tv [untitled] December 16, 2011 2:31pm-3:01pm PST
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a real estate services firm specializing in the relocation process to draft a real cushion plan for the america's cup projects, -- a relocation plan for the america's cup project, which is described in the eir. perhaps most importantly, this speaks to the relocation assistance program. the relocation assistance program as described in the plan to assist displaced tenants with alternative locations. at the tenants' option, they can deal eligible for a payment for moving costs were affixed -- or a fixed payment of $220,000, the average net earnings of the
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business. eligible tenants must submit their claim within 18 months of their move. the plan also establishes an appeals process should a displaced tenant have a grievance. the tenant can appeal to the appeals court, which is an established entity. the estimated total relocation costs for both of these projects is approximately $1.8 million. which includes a 20% contingency. regarding ceqa, a tenant relocation requirements, including the impact of the tenant relocations was included in the eir. i recommend the port adoption of resolutions recommending the
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terminal project and resolution and 1179, ceqa findings for the 34th america's cup project, including findings that provide port commission approval of the plan. also, as required, on november 14, 2011, the poor to publish the draft relocation plan -- the port published the draft relocation plan that was made available with a 30-day public comment period. to date, we have received one letter which the port commission has responded to. we recommend the adoption of the resolutions, including the draft recommendation plan. in resolution 1181, for the pier 27 james r. herman northeast were for -- wharf
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plaza project and the america's cup project. that concludes my presentation. i will also say our consultant is also here for any technical relocation law questions. >> thank you. can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> is there second? >> there is a second. >> is there any public comment on this item? commissioners? commissioner lazarus: is there a definition of an eligible tenant? all longer-term lease as opposed to month to month? >> any tenant affected by the project is an eligible tenant. anybody affected by the project. so.
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>> i guess currently now, we are going to see it later if tenants found a location. as far as execution of this, how far are you identifying where people can go? >> we are well always -- aways. with identified relocation sites. we've done pre-emptive work. we hope to relocate 75% to 80%, probably. one of the issues is geographically a lot of the space they will be moving from is from the northern waterfront to the southern water fraught -- waterfront. there are tenants that need to be on the northern waterfronts. for some, the no. waterfront is the only place they can be, and
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you know, some of those tenants, mainly storage tense, we may not be able to accommodate. we have office space. we are going to be lean on shelf space. >> and so far -- working with tenants, we have not heard negative reactions? >> correct. >>we're very good -- we have a very good history with relocating tenants. with the ball park project. pier 1, explorator andium. -- exploratorium. we stay in close contact with our tenants and that seems to be the right formula. >> questions? >> in terms of the cost estimates, as a requirement for
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reasonable expenses as opposed to reimbursement, do we have any way of analyzing the expenses, confirming whether they are reasonable or not? >> well, these are estimates that actually came from a consultant. we got the same estimates it from our internal analysis. >> i guess we're under a scenario where we would have to reimburse a tenant for their "reasonable" expenses. who makes that determination? if the tenedos overboard -- if a tenant goes overboard in their costs, what would we fall on with that? >> they have to prove their expenses, and we would go through those expensive and fine
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them to be reasonable or unreasonable. if they were unreasonable, we might approve some, not all. in this is where we have a grievance that could actually go to the relocation board, which is an active part of the rent control board in san francisco. >> any other questions or comments? thank you. all in favor? >> aye. >> motion approved. >> item 10 b -- a presentation for a zero waste policy including plastic bottles, plastic food where, and pollution. >> good afternoon, commission. i'm here to talk about the proposed policy for zero waste events and activities. the primary goal is to make sure
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that food waste is better generated at events and to protect marine wildlife. there is a long history of concern. uygur more of this than ever. a goes back to -- we hear more of this than ever. it goes back to the six-back rains, and today we hereabouts -- we hear about promotional events. we also have a representative from the department of the environment. trying to take the lead and in some of the directions they set out for us. the policy in short requires that any event sponsor who requires a license or lease for property that has an expected
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attendance of 15,000 or more people will be subject to this policy. they will be required to prohibit the sale or distribution of plastic bottles or simple use plastic bags. it would require that food serviceware be restricted and the intentional use of balloons with the event. exhibit b includes not quite 40 events that we had in the last year. these are ones that would be considered under the policy. we would like to -- we would like to revisit any comments you have today and bring this back as an action item. that concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions if you have them.
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>> alex? >> good afternoon, commissioners. i started with good morning. [laughter] long gone. my name is alex dmitri. i want to commend the port staff for drafting a policy that is so effective and simply put, the principal hierarchy of these materials, and is simply says we do reuse and recycle. the point is, reduce is in the top 10 of the hierarchy. what we're saying as far as materials management is that reduction of material has a single beneficial impact on the environment, which you cannot reduce, reuse as much as possible, and only after you've
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done the reduction, then you recycle. again, i stressed the hierarchy, the top of the hierarchy is production. the measures are online and policy, to deal with plastic bags, plastic water bottles, plastic packaging, food service ware, balloons. these are all reduction measures and it will go a long way to promote source reduction restores emission -- resource emissions and conservation. there is something else i wanted to say. so, we basically supports the policy. we are available to answer questions if you have such and look forward to doing so in the future. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners. i am very excited about the proposed policy. i am so pleased is before you. i am grateful to the staff who worked on at. these of the kinds of things we would like to see replicated throughout the city. it sets away and a president that i hope will be copied by other city departments -- it sets a away and a precedent that i hope will be copied by other city departments. and england's, when you look at the scientific data on how harmful that is. city supervisors started to consider it years ago, and it fell through the cracks. also, the banning of single use of plastic water bottles is so very important. miriam gordon was waiting here a long time but was not able to speak, just could not stay, and
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she asked me to 2 per portion. she is the director of clean water action, and she says the clean water action supports item 10 b, eliminating waste and pollution at its source. i urge strongly to support this measure, and i would add one tweak. it might be that he would consider 15,000 people is an awful lot, and maybe we could make these rules and regulations apply to crowds that are somewhat smaller as well. overall, i am very pleased and i see that we have set this as a goal for smaller groups to do the same thing, and i am hopeful that the events of smaller size will also be open to doing it on a voluntary basis once they see how easy it is. once again, i cannot say
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strongly enough how much i support @. >> thank you. michael davis? >> yes, hello. i am michael davis, president and ceo of pure water, a mission driven company that provides an alternative for bottled water. one of the wayne's -- one of the ways we've done that in the city and county of san francisco is to replace the bottled water systems. the save the city and county over $1 million do not, as well as helping to reduce bottle used.
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i am looking forward to using the water bottles in the upcoming america's cup event. it is something that is very easy to do. at the monterey jazz festival recently, it was -- people get more hydrated when there is free money -- free water available than if they have to buy bottled water. is a positive impact on the health -- it is a positive impact on the help of the citizens, providing drinking water for people. so, thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment on this item? go ahead. >> well, i was going to ask a question about the 15,000 and how was that derived?
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but then i did see about the bottled water and he did mention bottleless water. if you have smaller events, what does that look like in terms of bottleless water? paper cups and that that kind of thing? >> that is right. we used to call them drinking fountains. these are movable. they are water dispensers that can be used for an event. >> then you are talking about permanent water bottles that people can take home with them? >> says rick. >> the 15,000? was there science behind that? >> there was not science. there was consideration of the events that we have had. there is no science to a. >> i want to point out, too,
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which had three days of 5000 people, so it could be a smaller set per day that would aggregate into 15,000. >> that is right. i should have clarified. is says 15,000 aggregate. >> are there issues concerning lowering it to a smaller number? >> we would definitely consider that. >> so, commissioner, if i may, since this policy and an info item, our practice would be to go into the community with our community advisory groups and talk to some of our programs. we would be happy to explore -- >> i was wondering why it similar to the public comment we were doing something behind these evans that we have had,
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whether it is over three days or one day. it just seems like a high number. the and the question is how do people get water? -- then the question is how people get water? i am not suggesting that. i am just saying, because water is pretty important. >> before we come back with that action item, we will try to 0 in more. >> generally, i think it is a great policy. the question is how do you executed? >> thank you very much. >> you are not done. >> my question is about enforcement and penalties? what is being contemplated as an enforcement mechanism and will there be penalty is? >> and will there be penalties? >> failure to comply it is read the requirements that any event
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sponsor was required to sign our real property agreement. failure to comply would constitute a breach of that. we can pursue all remedies that would be consistent of that kind of failure. >> can you do things like monitoring? from a staff perspective, can you go and check that they are adhering to them? >> we had not considered whether staff would do that or how we might to that. events are difficult to monitor. they may be something you would consider. >> we do have an application process. the bigger properties or you have a file operations plan with us in the application of a
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license, we can certainly require them with hal you're going to do this. we do not have any current penalties. we would be happy to consider it. >> i just wanted to add -- susan reynolds, director of real estate -- in some of our larger events and we do get a security deposit. maybe we can look into the feasibility of retaining some of that security deposit if we see flagrant violations. or just not allowing them to come back. there are a lot of these events that come back to the waterfront year after year, races, susan g. common -- komen. under the threat of not being able to do it again, that is another possibility.
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again, this is informational, and we will take any consideration back. i do want to thank rich and tom carter for doing a lot of research and footwork on this. we're looking forward to making this a really strong leadership role in our community. any additions or deletions, let us know. thank you. >> i want to also applaud all of you. this is something i am passionate about. one thought that occurred to me, how do we make it easy for people to comply? and if perhaps the department of the environment has compiled a list of alternatives and where they can be sourced, so that you do get event coordinator is
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coming forward to where they can go to get a more sustainable product. we may have the environmentally- preferred purchasing plans year, coming up with -- purchasing plans here, coming up with alternatives. >> an alternative analysis was part of the considerations. you cannot prohibit things if you do not have the alternatives. we can strengthen that. >> i think maybe perhaps attaching a sheet where it some of the more common items could be sourced, so they have it right there? >> good idea. >> the san francisco public utilities commission is very engaged and has been doing this for quite a while. is not so much technology, but a new policy. >> compliance. >> since i have stolen the mic,
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may i think my colleagues on the commission of the department of the environment. we did not do that without their help. >> absolutely. >> i had one comment. i will say, at the break time, i went to get something to drink and the water was sold in a permanent water bottle that was $7. that is compared to getting lemonade in a plastic bottle at $3. so, of course, and ended up buying the $3. i did not want to spend at $7 for water. you've got to think about in a sense -- i do not know if you are applying everything in plastic. in that case, i chose the lower
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cost alternative. for my thirst. have to think through some of those things and offer other alternatives. if you make it a $7 water bottle, people get turned off by that. will have to look at what alternatives there are there for the public -- we have to look at what alternatives there are for the public. i immediately said, "i am not paying $7." >> release number -- lease number l-15004, with bauer's intelligent transportation
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inc., for a one-year term and an initial six-month free rent. . t period. this includes interim use of shed and yard space and access to office space at pier 50 shed a and c with no rent. >> what an historic day. possibly the best news since the last speaker. [laughter] i am here to secure approval for one lease and two agreements for bauer's intelligent transportation. the lease is a one-year lease. is comprised of approximately
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68,000 -- it is comprised of approximately 68,000 feet of shelf space and about 50,000 feet of yard space. just a little brief background abauer's -- about bauer's and what they have now. then i will take you to the summary terms of the lease. so, bauer's transportation has been in business since 1999. they have transformed into quite a company now, and they do specialize primarily in corporate events, special events, working with the public agencies, and they are in many ways interested in getting cars off the street, reducing greenhouse gases. there is a lot of public benefits they provide. bair very committed to assisting
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ability. they have invested quite a bit in technology. they've come up with interesting new technology, a solar system on their boss that allows them to power the airbus -- on their bus that allows them to power their bus. they are a leader in grain transportation. they have won several awards. they are an entrepreneurial success story. they started here at the ports with just a limousine service. have grown into a full-service transportation company with 75 vehicles. u.s. seen them probably oliver tom -- you have seen and probably all over town. that is really what we're here
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to talk about. how they grow in the next 10 years. pier 27 is a very restricted site. we have all heard about this. just to give you an example of what is their. is shared -- it is shared. it has maritime operations. it has sf soccer. it is very restricted. they have made arrangements for the calls, and that is why they have crews around their. it does create operational conflicts, and they have not been able to expand the way they would like to. they did quite an extensive search, not only through san francisco, but the entire bay. they have focused on this area as a business jurors for them, because it gives them an opportunity to consolidate their
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