tv [untitled] December 13, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am PST
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add to this is that i think the fact that so many questions were asked today does not mean that those of us who are asking the questions do not want to see this project built. to the contrary. we want to see this project built. and i hope that this is an opportunity for all of us to work together and i, once again, thank the staff for the negotiations and the great work that they're doing and once again, you know, extend the invitation to cpmc and sutter to recount to all of us here because we do want to see this done and i think we have a real opportunity and i think that it's an exciting opportunity and i think that this is possible if we work together pretty closely in the next few weeks. thank you. president chiu: supervisor mar? supervisor mar: i wanted to thank the staff for the tremendous presentations but
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also hope that the community coalition that was represented here today can be at the table. i strongly support a community benefits agreement but if that's not the approach, then do your best to make sure that the community coalition is engaged in quite a few of the aspects that were discussed today and like my colleagues, i also want to see a strong rebuild of cpmc but i want to see it done the right way as the coalition has said. thank you so much for being here. president chiu: with that, unless there is any objection, this hearing has been held and is filed. thank you, everyone. colleagues, we still have business to complete tonight so hopefully we can get through it relatively quickly. madam clerk, please call the next item, 46. clerk: item 46 was considered by the rules committee at a special meeting thursday december 8 at 1:25 p.m. and forwarded to the board as a committee report, the motion appointing supervisor cohen, term ending june 30, 2012, to the peninsula corridor
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joint powers board. president chiu: colleague, could we have a motion to excuse supervisor cohen. without objection, she shall be accused. roll call vote on this item. clerk: on item 46, supervisor elsbernd, aye. farrell, aye, kim, aye, mar, aye, mirkarimi, aye, weiner, aye, avalos, aye, campos, aye, president chiu, aye, supervisor chu, aye. there are 10 aye's. president chiu: the motion is approved. items 47. clerk: item 47 through 52 were considered by the rules committee at a special meeting on thursday december 8 at 1:30 and was forwarded to -- were forwarded to the board as committee reports. item 47 is an ordinance
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authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by patricia tanneato against the city and laguna honda hospital for $75,000, filed may 19, 2011. president chiu: roll call vote? clerk: elsbernd, aye, farrell, aye, kim, aye, mar, aye, mirkarimi, aye, weiner, aye, avalos, aye, campos, aye, president chiu, aye, supervisor chu, aye, supervisor cohen, aye. there are 11 aye's. president chiu: this ordinance is passed in first reading. clerk: item fret authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled mitchell engineering of bioshy organization versus the city and related cross actions by payment of $14,950 from the
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city to the mitchell engineering corporation. president chiu: this ordinance is passed in the first reading. clerk: item 49 approving the settlement of unlitigated claim filed by janet o'hara filed march 112011. president chiu: this resolution as adopted. clerk: item 50 authorizing settlement of unlitigated bond claim against travelers casualty and surety company of america item 51 motion appointing fernando marty, chris block, wendy phillips and oscar grande terms ending october 192013 to the eastern neighborhood citizen's advisory committee. president chiu: this motion approved. next item. clerk: item 52 is motion appointing jared cohen term ending november 19, 2012 or for the tenure of the current supervisor who nominated the member whichever is shorter in
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duration to the bicycle advisory committee. president chiu: this motion is approved. clerk: supervisor elsbernd first on roll call for introductions. supervisor campos. supervisor campos: thank you very much, madam clerk, colleagues. i'll try to be as brief as i can. the first item is that i am introducing today a proposed contract that begins the first phase of the city's community choice aggregation program. i want to thank the san francisco public utilities commission for all their work. i also want to thank my colleagues on the local agency information commission and in particular supervisor mirkarimi who has for many years been working on this matter. i look forward to having more in depth discussion with all of you and there will be an opportunity to fully vet this program but again we're excited that we're taking this step and i also want to acknowledge the work of so many people over the years who have made this possible
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including current assembly member tom amiamo as well as senator carol migden, mark leno. look forward to that discussion. the second point is that we are introducing today and i want to thank supervisor avalos for his co-sponsorship, a charter amendment on rank choice voting. i know that much has been said about the issue of whether or not we should keep rank choice voting and what this charter amendment does is that it reaffirms our commitment to maintain rank choice voting with some tweaks. we believe that the program, as it currently stands, is a program that is fundamentally working, that we have learned some lessons in how we can tweak the existing program and this charter amendment incorporates those tweaks. let me also say that i will be
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introducing in january a companion ordinance to improve our public finance system and i believe that together these two pieces of legislation will improve what is already an excellent program. don't really want to belabor this point. i look forward to having this discussion and to explain the merits of why it's important to keep rank choice voting and with that i submit the rest. clerk: thank you. mr. president, i believe sfgtv is requesting a five-minute break. president chiu: i understand that they need -- we've been going so long, they need to put in a new tape to record the proceeding tonight. if we could take a four-minute recess. supervisor campos: i hope it's not something i said. president chiu: why don't we take a four-minute recess. thank you.
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clerk: supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: i am introducing a hearing request along with supervisors jane kim and malia cohen addressing our foreclosure crisis which exists in san francisco, often overlooked, but there are certain neighborhoods and districts where we have a concentration of defaults and foreclosures, specifically in district 11, district 10. but there's also a lot of neighborhoods throughout san francisco where we have a high rate of foreclosures like in the south of market neighborhood, as well. this hearing will be looking at solutions that we could put forward to, as a city, to prevent defaults and foreclosures in the future and ways we can hold banks accountable to doing more work to support homeowners against defaults and that is my submission. >> supervisor mar? supervisor mar: madam clerk, colleagues, i've been working
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with diverse neighborhood and small arts groups in the city expressing concerns with the lack of commitment to cultural equity in our arts program. i'm directing the city attorney to draft an ordinance to strengthen cultural equity in the arts in san francisco by allowing more flexibility in funding for our four grants programs allowing money raised outside the hotel tax fund to be used for c.e.g. programs. also i've been working with local artists like arts commissioner john cola way and others in challenging the april national academy of recording arts and sciences adopted awards that eliminate musical categories that san francisco artists have relied on, in latin jazz, native american, cajun and hawaiian categories have been
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impacted. in addition, the proposal we're challenging is consolidating of music forms like blues, folk, mexican manner and regional styles and the rationale behind the eliminations was low number of entries and difficulty drawing distinction among styles of music. in all, 31 categories were eliminated. so many san francisco local musical and cultural communities believe that this change has errorred with respect to due process and part of a nationwide coalition is involved along with our san francisco coalition to challenge the academy. many grammy award-winning artists such as carlos santana, john santos, arts commissioner john calaway and john santos and internationally renowned artists like paul simon, bonnie wait and
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herb hancock support this. many local artists in san francisco are potentially impacted financially by the loss of the opportunity to have their music nationally recognized so i urge colleagues to support the rest. and lastly, i'd like us to close the meeting in honor of china town born civil rights and human rights activist franklin fung cho o.i.a. was born on may 29, 1936, and passed away a few weeks ago in november. he lost his life to leukemia and was a nate a native of china town but attended san francisco state university where he was active in the san francisco state third world strike and fighting for ethnic studies classes in our schools and worked for 30 years as a federal employee in washington, d.c. for the eeoc and civil rights commission. he was a long-time supporter of
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small businesses and promightor of the golden gate caterers and editor of china line and teacher of chinese cooking. he'll be missed by many in our communities and a memorial service was held last saturday at the presbyterian church in china town and plans are made for a similar event in washington, d.c. in lieu of flowers, mr. chow's family request donations be made in his memory to organizations such as cameron house or presbyterian church in china town for the work of cameron house and unlock incorporated in san francisco. clerk: thank you, supervisor mar. superiors mirkarimi? supervisor mirkarimi: believe it or not, i actually have submissions. it's an addiction and i hear there are 12 step groups for this. i actually have some legislation that i will be floating to a
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number of you so hope you carry those forward but there were requests we had outstanding that i wanted to submit and look forward to anybody's leadership. related to a couple of things supervisor avalos and kim and others have spoke about, we know that banks are regulated by state and federal government and we know that san francisco and other cities like us are preempted from holding the banks accountable. but i want to pave the way for a request to the city attorney's office, borrowing my sheriff hat, that i want an advice memo as to what potential legislation could be provided to us in holding banks accountable when it comes to an eviction caused by foreclosure when, in fact, the paper work on the foreclosure in itself may be unwarranted, unjustified or held
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improper. we have no direction coming from the city attorney or from the state on this and i want to see what that direction looks like based on what i know is to be a very narrow window, especially not just the property owner whose property has been foreclosed on that they would be evicted, but the tenants in those buildings as it relates to ordinance section number 37.9b6 of a tenant rights protection measure for those who've also been threatened with eviction due to foreclosure. the next i'm submitting -- an ordinance -- to request the city attorney, the rent board, for helping us understand the latitude we may have and i look forward to having that conversation. the next i'm submitting ordinance submitting san francisco administrative code by adding 2032 to require department of human resources to
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report to the board of supervisors and mayor on the jobs program success in preparing people and placing them in jobs even when federal funding is not always available or ample. and last, a motion directing the clerk to arrange for kpoo radio, 89.5, to bring back the weekly broadcast of the board of supervisors meetings. for those who might remember, kpoo radio did cover the board of supervisors meetings faithfully before the meetings were switched from monday, which, for those trivia pursuit addicts, our meetings used to be monday until 2003, i think, or -- yeah, 2003. so when they were switched to tuesday, kpoo went ahead and
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began broadcasting redevelopment commission hearings. if redevelopment is in flux or there may not be a commission or something for them to cover, they're asking if they can come back. they're probably one of the finest independent stations in this state. somebody that should be supported and i'd like the board of supervisors and the clerk to seriously consider allowing them to cover, i think, our proceedings. i want to say thank you. it was a lovely, very lovely send-off by all of you and probably one of the cruelest to be in a meeting this long in my last meeting. i shall never forget it. clerk: thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. supervisor cohen? supervisor cohen: i'm going to stand to keep the blood circulating but i actually have two very quick items i'd like to introduce today. my first is a resolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing to apply for a multifamily housing revenue
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bonds to support the construction of 101 units of affordable family rental housing in the bayview hunter's point neighborhood. this project will provide much needed affordable housing in district 10. the second is a 90-day extension of the eastern neighborhood legitimization program and a hearing to enable the planning department and office of economic and workforce development to conduct a study of the program and evaluate its lack of use. and my final submission today is is -- i ask this be closed in memory of a woman named cheryl evans and i want to bring to your attention that on january 19, citibank will be hosting a commemoration and memorial service to celebrate the life and work of cheryl evans who passed away in october of 2011. cheryl served as city community development western region director for many years. cheryl had a passion for helping
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underserved people in our communities throughout the bay area and she is a long-time bayview resident and also has a strong commitment to improving the community and particularly had a special interest in san francisco and district she lived in for 15 years, worked tirelessly with organizations to encourage affordable housing access and revitalization of the third street commercial corridor, all of which i continue to work to help implement, not just her vision, but the vision of many people. i'm honored to recognize and honor cheryl's work and commitment to the bayview community tonight and i ask that we close in her memory. thank you very much. clerk: thank you, supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell? supervisor farrell: thanks, madam clerk, colleagues. one in memoriam today and i would like to adjourn today's meeting in memory of a good friend, patrick landers, who died on tuesday, december 6, after about a one-year battle to
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lymphoma. patrick was a native of washington, d.c. and although he remained a rins -- redskins fan, he worked for the giants for i believe over a decade, you will never have met a bigger giants fan here in san francisco. he was able to celebrate our 2010 world series championship. he is survived by his two sons, aden, who is 6 years old, and ty, who is 3. he passed away earlier this month at the age of 38 and his wonderful wife, christine landers. he was an eagle scout and olympic torch bearer in the 1996 games in atlanta and all-around great person, infectious. he had his funeral or service today at at&t park where the giants opened up the stadium for him and his family and a few thousand people.
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it was at 1:00, right before our board meeting, so i was able to go for about half an hour and just an incredible loss. i wanted to read a pretty fitting irish blessing from st. patrick that i wasn't able to hear today but i know they read. may the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sunshine warm upon your face, may the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may god hold you in the palm of his hand. we will miss you, patrick. clerk: , thank you, supervisor farrell. that concludes roll call for introductions. the next item is the opportunity for the public to address the board for two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including the formal policy discussions between the mayor and the board and ymmeds on the adoption without committee reference. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify.
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if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document should the screen return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: first speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language] i am hadassa. [speaking foreign language] sheriff, as you see him here. [speaking foreign language]
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we are all ready for you? as a matter of fact, mr. president, i accept your apology and i would like on behalf of ross to ask you to be invite with us in friday in his party. i am not going to be invited only i am going to be service for my brother, when i said my brother and sister in my deep heart, i mean it. i mean it. and if you don't believe, i am already 70-year-old in the new year. i survive with seven heart attacks but i am always a man who have give idea to the mayor, to our city and i have every bus in the city tell to everyone where you go and which name of
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that station you're going to be, this my idea. another new idea that our former mayor gavin newsom take it and he said that his is my idea, homeless connect is my idea. when i catch and when i discovering that the people work further homeless in the shelter steal their own donation and steal their own food. thank you, god. that's younger man here, he going to have one new thing he make it in the new year. he going to show you how we going to have nike shoes said made in america by the people in jail. i wish you good luck. i will be waiting for you and every one of these people here, my family going to be with me next friday.
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not only to be happy with you, to give you hard time before you be our sheriff. god bless you. we love you, man. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. i hope this proves we're dedicated but somehow i'm not sure. stop the corporate rate of the public library, don't give money to the friends and foundation, don't accept money from the friends and feation. this is the last meeting of 2011 and time for our year-end review. even though the branch library improvement program was supposed to be finished almost two years ago, finally seven branches were opened this year and 22 out of 24 branches are now finished. the friends of the library were in charge of every opening and every closing by claiming they would raise $16 million. documents from the department of public works show that the friends have only expanded $870,000. how much did the friends give to the branch program during this past year?
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zero. the city spent tens of millions of dollars to keep their fund-raising going past when it was supposed to be finished and the friends gave zero in the current year. the quarterly report and the budget report show slightly different figures but both are exactly the same as this time last year. on july 11, the ethics commission found that the president of the library commission was guilty of conduct that falls below the standard of decency, good faith and right action impliedly required of all public officials and unanimously recommended she be removed from office. not only is she still president of the library commission but the library commission has not acknowledged or responded to the charges before or the findings after in any way. for those who are part of the family of corporate graft, the absence of accountability is what they get for their money, no matter how little that money is. the library is just the worst example of what happens when a public institution is used to maintain class barriers and promote influence of va
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