tv [untitled] December 2, 2011 11:00am-11:30am PST
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our game to the world. i would like to address our ceo, jeffrey hunt. >> thank you, mr. mayor peter i am the ceo of title games. it is an honor to have you and everybody here today to welcome you to our new home. also, today is a very great day that we're celebrating, we closed our latest round of financing of $10 million, which is an exciting milestone for our company. it is a startup founded on a simple principle that quality, creativity, and originality rules all. to us, quality and creativity is reflected in the art, technology, and the entertainment that we craft. our goal is nothing short of revolution many facebook games, but to achieve this, we require the right people and the right environment. when thinking about where to establish our headquarters, our top two concerns were the
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ability to find top talent and the desire to surround ourselves with like-minded companies. simply put, san francisco is the nexus of technology and creativity. creative individuals, be they engineers or artists, love living and working in san francisco. what is more to recruit -- recruiting talent from neighboring counties, let alone at countries, is an easy sell since working in san francisco is a lifelong dream for many people we want to be the next great technology success story for san francisco. san francisco deserves more companies like twitter, zynga, a pivotal last, companies that are high-paying at a time when other cities and countries are trying to reinvent themselves. other city in the world competes with san francisco when it comes to the people that live here. san francisco's vibrant and
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creative culture makes it the ideal environment for innovative start-ups like this. when you combine san francisco's people with the forward-thinking policies and efforts of mayor lee, there is simply no other choice for a company to call home. thank you very much for your time, mayor. >> thank you. [applause] >> thank you, jeff. now i would like to introduce edward hyatt from pivotal labs to migrate south for company, that will be moving into the building in [applause] a few] >> thank you in shatila for inviting me. we have just least the floor above this, the fifth floor, the whole floor, and we will move in in january. very exciting. we're currently in the bankrupt building over on market street. we have been there about four years. we're busting at the seams right now. there are about 85 employees in that office. about 150 worldwide. we have seen huge growth over the last two to four years.
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we were actually founded in san francisco in the late 1980's. we have helped hundreds of local clients, start-ups, small names and big names. we have seen this acceleration in growth in the tech seen in san francisco, especially south of market. we needed a bigger space to move into. the interesting thing about us is that our growth depends on two things. one is enough clients locally to support the growth. in of tech startups. and the ability to hire quality people locally. we are our people as a consult the alleged insolvency. we have seen amazing growth in the tech industry. silicon valley has always been a great place to be. san francisco seems to have really taken off, especially in the local start-ups seecene over
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the last few years. it will continue to grow and will continue to exist for five plus years. in terms of hiring, i want to echo the previous statements about the quality of people that we find in san francisco. there is a war on talent with software developers. we continue to find amazing and motivated people. experience and passion you do not see anywhere else. we're confident and comfortable in signing a long lease like this. we used to be in the flood building and then the bankrupt building. and now here. it is an obvious step in our evolution. we're very excited. thank you. [applause] >> thanks, at root canal i would like to introduce victor coleman, the ceo of hudson plaza the, the developer of this great building. >> thank you. good morning, and welcome. thank you, mr. mayor. as a landlord in san francisco, we're very active landlords.
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to sit here and have the ability to have time as tenants is pretty gratifying. we will see how the relationships go. but we hope we grow. we hope that we are attentive. i mean to have ideal tenants like this in our portfolio. we're active and aggressive in san francisco. we're a huge landlord now. we believe it. it is only here in soma. we believe in the marketplace and the people. we believe that is why we're here. it is a great way marketplace. our portfolio expertise is throughout california. this is a place that we see the most amount of growth. when we have pivotal tenants like that that want to grow in our portfolio, and makes guys like us to have our day-to-day jobs pretty easy. the fact a san francisco today is seen the evolution of growth from social media, technology,
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media entertainment right here in our backyard is really a positive sign for the future growth of employment growth, development growth, and future successful companies coming here. hudson is that it is here for the long haul. we're proud to be the owner of this building and many others in the marketplace. we hope you continue longstanding relationships and bring your friends down here and these more space from us and our properties. the mayor and i would be happy to see that happen. thank you very much. it is a pleasure. welcome to our property. [applause] >> before i entered as the mayor of our great city, a well-liked and let everyone know we will have a brief q&a following his grief talk. if you have questions regarding today's announcement, please feel free to ask. if you have questions regarding anything else, please save that for later. i would like to thank the mayor for coming to our office today. it was very exciting and a huge deal. it means a lot. our mayor, edward lee.
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>> thank you. [applause] thanks for being here. you know, jeff, what you're talking about, and edward and victor, this is a reconfirmation that our policy in san francisco is really working. almost on a weekly basis. we have another tech company coming in, taking up space, and creating jobs. our practice has been and our policy in the city that -- has been that we want our tech companies to start here in san francisco, stay here, and to grow with us. we're growing those jobs tremendously. take the gaming company, for example. if you months ago, you were in 5000 square feet summer. here, your 33,000 square feet. you have 63 employees. in 18 months, is what i understand, in the next 18 months, you're going to grow from 63 employees to 185. that is exactly the type of growth that we need and want to
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have here. some of the other ones, whether it is play haven or pivotal labs or kiva, which will be able to see because they're knocking out walls already and doing stuff. it is kind of funny, because i was here about a year-and-a-half ago and my favorite pasta place downstairs. we were actually looking at this space when the aquarium was going to relocate back to the academy. we were looking at this as a possibility for our medical examiner's office. because it had laboratories but ultimately, the determination was it was not enough space here. i am glad, because the location is absolutely perfect for technology companies. it is located very close to all the main thoroughfares. people can bike here. the have the public transportation. the have access right across the street to all of our large conventions when they're in town. it will be easy for them to
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access as well. i think the tech companies are becoming the largest conventions that we have in the city. it is one of will to see this here. this whole building is going to house some 93,000 square feet already with space up to 625 technology jobs right here in this building. i am excited about this building. but i will tell you, our real- estate experts have told the city there's 40 additional technology companies looking for 1.9 million square feet of space right here in the city. that is equivalent to four trans america buildings put together. so we have in front of us a very big need, but it is one that we're glad to fill. i am so happy that we signaled it would companies like twitter and others that we are a willing city to accept our technology starters to start up here. and we will revamp the payroll tax, to make sure that as you
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grow, we're going to be job- inducing, rather than job- punishing. we signal that with the board. we signaled that we're willing to also get the exemption to companies that were just turning ipo to make sure we were not punishing their growth as well. these are reflective of the very business-friendly, very big incentive for investment into our city. that is what the other cities need to learn. if you're going to get these jobs and of these companies here, you have got to be investment-friendly. you have to have policies reflect that. and you have to do the help that our of is that economic development is doing what hutton properties. working together to support not only the real estate part, but i know the technology companies want to focus on their business, focus on the development of their products. so the more help the the property and a real-estate companies can do by way of connecting them up with great spaces, spaces that can be
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interactive with the other companies, the more ingenuity their engineers are going to have. this is an exciting time. our policies are working, and i am excited that this is another example. next week, we will probably have another company name it -- moving in that we will get to announce enthusiastically. the social gaming irina, technology, those are the new jobs, along with bio life sciences. they are the first -- they're the 21st century jobs. i'll be working hard with our educational institutions to get our work force is ready. part of my 16-point plan is to also allow people in their mid- career is to be able to learn the skills and make sure they take advantage of our city colleges and change what are underemployed now to new employment opportunities at the technology field will offer. we're doing everything we can to support this. you see the results here. i know that idle games and
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pivotal labs will stay here for a long time. there will be hiring great talent, and we are here to support them. thank you very much. [applause] >> as i said, if you have any questions pertaining to today's announcements for either the mayor, jeff, victor, or edward, please ask away. anyone, anyone? do not be idle. [laughter] if not, i guess we will proceed with a tour of the office and check things out. thank you for coming, everyone. really appreciate it.
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as a tv, we are ady to begin. -- sfgtv, we are ready to begin. captioned by the national captioning institute >> good morning. this is november 16, 2011, and this is the abatement appeals board. the first item on the agenda is roll-call. [roll call] mar and clinch are excused. we have a quorum. all parties giving testimony today, please stand and raise your right hand. do you swear that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, to the best of your
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knowledge? you may be seated. each appellant in the case is going to be allowed seven minutes to speak. in turn, they get three minutes for rebuttal. each person who looks for publ . item c, continued appeal for an order of abatement, case 676 -- 6747, 11 1/7 geary boulevard -- 1117 geary boulevard. >> does someone want to make a request first? >> i am the attorney for the appellant. the appellant and the department have met and worked together to resolve this matter to facilitate resolution with the matter being an additional two
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months so that we can finalize resolution. >> commissioners? >> move to continue. >> is there a second? >> second. >> all of those in favor? >> continuance granted for two months. >> next item, please. >> ok. >> item d, case no. 6752, 1743 12th ave. the action is to reverse the order of abatement. >> my name is heather wolnick -- >> may i ask the department to
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speak first? >> good morning, board members. we have a similar situation as the previous case. we have a letter sent to you to decide if that is appropriate. >> commissioner? >> i made the move. >> this one is requesting a continuance as well. >> do you have a request to make? >> the length of the continuance, we are asking for three months. there is an arbitration in january. we would like to move this to february. >> what are you hoping to do in
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three months? >> there is a dispute between two adjoining owners related to the retaining wall and there is a binding arbitration. they have been in a lawsuit against each other. >> the part -- the permit has been issued? >> there is a permit, and a permit suspension. >> is three months enough? >> yes. >> what is your name? >> heather wolnick. >> i have a question, are there any health and safety issues with this? >> not to my knowledge at this time. >> you have a motion? >> yes. >> motion to continue to public comments. motion to continue. >> good morning. i am the attorney for james wong, the party subject to the
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companion abatement order. he joins and supports the continuance based on the pending binding arbitration in january. >> we have a motion. second? >> 43 months. >> commissioner? >> ok. >> -- for three months. >> commissioner? >> ok. we will continue that until january. >> item #2, case no. 6753, 554 fillmore street, the megan furth academy. action requested to reverse the order of abatement and assessment costs. >> we will hear from the
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department first. >> the appeal number is 6753. 2010, 49, 97. -- 987. this is to remove the finishes and stained glass windows. on the 19th of this year, the abatement was issued with conditions to file for a permit to justify and obtain final inspection approval. staff recommends to uphold the orders of abatement. >> any questions for the department? you have seven minutes. >> good morning. i represent the appellant, megan
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furth catholic academy, now known as mission dolores catholic academy. with regards to the confusion, i submitted a letter a few days ago. it was submitted on the 15th, laying out our arguments. did the board receive that letter? ok. first of all, just on the timing, we have no issue with what the department just said except that the notice of violation was posted well after the work had already been commenced. backing up and little bit, the catholic academy bought this property in 2005 from the roman catholic diocese of san francisco. it is religiously affiliated with the archdiocese. the principal benefactor for the
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academy was very involved in the acquisition of the property. unfortunately, they have not been able to support that entity. one of the ways to support the endowment was to sell the personal property and side of the church. pews, altars, tabernacle, and religious artifacts went to other religious three affiliated catholic institutions across the country. there is a network for that sort of thing, i guess. when the notice of violation was posted, that personal property had all been taken from the church. much of it had been shifted out and was on a schoolyard on a separate lot. 22a. some of it was being crated up. people saw through the chain- link fence and saw that the property was being boarded up.
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it phone call was made. but at that time, no more work was being done. i will not rehash the legal arguments in a letter, but one is that you do not need a permit for that type of work. no. 2, most importantly, the megan furth catholic academy has an exemption from landmarking or defacto landmarking treatment. it is not listed on the national register. it is eligible, but not listed as a national landmark. it was treated as a landmark in everyone thought that it should be subject to heightened scrutiny. this is specifically exempt from that type of disparate treatment under 8133, caught up in government code 37375. the city and county of san
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francisco was well aware of this in a number of cases, the most recent being the california and nevada methodist church against the city and county of san francisco, where it was held as not constitution knew -- constitutional and an abuse of jurisdiction to treat a landmark differently because it had a religious affiliation. in this case, we are not a landmark, but are being treated as one. putting that aside, we are here today, without waiving those arguments, but if you can help him to understand what it is, now that that property is gone, what it is that can be done to comply with the nov. the property is gone. link electronics, inc. model number: pdr-885 software version: 3.0c
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the hands of the needy children of san francisco. >> you want him to speak first? >> i just have a question, if i may, to clarify. this is a violation of no permit for windows? >> on june 2, 2010, the department sent an inspector up to the church. when he was up there, they were in the process of removing all of the church pews, organs, statues, as well as two stained- glass windows that were visible from the street. most of the work had been done, but not all of it. they ignore that. personally, i went up there twice during the weekend.
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they packed everything and moved. in my opinion, the pews, statues, and organs, were permanently affixed to the building. the building department is not asking them to bring them back. we are not asking them to replace them. we are merely asking for them to abide by the building code and get a permit for the removal of two windows and the fixtures. >> so, are you waiting to do that? >> do you want to comment on the facts? >> organ, pews, statues, tabernacle. >> name, please? >> bob.
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