that clause which we
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control and the fact the museum building is built to continue to allow that access, we feel like we have a comfortable situation. the museum is talking to the w now and by the time the clauses which is -- we have to be satisfied as a city that the access was a program. even though you approve the vacation by your action, it does not go into effect until lancelot closes. -- land swap closes. the vacation would not occur. we are protected their and we would recommend moving forward. supervisor mar: i wanted to ask, the letter from the w hotel is
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saying the vacation of hunt street will be to the detriment of the killer and pedestrian circulation. if you could go over that again, just why this is an improvement for their access. >> i am not sure if i am the appropriate person to go into the details. i do not know if john, do you have the diagram? i'm going to need someone with the diagram. supervisor mar: that would be helpful to what is through -- what is through -- walk us through. they are citing a provision that provides the city must maintain a strong presumption against the giving up of st. areas for private ownership for use in the relief shelby recommended which will result in detriment to vehicular or -- [unintelligible]
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