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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2011 4:31am-5:01am PST

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and they are gone completely. it is kind of like they're locked inside. all of the animals i am showing are dead. i wanted them to be taking -- taken as though they are sleeping, eternal sleep. i like to exaggerate the features of the animals. it gives it more of a surreal element. it is a release subtle element. -- it is a really is subtle elements. the range of reactions people get is that normally they get what i am trying to achieve, the sense of calmness, it's really gentle state of mind -- a really gentle state of mind, i guess. ♪
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president mazzucco: if you could please stand for the pledge of allegiance. >> one nation under god, with liberty and justice for all.
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president -- secretary: thank you, we will be calling the world. president mazzucco, vice president marshall, commissioner chan. president, you have a quorum. we have the police department. >> thank you very much, lieutenant falvey. can you please call line item number one, the consent calendar? secretary falvey: item number one, the consent calendar to accept a donation of $1 million from mrs. karen firem.
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president mazzucco: this is a $1,000 donation. we have a memo from the sergeant in the packet. any questions? commissioner: move to except. president mazzucco: anyone? next item. secretary falvey: the third quarter report. president mazzucco: any questions? commissioner chan: it looks like there is a lot left to be done, as always. i wanted to ask if he were to
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prioritize one or two of these issues or three of them, what would they be? how can we be supportive? >> yes, commissioner chan. someone is in the audience, and she will give you a brief presentation about priorities that the occ things is important. >> kddi, present -- good evening, president mazzucco. the list is 20 outstanding recommendations as well as the general order revision. i would say most certainly a priority is to have a presentation to the commission of 5.05, which is the general order. we met with chief suhr last
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month to go over the list and to ask him to also prioritize, so we are in discussion about how to move this forward, so i would say that is one of the agency's no. 1 priorities. in terms of the occ recommendations, our main priorities concerning language access, concerning juveniles as well as officer-involved shootings and mental-health, and some of those we have moved forward on, but many of them are still outstanding, and we look forward to working with the department to implement them as soon as possible. president mazzucco: thank you. anyone? >> good evening, commissioners. questions, if you have any? president mazzucco: any other questions? commissioner chan: with the
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follow-up, i know you probably summarized this, but where we are with this general order. >> 5.05 is with the command staff, and they are in conversations with the city attorney's office. commissioner chan: is that the end could >> it is still in discussion. commissioner chan: what is the time line? >> i do not have one. i have spoken to ms. porter at the city attorney's office and my commanding officer, and neither of them can give me a date. commissioner chan: i understand, i understand. i am just asking. i sensed from reading that this was a high issue and just wanted to know where we were.
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president mazzucco: chief, do you have anything to add? >> i would like to move it forward. commissioner chan: ok. president mazzucco: may i have a motion? please call item no. 2. secretary falvey: item number two, general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. spiegel's -- speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole. individual police or occ personnel should refrain entering into any debates. public comment is limited to three minutes.
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president mazzucco: ladies and gentlemen, it is time for public comment. it looks like you are it tonight. >> good evening, commissioners and chief. it is time to compliment you and tip my hat to you. there was an article released about terminating four officers, and some retired. whatever. we are not going to get into the details, but that shows a stronger oversight committee. strong. seven officers gone in a year or so. that is because we have people like you, the chief. it is a very small percentage, a very small percentage. we have people like you to keep an eye on us. thank you so much. president mazzucco: next speaker? seeing none, please call item
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no. 3. general public comment is closed. secretary falvey: i number three, reports and announcements, the chief's report. president mazzucco: how are you? >> we have been busy. we had a delegation from china. i was at the market opening a burger place. hopefully, this will all contribute to the reinvigoration of mid market and reduction of crime there. a good time was had by all on sunday, and then across, we went to the pet prided day. both events were very well attended. we attended a pumpkin patch in the mission. scare grovwe, which led to the
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fact that we had another very quiet halloween. we had no street closures in the caster. i think it was all very well received on the television. people went, had a good time. there was a significant police presence, but it facilitated the crown on the sidewalk. we received tremendous cooperation from the community, the bars and restaurants, and again, we hope to continue that going forward. we took place in the great shakeout for the earthquake and went to some grammar schools, and then with regard to public safety related matters, i attended the major conference and the international association of chiefs of police conference with other members of the department in chicago, where we picked up, of best practices, middle of a lot of folks.
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we appreciate the commissioners that will be able to attend. it was very well received. we went to the district council of merchants, the annual dinner, where they honored the police officer of the year for his work in the mission district. we got to go to the abc regional conference that was held, and we really, really appreciate all the help they give us on halloween and especially this year where we did our first alcohol at the breakers, and we participated in the taxi, a limousine, and paratransit's conference, and we also talked about taxes on patrol, any program that perhaps we can present to you in the next commission meetings, where we're going to have all of those extra eyes and ears out there that drive cabs in the city that are willing to participate in the program, and lastly, last evening, a commander and i
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presented the civil grand jury on basically the state of the police department and to questions from about 20 members of the civil grand jury. crime, violent crime remains down about 6%, 13% over this reporting period. property crime is down 27% this last reporting period. total part one crimes down over 20%, and flat for the year, so we are still doing well with regard to violent crime and overall part one crime. more specifically, occupy san francisco is now in the back and forth phase to try to gain some compliance versus trying to exert some situations.
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we have made some progress. we have a little bit of a moment last night where there was a certain amount of structural material, but we have gotten a tremendous amount of help from supervisor jane kim to get the understanding that we cannot have a pile or a built structure on the property. again, we continue to try to work with the group to make it as safe and sanitary as the city requires to not impact anyone else's rights or the situation. that is going forward, and then lastly, we have a very, very severe member-iolved collision. i reach -- appreciate people that reached out. the body charged with overseeing them is not only your just for
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policy and discipline but also cares about them as they do their job. at any rate, they were in response to a knife fight on 24th street on halloween night, and as they negotiated per toro, -- protero, it threw them into a spin, and they got wrapped around a telephone pole. all three offers, miraculously if you saw this collision, will all survive, i believe. one was discharged from the hospital the next day with stitches and a concussion. another one was, we believe, discharged today with your drum damage and a more severe concussion, and then an officer -- today with eardrum damage, and in more severe concussion, and another had a fractured skull and some bleeding on the
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brain, but it appears they will all be ok. i was at the hospital yesterday with the mayor and others. all the officers are conscious and talking. so it is going to be a while before we get them back, but for the grace of god we would all be at a funeral right now, and they are all going to make it. they were out there doing it on halloween, and it was as bad car accident as i have seen since the crash wearing lost officer cook. that concludes my report, and i can take any questions, or we can move on. president mazzucco: thank you for your busy week. commissioner kingsley?