tv [untitled] December 12, 2011 7:00am-7:30am PST
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corporate sponsorship so we don't have to extend public funds for a major event. could you talk about the the event authority or the organizing committee or adjusting to the changes in leadership and maybe weaker than projected fundraising ability? >> i have not been privy to all the discussions on those changes. what i would say from talking to the america's cup organizing committee and the folks working on the sponsorship and fundraising side, there are optimistic about reaching their goals. part of the challenge has been putting together a picture of what is people are buying into as sponsors or giving money as philanthropic donations. i think we are helping out forward in terms of moving
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forward. here is what the project looks like. i think as you know, coming back to the board, there is an initial target of $12 million of philanthropic fund raising that the acoc is charged a phrasing. there will demonstrate that $12 million to say we will continue to raise funds. i do not want to conflate the corporate sponsorship peace with the philanthropic peace. that is part of the cooperation between the organizing committee and the event authority. making sure they are not stepping on each other's toes. we want to make sure that -- local funders who could give to the philanthropic pace, that comes to the organizing committee side. we are confident in the ability to meet their goal and we hope the event authority will do
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their sponsorship activities to bring forth the event everyone is looking forward to. >> a staff member has been involved with some of the arts groups. some of the previous projections for the america's cup budget, something like a $306 million budget. only 120,000 being allocated in earlier -- has that changed? that seems to be much less than 0.04% of the existing $306 million budget. is that is -- all that is being allocated for arts? >> i am not aware of what that threat to explain dollars bet -- covers. that is what we expect them to spend. it is in excess of the corps and
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the shell of the term -- improvement costs. the ordinance calls for 2% of capital dollars in instances with some exceptions, one of those is the port. i believe the dollar figure you're talking about are outside forces coming in. that is what-understanding is. if i am interested in finding additional arguments are ways to bring other dollars into this conversation. to take a step back, we have talked about the $32 million and one of the things we will be coming back to the board with is how we see the event implementation playing out with in that envelope of what is the proposed $32 million so as you noted, we do not have to hit the general fund or city funds to put on these events. my sense is we will come back to you with the budget that will allow us to do that.
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i think those operational activities will take up the vast majority of those dollars. we have to be nimble and strategic in finding ways to leverage funds to do additional things beyond that baseline operational profile. i would like to hand off to dan. supervisor wiener: we talked about different cultural and arts organizations. and the importance of the to the america's cup. we have not talked about other kinds of nightlife and the importance of having a good night light -- nightlife scene who are here for the america's cup and in terms of them enjoying themselves, when they are here, and leaving with a favorable impression. hopefully they come back.
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nightlife in the city is under tremendous pressure and has been. if you look at some things that are coming down the pike like putting a ton of housing on 11th street which could dramatically reduce nightlife there and other parts of south of market where proposed changes could undermine nightlife. it is a constant struggle. it is critical in the next two years that we have nightlife, a great nightlife remaining for america's cup and we will continue to have that into the future. could you after my editorial is incumbent on the relationship between good night life and the america's cup? >> absolutely. i see it turning into the things in terms of the arts and entertainment side but also the business side. we want this to see the benefit. in a lot of ways it becomes to
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be this great visitor destination. we want to maximize the excitement and the effectiveness of our ability to manage the waterfront areas. we want this city to show its best foot forward. to the extent we're involved in any of these discussions, that will be our point of view from their bedside. that is as good an impression. >> i would urge you and everyone else involved in the -- america's cup to keep an eye on that. we want to make sure that people after 10:00 p.m. there are other things for them to do in ways to enjoy themselves. we want to put our best foot forward. supervisor mar: the arts and
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cultural organization could play a role. also on other days so many people in town. you started to tell us about an -- a plan. the more you could share with us as the eir has come for that would be hopeful. it is clear we have a number of the arts organizations coming up after our senior planner for the port authority. >> the definition. i will take a couple of minutes to go forward. i would like to describe how hard is located.
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you undoubtedly are familiar with the view of the public art. --before the rocket ship, there was a 30 5-- 35 foot spider. and there was a mother and child. that was a great one. and the two artists that did that one. the spider was the work of the city. raphaella inthat -- they did a deal with the gap. as they look it their world headquarters. there are small but excellent pieces along the waterfront.
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such as the arrest and heads along the embarcadero. the abraham lincoln brigade monument at justin herman plaza. the our urban that stretches for 2 miles. there are many historical interpreter features along the embarcadero. of those pieces were installed as part of that project and they were sponsored an accord needed by the city arts commission. there are several sites that would tie in well with the america's cup. a shot of pier 14. in case you are not a familiar with that side. the rocket will be there until october 2012. replaced with another interim part. this is designated shore temporary public art.
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it has been very positive. there is at the foot of powell street across from the pier 43 promenade project which brings the promenade to blocks further into fisherman's wharf. this is another space for public art. this is the brandon street wharf project. it is adjacent to what will be one of the most fascinating pieces of the america's cup. the port went out to bid for the construction on friday. that is a list to be in time for the america's cup and there is plaza space available that could be a great site for public art. across from the ballpark, there is another noted place in the
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city that would be dead. in the southern waterfront is a gateway site at third and cargo. there is a temporary peace of public art. this is being looked at as one of the legacy project for the america's cup. an entire acre would be developed and ordered by third, supervisor chu:, illinois. it has a great place to do a piece of public art at the corner that could span both sides of the street. there would be an entryway to the bay view area. something that does. regarding pier 27 where the america's cup village will be located. for the america's cup, we will be building -- following the
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event, the poor will construct phase 2 of the terminal which will finish the building and hopefully construct public spaces which will include a two and a half acre park and plaza along the embarcadero. esparta the terminal. which would occur as part of phase two construction. it is inevitable rush to get the show constructed during -- one a become certified. and before it approves the project. also the port does not have funds to complete is face to at this time. there has to be a closing of the gap of those funds for that to happen. the poor does not have funding available for the public which
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makes major installations such as the rocket ship and spider challenging. the port is able to offer up from the waterfront location that creates opportunity for artists' work to be recognized. supervisor mar: thank you. i would like to if there are no questions, let's open this up for public comment. i have a number of people that have signed up and i will call their names and others could let us know. the first is tony kelly, petra shuman, matt mckinley, and others. i will call the rest is to come up.
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>> i am tony kelly. artists and arts organizations have been meeting for year to discuss how they can participate and add value. it is clear there are numerous opportunities we're in the process of missing. it will be hearing from many artists who describe what the city can and should be doing to ensure that the 30 foot america's cup is a vibrant, world class entertainment event. i have given you a list to show you an idea of what can be done with more support. you'll be hearing more about these today. it does not matter whether you consider this to be a port project or the mayor's office or whether it is exempt from the public arts ordinance. the facts are still the same. you have a sporting event redesigned for a large viewing public.
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there is a series of short races in the daytime with a lot of crowding in one part. the city is contributing a valuable land and resources to make that happen. the economic benefits to us depends on keeping people here logger coming into the evening, and bringing visitors into the neighborhoods. that is how we will survive and how we get the economic benefit. we need to create, not just promote to make that happen. we need something new. we have not heard anything new. it is no accident that the olympics and the world cup, they have arts festival's connected to them. they add value and deliver economic benefits. we do not have that strategy our commitment to the arts. we do not have a strategy. we're hoping for an accident. the arts are a proven mechanism that can handle the crowd and
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attract those crowds to specific neighborhoods and businesses. you will not get that event by relying -- we can get it by working with the city. thank you. supervisor cohen: i wanted to check in with you to find out, has anyone reach out to you to ask for your input. >> from the city side? supervisor cohen: not so much from the city, but from the event organizing side. >> david perry did come to the association to talk about opportunities with the america's cup and the question came up there for artists to work in the neighborhood. what about the arts? and we really did not get much of an answer at that point. i think there are two different consortiums of the arts groups. on top of that there has been
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independent efforts from arts organizations leaving on their own and there was some progress in getting an appointment or two with the event authority or the organizing community. but then not much traffic -- traction in the last four or five months. supervisor cohen: has the organizing committee reached out? what has your interaction been with the city? >> in terms of when the the arts -- organizations have met with the port, they have met with michael martin. they have a very good composition with him. it is single province that happened about four or six months ago and not much has happened. >> nothing tangible. >> you will miller from other people. we need to get going for the arts groups to produce their shares.
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supervisor mar: if i have called a name you can come forward. it does not have to be in this order. >> thank you. and i think the problem here is that the fundamental problem is the arts ranks so far down the political totem pole in city hall. the mayor's office did nothing to include the arts in the america's cup and we in the arts department who it is their job to remind the city edition have been an arts component. the olympic thus's -- this is all the reasons the city is facing and had, by to make economic impact. it was a lower credit and dirt
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on the northeastern waterfront. how are we ready yet those people out of there? what should we be happening -- which should be happening? for all the america's cup to see that, even it is free, it should be buying into their website. all the effort birds organizations should be doing that as well pretty can track you will to that but that is all this is how uc a lawsuit. you have events happening strategically coordinative to get people out from the northeast or reference a the kindle of parts of the city. of these things did to me integrated. it cannot be the city will make on our share and keep the like that. all these things have to me to get there. i was it of maria -- february 1. newland everything has to be ready on the website.
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we're not really thinking about that or about the international impact this has. they -- supervisor mar: thank you. quex good afternoon. i am the director freed syllabuses -- director of field services. it is to match started in the er is vital there is a plan for the traffic flow for the thousands who will arrive and one key step toward effective management is the development and effective implementation of a single portal to get system during their non-couple hours.
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we're bringing in an experienced voice to the discussion for patrons. the ticketing portal could be established to track not only paid to getting events but to monitor rcp's. maturing traffic flow for the attendees. there are three main clear opportunity for a ticketing portal. it allows for planning, not only for the patrons and producers but the event organizers to estimate traffic patterns where they will be strongest during the times of these events. it measures the flow into particular neighborhoods. and allows for communication between organizers and patrons. organizers could send messengers -- messages. [bell] and allows us to capture this information for communication
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and stay in touch with visitors as we continue to push san francisco as a vital arts and tourist destination. and a portal could serve as a marketing effort for the events. none of these things can happen overnight. it is vital planning begins in earnest for these immediately so we can maximize the opportunity we have. supervisor mar: thank you. please come forward. >> thank you. and the executive director of the u.s.-japan cultural trade network. we started to organize around the america's cup in january. we decided to be inclusive. one of our primary goals has been to work with smaller arts organizations and artists to represent the city's multiple and diverse constituencies. whatever the plan will be for the arts during the america's
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cup, we wanted to make sure the grass roots arts community's interest would not be excluded. our strength lies in diversity and in the thousands of individual artists and organization to energize every neighborhood and community in the city. we're proud of our institutions but they could not be as great as they are if they were not and her world parts of a strong arctic a system that has healthy and vital grass-roots. in san francisco there has been a pattern of funneling finances to the various organizations at the expense of the others. the cultured -- cultural equity seems to be under attack. it started as a direct response to these patterns of behavior which is why it is important to keep that program alive and make it inclusive. we did not want this exclusion
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to happen. our goal is to create a festival that includes the uniqueness, diversity and brilliance at a san francisco and that represents and includes multiple and diverse communities. we have reached out to the san francisco arts alliance. a group of the largest arts institute in the spirit of unity. we knew that it is important to introduce the festival component to the america's cup in a coordinated and unified fashion as a community. if we can work together, this will create a program beyond anything we have experienced. supervisor mar: she did acknowledge the arts commission is meeting now on issues of cultural equity grants and other issues. thanks for being here. next speaker. i appreciate referring to the arts as an ecosystem with in the city as well with all kinds of different pieces to it. >> hello. the following is a letter from
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jillian cox, a founding curator of photography and chief curator of the deyoung museum. he has asked us to share the statement. dear members, i represent the fine arts museums of san francisco comprised of the deyoung museum. the venues play host to to million visitors a year. in addition to the museum's permanent collections that will be on display during the america's cup in the 2013 s that we were planning exhibits with the american -- america's cup in mind. the first is entitled the berkeley years, exploring a body of work created in the middle years of the career of a painter
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who spent most of his life in the bay area. this represents work from one of america's finest artists free of the exhibit will consist of over 100 paintings and 25 to 30 works in other media from this formative time of his career. for the same time period we are developing an extensive exhibition that will focus on representations' of boating and yachting from the impressionist europe. the exhibition will consist of more than 100 paintings, pastels, drawings, watercolors such as cassatt and seurat, among others. thsese exhibitions represent a major investment of financial
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and human resources. we're committed to making this a great success. thank you. tavithis is the first time i hae come to the board of supervisors. i am encouraged by supervisor mar. your ability to describe the impact of the arts is good for the project. thousands can benefit from that and we only employ local artists. there is an opportunity to bring together international artists and local artists, visual and performing arts but you have got to get together soon.
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it is 18 months away. i want to encourage you to do that. out -- i will come for the arts and a few giants came but it will not come for the america's cup. if you have an arts festival affiliated with it i will comment spent a few hundred $1 a to make that promise. supervisor mar: before mr. mckinley speaks, our next speakers. those are all the cards i have. >> i am an independent curator in san francisco with mckinley art solutions. i am out of district 9. it needs to be emphatically stated that in order for the america's cup event to have a significant and positive cultural impact on the city of
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san francisco, it needs to be relevant to as many constituents as possible. the of that need a cultural ambassador and that ambassador is the arts. speaking to the role that the visual arts can play as a connector to the community, the opportunity exists for engagement with most if not all of the city's districts through the development of exhibits that hold traditional allies such as galleries, art centers, community centers and artists' studios as well as non- traditional venues. already discussions have begun between performance venues and visual arts to produce complementary exhibit. if you understand the added, a picture is worth 1000 words, and encourage artists to investigate the elements paramount to the america's cup, visual arts can
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