tv [untitled] December 10, 2011 10:30am-11:00am PST
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of sports and culture, which it had not been previously. for me, it was the beginning of my experience being outside of the sentences goal art world. i think it is important that we try to address all the things that will come up as problems in a more aggressive way by talking about all the things that the arts can do in this process, and if we start talking about these things out and we are bringing in as opposed to disaster is being created, we would be in a much better position. thank you. >> i am from the mission, and in 1994, the world cup took place in the bay area. they came to us to paniers, not only the mission, but the whole city and organically, we came together to create an arts program and a soccer program.
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the end result was that there is tons of children and people involved in during the whole time they were here. and we got a soccer field in the mission as well as other soccer fields throughout the city. i come to you today because of sacred water. water that begins today we are born in the womb of our mothers. as indigenous people, will want to make sure that water is incorporated in terms of educating the people, especially in terms of children. we need to educate our children, and this is an excellent opportunity to organically teach our children and youth about being free from obesity and look at father sky that gives us this gift of agua for free.
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some people have made money off of it. just like the beautiful plan that was laid out on how this whole thing will be organized, there is no plan for the arts. recently, the america's cup blow us off and sent a letter and said, nothing cute. and so we are asking you as our elected officials to ensure that all communities of color, whole communities are involved and we be able to use it as a method is to educate our people. can you just imagine a grand parade on market street that involves all of the group's? thank you. in-house >> in my background, i have been a big event organizer.
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i worked on the olympics in atlanta and other major events around the world. looking at this organizationally, in major events, whoever has the event as a license, corporate league, when they asked for a bid from a host city, they require the host city to take charge of eight cultural component, to create an arts festival. what i found odd in this the event sphere is that the america's cup of that authority has maintained for itself, and the right, seemingly, to organize the arts. he hadn't insisted that the city do it. while the city is the better organization to do it because they have the finger on the pulse of the city, that of the history, the city and county of
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sentences goal is in a better position to take charge of this. this puts the city in an uncomfortable position of asking for that power. taking it from the event authority to take charge of this and make a cultural festival happen here. so what i am asking, as i have worked with the nonprofit arts community, for the city to take a more -- a stronger stand that they insisted that a cultural festival occur and the organizing happens now. >> and the director of urban music presents. became and met with you, supervisor.
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we have met with the event organizing committee, we met with the port authority, which have met with numerous people. so far, nothing has been advanced. the point that i want to make right now is that we represent san francisco and the diversity and the population. if there is a need for corporate sponsorship, there is no better way to bring the people of san francisco and let those corporate sponsors know that this is to weaken out reached 2. all of these nonprofit movies work through grants, and we need to have an established skeet and established a budget from the city or from the of that authority so we know which way
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to protect our activity. are we going to present our work around us festival? we need to know now so we can meet the city into a media event authority. by receiving the letter and telling us that we were to cease and desist, that is not practical. it is not going to help the district, it will not help the arts, and it will not help raise the money that we need to, that america's cup needs. supervisor mar: i will call two more cards. if anybody else wants to speak, come forward and fill out a card if you can. >> i am very pleased to add my voice to the support for an arts festival.
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i am especially excited about this event from a neighborhood standpoint and a generational standpoint. america's cup as the opportunity of a generation to reach out not only with visitors around the world of the apostle to the local population, to share in the idea of one world, one of ocean, one people. i think this is a concept that the arts can share very effectively with people, and most especially from my viewpoint as an entertainer working with children, i can imagines sharing this concept in parks along the third street corridor, extending that out reach from the northern waterfront all throughout the city. especially in to the underserved neighborhoods. supervisor mar: maybe you can
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reach ocean beach in my district as well. thank you. >> i am one of the directors of 24 days a central market arts. the mayor's office has assigned james sullivan as the league -- as the liaison. we're appreciative of that assignment. during arts programming, it would be a great opportunity to there will leave the -- probably be jump trons -- jumbo trons. those would be optional origin of the mall locations for arts programming. there are ways to support the city's efforts to revitalize the central market. had my last point is that they
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have identified a particular organizations in the neighborhoods through the neighborhood collaborative arts grant, and i think there are ways to build upon that. i encourage you to find ways to do that. >> good afternoon, everyone. thank you for convening this initiative to have our culture be part of america's cup. i am the managing director of the art gallery located in bayview, hunters point along the third street commercial corridor. this southeast sector. this area has been a very underserved and overlooked area. we opened up the art gallery four years ago so that we can
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bring community together. it has been the most satisfying end of gratifying activity that i have been involved in. and i can speak for the hunters point community. art brings a sense of pride. art also brings children and the age breakdown factor together. it has been a wonderful experience. given that the america's cup is going to be upon us in the next year or two, i encourage you guys to strongly consider arts and culture being at the focal point. i appreciate what brother robert spoke of, water being the barrier of all of us. i believe that we can tell the
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story about what is here in san francisco. and people come to visit, they need to know there is more than fisherman's wharf. there is excitement going on throughout the entire city. i moved here just a month ago because i enjoy all of the activities that happen in my neighborhood. [chime] think you for acknowledging the bayview hunters point in the southeast sector. he said to them, i didn't hear you mention the bayview. please reach out to us, thank you. >> i work out of district 6. i directed the carpetbag brigade physical theater company. we are presently in the middle of a three-year collaborative creation process with a colombian group.
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we're preparing a performance this spring. including san francisco during the america's cup the type of value that brings to large-scale performing arts festivals. it is a low maintenance form of bringing the performing arts to diversification's and invigorating community involvement. frequently, location's use our natural gathering spots or recognized areas of public interaction. a requires only chordata promotion, a sound system, in neighborhood organization, and quality driven artists. in to adapt to the environment and to be presented in multiple locations within the city over a short time to give maximum
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exposure to the artist and a maximum value out of the organizers. in my travels with my company, particularly south america, we are typically but for diverse neighborhoods while participating in a larger festival. by bringing performances, the festival is able to establish a stronger and intimate relationship with its citizens and neighborhoods that begin to identify with in the event and create a sense of goodwill and interest. and network the percentage of direct contact with the performances into the stage and media oriented aspects. in conjunction with the sentences go international arts festival, i like to see animal and to help organize a series of sight of the news that would provide a free outdoor performances consistently, same day same time each week.
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what i would like to imagining is a venue in each district in the city in court in performances happening to the entirety of america's cup. supervisor mar: the last card, richard -- we have another hearing on formula retail coming up quickly, so try to do your best. >> i am one of the founders of the neighborhood arts program in san francisco. we had a lot of meetings at the house to decide how to get young people college age and younger out into the neighborhoods and create. in 1967, we got jack morrison and others to support this.
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it was called the best thing the arts commission has ever done, and maybe the only good thing the arts commission has ever done. it is shameful that they are not representing themselves here today. there is a new director of cultural affairs this afternoon, and it is just a criminal, to of all lack -- how faded that is. it is an entry-level position. you have to put a fire under them. supervisor mar: stephen as well. >> good afternoon. i'm actually a visual artist here in the bay view.
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from the city of san francisco, i grew up all over the city. i am here on behalf of local artists, and many that are underserved by a lot of the events that are thrown through of the city, in the sense that the local artists still have to scrounge in to be the concept of a struggling artist. the city of san francisco is known and by its creativity. imagine san francisco without creativity is like a child without creativity. this event is a great event that will help the many artists as to work with the youth guidance center. many are lacking opportunities. many are very creative and they don't have these types of opportunities with they can reach the world. i urge you to get on the good
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foot and really try to push forward us being able to give the youth opportunity as well as local artists. >> thank you for talking about this really important issue. i am the president of the san francisco arts democratic club. i have been living and working in the city with a lot of these folks over the years. this presents an opportunity to shine with our arts community to use the arts to create economic stimulus in other neighborhoods and make sure that all of san francisco shares in this opportunity. a lot of us have been talking about this issue, the international arts festival being one of them. there are many organizations that hold programming that could actually be participating in
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this event. what we are suggesting is what the person from mr. martin was presenting, to collaborate, to promote, and focused infrastructure on transit, using the arts to bring people out to the neighborhoods. in the north mission, south of market with the entertainment venues, bayview, hunters point, car arts activities, theaters, galleries, artists' studios where we can invite them in the programming and work on some sort of collaborative of reach to let people know. this is something you guys should think about. technology. we are giving a lot of attention to tax breaks. does the time to get them on board with augmented reality so that anyone can know what our
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events are around them. we encourage agreeing grants for the arts commission, and members from the community. this will help promote the event. if we have the arts and assailing at one of them, how our city will shine. >> i live in district 8, the founder and artistic director of the contemporary dance company in district 6. i representing myself and other local artists are participating in multi-year international projects. and also to share some information about the lead time that is necessary for coordinating and implementing projects. we will perform through nine cities throughout russia, a program of the u.s. state department and increasing the
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awareness of contemporary arts in russia. it will be collaboration with local dancers and the russian performers to san francisco in 2013. a begin planning and fund- raising in 2010, and it has taken two years to coordinate the efforts of 30 different partner in organizations. we raised more than $40,000 for our project. because of the complicated nature of organized programming, it requires far more time and energy. the other local artists have also planned compelling projects for 2013 and are focused on bringing rich experiences to the communities and audiences of san francisco. miss roman has raised $30,000 for her project, and larry reed has raised $45,000.
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as planning for the 2013 america's cup continues, consider a meaningful arts festival while preventing -- providing enough time to create a festival will significantly benefit the people of san francisco. >> i am the artistic director of a theater company and a direct large-scale aside performances. i have been sparring with the state and national park service's create large-scale programming on alcatraz island and other areas. i create large parts programming there. he had basically, i just feel that any world-class sporting event should be accompanied by world-class parts of that. it is the part that people will remember and it is the part that will distinguish this from any other, and it is what people will remember.
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i will create a spectacular performance using the historic vessels there has flooding stages. we will be center stage, and i am hoping that other artists will be supported and encouraged to do the same. that kind of our programming is happening throughout the city. certainly, having a show that use day after the races to see keeps you in the area longer and encourages you and your family to get better or stay and the hotels. there are a lot of promises about the economic stimulus, and with are being spectacular and meaningful and helping to increase had been hence the significance of the races for people that may not be interested will stay in the area and patronize the local economy. i am excited to get people on the water. thank you.
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>> i am the executive director of rhythmic cultural works of the island nation of alameda across the bay. i am here to encourage everyone to think of no more regional scale and is not exclusive to san francisco. we're the only nonprofit community arts center presenting visual arts on the island where we are located. that is very uniquely positioned to be a major transportation hub and thoroughfare. our organization present a lot of local san francisco and the bay area artists as well. we're already working with our local city officials handle local businesses to try to court
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made some pretty spectacular events that we hope will also be on the other side of the waterfront. it would be at all of our best interests as you try to offload some of the extra visitors that need to get back to their accommodations, perhaps on the other side of the day, a coordinate efforts with calendars and other ways for people to be able to be aware of the activities happening on both sides of the day. thank you for your consideration and for having this meeting. >> i work at new conservatory theatre center. there is a lot of talk about children and the arts, and i think that we should think for the that the festival. i love the festival idea, but i think there is a lot of money
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coming into the city that its technology based in studies show that young people who are given the arts and early age are great critical thinkers. what i would love to see is a legacy to bring a high school for the performing arts back to the civic center as part of the mid market corridor. thank you. >> the chair needs to go make a vote. >> after the end of this item. thank you, supervisor cohen. the next hearing can begin after the short break. please continue. >> i spent eight years on the
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board at 10 years as the executive director of the bayview opera house. during my time on the planning commission, i was the president. i know a lot about what we as a city hope to achieve through the arts policy in the planning cut. one of those things the arts commission was looking at what could be achieved through america's cup is doing arts festival for the city, which would tie in extremely well with all of these wonderful arts groups and people who are behind us that have spoken today being able to benefit from it. i would hope you would look at the economic peace and generally what happens when an event of this type goes into the city, whether it's the olympics or what have you, as soon as it is gone, there is a crash in the of economy.
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the restaurants that were being supported are no longer supported and the neighborhoods being supported, the people are not there to keep them going. the arts are going to be the thing that keeps the tabrets going. if you attach that what we are doing, you're going to create a viable and economically strong arts organization in the city that will be able to feed people into the restaurants and businesses we will be developing with america's cup. [tone] there are two people who were here from the arts commission. arts commission people were here in the room and i hope that you please questioned the authority about the reallocation of hotel tax funds. that money is what the art organizations need to survive and thrive and we don't want to create a situation where we start redirecting it for special events and the arts organizations suffer. [tone]
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i have recently relocated back to san francisco. my background is in theater of and production and a working artist. i have worked on a show in china and the show is similar to acirque du soliel show. i'm speaking to you on behalf of funding. allocating municipal funding for america's cut arts programs is integral. i mention my background as we see cirque du soliel in town and funding from montreal, we have
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seen what they become and what the city invests in the logistics and we see what the returns are. we have heard all afternoon about the value of parts in the america's cup and it sounds to me like what we really need is the city to step up and say this is how much funding we have and when it is going to be available. i'm assuming it has not been done already. a few aspects of funding that would be interest are jobs in creation of new arts and performances. [tone] it is easy to hire a producer and contract existing work. this is like going to the store to buy a pre made soup, -- a pre made a suit, but when you want a good suit, you have a custom- made. it is imperative to focus on a collaboration of existing arts and organizations to allow for w
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