tv [untitled] December 22, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am PST
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san francisco have a leading tradition, and we think the america's cup presents a fantastic opportunity to showcase that tradition of using such a prestigious event which with such impact to harness that efforts to improve local communities, so we encourage you to certify tonight. thank you very much. >> katherine hoover. and >> i speak before you wearing two hats. my first is representing the passenger cruise industry. most of my professional career has been in the professional cruise industry. i am happy to be back in my native san francisco. in my role as a marketer, one of
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the things we did was market research, and there is no question that we have one of the most desirable sports to visit. i was blessed to travel the globe on passenger cruise ships and can say there are four or five gloria's ports in the world, one of them being in san francisco, hong kong, sydney, vancouver. one reason i am in support of america's cup, and i am not a small boater, but i am in support of sleep week because of the partnership and the results to have a proper professional passenger terminal. sadly what we are operating wilson is embarrassing ways of standard, and one of the benefits is going to have a fantastic, compliant, ecologically sensitive port facilities. just go down to the port and take a swim. come down to the court sunday
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when we have a passenger ship, and you will wince. i admire the speed these partnerships have been evolved. the second half i am wearing, and i speak on behalf of sleekly because i am the operations director. we support america's cup, because a while we may suffer for a couple years, we support it because it once again what we are going to be left with after america's cup realizes the joy, will be some proper port facilities, because it is really sad. we have snaggletooth course -- ports, but what will be left is going to be ecologically sound.
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it is going to give us the option to be compliant, and it will be a fantastic thing for fleet week to bring sailors back to our report. they had a fantastic time last year, but it was a struggle. i thank you, and hats off to america's cup for all the work they have done. >> thank you. >> good evening, madam commissioner, commissioners, and san francisco citizens. i am a member of the association of disabled sailors. we are so excited. not only are we excited, but we see this as a benchmark for so many things that are happening. furthermore, next monday, the 19th, oprah winfrey's network is going to feature sailing on the
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bay in san francisco, even though our club is only 120 members, but we are all coming from sacramento, from santa cruz, as far as santa rosa, so even though we are a small group, we are very connected to the world through the media, and for us to be able to provide the visuals, the excitement, and not only the comfort and security of having a bay for the rest of the world, but knowing we have set an example of security, safety, economically common and environmentally. we are excited about that, because we have the opportunity to build this as a model for all other merinos but are as large
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as san francisco or as small as one is in lakefronts, and i commend the commissioner to move forward with this, because this is going to prove that it is doable, and i would like to quote from "field of dreams." build it. they will come. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i am so delighted to come here tonight to be positive. all the years you see me i am usually a clown complaining. my name is frederick, and i am representing recreation and open space for the waterfront and to celebrate what is happening in my city. i have had the opportunity to
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i know the amount of economic pressure a little bit. i know that mr. ellison and the folks associated with him have a little bit of political swag. and i have no illusions that this environmental impact report, all of the comments not with standing all of the good work of mr. weico not with standing, there are some things that could be better and san francisco's the town that knows how. normally these things are worked out between now and when the board of supervisors has to ultimately aadjudicate this matter in some number of weeks but this is getting a little complicated because the port commission is meeting tomorrow on this. and this cannot be appealed to the board of supervisors unless miss avery produces a motion. i think that creates great legal uncertainty as to how the port commission can hear this without a motion and how kit appeal to the board of supervisors to create that space without a
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motion. so i would suggest that. >> is there additional public comment? >> good evening, madam president, commissioners, first and foremost, thank you so much for joining us on this journey. i'm monique moyer and it is my pleasure to serve as the director of the port of san francisco. the port of san francisco is san agency that is now 149 years old. it has assets that are older than everyone in this room by far and some of us like myself are already starting to feel that pain. we have been a city agency now for 40 years. it has been 50 years since an investment of this magnitude has been made in the port's assets.
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the port was build by the port, by the workers of the state of california with one exception the ferry building. every other pier, 55 of them were built by the men and women and the engineers and the maintenance people who work for the state. 50 years is and i credably long time to not make a significant public investment in the port. and so you are here at a watershed moment. the crew ship terminal project is an extremely important investment. it is a public investment in our port. it comes with our same only in san francisco brand that is, it is a maritime activity married with an event activity, not just the america's cup but everything that will come there after, married with open space views, public space. you name it. what we don't talk about is what it will do for the protection of the seawall and all of the
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fabulous property that lies in the seawall. and we've already heard from people i think you don't get to hear as often. i doubt the petty cab and the aisle of b.u. and the masters and pilots and the ferry operators get to come to your meeting. that struck me as rather remarkable to come here tonight. and i'm most grateful. we appreciate all of the help. your staff has been outstanding. the staff that have come together as the supervisor mentioned. i really urge you to support this effort at this moment in the port's history. thank you very much. commissioner olague: thank you. is there >> public comment is closed. >> we have to hear from the staff.
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>> there is no commission reduce inflation -- no commission participation. the public hearing for this category is close. the only item on this category is item number 14, the america's cup and cruise terminal final environmental impact report, and this is before year-end as final certification of the final environmental impact report, -- before you in the final certification of the final environmental impact report. >> with me here today are
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bill and jessica range from planning staff, and we also have peter albert', mike martin, and you have heard from monique, and we also have members from o'brien environmental. the item before you is the final environmental impact report for the proposed 35th america's cup cruise terminals and northeast project. it was circulated for review and comment on july 11. the hearing held a public hearing to your comments. in addition to verbal comments
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received from the 41 speakers, the planning department received 235 written comments through e-mail, fax, and the document was published. organized by topic including all of the same environmental topics as presented. this includes tax changes. these make minor changes. this allows the review to make document changes. many of these were prompted by
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comments received. these include four primary refinements. updates to the implementation of improvements, potential fil removel of sites, update and spectator and support vote estimates, updated cruise ship assumptions and updated and augmented air quality analyses and mitigation measures. no. 2, of barrington project incorporating modifications for the race to events -- and then temporary public access improvements and certain permanent public access
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improvements on the port properties. no. 3, a variant incorporating the refined cruise terminal and certain changes in proposed special area plans to increase public access. number four, a reduced intensity and long-term development alternative that was added that would include the same requirements as in the project variant, and it defines the reduction and potential long- term development to allowing development on only certain peers and avoid all development on others, and it defines locations of potential long-term marinas. i also handed out some additional amendments.
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none of those results in a change to the findings and conclusions. the draft constitute a final er before the commission for certification today. at this time when they are not being considered -- considering the merits of this. project approval is subject of the port commission agenda for their meeting tomorrow following certification. some highlights i would like to point out, table 12.11-2 provides references to wear in the september 2011 people plan the transportation elements of
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each mitigation measures are discussed in more detail, and this will be included in the final plans. for air quality, we have measures for ac34, and cruise ships have been updated in response and also with discussions with the bay area air quality management district and coordination with the court =- port. methodology, air quality mitigation efforts the severity would be substantiallylessed than those in the draft e.i.r. air quality impacts due to emission of oxides of not nitrogen or nox both p.m. 10 and
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p.m. 2.5 resulting from the a.c. 34 events could be below significant thresholds of the air district. while emissions of reactive organic gases would continue to exceed the thresholds and continue to result in a significant and unavoidable regional impact for operations of the ampt c. 34 events. the combination of revised project description asurpgses and implementation of mitigation efforts could result in the off set of all emissions associated with the decommissionening of the shore side power for 2012 and 2013 at pier 27. the recent significant air quality impact due to nox emissions as a result of this could be reduced with the augustmented mitigation efforts.
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these impacts were all determined to be significant and unavoidable. even with the mitigation in draft e.i.r. and due to some mitigation efforts, the significant conclusions remain unchanged in the final e.i.r. we did receive letters after the publication of the c.i.r.'s. they contain comments dated to be relevant to the c.n.r. dobblingment of the e.i.r. in general. the individuals and organizations were copied to planning staff and i'm just going to summarize what their concerns were because of the recent date of those letters we were not able to include them in the c.n.r. we did include a letter from the district and we have the response to that letter since it
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was a little more detailed than something i could read out at the meeting today. staff has reviewed the concerns and find them similar to comments already addressed in the c.n.r. documents as i will explain. the topics of concern this these liters we received through yesterday include request for continuance. the san francisco administrative code requires 10 days for review and we gave 14 days of review of the c.n.r.'s. concern that the mmrp, the reporting program was not in the e.i.r. and it's not required to be in the e.i.r. but the mitigation measures are exactly the same as they are in the draft e.i.r. they're just lifted into the mmrp and that will be going towards their findings and approval tomorrow. a concern about feasibility to
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less than significant, we have response under gem-2, concerned about inadequate selection of alternative without the long-term development we have responded o that in a.l.-1. >> transportation impact on muni riders during evens we have responded that that is significant and unavoidable. a concern about recreation crafts onboard sailing we have commented that in the comments and responses. implementing the pier 70 mitigation center. this is the new measure that we've added and we have put that in -- as m -- mitigation measure mq 4-e. biological mitigation responsibility has been included a mbi-1 and the responsibility that is been assigned in the
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mmrp. that goes before the port commission tomorrow. also concerned about it willer in the bay. we have addressed that in our eaks 5.16 and high droll ji and water quality. visiting mariners to protect the animals and rafting birds. we have included in our response bim -- 8 a. and we had a lot of support for and opposition to the project or aspects of the project which are not sequa issues. we do have -- the comments i heard today included commitments of the full cost recovery rest tration of parkland to preevent conditions we have addressed that in the bio section. the jumbotron in aqua -- in aquatic park we have assigned that so that the jumbotron will
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be 100 feet offshore from the swimming lane and we're working closely with staff to avoid any destruction of aquatic park during the event. and also the city has also committed to continued coordination with the environmental groups to refine the mitigation efforts and the imply mentation plans. and for impacts of surrounding neighborhoods, we did do across the board the draft e.i.r. looked at and analyzed secondary impacts throughout. we did find some significant, unavoidable impacts with transportation and secondary impacts at secondary sights. so, in sum, these recent comments are largely similar to those already addressed in the documents. the comments we received through today do not change the contend and conclusions identified in the final e.i.r.
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the e.i.r. discloses a number of impacts including those that will not create significant environment effects and those that could create an environmental impact would be precluded or reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of mitigation efforts. there are some impacts that would remain unavoidable impacts despite these measures and these impacts include for the america's cup events in 2012 and 2013 and long-term, the land use impact for the long-term development under the host agreement. cultural resources impact also for the long-term development at pier 3032, transportation impacts for ac-2012 and 2013 event, several
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