tv [untitled] December 15, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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it would be my pleasure to see projects become reality. as an individual living in the mlp area for the last 20 years, i have firsthand experience in recognizing the importance of improving our neighborhoods with respect to pedestrian and bicycle safety. the improvement of area parks and the regulation of traffic flow regarding parking issues. the current members have developed an environment that works effectively with various neighborhood groups and development. this includes working with city agencies like the ipic to make recommendations to offset the
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influx of new people moving into the mlp area due to the construction of new buildings and businesses. currently, i am also serving on the board of the mdna. the mdna and the cac have good working relationships with each other. i want the best of features for all the burdens and the people that live there. i would very much like to continue working with the cac mlp. i won't take questions for him. [laughter] supervisor kim: i can call your name next. >> i am karen knowles-pearce. i have lived in the neighborhood for many years. i became active with boards around the city and the search for 10 years on the mission bay cac.
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i serve for four years and was the vice chair of transbay transit center. since 2001, i have been a member and the chair of the treasure island yerba buena island advisory board. this year, after the world when of approvals, i found myself sitting on only one board and decided i was getting bored and i needed to pay more attention to the immediate neighborhood. after years of being asked to sit on the mission delores neighborhood association, i accepted their offer and joined this year. and then was asked to join the mlp cac. i felt it was time that i paid more attention to my direct neighborhood. i have a real passion for the city, amazing -- and for the
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development in the city. i think i bring a very common- sense and pragmatic style to the board. i recognize the fact that we do live in the city and there are a number of very interesting, although much to be heard -- all of whom want to be heard. i try to be very big-picture minded and see that everyone has a chance to have their say. also in reference to a chair kim said earlier, i see us a very male-heavy list of applicants. i think we should bring a female voice and i can certainly do that. i did not ask for anyone to speak for me today, but i have spoken with a few people down more than happy to e-mail on my
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behalf. so if anyone like emails, i would be happy to ask them to do so. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you for your work on treasure island. your part of the mission delores community? >> when i was appointed by mayor brown for that, i am the sailor, so i was concerned about what might happen to efforts like clifford cove. that was my initial interest in wanting to be part of the treasure island aboard. supervisor kim: supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: i had not even been focused on the fact -- i just want to commend you for all of your work on transbay. you have always impressed me and you have been a calming influence.
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i had actually forgotten that you lived in michigan -- mission delores. i look forward to working with you in the neighborhood, whatever happens today. >> our neighborhood has been status quo for many years and all of a sudden we are seeing a lot of new things coming in, and it is unsettling. those of us have an interest in serving one of the vast, and i am one of them. -- serving want the best, and i am one of them. supervisor kim: next is carmela gold, who is out of the country, i think. but we have someone who will speak on her behalf? thank you. >> dennis richards, sitting market octavia cac member. carmela has been on the board
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for seven years now, she has raised a child in the area. she was the former executive director of the ymca in, i believe it was the tenderloin. working with her, she brings a really great perspective, she tries to force compromises, and she does that it is not winner- take-all and a zero sum gamin. i have a high amount of respect for her working in both organizations and i hope that you consider her for this reappointment. supervisor kim: thomas owens and markley bavinger. >> hello, good afternoon. i will probably make this a shorter period i grew up in a
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small town in connecticut, graduated university of kentucky college of architecture. i will tell you later if you ask why was there. i ended up here in san francisco right after school. i have been living and working here for about 15 + years. as an architect. a few years ago, i decided this is where i wanted to live, to grow roots. in response to that, i have worked to become a more integral part to the neighborhood. just recently, i became a member of the land use committee and a member of the castro cbd. as you know, those committees primarily focus on economic vitality and quality of life
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issues. those are very important to me, especially living near church street which is a very busy area. i've worked as an architect in the city for those 15 years, a fairly large firm. i consider myself pretty successful at managing a small and large teams, building consensus, i know how to get finns built. i understand things from a different perspective. i mentioned i have a passion and commitment from my neighborhood and my community, and i really want to see improvement in schools and safer streets, other quality of life issues. having said that, are there any questions you might have for me? supervisor kim: any questions? thank you very much. next we have markley bavinger
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and kenneth wingard. >> he is out in the hall with his child. supervisor kim: hi, mr. wingard. if you could spend a couple of moments to describe your background and your interest in continuing to serve. >> i have served for just over a year now, i am a small business owner with the retail location on market street. i have an urban planning agreed. i also live idegree.
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i have lived on potomac street for two decades now. i very much look forward for the opportunity to do it some more. i moved to the neighborhood when i was an unemployed 22-year-old. it has been wonderful to live and grow up in the neighborhood as it grows up with me. i plan on spending the second half of my life exactly like i did the first, so i very much want to be involved in developing that some my daughter can also grow up. thank you. supervisor wiener: you are a small business owner? supervisor kim: supervisor farrell. supervisor farrell: small business owner. renter or home owner? >> i was a renter and an ally homeowner. supervisor kim: think you for bringing here and also your daughter -- being here and
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bringing your daughter. >> ai am also a member of the association, i have lbgt -- having left the board a couple of thzeroyears. -- i care about my neighborhood, i lived in the neighborhood for 21 years. i background on market octavia is kind of interesting. the planning process started around 1999 or 2000, it was because of the eir. [unintelligible] they came back to the neighborhood around 2004 and 2005 and said that you have this
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fantastic plan, people that have participated in the planning process have long moved on and the neighborhood reacted very coldly to what was being proposed. over the course of the next three years, we worked tirelessly with the planning department and planning commissioners to forge a compromise on many contentious issues such as parking ratios and height limits. i am happy to report that we have parking ratios that people can live with, using logic for folks. let's look at the existing census numbers around car ownership. set the maximum at that. that was acceptable to people that were very pro-car at the time. increasing height limits, we have quite a few corners up- zoned as a result of our work with the department and the commission. the genesis of theca cac itself,
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we said, look, we have a 20-year plan here. we really believe that this is going to make our neighborhood better, it will be the new urbanism. denser neighborhoods around transit corridors around climate change and all the things that we were seeing. how do we know that five years or 10 years from now, the objectives are being that? we can out of having a cac for this -- since the formation, i have been serving not yet. here we are, landing in 2008- 2009 to a very cool economy. i voted for fee deferrals for developers so we can jump-start development even though we are pushing them off to future years. $1 million will be collected and
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subsequent years. but at least they got things going. i think that provide a balanced the voice, representing the economic interests with the interest of the residence. we welcome better transit, we welcome new and innovative ways to make this plan work. supervisor kim: any questions? peter cohen and jason henderson. >> good afternoon, members of the board. peter cohen. i am also active in the neighborhood association, i have been for years. i am married with two children, my kids go the mckinley school in the neighborhood. i woown a flat. my policy work is quite relative to the area plan and non-profit.
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i have been on the cac from the beginning and i was involved in crafting the plan and i feel as though we have been carrying out a difficult task of trying to figure out how to actually implement the plans that the city produces. it has never really been done before. other than the redevelopment areas that are kind of a turnkey approach. our planning work in the city has traditionally and that plans. we have an opportunity here to figure out how much more smoothly create the infrastructure to implement them. there are a number of things we have done over the years. i have a thankless benefits of being the chair. it was something that the market
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octavia cac was very involved in. it is something the financing tool can be put into place. how do you actually do in kind improvements? it was a tremendous -- i was the lead on that as well with the department. we also work to create a land dedication policy as an alternative to inclusionaries. so there have been a number of the implementation tools that we have worked on. down to the brass tacks, what is striking to me, even in a down economy, i am looking at the pipeline report that we get every quarter. there are 1160 entitle the units, this is and the three years since we have been
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sitting. there are about 500 units currently in the planning pipeline. i would say we have a very significant amount of development activity. one way or another, i think it has kind of helped create a patchwork. one thing we have tried to do is to institutionalize the partnership between a body like this and the departments of the city, not just planning, but the implementing departments. there isn't really a precedent or road map, we are trying to figure out the institutional partnership. the one thing i would like to do is through that kind of institutional relationship, really figuring out how we can align the community improvements with the timing of development itself. i think that with nearly 2000 units of housing to be developed, some development
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impact fee money that has been squirreled away and the implementation tools. we have to figure out how to get those things to happen when someone simultaneously. if you would consider my reappointment, that is something i will consider. supervisor kim: next is jason henderson and michael simmons. >> my name is jason henderson, i currently serve on the community advisory committee. i come at this from a couple of different angles. i am also are renter, but i am applying for the at large sea. i don't have any property interests, so when i think about community benefits, i don't think about the value occurred to property, but transit first in the transit effectiveness program, all of these moving parts that are citywide issues.
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i am also the chair of the hayes valley neighborhood associations planning committee. i am very involved in a lot of development issues within the neighborhood and plan area. i am on the board of a neighborhood association. i have been involved with the planning and implementation of the market octavia plan for eight years. i know the plan very well. there are a bunch of moving parts that are coming about to be laid out on the ground, which will have impact on the plan area and i am very familiar with what does impact will be. my interesting is in using the community benefits as part of the matching funds and really trying to coordinate the bus rapid transit, the
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implementation of the transit effectiveness project. we just had a really good project approved, but it still needs funding to improve transit capacity on the 71 and the six. there are thousands of new housing units that peter just mentioned. those housing units are going to affect traffic patterns in the market and octavia area. i am very familiar with that. i also teach a land use planning at san francisco state university. i do have a citywide view, i am thinking about not just how the developments in the neighborhood but also how it affects the housing element of the general plan, and how and pour into this plan is in introducing the side
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of the policy. those are just a handful of reasons ha about how you can consider me to reappointment of the citizen's advisory committee. supervisor kim: than kyouk you,. henderson. >> good afternoon, supervisor wiener and supervisor kim. i am a real estate consultant specializing in affordable housing and community facilities. i was a project manager of 40lgbt -- for the lgbt community center. i am also the project manager for college track, which is a college preparatory program being built on third street to
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help high-school students in the district and the area. i have worked in affordable housing for more than 20 years. i have a master's in business administration from berkeley with an emphasis on real estate and planning. as a parent raising three children, i am very interested in the citizen's advisory committee and how the plan is implemented, including open space, affordable housing, streets, and intersections. i believe i bring a three valuable skills. first, much of my work has been in the western addition creating and renovating affordable housing. i feel a responsibility to the community and i would like to see more focus of the plan in that area such as other areas in the plan. i feel the western addition is overlooked. as a real-estate developer, i
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bring the technical expertise to the -- i believe i bring a perspective and understanding for the impact of the plan and policies from the developers site. and as a parent that uses open space to navigate with strollers and children on bicycles, i want to bring a perspective for making the plan more family friendly. finally, you know, i think part of this wonderful site about living in this city, where i have lived for over 25 years isn't averse urban fabric. i think our public open space is really important, that we do more in areas such as the market a word park and the other under-utilized areas in the city under areas of the
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neighborhood that have not been paid attention to to create and bring this diversity. supervisor kim: thank you very much. supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: first of all, before we get to any individual seats, i want to thank everyone who applied and all the members of the cac. i think that the future is bright for this. we formed in and the financial markets promptly disintegrated, so there are even project that have been entitled that are not moving forward, there was no money for developers fees, and we are finally out seeing some of these projects come back to life and building permits data pulled -- get upholeld.
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the market area, particularly pedestrian safety improvement is one of my top priorities. i intend to remain engaged and working in partnership. i am very optimistic, and it is a really important thing. i look forward to continuing to work with everyone. supervisor kim: at this time, we will be opening up for public comment. i do have several cards. [redinading names] >> and good afternoon, allen beach. i'm speaking in favor of dennis richards. i have known him since i was a baby neighborhood activist.
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when i first started getting involved it was because a bar in the neighborhood was being an incredible nuisance and violating all sorts of conditions of use and rules. i was quite angry and not approaching it in the right way. dennis taught me all the steps that i needed to know and he taught me about coming out with compromise, collaboration, and working positively towards a solution rather than being indignant and angry about a situation. he is a thoughtful leader, he always thinks about the big picture, and is quite a death that taking his own personal opinions of the situation and thinking about what is best for the neighborhood. i also know peter cohen. i have known him since i was a teenager in neighborhood
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involvement and i worked a great deal on expanding the market octavia plant and worked a great deal together. a dozen of the exact address, but i learned a great deal from him. he is incredibly smart. gosh and the sustainability director for the seven it is schools. i am here to speak to k on behalfrute -- on behalf of kurte rute singa. she has taken the lead on getting information out to 22 of
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our schools which has involved a ton of stakeholder meetings, she has managed that out -- and to manage a team of adult helpers of god and helped people sign up for that. she is also a transportation planner and understands the issues around making our communities safer. what she has done for the school program i would love to see her do for the market area which is not only her home, but my home as well. supervisor kim: i heard that you just got appointed to something. >> i am a board member for the san francisco bicycle coalition. supervisor kim: congratulations. it is there any other public comment at this time? mr. eicher? >> my name is tim eicher.. i wanted to say a few words in report -- in support of dennis richards.
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the thing i have been really impressed with the best is that he is very passionate about land use issues, but he brings a very balanced approach to that. he is not an obstructionist. his approach is to work with developers and residents to create a better project that furthers the plan objectives while keeping the needs of the neighborhood and mind. -- in mind. supervisor kim: is there any other public comment at this time? public comment is now close. at this time, we have six seats and 11 applicants for seats won, 2, 3, 4, 5, and six. a will open it up for comment and discussion. and discussion. >> let me also thank everyone
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